While employed by the Overland Stage Line, Mr. Stein was very popular with all the employees on the route. He was a gentleman, and in every way a genial-hearted fellow; honest, upright and courteous in all business relations, thoroughly capable and efficient in the discharge of his duties, and he had abilities which qualified him for filling any position. The drivers and other employees greatly admired him. He was always sociable and on the stage route had become known as quite a literary character--called by many "the poet of the stage line." His productions had merit, and he frequently wrote verses for the amusement of the boys. He wrote "The Song of the Overland Stage", and it appeared in the Montana Post April 8, 1865, and for some time afterward, was sung by the army of stage boys to the tune of "The High Salary Driver on the Denver City Line."
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Created and maintained by Elizabeth Larson
NAT STEIN began work as an "Overlander" March 1, 1861, at St. Joseph, Missouri, where he was employed by the Central Overland California and Pike's Peak Express Company. When Ben Holladay took over the Overland Stage Line, he sent Mr. Stein to Montana to take charge of the office at Virginia City, where he represented the stage line in all its branches, including the banking department.
Overland Trail