FRtR > Information > Guestbook > Guestbook (2000-2001)
Guestbook (2000-2001)
Chica,Cat ([email protected]). 01-12-31 08:01
This site is great it gives you a quick and simple run down of what you need to know.
ng,alexander ([email protected]). 01-12-25 02:11
Griffy,Katie ([email protected]). 01-12-19 22:56
I love this site! I helps me a lot with my homework! Please e-mail me new stuff about it.
Olson,Matt ([email protected]). 01-12-18 18:05
This has got to be the best sit ive ever looked at
Romine,Whitney ([email protected]). 01-12-18 04:49
I went on a bus tour last year and we ended up stopping to see the Monticello. I had a great time learning alot of intresting things about Thomas Jefferson and the way he lived. I thought that since I'm only 14 that I wouldn't like it and I thought it would be boring, but to my surprise I actually had fun! I was amazed! I never thought I could learn so much just by going to what I thought would be just some dead presidents house but it wasn't just some dead presidents house it somehow seemed to have it's own atmosphere to me. I don't really know how to explain it but WOW! I hope everyone gets to go there atleast once in their life! And I'll probably be back soon! Keep the house looking as great as it does now! Bye!
Simokonis,Joe ([email protected]). 01-12-17 19:42
I would like to know who was the secretary of treasury when Jackson, deployed all of the funds from the Bank, if you could please email me at: [email protected], with the answer it would be much appreciated, thank you.
Posey,Teresa ([email protected]). 01-12-16 04:27
Being a history teacher I appreciate the avaliability of the historical documents and biographies. These will aide me in my teaching and allow my students to heart from the individuals themselves what they had to say.
dielemans,edwin en inge ([email protected]). 01-12-14 15:32
Whe want to emigrate to the state's kan you help us with this
Handerson,Pamela ([email protected]). 01-12-13 20:46
This web sight is great! It really turns me on!
elliott & tilley,jessica elliott ([email protected]). 01-12-13 19:56
i think this is a very good wed site but make one for kids so they can do prjects thank you
Oliver,Chris (N/[email protected]). 01-12-11 21:29
I want a bj!!!!
walkers,ashley ([email protected]). 01-12-11 00:50
I thought that it was very intersting and amazing on how they treates hom after all that hard work and effort he put in to try to help win the war.
walton,ian ([email protected]). 01-12-10 05:39
this is a question. is it possible that you guys get more info on the battle of concord,nh during the revolution ary war. Because that isnt very much info, and i need more. But the rest of the info was awsome and im glad there are places for us to get this kind of info
Moran,Ashley ([email protected]). 01-12-08 19:34
This website is incredibly useful and I recommend it to everyone! I recieved a whole lot of info on my character!
Teel,Ray ([email protected]). 01-12-08 14:47
I've just located your site through a search of the internet for information concerning Geronimo. Who is the author of Geronimo's supposed life story? How did the author come by this information?
Burris,Ray ([email protected]). 01-12-08 03:28
I have been researching the John Burris B. 1738 Va. for about 14 yrs now . Welcome all input concerning t
Howser,Clare ([email protected]). 01-12-08 01:36
Our family name is DuBois and someone in our family married a "Nichols" who we believe married one of the Shermans.
Hutchinson,Daphnee ([email protected]). 01-12-07 05:53
This website is extremely useful.
Clark,David ([email protected]). 01-12-07 02:20
I am a student at Coon Rapids High School and this web site has helped me a great deal in my studying of Andrew jackson as well as other presidents. I think that this is one of the best web sites for students ever created!
Lezama,Jimena ([email protected]). 01-12-06 00:23
I need info. about the settlers of the 13 colonies.
casias,faith ([email protected]). 01-12-05 18:30
nice website
Sapp,Janice ([email protected]). 01-12-05 15:03
I teach ESOL History and English. My courses are content based, and I am always looking for well-written texts about American and Texas History. Thank you for allowing my 25 students the opportunity to read this info. We are writing in our travel journals. The students are merchants traveling in one of the 13 colonies and must do research about their chosen colony. Janice Mancinelli Sapp at Plano Independent School District, Plano, Texas
Lilleskov,Amber ([email protected]). 01-12-05 02:57
i think that this information is very intersting
Vezina,Kim ([email protected]). 01-12-04 19:51
Hey man! This web site rocks. It did my homework 4 me. Thanks alot! There is lots of information onn the boston tea party!
