OTR Logs
Database Format

The zipped files listed below are logs of the named programs, in .dbf format. Each file has the same structure (number of fields and names of fields). Each zipfile contains a file, DBSTRUCT.TXT that explains the names and intended usage of the fields.

The files were compiled by:

The original loggers include:

Dale Beers      Ed Carr		Art Chimes	Jerry Haendiges
Henry Hinkel	Tom Kleinschmidt     Charles Laughlin    Gary Meier
Frank Passage   Ken Piletic	Max Schmid      Jerry Shnay
John Sies       Jim Widner

Click on the title to download a zipped .dbf log file of each program.

Academy Award Theater
Black Museum, The
Box 13
Dark Fantasy
Dimension X
Green Hornet
Horatio Hornblower
I Love Adventure
Johnny Dollar
Murder at Midnight
Mysterious Traveler
Nero Wolfe
Phillip Marlowe
Red Skeleton
Saint, The
Sealed Book, The
Shadow, The
Theater Five
Weird Circle
Whistler, The
X Minus 1

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Louis V. Genco
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