
St. Michael's Orphan Asylum and Industrial School
Hopewell Twp, E. District, Mercer County, New Jersey
Transcribed from the 1900 Federal Census

  1 Sales M ?           Sister W F               S Penn                    Sister Superior Y Y Y H
  2 Florian M           Sister W F               S Penn                    Teacher         Y Y Y
  3 Etheldrids M        Sister W F                 Penn                    Teacher         Y Y Y
  4 Sands* M            Sister W F               S Del                     Teacher         Y Y Y
  5 Clarence            Sister W F               S Penn                    Teacher         Y Y Y
  6 Venatia             Sister W F               S Mary                    Teacher         Y Y Y 
  7 Eutrophis           Sister W F               S R Isl
  8 Mercedes            Sister W F               S Del                     Teacher         Y Y Y
  9 Mirnelpha           Sister W F               S Eng                  Un Teacher         Y Y Y
 10 Honorato            Sister W F               S Ire                  Un Teacher         Y Y Y
 11 Garfatwith* Annie   Inmate W F               S Ire                  Un                 Y Y Y
 12 Susboro Lizzie      Inmate W F               S Penn                                    Y Y Y
 13 Mitchell Edward     Inmate W M June 1890  9  S N Jer 
 14 Layman* Morgan      Inmate W M Mar  1891  9  S N Jer
 15 Radus Donato        Inmate W M Aug  1889 11  S Italy                Un At School       Y Y Y
 16 Codley Thomas       Inmate W M Dec  1889 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 17 Dowers Mary         Inmate W F Nov  1889 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 18 Dowers Andrew       Inmate W M Feb  1890 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 19 Smith Frank         Inmate W M      1893  7  S N Jer
 20 McGongle* Edward    Inmate W M      1891  9  S N Jer
 21 Cobmike Joseph      Inmate W M      1891  9  S N Jer
 22 O'Neal John         Inmate W M      1891  9  S N Jer
 23 Moran Mary          Inmate W F      1891  9  S N Jer
 24 Moran Nellie        Inmate W F      1893  7  S N Jer
 25 Jenkins Charles     Inmate W M      1888 12  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 26 Scheed Ed           Inmate W F      1891  9  S N Jer
 27 Lyons Loretta       Inmate W F      1892  8  S N Jer
 28 Lyons Mary          Inmate W F      1889 11  S Penn                    At School       Y Y Y 
 29 Bates Katie         Inmate W F      1892  8  S N Jer
 30 Duffy Julia         Inmate W F      1886 14  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 31 Duffy James         Inmate W M      1889 11  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 32 Duffy Lizzie        Inmate W F      1891  9  S N Jer
 33 Duffy Mary          Inmate W F      1894  6  S N Jer
 34 Dunkly* Mary*       Inmate W F      1890 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 35 Dunkly* Earl        Inmate W M      1890 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 36 Dunkly* Agnes       Inmate W F      1895  5  S N Jer
 37 St John Edward      Inmate W M      1890 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 38 St John Richard     Inmate W M      1893  7  S N Jer
 39 St John Joseph      Inmate W M      1895  5  S N Jer
 40 Seidlies Amelia     Inmate W F      1892  8  S N Jer
 41 Sudlier Frances     Inmate W F      1893  7  S N Jer
 42 Sudlier Louis       Inmate W M      1895  5  S N Jer
 43 Ward Marietta*      Inmate W F      1892  8  S N Jer
 44 Ward Peter          Inmate W M      1890 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 45 Lydon Sarah         Inmate W F      1892  8  S N Jer
 46 Lydon Mary          Inmate W F      1895  5  S Ire                 Un
 47 Mitchel John        Inmate W M      1893  7  S N Jer
 48 O'Brian* Fer????*   Inmate W M      1893  7  S N Jer
 49 McGough Leo         Inmate W M      1893  7  S Scot                Un
 50 McMillan Fannie     Inmate W F      1893  7  S N Jer
 51 Armstrong Rosie            W F July 1892  7    N Jer
 52 Armstrong Katie            W F July 1894  5    N Jer
 53 McManus James              W M      1893  7    N Jer
 54 Narouski* Stephen          W M      1894  6    N Jer
