[Following submitted by Walter Barron via Charles Baxley. Transcribed by John Robertson from typewritten copy of an earlier transcription by unknown person.]
State of Virginia On the 20th day of August 1833 personally appeared before the County Court of Thomas now sitting John Boon a resident in said county of Thomas & state of Virginia aged 78 years of age who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provisions made by the Act of Congress passed January 14 1832 that he enlisted in the army of the United States in the year 1777(8) under Capt Spangler in the County of York and State of Pennsylvania for five years. the names of his other officers and the regiment to which he belonged he has forgotten but knows that he served upwards of two years. And then was marched under the Command of Gen. Gates in company with the Maryland & Delaware troop to Hillsborough in North Carolina & from that place they proceeded to join the troops under the Command of Baron De Kalb. He well recollects that the army suffered much fatigue and hardship marching towards where the enemy were encamped as they had to cut a road for many miles from the Santee [Wateree?] river towards Camden which was afterwards called Gates' folly-- the Army whilst on its march towards Campden at night encountered a party of the British. And halted-- the next morning the two armies met & fought but the enemy prevailed & Gen. Gates & his army were defeated & disperced. He was in this battle and was among the last to retreat-- He saved himself from the pursuing enemy by fleeing through an unknown Country as well as his fatigue & previous hardships would allow at length he arrived at the Washington Iron Works in Henry County Va. where he remained some years & then came to the County of Thomas which was then Greenbriar, where he has resided ever since that time and does now reside-- After this dreadful defeat the Officers and soldiers with whom he had served had all fled in different directions and he knew not where to find them so as to get a discharge-- Consequently he did not get a discharge. He served from the commencement of his service or enlistment until this defeat the full term of three years. This battle took place as well as he now recollects in the month of August 1780. He was born in York County Pennsylvania within about 8 miles of the town of York-- but in what year he does not recollect but this he knows that he was eighteen or nineteen years old when he went with his Uncle Daniel Boon to Kentucky, and he knows that he returned the next year to York which was 1774-- He relinquishes every claim to a pension or an annuity whatever except the present and he declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any State.
Following additional extracted from Monroe County, West Virginia - Revoluntionary War Pension Claim of John BOON - 1832 transcribed by
Donna Tivener, dtivener
If you can give permission for our use of the text of the longer source, or
if you have a complete copy of this pension, please Let us know.