
Bob and Grandchildren in the City of Chester

Bob Blankley   MBE

Bob accepted the King's shilling in January 1949 and entered Trentham Camp for training. After completing this he became a Gunner RNZA on the strength of the School of Artillery.

With the introduction of compulsory military training he found himself in a number of instructional appointments before being posted to 163 Bty of 16 Fd Regt in Korea, later being posted to 162 Bty as BSM.

On his return to New Zealand in 1954, Bob was once more into the world of training appointments and various regimental jobs with both Regular and Territorial Units. His last appointment was at Army General Staff as Sergeant Major of the Army. He was awarded the MBE in 1981 and left the Army in November of that year.

Army life was followed by six years with the Department of Justice, Probation Service, in South Auckland. His principle job was running a periodic detention centre with a lot of time being spent in Otahuhu Court prosecuting those who fell by the wayside. After suffering the frustration of the Justice System, Bob and his wife bought a 10 acre block in the Waikato and became life-stylers, growing blueberries and rearing calves.

After the loss of his wife of 43 years in 1997, Bob retired from small block farming and now lives in Hamilton. He was President of the New Zealand Permanent Force Old Comrades' Association from 2000 - 2005.

May 2005