Lone Tree, Loos Battlefield

The Lone Tree 2004

The Lone Tree was marked on every trench map of the Loos battlefield. It sat in No Man's Land on the front of 1st Division on 25th September 1915, and the 2nd King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1st Loyal North Lancs and 10th Gloucestershire Regiment both attacked close to it. The 2nd Royal Sussex Regiment and London Scottish came in the later waves and also fought here that day. The original tree was cut down after the battle, many veterans taking sections of it away as souvenirs. After the war it was never replaced, and it was no until 1995 that a new tree was planted on the site by members of the Western Front Association and a small memorial erected. There is an article about it on their website here.

Map of the Loos Battlefield showing the location of Lone Tree

A service of remembrance, commemorating the Battle of Loos, is held here every 25th September. All are invited.

To find the memorial come off the D39 Vermelles-Hulluch road at a small wayside shrine, and follow it woards a farm (Le Rutoire Farm). Just after coming off the D39 there is a farm track going off across the fields to your left. If you have a vehicle capable of driving up here use the track; otherwise walk. The walk will take you to Lone Tree - it is about 1 mile from the road.

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Memorial at Lone Tree

ŠPaul Reed 2005

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