Kennedy's views of South Philadelphia:

K : 11 - 17 Pencil & Watercolor on tinted paper; 10 x 8 cm 926 Bonsall Street.
K : 1 - 58.1 Watercolor; 9.8 x 21.3 cm Bringhurst House, the South side of Grey’s Ferry Road.
K : 1 - 67 Watercolor; 13.4 x 19.7 cm The Moyamensing Bank, 1839.
K : 3 - 51.3 Watercolor; 11.8 x 18.6 cm The Purple and Blue Tavern, Moyamensing, 1836.
K : VI - 30 Watercolor; 22 x 38.7 cm Girard Schoolhouse. Passyunk Avenue north side, west of 18th Street, sketched April 9, 1891.
K : VI - 54 Watercolor; 20 x 39.8 cm South Broad Street, West side, between Catherine & Christian Streets in 1891. Sketched February 1892.
K : 6 - 16 Watercolor; 19.7 x 28.7 cm The Moyamensing Botanic Gardens