The format of this list is as follows:
Identification number of negative | Name of Site | Location | Subject Matter or nature of site |
The views are listed alphabetically by the location name
1330 | Girard Point Elevator | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
5053 | Girard Point Elevator | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
9038 | Graf Zepplin over Gulf Oil | Girard Point, PA | Transptn |
4462 | Gulf Refining Co | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
5347 | Gulf Refining Co | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
5348 | Gulf Refining Co | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
5349 | Gulf Refining Co | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
5350 | Gulf Refining Co | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
8685-a | Gulf Refining Co | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
34171 | Gulf Refining Co *| | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
5056 | Gulf Refining Co, G P Elev | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
5057 | Gulf Refining Co, G P Elev | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
8685 | Gulf Refining Co, 1928 | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
8687 | Gulf Refining Co, 1928 | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
8688 | Gulf Refining Co, 1928 | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
8689 | Gulf Refining Co, 1928 | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
8690 | Gulf Refining Co, 1928 | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
11326 | Gulf Refining Co, 1929 | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
12690 | Gulf Refining Co, 1930 * | Girard Point, PA | Industry |
22455 | Holmesburg \| | Holmesburg, PA | View |
8150 | Institution,1928 | Holmesburg, PA ? | B Inst ? |
13449 | Pitcairn Autogiro | Phila Airport ? | Transptn |
11322 | Fort Mifflin, 1929 | Phila,S, PA | Military |
11323 | Fort Mifflin, 1929 | Phila,S, PA | Military |
11931 | Fort Mifflin, 1930 * | Phila,S, PA | Military |
20850-01 | Housing Project Prop Site..\ | Phila,S, PA | Residence ? |
20850-09 | Housing Project Prop Site..\ | Phila,S, PA | Residence ? |
20850-15 | Housing Project Prop Site..\ | Phila,S, PA | Residence ? |
20850-19 | Housing Project Prop Site..\ | Phila,S, PA | Residence ? |
20850-20 | Housing Project Prop Site..\ | Phila,S, PA | Residence ? |
20850-27 | Housing Project Prop Site..\ | Phila,S, PA | Residence ? |
20850-31 | Housing Project Prop Site..\ | Phila,S, PA | Residence ? |
P261 | Isco Co, Hellwig Dying Co | Phila,S, PA.. | Industry |
4828-a | J F K Stadium | Phila,S, PA | Construction |
4829-a | J F K Stadium | Phila,S, PA | Construction |
4831 | J F K Stadium | Phila,S, PA | Construction |
5214 | J F K Stadium | Phila,S, PA | Construction |
5413 | J F K Stadium | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
6105 | J F K Stadium | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
6276 | J F K Stadium | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
6287 | J F K Stadium | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
6291 | J F K Stadium | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
5406 | J F K Stadium, Sequi-Cent S | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
5407 | J F K Stadium, Sequi-Cent S | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
5408 | J F K Stadium, Sequi-Cent S | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
5409 | J F K Stadium, Sequi-Cent S | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
5813 | J F K Stadium,Bay Week open. | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
6616 | J F K Stadium,catholic mass | Phila,S, PA | Religion |
6617 | J F K Stadium,catholic mass | Phila,S, PA | Religion |
6618 | J F K Stadium,catholic mass | Phila,S, PA | Religion |
6619 | J F K Stadium,catholic mass | Phila,S, PA | Religion |
6620 | J F K Stadium,catholic mass | Phila,S, PA | Religion |
6621 | J F K Stadium,catholic mass | Phila,S, PA | Religion |
6622 | J F K Stadium,catholic mass | Phila,S, PA | Religion |
7928 | J F K Stadium, Lindburg ? | Phila,S, PA | Sports |
4826-b | J F K Stadium, 1925 | Phila,S, PA | Construction |
4826-a | J F K Stadium, 1925 | Phila,S, PA | Construction |
12413 | J F K Stadium,harbor,1930 * | Phila,S, PA | View V |
12414 | J F K Stadium,harbor,1930 * | Phila,S, PA | View V |
1346 | League Island | Phila,S, PA | Harbor |
2793 | League Island | Phila,S, PA | Harbor |
5918 | League Island | Phila,S, PA | Harbor |
5923 | League Island | Phila,S, PA | Harbor |
18602 | Oil Tanks, 1937 * Esso,NJ ? | Phila,S, PA | Industry |
20915 | Philadelphia,S, 1940 * | Phila,S, PA | View |
20916 | Philadelphia,S, 1940 * | Phila,S, PA | View |
5601 | Plant see 5600 ? | Phila,S, PA | Industry |
11713 | PRR Coal Pier, 1929 | Phila,S, PA | Transptn |
11672 | PRR Coal Pier, 1929 * | Phila,S, PA | Transptn |
11714 | PRR Coal Pier, 1929 * | Phila,S, PA | Transptn |
11320 | Rottner Co, 1929 | Phila,S, PA | Industry |
11321 | Rottner Co, 1929 | Phila,S, PA | Industry |
11327 | Rottner Co, 1929 | Phila,S, PA | Industry |
7940 | Schuylkill River | Phila,S, PA | View |
P280 | Waterfront, 1931 | Phila,S, PA | Harbor |
P279 | Waterfront, Phila, 1931 | Phila,S, PA | Harbor |
21740 | Waterfront,Phila,Cam 1941 \ | Phila,S, PA | Harbor |
12460 | Brille Co, 1930 | Phila,S W, PA | Industry |
12458 | DuPont Co,Grasselli Chem.. | Phila,S W, PA | Industry |
22501 | Philadelphia,S W \| | Phila,S W, PA | View H |
12162 | Schuylkill River, 1930 * | Phila,S W, PA | View |
12461 | United States Gypsum Co,1930 | Phila,S W, PA | Industry |