Aerial Photograph Index for Unspecified Philadelphia, A-M

The format of this list is as follows:

Identification number of negative Name of Site Location Subject Matter or nature of site

The views are listed alphabetically by the location name

Link to: [Bucks County] [Chester County] [Delaware County] [Montgomery County] [North Philadelphia] [Northeast Philadelphia] [West Philadelphia] [South Philadelphia ] [Unspecified Philadelphia, N-Q] [Unspecified Philadelphia, R-Z] [Unspecified Pennsylvania Locations] [Unidentified Locations]
21538Aero-Service Bldg \Phila, PA..Business
19626Aero-Service Bldg, 1939 *|Phila, PA..Business
19627Aero-Service Bldg, 1939 *|Phila, PA..Business
19628Aero-Service Bldg, 1939 *|Phila, PA..Business
5493Art MuseumPhila, PAMuseum
5494Art MuseumPhila, PAMuseum
6277Art MuseumPhila, PAMuseum
7290Art MuseumPhila, PAMuseum
12549Art Museum, 1930Phila, PAMuseum
12550Art Museum, 1930Phila, PAMuseum
12551Art Museum, 1930Phila, PAMuseum
12552Art Museum, 1930Phila, PAMuseum
12553Art Museum, 1930Phila, PAMuseum
12554Art Museum, 1930Phila, PAMuseum
12555Art Museum, 1930Phila, PAMuseum
12672Art Museum, Parkway *Phila, PAView
20142Art Museum, Phila \Phila, PAView
8553Art Museum, Phila, 1928Phila, PAView
P276Art Museum, Phila,W, 1931Phila, PAMuseum
5915Art Musuem, Boathouses Phila, PAMuseum
1138Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PA Industry
1213Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
1861Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
4586Atlantic Refining Co Phila, PAIndustry
4602Atlantic Refining Co Phila, PAIndustry
4603Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PA Industry
4604Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
4605Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
4606Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
4607Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
4608Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
4609Atlantic Refining Co Phila, PAIndustry
5464Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
5922Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
6110Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
6112Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
6113Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
6177Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
6178Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
6180Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PA Industry
6181Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
6182Atlantic Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
6111Atlantic Refining Co..Phila, PAIndustry
6183Atlantic Refining Co..Phila, PAIndustry
11710Atwater Kent Mfg Co *,glassPhila, PA..Industry
19858Autogiro on Post Office \Phila, PA..Event
19865Autogiro on Post Office \Phila, PA..Event
8724Baldwin Locomotive Works..Phila, PA Industry
8725Baldwin Locomotive Works..Phila, PA Industry
18954Baldwin Locomotive Works..*Phila, PA..Industry
19847Baxter,Kelly + Faust Co..\Phila, PAIndustry
4400Ben Franklin Br, Phila,CamPhila, PAView
5166Ben Franklin Br, Phila,CamPhila, PAView
5167Ben Franklin Br, Phila,CamPhila, PAView
5176Ben Franklin Br, Phila,CamPhila, PAView
5179Ben Franklin Br, Phila,CamPhila, PAView
5181Ben Franklin Br, Phila,CamPhila, PAView
5556Ben Franklin Br, Phila,CamPhila, PABridge
6272Ben Franklin Br, Phila,CamPhila, PABridge
6343Ben Franklin Br, Phila,CamPhila, PABridge
7274Ben Franklin Br, Phila,CamPhila, PABridge
21990Ben Franklin Br, Phila,Cam \Phila, PABridge
5185Ben Franklin Br, WaterfrontPhila, PAView
5186Ben Franklin Br, WaterfrontPhila, PAView
6803Ben Franklin Br, WaterfrontPhila, PABridge
4299Ben Franklin BridgePhila, PABridge
4300Ben Franklin BridgePhila, PABridge
4827Ben Franklin Bridge Phila, PAConstruction
4869Ben Franklin BridgePhila, PABridge
4881Ben Franklin BridgePhila, PABridge
5003Ben Franklin BridgePhila, PABridge
5916Ben Franklin Bridge, PhilaPhila, PABridge
5917Ben Franklin Bridge, PhilaPhila, PA View
5996Ben Franklin Bridge, PhilaPhila, PABridge
6802Ben Franklin Bridge PierPhila, PABridge
15766Boat Races on Schuylkill..*Phila, PASports
19843Boger + Crawford (orig pr) \Phila, PAIndustry
17181Boy Scout Camp,Treasure I..*Phila, PAAssociation?
