"Pingree's Camp," a "tie camp" on the Poudre River, was established in the 1860's by George Washington Pingree. Born in Orono, Maine in 1832, Pingree came to the Poudre after serving in the army, and participating in the Sand Creek Massacre. Pingree spent many winters in the upper Poudre Canyon trapping and hunting. His camp was established at what is now called "Rustic," a resort along the river.George cut a trail up a gulch on the north side of the river in order to pack out his pelts and pack in supplies. When the tie camp was established, Pingree's trail was widened to accomodate stages, wagons, and freighters, and is now called Pingree Hill Road. Built in the bottom of the gulch, it climbs up out of the Poudre Canyon rising over 1100 feet in elevation in just two and a half miles to the Red Feather Lakes area. Until 1920, this was the only road that wagons, and then automobiles could get into Poudre Canyon.
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