Order from Francis Marion implementing general exchange of prisoners, 22 June 1781

From Gibbes Documentary History of the American Revolution, Vol. 3, p.122

Whereas in pursuance of adequate powers respectively delegated to us to carry into execution, articles of a cartel made on the 3d day of May in the present year, between Captain Cornwallis, on the part of Lieut. Genl Earl Cornwallis and Lieut. Col. Carrington, on the part of Major Genl Greene, for the exchange and relief of prisoners of war, taken in the Southern department: We, the underwritten, have mutually agreed, that all the militia, prisoners of war, citizens of America, taken by the British arms in the Southern department from the first commencement of this present war, to the 15th day of this present month of June, shall be immediately exchanged for all the militia, prisoners of war, subjects of Great Britain, taken by the American arms in the said department, within the above mentioned term. Now public notice is hereby given, that all the above mentioned British and American prisoners, wheresoever they may at present be, are hereby declared to be fully, absolutely, reciprocally exchanged; and such of them as are on parole within the lines of their respective parties, are hereby declared to be released therefrom; and such as are within the towns, garrisons, camps, posts or lines of the powers who captured them, shall be immediately liberated and permitted to pass without restriction to the party to whom they belong.

EDMUND M. HYRNE, Dep. Comy Genl prisoners.
JAMES FRAZER, Commissary prisoners.

June 22, 1781.

Orders by Gen. Marion

All persons on parole to the Americans, are ordered within the British lines agreeably to the above.

F. MARION, Brig. General.

July 28, 1781