Canadian Kangaroos in World War II
by Kenneth R. Ramsden |
On June 6th 1944, the Allied armies stormed the beaches of Normandy in what remains the largest seaborne invasion in history. | |
Within a month, however, it was becoming increasingly apparent that a well-sited German defence-in-depth was exacting an appalling casualty rate from British and Canadian infantry regiments, to the point where our ability to function effectively was being called into question. | |
Something needed to be done if we were to accomplish Monty's objective of tying down and destroying the bulk of German forces committed to the theatre. | |
Enter the Kangaroos, the brainchild of the Canadian General Guy Simonds, OC of 2 Corps. | |
A new concept was born, that of the armoured personnel carrier. It saved countless lives during the balance of the war in Europe, and remains the cornerstone of infantry operations today. | |
This book, written by an officer of this unique regiment, chronicles the story of the 'Kangaroos' the nom-de-guerre both the vehicles and their crews. The account is drawn both from the personal experience of the author as well as the exhaustive unit War Diaries, and remains the only definitive history of the Regiment. | |
203 pages, 5½ X 8¾, including maps, photographs and appendices. | |
This book is now out of print. Please try to find your own copy via the used book market, both actual and online. If you run across any spare copies, we will buy them from you at the price paid, plus postage, of course! There are many veterans and their progeny who would happily pay whatever for their own. Contact us at [email protected] with anything you find. Thanks. | |
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