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Documentary Sources
ORB - On-Line Text Materials for Medieval Studies All sorts of links to primary source materials can be found here, although external links from this site are no longer being maintained. Eurodocs A link page to a range of transcribed primary historical source materials from Western Europe, now also with links to digital facsimile sites. It continues to grow and develop.. Medieval Sourcebook All manner of out of copyright or out of print medieval material may be found here, based on published material and translations, primary and secondary sources. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle appears in various editions and version on the web. A compilation version from the Everyman Edition of 1912 has been put up by Berkeley. You could also try the Project Gutenberg version or the Yale Law School version. The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School: Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Documents This has English language text versions of a range of significant medieval legal documents. English Legal History Materials This is a fairly ugly plain text website, but it has translations and commentary for some highly significant medieval legal documents. Anglo-Saxon Charters A mammoth collaborative project between the British Academy and the Royal Historical Society is resulting in the publication of all known Anglo-Saxon charters. The web site gives details of the progress of the work, as well as making some material freely available, including lists of charters, texts, translations, some images of documents, reference works and working aids. Part of the Anglo-Saxon Index, with even more resources. Medieval Source Material on the Internet: Probate records A set of links to sites dealing with medieval wills. This is a rapidly growing area on the web and there are now numerous sites where you can do actual research online with full text searches. Fifty Earliest English Wills The Early English Text Society edition in electronic form. If you cannot get it by the direct link because they have changed the database again, go to the parent site Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse and type the title in the search box. Medieval Manuscripts of Canon Law and Roman Law A list of links to a large range of resources on this subject, as well as links to general manuscript sites. English Monastic Archives This site "seeks to reconstruct the archive of every English monastery, and thereby to elucidate the origins of record-keeping in England". It is intended to publish the results in printed form as well as online, linked to ARCHON, based at the National Archives. This is an ambitious project, but there are some samples online to show how it will work. Real research material. Medieval Colchester From an academic at Durham University, this site has a spartan retro design and some wordy academic essays, and also includes an edition of Colchester Deeds of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, a calendar of the Cartulary of Dean John Colet in the Archives of the Mercers' Company of London. Medieval Diplomatic and the "Ars Dictandi" Texts and translations, with scholarly footnotes, of a large set of texts, all relating to the ars dictandi, or art of writing legal documents. There is also a small number of literary texts, and a collection of model letters. An esoteric resource available at the click of a mouse. History in Deed: Medieval Society and the Law in England, 100-1600 This site accompanies an exhibition of a collection of charters that was literally discovered in dusty boxes in Harvard Law School in 1988. There is an excellent introduction on charters and their function, as well as detailed descriptions and explanations of the exhibits, but no photographs. The Middle English Collection From the Electronic Text Centre, University of Virginia, a large selection of medieval literary texts, as well as An Anthology of Chancery English, a collection of the texts of a large number of chancery documents in English. English Medieval Legal Documents AD 600 - AD 1535: A Compilation of Published Sources This site aims to provide bibliographical material for published works, as well as links to online resources including major text and image collections, for English medieval legal documents. There is some introductory explanatory material in the various sections, and links to Wikipedia entries (which I presume they have vetted thoroughly). Editions électroniques de l'Ecole des chartes A large set of electronic publications and projects, many of which are editions of fascinating manuscript material of a range of types, including some things otherwise difficult to find on the web, such as cartularies, formularies and all sorts of wondrous things.
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