On June 2, Doug Kiovsky and I visited Camp Dill at the invitation of the President of the Camp Dill Foundation. Several leaders were running a log-splitter as part of clearing some fallen trees and accumulating wood for great camp fires. Several young scouts were around to help and to clean up later.
The camp is an impressive example of how to create something of value from some very inhospitable land. At first, you might think that it would be impossible to establish a camp site here, but the scouts of Troop 91 have constructed a beautiful cabin, carved out tent sites and created several platforms for tables and other uses. The cabin was built by the scouts and their leaders, by hand, using stone from the local area. The camp features the cleanest, best illuminated latine that I have ever seen.
While the camp is owned privately by the Camp Dill Foundation and the staff is composed of members of the Foundation and other volunteers, the camp is always available for use by scouts, as part of the Troop 91 camp program. Activities at the camp are co-ordinated with the Scout Council by providing Tour Permits for all visits.
Doug and I spent most of the morning speaking with the leaders and scouts, learning about all what the camp has to offer scouts. This was a very nice visit.
Rev: Jun 10, 2004
Camp Dill
History of Troop 91
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