To Joseph Willard Paris, March 24, 1789
SIR, -- I have been lately honored with your letter of
September the 24th, 1788, accompanied by a diploma for a Doctorate of
Laws, which the University of Harvard has been pleased to confer on
me. Conscious how little I merit it, I am the more sensible of their
goodness and indulgence to a stranger, who has had no means of
serving or making himself known to them. I beg you to return them my
grateful thanks, and to assure them that this notice from so eminent
a seat of science, is very precious to me.
The most remarkable publications we have had in France, for a
year or two past, are the following. `Les voyages d'Anacharsis par
l'Abbe Barthelemi,' seven volumes, octavo. This is a very elegant
digest of whatever is known of the Greeks; useless, indeed, to him
who has read the original authors, but very proper for one who reads
modern languages only. The works of the King of Prussia. The Berlin
edition is in sixteen volumes, octavo. It is said to have been
gutted at Berlin; and here it has been still more mangled. There are
one or two other editions published abroad, which pretend to have
rectified the maltreatment both of Berlin and Paris. Some time will
be necessary to settle the public mind, as to the best edition.
Montignot has given us the original Greek, and a French
translation of the seventh book of Potolemy's great work, under the
title of `Etat des etoiles fixes au second siecle,' in quarto. He
has given the designation of the same stars by Flamstead and Beyer,
and their position in the year 1786. A very remarkable work is the
`Mechanique Analytique,' of Le Grange, in quarto. He is allowed to
be the greatest mathematician now living, and his personal worth is
equal to his science. The object of his work is to reduce all the
principles of mechanics to the single one of the equilibrium, and to
give a simple formula applicable to them all. The subject is treated
in the algebraic method, without diagrams to assist the conception.
My present occupations not permitting me to read any thing which
requires a long and undisturbed attention, I am not able to give you
the character of this work from my own examination. It has been
received with great approbation in Europe. In Italy, the works of
Spallanzani on digestion and generation, are valuable. Though,
perhaps, too minute, and therefore tedious, he has developed some
useful truths, and his book is well worth attention; it is in four
volumes, octavo. Clavigaro, an Italian also, who has resided
thirty-six years in Mexico, has given us a history of that country,
which certainly merits more respect than any other work on the same
subject. He corrects many errors of Dr. Robertson; and though sound
philosophy will disapprove many of his ideas, we must still consider
it as an useful work, and assuredly the best we possess on the same
subject. It is in four thin volumes, small quarto. De la Land has
not yet published a fifth volume.
The chemical dispute about the conversion and reconversion of
air and water, continues still undecided. Arguments and authorities
are so balanced, that we may still safely believe, as our fathers did
before us, that these principles are distinct. A schism of another
kind, has taken place among the chemists. A particular set of them
here, have undertaken to remodel all the terms of the science, and to
give to every substance a new name, the composition, and especially
the termination of which, shall define the relation in which it
stands to other substances of the same family. But the science seems
too much in its infancy as yet, for this reformation; because, in
fact, the reformation of this year must be reformed again the next
year, and so on, changing the names of substances as often as new
experiments develope properties in them undiscovered before. The new
nomenclature has, accordingly, been already proved to need numerous
and important reformations. Probably it will not prevail. It is
espoused by the minority only here, and by very few, indeed, of the
foreign chemists. It is particularly rejected in England.
In the arts, I think two of our countrymen have presented the
most important inventions. Mr. Paine, the author of Common Sense,
has invented an iron bridge, which promises to be cheaper by a great
deal than stone, and to admit of a much greater arch. He supposes it
may be ventured for an arch of five hundred feet. He has obtained a
patent for it in England, and is now executing the first experiment
with an arch of between ninety and one hundred feet. Mr. Rumsey has
also obtained a patent for his navigation by the force of steam, in
England, and is soliciting a similar one here. His principal merit
is in the improvement of the boiler, and, instead of the complicated
machinery of oars and paddles, proposed by others, the substitution
of so simple a thing as the reaction of a stream of water on his
vessel. He is building a sea vessel at this time in England, and she
will be ready for an experiment in May. He has suggested a great
number of mechanical improvements in a variety of branches; and upon
the whole, is the most original and the greatest mechanical genius I
have ever seen. The return of la Peyrouse (whenever that shall
happen) will probably add to our knowledge in Geography, Botany and
Natural History. What a field have we at our doors to signalise
ourselves in! The Botany of America is far from being exhausted, its
Mineralogy is untouched, and its Natural History or Zoology, totally
mistaken and misrepresented. As far as I have seen, there is not one
single species of terrestrial birds common to Europe and America, and
I question if there be a single species of quadrupeds. (Domestic
animals are to be excepted.) It is for such institutions as that over
which you preside so worthily, Sir, to do justice to our country, its
productions and its genius. It is the work to which the young men,
whom you are forming, should lay their hands. We have spent the
prime of our lives in procuring them the precious blessing of
liberty. Let them spend theirs in shewing that it is the great
parent of science and of virtue; and that a nation will be great in both, always in proportion as it is free. Nobody wishes more warmly
for the success of your good exhortations on this subject, than he
who has the honor to be, with sentiments of great esteem and respect,
Sir, your most obedient humble servant,