 55 Narouski* John             W F      1895  5    N Jer
 56 Yaurenelli* Nicholas       W M      1892  8    N Jer
 57 Casimar* Michael           W M      1895  5    Hung   Hung   Hung  Un
 58 Piquett Joseph             W M      1890 10    N Jer*                   At School       Y Y Y
 59 Piquett Thomas             W M      1893  7    N Jer*
 60 Piquett Leo                W M      1895  5    N Jer
 61 Dayton John                W M      1893  7    N Jer
 62 Dayton Jessie              W F      1895  5    N Jer
 63 Sweeney Wallie*            W M      1892  8    N Jer
 64 Catchmore* Gabriel         W M      1895  5    Aus    Aus    Aus   Un
 65 McKeown Thomas             W M      1890 10    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 66 McKeown Mary               W F      1892  8    N Jer
 67 McKeown John               W M      1893  7    N Jer
 68 McKeown Edward             W M      1895  5    N Jer
 69 White Mary                 W F      1891  9    N Jer
 70 Vesopolus Eustalie         W F      1892  8    Penn
 71 Vesopolus Nicholas         W M      1895  5    Penn
 72 Barry Annie                W F      1891  9    N Jer
 73 Barry Nellie               W F      1893  7    N Jer
 74 Ost* Edmund                W M Apr* 1888 12    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 75 Ost* Florence              W F July 1889 10    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 76 Ost* Marie                 W F May* 1894  6    N Jer
 77 Ost* Natalie               W F Feb  1892  8    N Jer
 78 Cavanaugh Willie*          W M      1893  7    N Jer
 79 Harrington Denis*          W M      1889 11    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 80 Harrington Nellie          W F      1891  9    N Jer
 81 Harrington John            W M      1892  8    N Jer
 82 Farley James               W M      1889 11    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 83 Farley Lizzie              W F      1891  9    N Jer
 84 Farley Katie               W F      1892  8    N Jer
 85 Connors Willis             W M      1889 11    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 86 Connors Lily               W F      1892  8    N Jer
 87 Connors Minnie             W F      1893  7    N Jer
 88 O'Brian* Mary              W F      1893  7    N Jer
 89 O'Brian* Hannah            W F      1895  5    N Jer
 90 Logan Nellie               W F      1892  8    N Jer
 91 Murray George              W M      1889 11    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 92 Murray Elizabeth           W F      1893  7    N Jer
 93 Janetto* Louis             W M      1893  7    N Jer
 94 O'Dea Annie                W F      1892  8    N Jer
 95 Hughes Maggie              W F      1895  5    N Jer
 96 Seleringa* Ida             W F      1893  7    N Jer
 97 Seleringa* Emma            W F      1895  5    N Jer 
 98 Spellman Joseph            W M      1886 14    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
 99 Mullen Mary M              W F      1889 11    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
100 Mullen Elizabeth M         W F      1891  9    N Jer
101 Pamphilio Sister           W F               S N Jer                   Sister          Y Y Y
102 O'Brian* Owen              W M Oct  1886 13  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
103 O'Brian* Winifred          W M Jan  1891  9  S N Jer
104 O'Brian* John              W M Aug  1889 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
105 O'Brian* Thomas            W M Jan  1891  9  S N Jer
106 Sweeney Edward             W M      1893  7    N Jer
107 Kupehi* Mary               W M      1891  9  S N Jer
108 Kupehi* Amelia             W F      1893  7  S N Jer
109 Ryan John                  W M      18??*1?* S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
110 Ryan Mary                  W M      1891  9  S N Jer
111 Rayn Bernard               W M      1893  7  S N Jer
112 Scully Florence            W F      1891  9  S N Jer
113 Nuesage* Alexander         W F      1894  6  S Russia Russia Russia Un
114 Weiss Mac ???n?*           W F      1895  5  S N Jer
115 Jenkins John               W M      1891  9  S N Jer
116 Hunan* Thomas              W M      1894  6  S N Jer