20941Broad + Olney Ave, 1940 *Phila, PAView
5738Broad St, N from S-Cent SitePhila, PAStreet
11336Broad St Stn from W Phila..Phila, PATransptn
6557Broad,N, StPhila, PAStreet
13320Broad,N, St, 1930 *Phila, PAView
7682Broad,N,St,Subway Terminal..Phila, PATransptn
6841-aBroad,S,St, from SesquiPhila, PAStreet
19837Burpee Seed Co, 1939 \Phila, PABusiness
5501Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5502Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5503Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5504Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5505Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5506Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5507Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5508Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5509Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5510Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5519Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5520Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5521Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
5523Byberry HospitalPhila, PAHospital
22518Byberry Hospital \|Phila, PAHospital H
22520Byberry Hospital \|Phila, PAHospital H
20313Byberry Hospital, 1939 \|Phila, PAHospital
18958Cemetery, 1938 *Phila, PA..Cemetery
19839Central High School..\Phila, PAEducation
19841Central High School..\Phila, PAEducation
14412City Hall, 1931 *Phila, PAGov Build
15887City Hall, 1933 *Phila, PAGov Build
P194City Hall, Phila, 1931 Phila, PAGov Build
14237-aClouds, 1931 \Phila, PAView
14237-bClouds, 1931 \Phila, PAView
14238Clouds over Phila, 1931 *Phila, PAView
P291Constitution w/tugboats,1931Phila, PA Harbor
P292Constitution w/tugboats,1931Phila, PA Harbor
P293Constitution w/tugboats,1931Phila, PAHarbor
P297Constitution w/tugboats,1931Phila, PAHarbor
P298Constitution w/tugboats,1931Phila, PAHarbor
1468Cramp's ShipyardPhila, PAHarbor
5571Cramp's ShipyardPhila, PAHarbor
6646Cramp's ShipyardPhila, PAHarbor
7336Cramp's ShipyardPhila, PAHarbor
21976Cramp's Shipyard \Phila, PAHarbor
21978Cramp's Shipyard \Phila, PAHarbor
21980Cramp's Shipyard \Phila, PAHarbor
21981Cramp's Shipyard \Phila, PAHarbor
21983Cramp's Shipyard \Phila, PAHarbor
19842Crown Can Co, 1939 *Phila, PAIndustry
19848Crown Can Co, 1939 \Phila, PAIndustry
19849Crown Can Co, 1939 \Phila, PAIndustry
14734Del,N Phila waterfront,1931*Phila, PA Harbor
14796Dept of Commerce plane..*Phila, PA ?Transptn ?
5986Dobson MillsPhila, PA Business
5989Dobson MillsPhila, PABusiness
16093Dock St, 1933 *Phila, PAStreet
19820Dock St Area, RR, 1939 \Phila, PAView
19821Dock St Area, RR, 1939 \Phila, PAView
21908Dock St Area, 1941 \Phila, PAHarbor
21909Dock St Area, 1941 \Phila, PAHarbor
21913Dock St Area, 1941 \Phila, PAHarbor
21915Dock St Area, 1941 \Phila, PAHarbor
21917Dock St Area, 1941 \Phila, PAHarbor
4756East River DrivePhila, PAView
4755East River Drive, res areaPhila, PAView
17482Eastern St Penit, Phila * Phila, PAPrison
14407Eighth St Subway,Frank Sq..*Phila, PAConstruction
5154Elverson Bldg + morePhila, PAView
5342Evergreen FarmsPhila, PAResidence
5343Evergreen FarmsPhila, PAResidence
5344Evergreen FarmsPhila, PAResidence
5345Evergreen FarmsPhila, PAResidence
5346Evergreen FarmsPhila, PAResidence
A18-aFactories w/Ladew see A17-bPhila, PAIndustry
A17-bFactories w/Ladew see A18-aPhila, PAIndustry
2899Fairmount ParkPhila, PAPark
5914Fairmount ParkPhila, PAPark
6560Fairmount ParkPhila, PAPark
12229Fairmount Park, Phila *Phila, PAView
1621Fairmount Park...Phila, PAPark
3353Fairmount Park...Phila, PAView
14400Fairmount Park,Phila,1931 *Phila, PAPark
1263Fleisher CoPhila, PAIndustry
1264Fleisher CoPhila, PAIndustry
1600Fleisher CoPhila, PAIndustry
1601Fleisher CoPhila, PAIndustry
1604Fleisher CoPhila, PAIndustry
1858Fleisher CoPhila, PAIndustry
7281Forrest TheatrePhila, PATheater
16541Franklin Museum Library..*Phila, PALibrary
6800Franklin Sq, BFB Bridge apprPhila, PAPark
5173Franklin Sq, river + bridgePhila, PAView
5172Franklin SquarePhila, PAView
1562Franklin Sugar RefineryPhila, PA Industry
5600Franklin Sugar RefineryPhila, PA Industry
8305Free Library, Logan Circle..Phila, PALibrary
8306Free Library,1928Phila, PALibrary
18913Gas Tank, 1938 *Phila, PA (11 miles)Industry
7149Germantown HospitalPhila, PAHospital
