Outside Philadelphia Images


Image Caption
Article Title
Building Type
3 4 Typical Deserted Mill at Valley Forge Silent Mills of Valley Forge Phila. Ledger 1907 Sept. 1 Valley Forge unknown mill mills, Valley Forge, Belfry Mill, Valley Creek
3 6 Old Cannon Ball House Traditions of the Cannon Ball House Phila. Ledger 1907 Oct. 27 Kingsessing Penrose Ferry Bridge Road house kingsessing, Penrose
3 134 The Haines House, Where Runaways Were Cared For Old Homestead an Underground Railroad Station Phila. BLANK American 1903 April 14 Pequea, PA   house underground railroad, slaves, Haines, Quakers
3 169 Guard House at the Indian School built by Hessian Prisoners Carlisle's 150th Year Phila. Record 1901 Oct. 20 Carlisle, PA   government Hessians, Carlisle, revolutionary war
3 169 Revolutionary Gunsmith Shop Carlisle's 150th Year Phila. Record 1901 Oct. 20 Carlisle, PA   commercial/business shop, guns
3 169 The Old Court House Carlisle's 150th Year Phila. Record 1901 Oct. 20 Carlisle, PA   government court house,
4 9 Neshaminy Presbyterian Church Here Princeton was Born Phila. Record 1904 Nov. 12 Warwick, PA   church Princeton, Old Log College, education
7 53 Engine House of First West Chester Fire Company Chester vs West Chester Chester County BLANK 1891 Sept. 17 West Chester unknown firehouse, government firehouse, Chester
7 59 Corner of the Poorhouse A Pauper Romance Phila. Times 1891 Sept. 27 Nazareth, PA unknown institution poorhouse, paupers
7 72 Minden, Mr. Berwind's Country-Place A Rural Place Phila. Times 1887 June 25 Wynnewood unknown house main line, mansions, suburbs, elite
7 117 Saal and Saron at Ephrata The Monks of Ephrata Phila. Times 1893 Jan. 22 Ephrata, PA unknown house Lancaster county, Dunker Church, monastery
7 119 The Brother House The Monks of Ephrata Phila. Times 1893 Jan. 22 Ephrata, PA   house Lancaster county, Dunker Church, monastery
7 121 Old Amish Mansion Dunkers and Amish Phila. Times 1893 Jan. 15 Lancaster County   house Mennonites, Amish, Dunkers
7 137 The Barclay House, Washington's Headquarters at Morrisville Four Washington Headquarters Phila. Press 1893 Jan. 29 Morrisville, PA unknown house Washington, revolutionary war, Barclay
7 137 Side View of Barclay House Four Washington Headquarters Phila. Press 1893 Jan. 29 Morrisville, PA   house Washington, revolutionary war, Barclay
7 139 The Neshaminy Headquarters Four Washington Headquarters Phila. Press 1893 Jan. 29 Warwick, PA Old York Road house Bucks county, Neshaminy, Washington, farmhouse, revolutionary war
7 140 The Whitemarsh Headquarters Four Washington Headquarters Phila. Press 1893 Jan. 29 Whitemarsh, PA   house Whitemarsh, Washington, revolutionary war
7 171 Residence of Mr. John A. Brashear A Plain Talk about Telescopes Phila. Press 1893 Jan. 22 Allegheny, PA   house mansion, scientist
7 174 The Observatory at Allegheny A Plain Talk about Telescopes Phila. Press 1893 Jan. 22 Allegheny, PA   observatory, school mansion, scientist
7 207 Old Trinity Church Old Trinity Church Phila. Press 1893 Feb. 19 Oxford, PA unknown church churches, oxford, Buchanan
7 217 The Pennsylvania State College Engineering Building The State College Phila. Press 1893 Feb. 26 State College, PA unknown university, institution school, university, Penn State
8 26 The Old Whitfield House in the Barony of Nazareth A Day with the Moravians Phila. Press 1890 Sept. 7 Bethlehem, PA unknown house Spangenberg, Bethlehem, commune, Bellamy
8 36 The Executive Mansion in Harrisburg A Day in the Governor's Life Phila. Press 1890 June 22 Harrisburg, PA Front Street house mansion, governor, politics
8 39 In the Reception Room at the Capitol A Day in the Governor's Life Phila. Press 1890 June 22 Harrisburg, PA Front Street house mansion, governor, politics
8 41 The Governor's Desk in the Executive Chamber A Day in the Governor's Life Phila. Press 1890 June 22 Harrisburg, PA Front Street house mansion, governor, politics
8 49 Maclay's House at Sunbury Senator Maclay's Story Phila. Press 1890 Aug. 9 Williamsport, PA unknown house mansion, senator, maclay, franklin county
8 90 Great Resevoirs of the Girard Water Company How Girard's Estate has Grown Phila. Press 1890 Oct. 12 Girardville, PA unknown resevoir girard, water, resevoir, coal, lost creek
8 95 The Ephrata Community - Brother's House A Day Among the Dunkers Phila. Press 1890 Sept. 14 Ephrata, PA unknown house dunkers, monks, mennonite
8 98 The Ephrata Community - Sister's House A Day Among the Dunkers Phila. Press 1890 Sept. 14 Ephrata, PA unknown house dunkers, monks, mennonite
8 110 The Town Hall With the Economites in Harmony Phila. Press 1890 Oct. 26 Economy, PA unknown town hall economites, harmonists, George Rapp
8 112 Church of the Harmony Society With the Economites in Harmony Phila. Press 1890 Oct. 26 Economy, PA unknown town hall economites, harmonists, George Rapp
8 112 The Flour Mill With the Economites in Harmony Phila. Press 1890 Oct. 26 Economy, PA unknown town hall economites, harmonists, George Rapp
8 153 An Amish Homestead The Strange Story of a Peculiar People Phila. Press 1890 Dec. 7 Lancaster, PA unknown house mennonites, amish, lancaster
9 31 Home of Buchanan's Parents James Buchanan Phila. Press 1891 Oct. 18 Mercersburg, PA unknown house James buchanan, mercersburg, president
9 93 The Wayne Homestead The Sons of the Revolution Phila. Times 1891 Oct. 18 Valley Forge, PA unknown house house, revolution, General Anthony Wayne
9 95 White Horse Tavern The Sons of the Revolution Phila. Times 1891 Oct. 18 Valley Forge, PA unknown inn inn, tavern, Washington, revolution, wayne
9 95 Washington's Headquarters The Sons of the Revolution Phila. Times 1891 Oct. 18 Valley Forge, PA unknown house washington, homestead, revolution
9 177 What Norristown is Proud of A Few Glimpses of Hancock's Birthplace Phila. Press 1891 June 07 Norristown, PA unknown government institution city hall, norristown, john hancock
10 82 The New Observatory of the University of Pennsylvania New Plans to Read Secrets of the Stars Phila. Press 1897 July 04 Delaware County unknown observatory university of pennsylvania, delaware county, Reese Wall Flower
10 146 A Famous Country Seat A Famous Country Seat Phila. Inquirer 1897 July 04 Hillside, PA unknown house mansion, William Johnston, Tyson quarries
10 220 Present Executive Mansion Where Governor's Had their Homes Phila. Times 1899 Jan. 1 Harrisburg, PA unknown house governor, politics, mansion
10 221 Governor Findlay's Residence Where Governor's Had their Homes Phila. Times 1899 Jan. 1 Harrisburg, PA Front Street house governor, politics, mansion
10 221 Residence of Governors Packer and Curtin Where Governor's Had their Homes Phila. Times 1899 Jan. 1 Harrisburg, PA unknown house governor, politics, mansion


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