FRtR > Outlines > American Literature > Modernism and Experimentation > 1914-1945: Prose writing 1914 - 1945: American realism

An Outline of American Literature

by Kathryn VanSpanckeren

Modernism and Experimentation: 1914-1945: Prose writing 1914 - 1945: American realism

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Although American prose between the wars experimented with viewpoint and form, Americans wrote more realistically, on the whole, than did Europeans. Novelist Ernest Hemingway wrote of war, hunting, and other masculine pursuits in a stripped, plain style; William Faulkner set his powerful southern novels spanning generations and cultures firmly in Mississippi heat and dust; and Sinclair Lewis delineated bourgeois lives with ironic clarity.

The importance of facing reality became a dominant theme in the 1920s and 1930s: Writers such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and the playwright Eugene O'Neill repeatedly portrayed the tragedy awaiting those who live in flimsy dreams.

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