117 Hunan* ?                   W M      1895  5  S N Jer
118 Conley Mary                W F      18?*  9*   N Jer
119 Conley Rose                W F      1893  7  S N Jer
120 Osier* Charles             W M July 1889 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
121 Osier* George              W M Dec  1890  9  S N Jer
122 Volz Rudolph               W M      1891  9  S Penn
123 Volz Frederick             W M      1893  7  S Penn
124 Volz ?????*                W M      1895  5  S Penn
125 White Frank                W M      1893  7  S N Jer
126 White Charles              W M      1895  5  S N Jer
127 Rogers Edward              W M      1890 10    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
128 Abbott Margaret            W F      1892  8  S N Jer
129 Griffin Peter              W M      1894  6  S N Jer
130 Griffin Fannie             W F      1895  5  S N Jer
131 Griffin Thomas             W M      1897  3  S N Jer
132 Bolger Annie               W F      1892  8  S N Jer
133 Bolger Margaret            W F      1893  7  S N Jer
134 Doyle Frederick            W M      1889* ?* S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
135 Doyle William              W M      1893  7  S N Jer
136 Doyle Harry                W M      1895  5  S N Jer
137 Garraugh Robert            W M      1892  8  S N Jer
138 Garraugh Mary              W F      1895  5  S N Jer
139 Gonder Mary                W F      1888 12  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
140 Murray Joseph              W M      1891  9  S N Jer
141 Nutt Mary                  W F      1890 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
142 Nutt Anthony               W M      1893  7    N Jer
143 Griffin Ida                W F      1891  9  S N Jer
144 Griffin Bridget            W F      1893  7  S N Jer
145 Keough Thomas              W M Mar  1892  8  S N Jer
146 Keough William             W M Jul  1894  5  S N Jer
147 Long Agnes                 W F      1884 16  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
148 Long Herbert               W M      1893  7  S N Jer
149 Long Clarence              W M      1894  6  S N Jer
150 Rosattas Helen             W F      1891  9  S Italy  Italy  Italy Un 
151 Rosattas Mary              W F      1894  6  S N Jer
152 Robinson Rachel            W F      1886 14  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
153 Robinson Herbert           W M      1890 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
154 Carilla Antonio            W M      1890 10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
155 Carilla Daniel             W M      1892  8  S N Jer
156 Carilla Michael            W M      1894  6  S N Jer
157 Callar* Andrew             W M ??*  18??*10  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
158 Callar* Marion C           W M ??*  1892  8  S N Jer
159 Zolles* John               W M J?*  1890  9  S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
160 Zolles* Lizzie             W F Dec* 189?  8  S N Jer
161 Zolles* Henry              W M ??*  ??*   3*   N Jer
162 Zolles* Mary               W M ??*  1895  5  S N Jer
163 Ferguson James*            W M ??*  188? 12    N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
164 Ferguson Loretta           W F ??*  ??*   7    N Jer
165 Ferguson Ma?*              W F ??*  ??*   ?*   N Jer
166 Ferguson ?ohn*             W M ??*  ??*   6    N Jer
167 Ferguson Thomas            ? M ???* ???*  5*   N Jer
168 Connor ????* K*            W F Aug* ??*  12    ?   ?                   At School       Y Y Y
169 Connor ?*                  W F ???* ??*   9*   ?   ?
170 Kelley Mary                W F ???* ??*   6*   N Jer
171 Kelley John*               W   Jan* 1895* 5* S N Jer
172 Hayfield John              W M J??* ???? 11  S Penn                    At School       Y Y Y
173 Caherty John               W M ?    ???9 11* S N Jer                   At School       Y Y Y
174 Noble James P              W M ?    1896* 4    N Jer
175 Noble John                 W M ?    ?     7    Penn
176 Harrington Martin          W M ?    ?     6*   N Jer
177 Harrington Joseph          W M      18?*  ?*   N Jer 
178 Carberry Thomas            W M      18?3  ?*   Ire     Ire     Ire Un

