UK - 426
AIF - 67
CEF - 16
The village of Zillebeke, and most of the surrounding area, was in British hands during the greater part of the First World War; but the number of cemeteries in the neighbourhood bears witness to the fierce fighting of which it was the scene, even under conditions of trench warfare, from 1914 to 1918. The Ypres-Comines canal (now disused) ran South-East from Ypres between Zillebeke and Voormezeele; and about 11 miles South-West of Zillebeke village, where it approaches the old front line, its bed lies between banks of spoil thrown up when it was made. Near the North side of it is "Chester Farm", and near the farm are Chester Farm and Spoilbank Cemeteries, the latter of which was sometimes called Chester Farm Lower Cemetery or Gordon Terrace Cemetery. Spoilbank Cemetery was begun in February 1915, and used by troops holding this sector until March, 1918. It is particularly associated with the casualties of the 2nd Suffolks on "The Bluff" early in 1916. It was enlarged after the war by the concentration of 116 graves from the battlefields of Ypres. It now contains the graves of 426 soldiers from the United Kingdom, 67 from Australia and 16 from Canada. The unnamed graves number 125 and special memorials are erected to ten soldiers from the United Kingdom and one from Australia, known or believed to be buried among them. The cemetery covers an area of 4,975 square yards. It is enclosed by a curb and a thorn hedge, and both Ypres and Kemmel Hill can be seen from the site.
Spoilbank Cemetery is located 4.5 Km south east of Ieper town centre, on the Vaartstraat a road leading from the Komenseweg connecting Ieper to Komen (N336). From Ieper town centre the Komenseweg is located via the Rijselsestraat, through the Rijselpoort (Lille Gate) and crossing the Ieper ring road, towards Armentieres and Lille. The road name then changes to Rijselseweg. 1 Km along the Rijselseweg lies the left hand turning onto Komenseweg. 2.3 Km along the Komenseweg lies the right hand turning onto Vaartstraat. The cemetery is located 1.6 Km along the Vaartstraat on the right hand side of the road.GRAVES OF INTEREST
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Lieutenant Colonel S.S.Binney DSO (I-M-4) 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
- Killed 3rd March 1916, age 44.
- A regular soldier, and veteran of the Boer War - served with 19th Hussars.
- Was killed in his HQ dugout with his second in command and adjutant (buried next to him) after only a few weeks in command.
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Brothers buried side-by-side: |
- Second Kieutenant G.Keating (I-H-3)
- Lieutenant J. Keating (I-H-4)
- Both 1st Battalion Cheshire Regiment, killed 17th February 1915.