Quarry Cemetery, Vermelles


Vermelles is a village north of the N43 road between Bethune and Lens, and about 9 kilometres from either town. From the church in Vermelles head north-east and where the road turns sharp right continue straight on in the direction of Auchy-les-Mines. The cemetery is found at the end of the gravel track on the right hand side of the road, 1 kilometre from the church. Note: The cemetery is not visible from the main road as it is below ground level, lying in a chalk pit 3 metres below the ground level.


Quarry Cemetery was used from July, 1915 to June, 1916, and (for two burials) in August, 1917. Its existence is due chiefly to the fighting at Fosse 8 and at the Hohenzollern Redoubt, and it contains many graves of the dismounted Cavalry who occupied this sector in 1915-16. The cemetery, was severely damaged by shell fire. There are now over 100, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, 10 are unidentified and many of the graves, identified as a whole but not individually, are marked by headstones bearing the additional words "Buried near this spot". The cemetery covers an area of 2,061 square metres.


ŠPaul Reed 2005

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