Thomas Pinckney to Gen. Gates

Camden, August. 18, 1780.


I avail myself of the opportunity of a Flag of Truce to request the Favor of you to send me my Servant, horse and Cloaths, if they are in your Possession. My Wound was dressed at Head Quarters, on the Day of the Action, where I received every Mark of kindness and Attention. I am likewise under great obligation to the officers in General & the Gentlemen of the Faculty for their Civility and Care of me.

My wound is, as nearly as I recollect, in the same part of the Leg in which Genl Lincoln receivd his; & tho' the bone is entirely shattered, I have hopes of retaining my Leg. My best wishes and respects attend you, Sir, the Gentlemen of the Family and army in General & I remain, with sentiments of perfect Esteem

Dear sir,
Your very affectionate, humble servant,

(Written on side of letter.) A Private Soldier rode my horse when I was put into a waggon

Source: Clark, Walter, ed., "The State Records of North Carolina," 26 vols., (Goldsboro, North Carolina: Nash Brothers, 1886-1907), 14: 560. Transcribed & submitted by Marg Baskin. Superscripts restored to conform to handwriting usage of the period.