The idea seems to gain credit that the naval powers combined
against France will prohibit supplies even of provisions to that
country. Should this be formally notified I should suppose Congress
would be called, because it is a justifiable cause of war, & as the
Executive cannot decide the question of war on the affirmative side,
neither ought it to do so on the negative side, by preventing the
competent body from deliberating on the question. But I should hope
that war would not be their choice. I think it will furnish us a
happy opportunity of setting another example to the world, by shewing
that nations may be brought to do justice by appeals to their
interests as well as by appeals to arms. I should hope that Congress
instead of a denunciation of war, would instantly exclude from our
ports all the manufactures, produce, vessels & subjects of the
nations committing this aggression, during the continuance of the
aggression & till full satisfaction made for it. This would work
well in many ways, safely in all, & introduce between nations another
umpire than arms. It would relieve us too from the risks & the
horrors of cutting throats. The death of the king of France has not
produced as open condemnations from the Monocrats as I expected. I
dined the other day in a company where the subject was discussed. I
will name the company in the order in which they manifested their
partialities; beginning with the warmest Jacobinism & proceeding by
shades to the most heart felt aristocracy. Smith (N.Y.) Coxe.
Stewart. T. Shippen. Bingham. Peters. Breck. Meredith. Wolcott. It
is certain that the ladies of this city, of the first circle are all
open-mouthed against the murderers of a sovereign, and they generally
speak those sentiments which the more cautious husband smothers. I
believe it is pretty certain that Smith (S.C.) and Miss A. are not to
come together. Ternant has at length openly hoisted the flag of
monarchy by going into deep mourning for his prince. I suspect he
thinks a cessation of his visits to me a necessary accompaniment to
this pious duty. A connection between him & Hamilton seems to be
springing up. On observing that Duer was secretary to the old board
of treasury, I suspect him to have been the person who suggested to
Hamilton the letter of mine to that board which he so tortured in his
Catullus. Dunlap has refused to print the piece which we had heard
of before your departure, and it has been several days in Bache's
hands, without any notice of it. The President will leave this about
the 27th inst., & return about the 20th of April.