Spanish American War Chronology
Thanks to Dave Rodgers
April 10, 1895 - Second Cuban Insurrection begins.
February 16, 1896 - General Weyler issues first of reconcentrado orders.
August 26, 1896 - Philippine Revolution begins.
March 4, 1897 - William McKinley inaugurated.
August 8, 1897 - Spanish Prime Minister Canovas assassinated.
October 4, 1897 - Prime Minister Sagasta takes office in Spain.
October 31, 1897 - Prime Minister Sagasta recalls General Weyler from Cuba.
January 1, 1898 - Spain institutes limited political autonomy in Cuba.
January 12, 1898 - Spanish in Cuba riot against autonomy.
January 25, 1898 - Battleship USS Maine arrives in Havana.
February 15, 1898 - Maine explodes, 266 crewmen killed.
March 28, 1898 - Naval Court of Inquiry reports Maine was destroyed by a mine.
April 11, 1898 - McKinley asks Congress for war.
April 22, 1898 - State of War between the United States and Spain..
May 1, 1898 - US Victory at Battle of Manila Bay.
May 15, 1898 - Theodore Roosevelt begins training with Rough Riders.
May 29, 1898 - US Navy blockades Spanish fleet in Santiago harbor.
June 6, 1898 - US Marines land at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
June 22, 1898 - V Corps of 16,000 men land at Daiquiri in Cuba.
June 24, 1898 - Battle of Las Guasimas.
July 1, 1898 - Battles of El Caney and San Juan Hill.
July 3, 1898 - Spanish fleet attempts to escape from Santiago, all ships destroyed.
July 17, 1898 - Spanish Santiago garrison surrenders.
July 25, 1898 - US Army invades Puerto Rico.
August 12, 1898 - Peace protocol is signed (truce).
August 13, 1898 - US Forces attack and take Manila.
December 10, 1898 - Treaty of Paris ends war.
February 4, 1899 - Philippine Insurrection begins.
March 4, 1901 - McKinley's 2nd inauguration. Roosevelt is vice-president.
March 23, 1901 - Philippine Revolutionary leader General Aguinaldo captured.
September 14, 1901 - McKinley dies after being shot on September 6,
Theodore Roosevelt becomes President.
July 4, 1902 - Roosevelt declares the Philippines pacified.

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