Attention timber framers, log builders, owner-builders and inspired amateurs: here's a great opportunity to learn how to get that oddly shaped round log to precisely fit a flat timber...or any configuration of intersecting joinery. This workshop celebrates the time-honored beauty, strength and simplicity of "scribed" mortise and tenon joinery. Scribing is another way of laying out and transferring joinery intersections using plumb bobs, levels, scribers and other marking devices instead of tape measures and math. Several different scribing techniques will be taught in this class, each intended to broaden the craftsman's repertoire of joinery options at a time when there is an increasing demand to incorporate all shapes and sizes of framing members into a structure.This intensive 6-day workshop focuses on integrating two-sided hewn, naturally curved logs, straight round logs and squared timbers into a small picnic pavilion for the Pingree Park Mountain Campus (see drawing below); students will tackle the challenges of what to do when round and flat surfaces meet in a variety of combined angles. While this project touches on the fundamental concepts of timber framing, for those looking for an excellent comprehensive workshop on conventional timber framing techniques using only milled timbers, we recommend our "Introduction to Timber Framing Workshop," September 9-15.
Taught by Josh Jackson and Chris Roulson
Inquiries to:
Rocky Mountain Workshops
Created and maintained by Elizabeth Larson
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