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Brands, H.W., "The Reckless Decade: America in the 1890's", New York: St. Martins Press, 1995.
"The American Navy/Cuba and the Wrecked Maine/The Hawaiian Islands", Chicago: George M. Hill Company, 1898. (At least two different editions, earlier(?) edition lacks section on Hawaii. Great photos.)
Blow, Michael, "A Ship to Remember", New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1992.
Bowers, George B., "History of the 160th Indian Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish American War", Fort Wayne: Archer Publishing, 1900.
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Cox, Martin, "Titanic Mailing List", (Personal Internet Contact).
Dewey, Adelbert, "The Life and Letters of Admiral Dewey", New York: The Woolfall Co., 1899.
Dewey, George, "Autobiography of George Dewey", Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1987 (originally published in 1913 by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York) ISBN 0-87021-028-9.
Dyer, A. B., "Handbook for Light Artillery", New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1898.
Ellicott, Lt. John M., "The Naval Battle of Manila", Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute, Vol. 94, #3, Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute, 1900, p. 489 - 514.
Ezell Edward C., "Handguns of the World", Harrisburg: Stackpole Books, 1981.
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Freidel, Frank, "The Splendid Little War", Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1958.
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Gluckman, Arcadi, "United States Muskets, Rifles and Carbines", Buffalo: Otto Ulbrich Co., Inc., 1948.
Goldberg, Joyce S., "The Baltimore Affair", Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1986.
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Healy, Laurin Hall, and Kutner, Luis, "The Admiral", New York: Ziff Davis Publishing Co., 1944.
Hobson, Richmond Pearson, "The Sinking of the Merrimac", Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1987, ISBN: 0-87021-632-5, (a reprint of an 1899 edition).
Holloway, A, "Hero Tales of the American Soldier and Sailor", Philadelphia: Elliott Publishing Co., 1899.
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Independence Seaport Museum, "Preservation Plan for the Cruiser Olympia", October 2, 1996.
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Jackson, Lt. Chester V., USN (Ret.), "Mission to Murmansk", United States Naval Institute Proceedings, No. 2, Vol. 95, No. 792, Annapolis: United States Naval Institute, February, 1969.
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McCullough, David, "The Path Between the Seas", New York: Simon and Schuster, 1977.
McIntosh, Burr, "The Little I Saw of Cuba", New York: F. Tennyson Neely, 1899. (Written by a reporter who accompanied the troops and didn't like T.R.!)
Miller, William H., "The First Great Ocean Liners", New York: Dover Publications, 1984.
Millis, Walter, "The Martial Spirit", Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1931.
Navy Department, "Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Navigation", Washington: Government Printing Office, 1898. (Lists itinerary for all Naval vessels.)
Naval History Department, Navy Department, "Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships", Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1959.
Novak, Greg, "Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain; Being a Wargamer's Guide to the Spanish American War 1898" Champagne: Ulster Imports, 1990.
O'Toole, G.J.A., "The Spanish War - An American Epic, 1898", New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1984.
Peterson, Harold L., "The American Sword", Philadelphia: Ray Riling Arms Books Co., 1965.
Peterson, Harold L., "Encyclopedia of Firearms", New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., Inc., 1964.
Rivero, Captain Angel, "Cr�nica de la Guerra Hispanoamericana en Puerto Rico", Editorial Edil, Inc., Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, 1972 (reprint, first published 1921). Thanks to Ramiro Cruz.
Reynolds, Francis J., "The United States Navy", New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1918. (Great photos, and information on Spanish American War Fleet.)
Rodgers, David, (Personal Internet Contact).
Roosevelt, Theodore, "The Rough Riders", New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920. (A great book.)
Samuels, Peggy and Harold, "Remembering the Maine", Washington: The Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995.
Sargent, Cmdr. Nathan, USN, "Admiral Dewey and the Manila Campaign", Washington, DC: Naval Historical Foundation, 1947.
Spears, John R., "Our Navy in The War with Spain", New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1898.
Spector, Ronald, "Admiral of the New Empire: The Life and Career of George Dewey"
Sternlicht, Sanford, "McKinley's Bulldog: The Battleship Oregon", Chicago: Nelson-Hall, Inc., 1977.
Stewart, Adj. Gen. Thomas J., "Record of the Pennsylvania Vounteers", Harrisburg: William Stanley Ray, 1901. (Contains unit histories and rosters of Pensnylvania units.)
Stickney, Joseph L., "Admiral Dewey at Manila", Chicago: Imperial Publishing Co., 1899.
Tanner, Hans (Editor), "Guns of the World", New York: Bonanza Books, 1977.
Trask, David F. "The War With Spain in 1898", New York: Macmillian Publishing Company, 1981.
Turner, Sergeant John J.,USV, article on Cuban Campaign, Beverly, Massachusetts: Beverly Evening Times, June 28, 1918. Thanks to David A. Emmith.
Tyson, Carolyn (ed.), "The Journal of Frank Keeler", Quantico: The Marine Corps Museum, Marine Corps Letter Series, No. 1.
Uhlig, Frank Jr., "The Great White Fleet", American Heritage Magazine, Vol.XV, No. II, New York: American Heritage Publishing Company, February, 1964.
U.S. Naval Institute, "Historic Naval Ships Association of North America", (pamphlet that is a reprint of an article from the U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings), Annapolis: 1978.
Vega, Francisco Landeira, "Unoffical Spanish Navy Website" (Personal Internet Contact).
Watson, Harvey, "The Sims-Dudley Dynamite Gun Received its Test on Cuban Soil", The Artilleryman, (Arlington: Cutter & Locke, Inc., Vol 12, No. 4, Fall 1991, pp. 15-17).
Webber, Bert, "Battleship Oregon, Bulldog of the Navy", Medford: Webb Research Group Publishers, 1994.
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Young, James Rankin, "History of Our War with Spain", 1898.
Young, James Rankin, "Reminiscences and Thrilling Stories of the War by Returned Heroes", 1899.
Young, Louis Stanley, (Editor), "Bounding Billow", November, 1897 to December, 1898 (Newspaper of USS OLYMPIA, published on board the vessel.)
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