Libby Kellogg Nature Preserve

Plumtrees Road, Bethel, Fairfield County, Connecticut

owned by the Bethel Land Trust


Saw Mill River Parkway north to its end at mile marker 29;  get onto US 684 north; drive about 11 miles and take exit 9E (at mile marker 28) to get onto US 84 east; get off at Exit 8; turn right onto Newtown Road;  turn left onto Plumtrees Road (just after McDonalds on the left and before Burger King on the right);  drive 1.3 miles (passing across the bridge over Limekiln Brook) and park by the side of the road.  The park is on the left by the sign.


7/11/05.  There are no trails.  I just went in a little ways to check on the vegetation.  I also walked back to the bridge and checked the vegetation along the creek. 

Dr. Patrick L. Cooney

*  =  plant blooming on date of field trips, 7/11/2005

Acer rubrum (red maple)
Alnus glutinosa (black alder)
Carpinus caroliniana (musclewood)    
Fraxinus pensylvanica (green ash)
Prunus serotina (black cherry)
Salix spp. (willow)
Ulmus rubra (slippery elm)

Shrubs and Subshrubs:
Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry)
Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry)  
Cornus amomum (swamp dogwood)    
Cornus racemosa (gray dogwood)
Elaeagnus umbellata (autumn olive)
Euonymus alatus (winged euonymus)  
Lindera benzoin (spicebush)
Ribes sp. (gooseberry)
Rosa multiflora (multiflora rose)  
Rubus occidentalis (black raspberry)
Salix discolor (pussy willow)
Toxicodendron vernix (poison sumac)
Viburnum dentatum (smooth arrowwood viburnum)
Viburnum dentatum (hairy arrowwood viburnum)
Viburnum lentago (nannyberry viburnum)

Apios americana (groundnut)
Calystegia sepium (hedge bindweed)
Celastrus orbiculatus (Asiatic bittersweet)
Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper)
Toxicodendron radicans (poison ivy)
Vitis spp. (grape)

Achillea millefolium (common yarrow)     *
Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard)     *
Allium vineale (field garlic)    * 
Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed)
Artemisia vulgaris (common mugwort)
Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed)     *
Chelidonium majus (celandine)     *
Circaea lutetiana (enchanter's nightshade)     *
Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle)
Epilobium coloratum (purple-leaved willowherb)
Eupatorium maculatum (spotted Joe-Pye-weed)     *soon
Galium mollugo (wild madder)     *
Geum canadense (white avens)     *
Impatiens sp. (touch-me-not)
Lemna sp. (duckweed)
Linaria vulgaris (butter and eggs)
Lysimachia nummularia (moneywort)
Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife)     *
Myosotis laxa (lesser forget-me-not)     *
Plantago lanceolata (English plantain)     *
Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed)
Rumex obtusifolius (broad dock)
Sagittaria sp. (bur-reed)     *
Solidago rugosa (rough-stemmed goldenrod)
Symplocarpus foetidus (skunk cabbage)
Thalictrum pubescens (tall meadowrue)     *
Trifolium hybridum (pink clover)     *
Trifolium pratense (red clover)     *
Trifolium repens (white clover)     *
Typha latifolia (broad-leaved cattail)
Verbascum thapsus (common mullein)     *

Juncus effusus (soft rush)
Juncus tenuis (path rush)

Carex intumescens (bladder sedge)
Carex lupuliformis (hop-like sedge)
Carex lupulina (sedge)
Carex lurida (sallow sedge)
Carex stricta (tussock sedge)
Scirpus atrovirens (dark-green bulrush)
Scirpus cyperinus (woolly grass sedge)

Elytrigia repens (quack grass)
Phalaris arundinacea (reed canary grass)
Phragmites australis (giant reed grass)

Ferns and Fern Allies:
Equisetum arvense (field horsetail)
Onoclea sensibilis (sensitive fern)
Osmunda cinnamomea (cinnamon fern)
Thelypteris palustris (marsh fern)


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