Tribute to Alf Becker
Copyright 1959. Signs of the Times magazine
From Signs of the Times magazine; February, 1959 issue, pp
In the January, 1932, issue of Signs of the Times, 27 years
ago, a Roman alphabet by Alf R. Becker was presented as the
first of a series. It was also the first appearance of the Art
and Design Section of the magazine, which ultimately became
the Display Art Section. When the late E. Thomas Kelley, at
the time editor of ST, contacted Mr. Becker in St. Louis about
doing the alphabets, he had estimated that a series of 24, running
through two years, should serve the purpose. |
Last month the January, 1959, issue presented the 320th alphabet
of the series. How great a help Mr. Becker's alphabets have been
to signmen across the country was evidenced several years ago when
it was stated that a particular alphabet was "the last of a series"
(of that particular type). This was misinterpreted by some readers
to mean that Mr. Becker was discontinuing his alphabets. The magazine
received a large number of letters and comments urging that somehow
he be induced to continue.
This is the first issue in many years without an Alf Becker alphabet.
For the past several years, Mr. Becker has been continuing the series
under serious handicap of ill health. In November it became necessary
for him to be hospitalized, and he is most grateful for many friends
in the industry who sent him cards and letters as a result of notice
in Signs of the Times. It is hoped that he is now back at his home
at 7983 S. Causeway boulevard, St. Petersburg, FL, and that he will
soon be back in good health and can resume with all the vigor and
skill that have characterized his work through the years.
Death Notice
Copyright 1959. Signs of the Times magazine
From Signs of the Times magazine; April, 1959 issue
Alf R. Becker
A chapter of almost 27 years of extensive influence upon the development
if sign and outdoor advertising lettering came to a close March
10 in the passing of Alf R. Becker, whose alphabets had been presented
consistently in Signs of the Times since January, 1932. Death came
in ST. Petersburg,. FL, where he had been hospitalized since last
November. The funeral services were in St. Louis, March 16.
Mr. Becker had operated a commercial sign business in East St.
Louis, IL., and was widely known for his lettering ability when
requested 27 years ago by the late E. Thomas Kelley, then editor
of Signs of the Times, to do a series of alphabets for the magazine.
They had estimated that 24 alphabets which would be presented in
a period of two years would serve the purpose. The series was so
enthusiastically received and so many readers urged continuation
that it was projected indefinitely to eventually each a total of
320 before failing health of Mr. Becker forced him to give up that
creative work. His last alphabet for ST appeared in the January
issue this year.
Countless are the signmen and women who broadened the horizons
of their lettering ability by thorough study of Mr. Becker's alphabet.
In 1941, his book, "100 Alphabets" was published by Signs of the
Times, and all 3,000 copies that were printed were sold out long
ago. Numerous requests have been received for a reprinting, but
in view of the changes of time in lettering styles, it has not been
considered advisable.
Mr. Becker's failing health in 1957 influenced him and Mrs. Becker
moving to St. Petersburg, where they bought a home, and where he
went into semi-retirement. His love of the sign business was such
that he continued his alphabets in spite of the problems of his
Copyright 1932. Signs of the Times magazine
From Signs of the Times magazine; January, 1932 issue
Other letter styles may come and go, but the undeniable
grace and beauty of the Roman alphabet from the appreciative
eye. This is the first in a series of alphabet interpretations
by Artist Alf R. Becker.
for more fonts by Alf Becker and other sign industry legends.
Stub Script, and In Memory of Alf Becker
Copyright 1959. Signs of the Times magazine
From Signs of the Times magazine; May, 1959 issue, pp
News of the passing of Alf R. Becker (ST, April, 1959, issue,
page 114) has brought requests for reprinting a selection of his
alphabets, especially some which are no longer available in sign
company and personal files. There is a growing number of lettering
men and women in the business who have never had an opportunity
to study and practice some of his best creations, which were published
long before they took up brush and pen. Stub Script was presented
in two installments. The capitals appeared in the September, 1932,
issue, and the lower case are round cornered, while flat edges
with spurs on top are presented in the last two lines to provide
a variation for bolder expression. ST would like top know how
many readers would be interested in seeing some more reprintings
of Mr. Becker's alphabets and what general styles might be especially