The source for the striped trousers is Ward and an illustration in
the Military Collector and Historian Plate Series. I have spoken at some
length with Marko Zlatich and he told me that they could not find anything on the trousers either.
The reference seems to be that NC outfitted the Delawares (sp.
Kirkwood's men) when they became part of the light infantry and went off
with Smallwood to New Providence. If so, why didn't the MD and VA companies
also get striped trousers? Well, one reason is that they were not available
and I've seen most of that material. The second is that a resupply of
clothing was coming - this from Maryland but it was issued to the MD/Del
Division troops in late Oct/early Nov. I got the number of items issued to
each company from the Otho Holland Williams Orderly Book and put the colors
together from a variety of other sources, including Hessian and Virginia
militia references.
It appears that the Delaware troops went to great lengths to keep
their yellow hat tape. In Nov 1781, they were issued a new uniform that, as I
recall was blue with yellow facings. The MDrs got Blue w/red and Red w/blue
(In vol IX which is off my shelf right now.
The stripes on modern mattress ticking a very different from those
in the past. I've got some repop British ticking that is twilled and
browning greenish. That's from the 1830's though.