Adams,Ryan ([email protected]). 01-12-04 15:50
This website was great for a school project on the Menroe Doctorine. Thanks, Ryan Adams Akron,Ohio
Kosman,Megan ([email protected]). 01-12-04 02:55
I read your article on the great depression I found it to be extremely helpful it helped alot becasue I had to write a project about the great depression for english class
I,DAVID ([email protected]). 01-12-03 23:08
this site has some very good infornation. i have to do a report on WAS THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION REVOLUTIONARY? now i have found the PRO side for this question but i cant find the CON side
Freeze,Ronald ([email protected]). 01-12-03 00:27
I just wanted to say that I like the cite! I am doing a paper on Calhoun for my Politcal Science class, the cite looks good and it's easily navigatable. thanx ron
Bloom,Jules ([email protected]). 01-12-02 01:02
peugnet,marline ([email protected]). 01-12-01 03:53
u need more info on presidents
BINKY,CHRISTOHER ([email protected]). 01-11-30 15:15
Erwin,Roderick ([email protected]). 01-11-28 17:23
I have found this site to extremely useful to me. It has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and information.
Malone,Joyce ([email protected]). 01-11-27 21:38
I still like the former president and do not care what he does in his private life. He didn't do anything harmful to the United States, if fact he did quit a bit for our country.
Lester,,Cecelia ([email protected]). 01-11-27 21:13
I am doing some research on the 1950's. I am specifically trying to find out the price of gasoline. I am writing a colection of stories that takes place about 1953.
sorsdahl,jackie ([email protected]). 01-11-26 22:26
horn,katherine ([email protected]). 01-11-26 02:53
your site is very informative,it has saved me a lot of time consuming searches. thanks , graet labor of love i'm sure
Lucy,Star ([email protected]). 01-11-24 19:39
I'm doing a research project on welfare and I thought FDR would be a good place to start!
Transylvania University American History Class,Pioneers ([email protected]). 01-11-21 19:58
We love Melissa McEuen (our teacher) and her assignment that made it possible for us to research your spectacular website.
Green,P. ([email protected]). 01-11-21 07:03
Thank you for the very enjoyable narrative autobiography of Geronimo. It brought his spirit alive and touched my heart with his retrospective as an old man.
KuTeNeSs Xo,Mary ([email protected]). 01-11-20 21:50
Hey! Your site is good and all but there wasn't any help... I needed info. about thomas jefferson and about the declaration of indepenedance for my D.A.R.! I need it ASAP for tomorrow.. anyone? E-Mail me if u get this TODAY! geesh! bye!
Ayers,Gab ([email protected]). 01-11-20 20:11
Most of these people in here (guestbook) r retared
Bokosi,Tapi ([email protected]). 01-11-20 01:58
I like your site...I have an assignment to do a biography on all 43 presidents and this helped me a lot but I wish you could put like a big picture thing of all of the presidents...that would really be nice.
Noel,Florence ([email protected]). 01-11-19 21:40
I think that you should be aware of the fact that you spelled Fredrick Douglas incorrectly. His last name (or family name) does not have two "s", it only has one.
harper,amy ([email protected]). 01-11-19 17:03
this was a wonderful help
Saldisavo,Tamara ([email protected]). 01-11-19 15:52
I would like to see more information on the poets
Seblani,Maggie ([email protected]). 01-11-19 03:50
I can not tell you how much your site has helped me in my AP American history class. You guys are awesome. Keep it up!
Alcantara,Michelle ([email protected]). 01-11-16 15:12
I feel that this web site is a wonderful resource
mark,kerr ([email protected]). 01-11-15 16:38
i love your web site. please keep up the good work. mark kerr.
Sweeney,Michael J. ([email protected]). 01-11-14 05:55
This site is most impressive. It is clear and consice. Large yet, very userfriendly. I appreciate its thouroughness and it should be an example for other historical sites on the web.
Jingclos,Randell ([email protected]). 01-11-13 02:21
I need to know how many people are currently in our three branches of our government. I need it for my school's history project and haven't found anything yet, so all responces would be really appreciated. Thanks!
Gregg,Peter ([email protected]). 01-11-13 00:15
You should tell what it was to do in a brief summary or something like that.
hggchghf,LINDSEY ([email protected]). 01-11-12 22:32
will you please send me info. on george washington as much as you know!
saxton,kimberlynn ([email protected]). 01-11-12 20:17
Ricks,Greg ([email protected]). 01-11-11 17:59
Looking forward to using your site, when up and running, again.
