1951 rocker
1951 Lodge Rocker
1965 oval patch
1965 45th Anniversary
1971 arrowhead patch
1971 Jenny Jump patch
1953 rocker
Sanhican 1953 Lodge Rocker
1987 patch
Sanhican 1987 Patch
Sanhican 1987 neckerchief
Sanhican 1987 neckerchief

Patches 1951-1987
Sanhican Lodge #2

The neckerchief is shown as 1987 because the sewn on patch is listed as 1987. It is not clear if this is a lodge provided neckerchief or something some Scout put together. The OA Blue Book lists the patch, but does not list the neckerchief. Please contact us if you can confirm the neckerchief.

Lodge Issues Row 1, Columns 1,2,3,4
neckerchief courtesy Doug Walker
Issue Bdr R/C Bkg Name fdl/BSA Year
X1a BLK C RED BLK none 1951
X1b BLK C RED BLK none 1953
X2 RED R BLU YEL none 1965
X3 RED 1994
A1 RED C M/C RED none 1971

X1a: 5 mm WWW; segment arc; twill
X1b: 7 mm WWW; segment arc; twill
X2:  1920-1965; oval; twill;1965; 45th ANN
A1:  Pilgrimage
P1:  SS; small QC; 78x110 mm; PB