Dr. Finfrock was stationed at Ft. Halleck from late 1863 to fall of 1865. Dr. John H. Finfrock arrived at Fort Halleck the latter part of 1863, relieving Dr. Holliday of his post. Dr. Finfrock kept a daily journal of events and noted on December 9th, his 27th birthday, it was 35 below. He also recorded the passage of all wagons in 1864, with the totals , 4274 wagons, 17,500 people, 50,00 head of cattle.
That same year his wife joined him, in August. A couple months later, on October 16th, they were parents of a son, William Edmund, the first white resident born in the valley.
Shortly after the birth of his son, Dr. Finfrock sent his wife back to Ohio to be with family. The Doctor made the move with the post to their new home, Fort Sanders, in July of 1865. His wife joined him there later that year. Three years later he resigned from the Army signing on as surgeon for the Union Pacific, in Laramie. By 1870, Dr. Finfrock entered into private practice staying in the Laramie area, He served in many civic offices for Water and Sewer Boards, Albany County Treasurer, probate judge, school board, first board of regents for the University and several others. The Doctor was a well respected man...
Years later Dr. Finfrock's son, "Ed," returned to the Platte Valley to establish the "The Finfrock Ranch" a few miles south of Encampment, today known as the "A Bar A," a dude ranch owed by Charles Gates of Gates Tire and Rubber Co., Denver.
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