Medieval Writing
Insular Minuscule

Script Type : minuscule

Date : This example is from the 10th century, although the script was used until the 12th century for Old English writings, and much longer in Ireland.

Location : England, in this case from Lindisfarne

Function : book hand

A segment from the 10th century Old English colophon to the Lindisfarne Gospels (British Library, Cotton Nero D IV, f.259). (From E.G. Millar 1923 The Lindisfarne Gospels London: British Museum)
Pass cursor over letters to see enlarged examples taken from the page illustrated above.
Distinctive letters : This form of insular minuscule used for Old English has essentially the same letter forms as that used for Latin, with the addition of both the edh and thorn characters to represent th. This example lacks the letters k, q, w, x or z. The letter j only appears in a Latin name.

The letter a comes in two forms, closed at the top and open. Ascenders of letters such as b and l are wedged at the top. The letters r, s and f are easily confused, as all tend to extend below the baseline and are similar in general shape. The letter d has a backsloping ascender, while g is of the open lightning bolt form. While the letters u and v are diffentiated, in that there is a rounded and an angular form, the angular form seems to be used in most cases as either vowel or consonant.

The trickiest ligature is the dipthong ae, which is written as an e with a little hook on the back.

The Tironian et character appears as an abbreviation for and.

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