UK - 116


Esnes witnessed fighting in the Battle of Le Cateau (26th August 1914), and was captured by the New Zealand Division on 8th October 1918. The Communal Cemetery is North-East of the village on the road to Longsart. In the corner, left of the entrance, are five graves; one (marked also by a French memorial - see below) contains the bodies of 112 soldiers of the 4th Division who fell in August 1914, and in the others are buried four other United Kingdom soldiers who died later in the War. Of the 116, 62 are unidentified. A special memorial records the name of another soldier who fell in the Battle of Le Cateau and is buried in the cemetery, but whose grave cannot now be traced. 


Esnes is a village in the Department of the Nord, 8 kilometres south-east of Cambrai. The Cemetery is north-east of the village on the road to Longsart.

French Memorial to the fighting at Esnes - 26th August 1914 (click image below)


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