'Illustrierte Kriegs-Blaetter'


a Weekly German War-News Magazine

several coverpages from 1915 issues
top : German patrol in a woods near Verdun

left : German officers pose on a shattered cupola of a Liege fort
right : a German column in Russian poland

left : a German field-telephone in a forest on the Aisne
right : a ruinded village behind the German lines on the Western Front


'Illustrierte Kriegs-Blaetter' (Illustrated War pages) was a German weekly war-news magazine created especially to report on the events of the Great War. It was a small sized booklet of 24 pages with a two-tone colored front-page. The contents was mostly text articles of various lengths along with a modest amount of photographs and drawings. On the following pages are typical examples of illustrated pages.

*see also photos from 'Illustrierte Kriegs-Blaetter' on the siege of Antwerp



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