'Album de la Grande Guerre'


a Multi-Language Magazine for Abroad and the Occupied Territories


'Album de la Grande Guerre' or in German 'Der Grosse Krieg in Bildern' was a German edited and published magazine intended for foreign countries and the occupied territories. A richly illustrated magazine containing no advertising, most photographs were of German or Austrian origin and of course stressed German views and standpoints. Very few scenes of fighting or destruction are to be found in the many photographs in this quality publication. Instead German soldiers appeared in peaceful scenes at work tending fields or repairing buildings, perhaps at ease in cantonments behind the front lines or visiting cultural monuments. Much was made of hygiene and the medical facilities of the German armed forces. The magazine was printed in many languages : German, Spanish, French, Portuguese and English among them. There were also editions for Balkan countries. Though cover pages and accompanying text varied in language, the contents was invariably the same in all versions.


German naval infantry

in German trenches



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