In quick succession we changed from glass to Master-Multiple at many theatres. We also changed from our own individual openings to Master-Multiple frames such theatres as the Central, New York. In the case of the Central we used some aluminum letters with plastic inserts. These letters were very expensive and not successful because of the difference in expansion and contract of metal and plastic.

About the year of 1942 we started the manufacture of injection molded plastic letters as illustrated on the Miracle Mile, Toledo, Ohio; The Lakewood, Cleveland; and Imperial, Inglewood, Calif. In line with our policy of constantly improving promotional products for theatres, we designed in the year 1946 the transparency frames for several theatres in Chicago. Although these were very effective and well received, the cost of production was almost prohibitive.

To meet the demand by the early drive-ins for an expensive attraction board, we developed in the year 1946 the extremely successful Enduronamel Panel which is practically indestructible and can be shipped knockdown and easily and quickly assembled on the job. These panels being constructed of steel can only be illuminated by flood lights or goosenecks, as illustrated on the Magic City Drive-In, located in Barberton, Ohio.

The growing demand for larger sign openings was filled in the year 1949 by our Window-Type Frames in several Chicago houses and Saenger, New Orleans, with the world's tallest single opening - 26 ft. 1 in. high. Window-Type frames had made possible openings which were unlimited as to height.

More recent developments include the perfected Mechanical Hand in the year 1950, whereby letters may be changed without the use of ladders, and Plasti-Bar in 1960, which permits the manufacturer of backgroundswith mounting bars which create practically no dark lines when the board is illuminated.

Typical of today's Times Square's gigantic spectaculars is that of the DeMille for "Spartacus." Manhattan's Great White Way stands pretty much alone in this colossal form of promotion. This undoubtedly can be attributed to the fact that premier showings in New York are usually supported by an advertising budget the magnitude of which is far out of proportion to that in other cities across the land. page 1, 2, 3


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