Northwest Philadelphia Images


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Article Title
Building Type
3 9 Hotel Abbey, a Notable Inn Associations of Old Hotel Abbey Phila. Ledger 1907 Mar. 3 Hunting Park Ave and Wissahickon Ave. inn, hotel inns, William Shippen, Tioga, George Washington
3 20 Piper Homestead at Chestnut Hill Passing of the Old Piper Farm Phila. Ledger 1907 Apr. 17 Chestnut Hill farm Chestnut Hill, Germantown, Lenape, farms
3 42 The Roberts Mansion Old Roberts Mansion is Now a Memory Phila. Press 1903 Jul. 8 Church Lane and Stenton Ave. church Germantown, Brother Jenkins, churches, methodist, Roberts' Hollow
3 43 Old Devon Swan Inn Trolley Men Drink at a Famous Old Inn Phila. Record 1901 Jul. 21 Ridge Ave and East River Drive inn, tavern Germantown, Manayunk, inns, Mower, trolley
3 62 The Old Evans Homestead Where Washington's Army was Encamped Phila. Ledger 1901 Aug. 10 Abbotsford Ave and Midvale Ave farm Germantown, farms, George Washington, highway
3 73 Morris-Littel House A Feminine Naturalist Phila. Press 1902 Aug. 2 High and Morris Street house Margaretta Morris, women, Academy of Natural Sciences, scientist
3 78 Sunnicliffe's Climb from Green Lane Manayunk Street Steps Phila. Record 1902 April 27   steps steep hills, Manayunk, steps, Schuylkill River
3 79 Cotton Street's Long Flight of Steps Manayunk Street Steps Phila. Record 1902 April 27   steps steep hills, Manayunk, steps, Schuylkill River
3 80 Looking from a Stairs Top Manayunk Street Steps Phila. Record 1902 April 27   steps steep hills, Manayunk, steps, Schuylkill River
3 101 King of Prussia Inn Historic King of Prussia Inn Phila. Ledger 1907 Mar. 10 School Lane and Germantown Ave inn, hotel inns, Germantown, King of Prussia, Frederick the Great
3 121 Old Cabin Associated with the Irish Bard Tom Moore's Cottage in Fairmount Phila. Ledger 1907 June 9   house Thomas Moore, Irish, poet, cabins
3 129 Valley Green at the Time it was Added to the Park Valley Green has a Revolutionary Connection Phila. Ledger 1907 Sept. 1 Wissahickon tavern, inn Fairmount Park, Wissahickon, hotel
3 130 Boathouses Along the Schuylkill at Fairmount in the Sixties Evolution of the Schuylkill Navy Phila. Ledger 1907 April 14 Schuylkill River boathouse boathouses, Schuylkill, rowing, navy, Barge Club
4 47 The Rittenhouse Mill The Rittenhouse Mill Phila. Press 1902 Mar. 30   mill William Bradford, printing, mill, Robert Turner, Rittenhouse, paper
4 51 The Wyck House Wyck, The Residence of the Haines Family, the Oldest House in Germantown Phila. Press 1902 Mar. 2 Germantown Ave and Walnut Lane house Haines, mansion, Germantown
4 101 State in Schuylkill House to Come Down The State in Schuylkill Phila. Record 1902 April 13   club Schuylkill, club, Wissahickon, fishing
4 147 Johnson House Opposite Chew Street Historic Johnson Houses Recall Revolutionary Days Phila. Inquirer 1902 June 8 Germantown Ave and Chew Street house Germantown, mansion, Johnson, revolutionary war
4 148 Johnson House at Washington Lane Historic Johnson Houses Recall Revolutionary Days   1902 June 8 Main Street and Washington Lane house Germantown, mansion, Johnson, revolutionary war
6 89 The Undine House Schuylkill Oarsmen Phila. Press 1885 June 7   club rowing, Barge Club, Schuylkill, club, Bachelors
6 90 Ringstetten Schuylkill Oarsmen Phila. Press 1885 June 7   club rowing, Barge Club, Schuylkill, club, Bachelors
6 90 The Button Schuylkill Oarsmen Phila. Press 1885 June 7   club rowing, Barge Club, Schuylkill, club, Bachelors
6 90 The Malta and Vesper Schuylkill Oarsmen Phila. Press 1885 June 7   club rowing, Barge Club, Schuylkill, club, Bachelors
6 90 The Crescent Quarters Schuylkill Oarsmen Phila. Press 1885 June 7   club rowing, Barge Club, Schuylkill, club, Bachelors
7 17 The Mifflin Mansion The Old House on Ridge Road to be Demolished Phila. Times 1892 Dec. 11 Ridge Road and James Street house mansion, Mifflin, Colonial, Washington
7 153 The Dancing Pavilion, Schuetzen Park The New Resevoir Site Phila. Times 1893 Jan. 22 unknown club clubs, Germantown, Schuetzen Park
7 154 Official Plan of the New Resevoir when Completed The New Resevoir Site Phila. Times 1893 Jan. 22 Queen street and Abbotsford Ave resevoir water supply, Queen Lane plateau
7 154 Old House on the Evans Estate The New Resevoir Site Phila. Times 1893 Jan. 22 unknown house resevoir, water supply, Queen Lane, Schuetzen Park
7 154 The Old Wimley House The New Resevoir Site Phila. Times 1893 Jan. 22   house Wimley, resevoir, water suppply, Schuetzen Park
7 162 The Girls' Normal School - Opened 1876 In Forty-five Years, the Growth of the Girls' Normal School Phila. Times 1893 Feb. 5 17th and Spring Garden Street school schools, women, teachers, normal school
7 197 Kitchen, Fishing Company's Club House Philadelphia's Club Houses Phila. Inquirer 1893 Feb. 19 Schuylkill River club clubs, clubhouses, elite, recreation, fishing
9 2 Office Building, Lehigh Ave. Germantown Avenue Phila. Press 1891 Nov. 29 Germantown and Lehigh business germantown, lehigh, commercial
9 3 Mills on Columbia Ave. Germantown Avenue Phila. Press 1891 Nov. 29 unknown mill mill, germantown
9 4 Union Bethel - Feet washing Baptists Germantown Avenue Phila. Press 1891 Nov. 29 unknown church church, germantown, baptist
9 4 The Woodman's Hotel Germantown Avenue Phila. Press 1891 Nov. 29 Germantown and Montgomery Ave inn inn, hotel, germantown
9 156 Vernon A Park in Germantown Phila. Times 1891 June 07 Germantown Ave and Price St house mansion, Wister, Germantown
10 26 Wigard Levering's Homestead An Historic House Phila. Inquirer 1897 Jan. 29 Ridge Avenue and Hermit Street house Roxborough, Levering, mansion
10 27 Abraham Levering's Homestead An Historic House Phila. Inquirer 1897 Jan. 29 Ridge Avenue and Hermit Street house Roxborough, Levering, mansion


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