'die Allgaeuer Kriegschronik'


a Regional Publication


'Allgaeuer Kriegschronik' (the Allgau War Chronicle) was a regional publication, printed in the south of Germany. Something of a cross between a serial history and a regional newsmagazine, it presented items of interest with a slant for local inhabitants, recounting for instance the activities and general whereabouts of units composed of regional recruits. In the best German war-time tradition the magazine makes it appear that all German soldiers did while on active duty was engage in extensive reconstruction works on bridges, tunnels, roads and what not or else better themselves through social and cultural activities. The publication also printed lists of decorated and fallen soldiers, a summary of important events and official comminqués, a considerable amount of photographic material and eveny now and then the odd poem.

see also 'Allgaeuer Pioneers Build a Bunker'


left : outer coverpage
right : inner titlepage - a German sentry



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