** Transcriber's Notes **

Please Note: The names of the persons listed in this census for this institution were for the most part, quite readable despite lightness and fading of the handwriting. The supplied birth months (many birth months were left blank in the original census), birth years, and ages, were very difficult to read due to lightness and fading; please exercise caution and be aware that this information was very hard to read/interpret. What marks have remained as "visible" may possibly take on a much different look than what was originally intended by the Enumerator.

Columns above represent name, relation, color, gender, birth month, birth year, age, marital status, birth place, father's birth place, mother's birth place, year of immigration, occupation, can read, can write, can speak English, home or farm.

Columns omitted are years married, number of children, number of living children, years in United States, naturalization, months unemployed, months at school, home owned or rented, home owned free or mortgaged, number of farm schedule, as all entries were left blank in the original census.

Transcriber used the abbreviations Penn for Pennsylvania, Del for Delaware, Mary for Maryland, Hung for Hungary, Aus for Austria, N Jer for New Jersey, Scot for Scotland, R Isl for Rhode Island, Eng for England, Ire for Ireland, Un for Unknown, and Y for yes.

No address given in census for this institution.
This census was taken June 23, 1900 by Isaac Horn, Enumerator.

  1  Unable to read balance of first name
  4  Might be Lands....
 11  Might be Garfat?dh; hard to read.
 14  Might be Lapman, Lagman
 20  Last letter or two of surname hard to read; might be "h" - McGough.
 34-36  Surname might be Dunphy.  First name for #34 might be May.
 43  First name might be Mariella
 48  Surname might be O'Brine, O'Brien.  First name is hard
     to read; looks like "Ferrmci" or "Ferrenci"; might be Ferrence ....
 54-55  Surname might be Naronski, Naronske
 56  Surname looks like "Yaurenelli", "Yaurenelle", or "Yaurevelle",
 57  Might be Caismar, possibly Caisman; second through fourth letters were 
     not clearly written.  
 58-59  Something else is written in addition to "New Jersey" with the 
        entries for "Birth place of this person" for these two persons.  On 
        line 58, it looks like "Dunelin" and is crossed out with single line; 
        "New Jersey" is written in above it.  For line 59, the word looks 
        like "Dunalan", is not crossed out, and has "New Jersey" written in 
        above it.  Very hard to decipher; first letters could be "Inn...", in
        both instances.
 63  First name is hard to read; might be Wallie
 64  Surname looks like "Catchanore" or "Catchmore"
 74-77  Might be Ort.  Birth month for #74 *might* be April; birth month
        for #76 *might* be May.  See "Please Note" above.
 78  Looks like Willie
 79  First name hard to read; looks like "Deir's"; might be Denis, Devis, 
 88-89  Surname might be O'Brine, O'Brien
 93  Surname might be Janetta, Janettie, Jenettie, Jenetta....
 96-97  Surname might be Selerenza
102-05  Surname might be O'Brine, O'Brien.
107-08  Surname might be Kupeki, Kupeke
109  Birth year and age for this person are very hard to read. Birth year 
     looks like "189?" or "188?"; age looks like "15", possibly "13" or "10".
     The handwriting is this area of the census is very light/faded. See 
     "Please Note" above. 
113  Surname is hard to decipher; might be Musage, Neusage Meisage ....
114  First name is hard to read; looks like "Mac ?ahn" or "Mag Rahn" .... 
     might be "Magdalen"
116-17  Surname looks like "Hanan" or "Hunan"; *might* be Hussan
        or Hassan, Harran, or Hurran ....  First name for #117 is
        very light but sort of looks like "Walter", perhaps Wallie
        or Wallis...
118  Birth year is illegible for this person; age looks like 9. See "Please 
     Note" above.  
120-21  Surname might be Ories, Ovier, Ovies...
124  First name for this person is hard to read; might be David.
134  Birth year and age are hard to read; birth year looks like either 1899 
     or 1889, age looks like 4, possibly 11 (with a line through it).  See 
     "Please Note" above.
157-58  Surname might be Callas.  Birth month for #157 is illegible, might
