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Guns around Wellington

On this page:   Titahi Bay | Wellington Central | Mt Victoria | Seatoun
See also: Early Artillery in Wellington

Titahi Bay

This L5 Pack Howitzer stands ouside the Titahi Bay RSA. It was used as a training weapon during the Vietnam War.
Read about the dedication ceremony.

Wellington Zoo

13-cm Krupp13-cm Krupp siege gun manufactured in 1907. Captured by the 2nd Battalion The Wellington Regiment in 1918. It was removed from its location at the zoo in April 2000 for restoration by the Krupp Gun Restoration Committee. Anyone with information about this piece should contact Wayne Nelson on (04) 938 0621, fax (04) 938 0651 or email [email protected].

Mt Victoria

Mt VicSBML 24-pr on iron garrison standing carriage. In 1877, members of D Battery man-handled the 24-pr muzzle loader up Mount Victoria for use as a noonday signal gun by the City Council, earning £25 for Battery funds. Since it took seven days to get the gun to the top of the hill, the Battery marked the occasion by firing 7 rounds from the gun.


An L5 Pack howitzer stands outside the Seatoun RSA.

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