Welcome to Ancient Astrology and Divination on the Web. This an organized, annotated set of more than 215 links to reliable information about ancient (primarily Greek and Roman) astrology and divination. It is designed to provide some alternative to web searches that turn up dozens of pages by astrologers, tarot readers, and palmists--most seeking your money and all "believers." Although moderns practitioners can occasionally provide useful information, they tend to misrepresent ancient evidence in favor of false continuity and simplicity.

I should say at the outset that I am not a believer in astrology or any other form of divination. I am instead interested in ancient culture, of which astrology and divination are important aspects.

On this site you fill find pages on Ancient Astrology, on Dream Interpretation (Oneiromancy), general studies of ancient divinatory thinking and practice. See the navigation bar on the left for all subjects. My "kindred topics" section has a slowly-growing list of magic links.

I recently cleaned out all the dead links. I also threw up two rough Greek translations, a treatise on Divination by Moles and Birthmarks ascribed to Melampus and a short Nautical Lapidary ascribed to Astrampsychus.

I hope you find some of these resources useful. Comments, link suggestions and so forth are very much appreciated. My email is [email protected].

Timothy Spalding

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Hieroglyphics! Comprehensive guide and web directory to Egytian hieroglyphics.