

a Free Weekly Supplement


'Zeitbilder' (Images of the Times) was a modest 4-page weekly supplement to a regional German newspaper, the 'Vossischen Zeitung'. It was appeared on Thursdays with text articles and photographs on the war. The magazine was nicely printed on glossy paper, if somewhat old-fashioned in appearance. It contained a remarkable number of photographs for a publication of its size. They were usually of stock news-agency offerings, but nevertheless the choice was tasteful and often included shots that were not taken up by other main-line news magazines. As wth most German publications however, scenes of fighting, combat or (the aftermath of) violence were few. Instead the magazine liked to print views of German and Austrian soldiers in relatively cozy and comfortable trenches and shelters, treating prisoners like honored guests or engaged in all manner of uplifting cultural activities.

All in all, 'Zeitbilder' was a very enjoyable magazine and very typical of small-time regional German publications.


left : in a German trench
right : escorting Belgian prisoners into captivity



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