The book is adorned with over 100 intricate miniatures illustrating the text. They are in the form of coloured line drawings which are unfortunately a bit fiddly and detailed to show very well on a computer screen. You can get the general picture, with David in the middle brandishing his weaponry, backed by God and the angels, while his enemies grumpily shake their spears. To explain why there appears to be a huge face in a puddle of water or fire on the lower right, or why a flock of gazelles is standing calmly in the middle of the melee, you would have to consult an iconographic expert. |
The Harley Psalter, 11th century (British Library, Harley 603). All images by permission of the British Library. |
| overview | miniature | text | alphabet | abbreviations | exercises | | transcript | translation | |
Click on each of the above to walk your way through some blocks of text. The transcript will appear in a separate window so that you can use it for reference at any time. These exercises are designed to guide you through the text, not test you, so you can cheat as much as you like. |
Script sample for this example |
Index of Exercises |
Index of Scripts |
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