James Thiriar

1889 - 1965


'Robert Vivier and James Thiriar Tell the Story of the War'


The following illustrations are taken from a post-war publication called 'Robert Vivier et James Thiriar Raconte la Guerre'. It is a nicely printed large sized children's book that was pubished in concert by several large department stores in Belgium, apparently out of grateful patriotic motives. It was probably handed out as promotional material or as a holiday gift for some occasion, quite likely upon the anniversery of Armistice Day. It does not appear to be a book that was put for sale in the normal manner.

Whatever the case, it contains a number of color and black and white illustrations by Belgian artist James Thiriar along with a concise, but patriotically inspiring history of the Great War for young people as seen through Belgian eyes.


To Illustrations

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back cover vignette : a somewhat simplistic view towards invalided veterans



to James Thiriar 1

to James Thiriar 3

to James Thiriar 4 (in preparation)