        be "Spt", possibly "Apr" but can't say for certain; birth year looks
        more like 1889 but could be 1890.  First name for #158 might be Marvin.
        Birth month for #158 *might* be Mch; age is 8, birth year is illegible.
        See "Please Note" above.
159-62  Surname might be Zoller. Birth month for #159 *might* be June.  Birth
        month and year for #160 are illegible; age is 8.  Birth month is
        illegible for #161; birth year for this person *might* end in "5"; age
        for this person looks like "3".  Birth month for #162 is extremely
        light but *might* be Dec; birth year *might* end with "4"; age looks
        like "5" (but may not be 5).  Ages and birth date information for
        these persons fall in a very light/faded section of the census.
        See "Please Note" above.
163  First name is hard to read; might be James.  Birth month, year are
     extremely light/faded; birth month *might* be Apr, year looks like it
     *might* be 1888, but may not be.  See "Please Note" above.
164  Birth month *might* be July; extremely light/faded. Birth year is
     illegible, age looks like 7. See "Please Note" above.
165  First name is hard to read; might be May or Mary.  Birth month for this
     person *might* be Apr; birth year is illegible, age looks like 4.
     See "Please Note" above.
166  First name is hard to read; could be John, possibly "Robt" - the first 
     letter looks more like "R" but the remaining letters look more like 
     "ohn".  The name is very light/faded, as are birth month, year, age
     for this person.  Birth month seems to start with "Au" but, due to fading,
     might be Ju (July); birth year is illegible, age looks like 6. See 
     "Please Note" above. 
167  Birth month *might* be April; birth year *might* be 1895; age looks
     like 5.  See "Please Note" above.
168  First name is hard to read; might be "John K", possibly "John H."  Birth
     month looks like "Aug" but can't say for certain.  Birth year is
     illegible and age looks like 12.  Birth place for this person is illegible.
     See "Please Note" above.
169  First name is illegible; looks like a rather long name,
     however and might contain both first and middle names for this person.
     The handwriting is very light/faded; sort of looks like "Caroline Anne", 
     but this is just a guess and only a guess.  Birth month *might* 
     be March.  Please be aware that the handwriting is very faded in this 
     area of the original census. Birth year is illegible and age looks like 
     it *might* be 9.  See "Please Note" above.
170  Birth month and year are illegible. See "Please Note" above.
171  First name is hard to read; *might* be John.  Birth month *might* be Jan; 
     "best read" for this transcription for birth year and age is 1895, 5, 
     respectively.  The handwriting in this part of the census is very light/
     faded. See "Please Note" above.
172  Birth month for this person *might* be June; birth year is illegible,
     birth year is illegible; age looks like 11.  Handwriting in this area
     of the document is very light/faded.  See "Please Note" above.
173  Birth month is illegible; birth year is illegible except for a prominent
     "9" that seems to fall at the end; age looks like 11, might be 14. See 
     "Please Note" above.
174  Birth month is illegible; birth year and age look like 1896, 4, respectively.
     The handwriting in this area of the original census is very light/faded.
175  Birth month and year are illegible; age looks like 7, might be 8.  The
     handwriting in this area of the original census is very light/faded.
     See "Please Note" above.
176  Birth year is illegible; age looks like 4, might be 6. See "Please Note" above.
177  Birth year is illegible; age *might* be 5, 8 ....  See "Please Note" above. 
178  Birth year looks like 1853, possibly 1883; age looks like 4? - the handwriting
     in this area of the census is very light/faded.  See "Please Note" above.

1900 US Federal Census, New Jersey
Mercer County, Hopewell Township, E. Dist.
SD 168, ED 49, Sheets 14A-15B
Img Ref#: 809-12/Roll: T623 981.

This list was Transcribed by
Lynn Beatty, 28 November 2001
for The Orphans' Home Website
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St. Michael's Orphan Asylum and Industrial School