7150Germantown HospitalPhila, PAHospital
7155Germantown HospitalPhila, PAHospital
7156Germantown HospitalPhila, PAHospital
7157Germantown HospitalPhila, PAHospital
7158Germantown HospitalPhila, PAHospital
7160Germantown HospitalPhila, PAHospital
7161Germantown HospitalPhila, PAHospital
7162Germantown HospitalPhila, PAHospital
1159Girard Ave BridgePhila, PABridge
1624Girard Ave BridgePhila, PABridge
5376Girard CollegePhila, PAEducation
6176Girard CollegePhila, PAEducation
7631Girard CollegePhila, PAEducation
7632Girard CollegePhila, PAEducation
7633Girard CollegePhila, PAEducation
1651Girard College, PhilaPhila, PAEducation
P203Girard College, 1931Phila, PAEducation
14415Girard College, 1931 *Phila, PAEducation
9042Graf Zeppelin over Phila ?Phila, PA ?Transptn
11283Graf Zeppelin over Phila..Phila, PATransptn
6275Gray's FerryPhila, PAView
11295Heinz Mfg Co, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11296Heinz Mfg Co, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11297Heinz Mfg Co, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11298Heinz Mfg Co, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11300Heinz Mfg Co, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11301Heinz Mfg Co, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11302Heinz Mfg Co, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
13961Henry Ave Bridge, 1931 *Phila, PABridge
13963Henry Ave Bridge, 1931 *Phila, PABridge
14393Henry Ave Bridge, 1931 *Phila, PABridge
7634Independence SquarePhila, PAHist Site
7635Independence SquarePhila, PAHist Site
16099Independent Pier Co, 1933 *Phila, PA Harbor
P142Jefferson Hospital.., 1930Phila, PA..Hospital
P143Jefferson Hospital.., 1930Phila, PA..Hospital
P144Jefferson Hospital.., 1930Phila, PA..Hospital
P145Jefferson Hospital.., 1930Phila, PA..Education
20754Johnson,James Weldon, 1939 \Phila, PAReal Estate
3358KirkbridePhila, PAB Inst ?
2857Knickerbocker Lime CoPhila, PAIndustry
2859Knickerbocker Lime CoPhila, PAIndustry
2864Knickerbocker Lime CoPhila, PAIndustry
2865Knickerbocker Lime CoPhila, PAIndustry
2867Knickerbocker Lime CoPhila, PAIndustry
2868Knickerbocker Lime CoPhila, PAIndustry
2870Knickerbocker Lime CoPhila, PAIndustry
5779Laurel Hill, 1926Phila, PAView
5780Laurel Hill, 1926Phila, PAView
5783Laurel Hill, 1926Phila, PA View
4464Laurel Hill CemeteryPhila, PACemetery
4465Laurel Hill CemeteryPhila, PACemetery
4466Laurel Hill CemeteryPhila, PACemetery
4473Laurel Hill CemeteryPhila, PACemetery
4478Laurel Hill CemeteryPhila, PACemetery
5913Laurel Hill CemeteryPhila, PACemetery
5988Laurel Hill CemeteryPhila, PACemetery
5992Laurel Hill CemeteryPhila, PACemetery
5778Laurel Hill Cemetery, 1926Phila, PACemetery
5781Laurel Hill Cemetery, 1926Phila, PACemetery
5979-aLedger BuildingPhila, PABusiness
5978Ledger-Curtiss BldgsPhila, PABusiness
11312Leeds + Northrup, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11313Leeds + Northrup, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11314Leeds + Northrup, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11315Leeds + Northrup, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11316Leeds + Northrup, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
11319Leeds + Northrup, 1929Phila, PAIndustry
13785Logan Circle, 1930 *Phila, PAView
20141-bLogan Circle, Phila, 1939 \Phila, PAView
4387-aLos Angeles over PhilaPhila, PATransptn
6528Los Angeles over SesquiPhila, PATransptn
6532Los Angeles over PhilaPhila, PATransptn
6534Los Angeles over PhilaPhila, PATransptn
6536Los Angeles over PhilaPhila, PATransptn
6533Los Angeles w/biplane..Phila, PATransptn
5399McCahan Sugar Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
5431McCahan Sugar Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
5804McCahan Sugar Refining Co..Phila, PAIndustry
5805McCahan Sugar Refining Co..Phila, PAIndustry
5807McCahan Sugar Refining Co..Phila, PAIndustry
6114McCahan Sugar Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
6115McCahan Sugar Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
6117McCahan Sugar Refining CoPhila, PAIndustry
4450Mount Sinai CemeteryPhila, PACemetery
4471Mount Sinai CemeteryPhila, PACemetery
16631-aMount Sinai Cemetery, 1934 *Phila, PACemetery
19826 ?Municipal Court Bldg,1939 \Phila, PA..Gov Build