KILBERT,Mike ([email protected]). 01-11-09 22:15
As a high school teacher who is presently teaching an advanced placement american history course ( college-level ) I am always looking for documents that I could use in my classroom. The examination that these must take in May will include a DBQ ( document based question ) and by using documents constantly my stduents are getting some experience with this part of the examination.
Moody,V ([email protected]). 01-11-09 04:44
Great site!
Neal,Hazel ([email protected]). 01-11-09 03:30
This is a great place to get educated in
Johnson,Cedric ([email protected]). 01-11-08 20:15
Congratulations on a site well done.
joy,amanda ([email protected]). 01-11-08 05:27
Fitzpatrick-Crawford,Glenn ([email protected]). 01-11-07 01:54
I think this website is cool but it needs some social studies games!!!!!
Fitzpatrick-Crawford, D'Atra ([email protected]). 01-11-07 01:49
I think this website is fun but you should have some games on this website and it would make it alot more interesting and fun to childs.
Khoury,Jessica ([email protected]). 01-11-06 20:59
Why do you not have Agatha Christie as an American author? Also is there a revolution or reform or reaction in American Literature?
manda,amanda ([email protected]). 01-11-06 17:50
well this helpe dme out a lot with my report but I think that you should include why the procamation was wrttin up in the first place an I also think that you should add more info Btu over all this web page was alright
Burr,J.C ([email protected]). 01-11-06 16:33
i would like to know about Aaron Burr because i may be a reltive to him my grandfathers name is Fred Author Burr
Aleman,mo ([email protected]). 01-11-06 05:59
how are members of the judicial branch chosen for the job?????
Olie,Holly ([email protected]). 01-11-06 00:51
You should put in some Quotes. And for god's sake man ,pull yoursef together!
NoneYaBuissness,Heather Lee ([email protected]). 01-11-05 23:54
this is a very informational site. if ur a 14,15 or 16 yeAr old single and hot and if u live in nj or Pa guy email me! love ya!!!!!!
schneider,allison ([email protected]). 01-11-05 18:48
Hmmm i really dont know but i am lookin up stuff for class about him so i think i am gonna get back to my work bye.
Adam,Werner ([email protected]). 01-11-05 13:27
I am GAY
Bridget,schura ([email protected]). 01-11-04 15:08
I think you should really put down some info about President George W. Bush, I mean he is only our president right now! He has made a great speech about the Terrorist Attack, and you dont even have it up there!
shishkolida,fredrecoe ([email protected]). 01-11-03 21:46
This website sux!!! i hate it and u can smd!!it doesnt give the right info that we actually need.
Brogden,Courtney ([email protected]). 01-11-03 20:41
Colwell/Caldwell,Willene ([email protected]). 01-11-02 23:05
This is a great website. I am interested in the Isle of Wight County in VA in the 1660's and if there was a Colwell Barracks there or was it in Totland, England?? My gggggg grandfather and his wife Elizabeth Harris were there in 1663.
Colwell/Caldwell,Willene ([email protected]). 01-11-02 23:05
This is a great website. I am interested in the Isle of Wight County in VA in the 1660's and if there was a Colwell Barracks there or was it in Totland, England?? My gggggg grandfather and his wife Elizabeth Harris were there in 1663.
Colwell/Caldwell,Willene ([email protected]). 01-11-02 23:03
This is a great website. I am interested in the Isle of Wight County in VA in the 1660's and if there was a Colwell Barracks there or was it in Totland, England?? My gggggg grandfather and his wife Elizabeth Harris were there in 1663.
cantu , linsey ([email protected]). 01-11-02 17:14
my name is linsey cantu and I cant find any thing about and I look for it and still cant find it
Lambert,Audra ([email protected]). 01-11-02 17:13
I can't find what where the articles of confederation
Vivian,Christina ([email protected]). 01-11-01 20:59
no comment
Lambert,Audra ([email protected]). 01-11-01 17:29
I can't find why the Aticles of Confederation was important.
McKenna,Shelagh ([email protected]). 01-11-01 03:44
I cordially invite you to enter your excellent website in our exciting competition, Battle of the Ancients.
Minsky,Henry ([email protected]). 01-10-31 08:35
It's weird, but this is the best
Montgomery,Mary ([email protected]). 01-10-31 03:57
I like this web site about U.S. History. I am presently using the information to help me to have a better understanding of U. S. History. I am presently working on my GED, and I need to pass U. S. History as one of my General Education require to graduate from City College Of San Francisco with an AA Degree. I like the way the material is presented. It easier for me to follow
minor,alison ([email protected]). 01-10-31 01:53
I am doing a research and want to now about the government? please respond ASAP
Conlon,Mallory ([email protected]). 01-10-30 14:18
I need help with a trading in the colonies questions! Please help!
Antonio,Antiam ([email protected]). 01-10-29 21:01
This web site sucks you should have pictures and let people write over the words but when they get off of the web site it goes back to normal.
smith,kristin ([email protected]). 01-10-29 17:48
this is a great site, however you could you send me more information on the great depression?
dibos,erin ([email protected]). 01-10-28 20:56
You should really add the court case of Johnson vs. McIntosh in 1823. It was very important in defining the roles of the Native-Americans in the federal government.
Holder,Steve ([email protected]). 01-10-27 21:27
Great site. Would you like to exchange links?
LAPPERT,CHIP ([email protected]). 01-10-27 05:57
silva,luis ([email protected]). 01-10-26 02:15
wasup fix the site
Hooper,KoryAnn ([email protected]). 01-10-24 21:10
This is a great site to use when you have to type a research report.
Clark,Adrienne ([email protected]). 01-10-24 01:15
what is th goddman legiataltive branch?
Castanheira,julio ([email protected]). 01-10-24 01:01
Dear Sirs,
guzman,sandra ([email protected]). 01-10-22 21:54
Everything I was searching for all on one site. Thank you!! I WILL BE BACK
Havelaar,(Y) Jankees ([email protected]). 01-10-21 23:34
Great reading !!!!!
marrocco,ang ([email protected]). 01-10-21 15:42
i thing this website is like the best!its really cool & i found everything i waz looking 4.but the only thing it needs is soe pictures
Barboza,Wayne Ibn Musa ([email protected]). 01-10-19 21:42
Thank you for the informational site. But I cannot find Dr.Deetz dig and study of the Parting ways project? Why is this not listed?
Qualls,Chris ([email protected]). 01-10-19 15:46
For years I was told that my ancestors came to
Mitchell,Julia ([email protected]). 01-10-18 22:08
This site is nice
Brick,Vanessa ([email protected]). 01-10-17 22:45
good. need more info. and horscopes.
checanis,tammy ([email protected]). 01-10-17 16:13
great site!
Drew,H. ([email protected]). 01-10-17 03:59
This site is awesome and helped me a lot.
Derekson,William ([email protected]). 01-10-16 07:14
Wonderful site. However, you should bring your site up to date with all the current information (the bombing, the war, etc). Keep up the great work!
Marlene and Ryan,Marlene and ryan ([email protected]). 01-10-13 22:24
my friend and I are working on a history day project and wanted to know if you can send us links and information on john brown, please. Your help will be fully appreciated. :-)
Deneen,Ali ([email protected]). 01-10-10 22:39
This was a very interesting site!!! Thanks for all the info! Email me about all the information you get about the Salem witches!!!! Thanks a TON!!!!
giles,joleen ([email protected]). 01-10-09 16:21
why dont you have anything on jamestown virginia that is useful? like what there is to do there or what it is like today.
Star,Alexandrea Star ([email protected]). 01-10-09 15:35
Nice site.
Admin Valcon,Jet ([email protected]). 01-10-08 21:47
I am a freshman that was looking for information on George Washington.
Maxwell,Shona ([email protected]). 01-10-08 13:03
Hi. I am currently studying "the color purple" in english lit, and would like a little background information on its author, Alice Walker, a black feminist born in 1944. She wasn't in your "W" section, however.
Shillinger,Duane ([email protected]). 01-10-06 23:48
The Native American has suffered greatly as a result of European attitudes...I was raised on the Crow Indian Reservation thus my experience is first hand... I have enjoyed reading your essays...
~~~~,Lauryn ([email protected]). 01-10-06 20:44
I loved this site. My Social Studies teacher is really hard and I needed lots of info, which is exactially what this site gave me!! My compliments to ya!!
Muis,Kristel ([email protected]). 01-10-05 14:12
I would like to volunteer!! mail me...
M.,Liz ([email protected]). 01-10-04 05:12
Hey gr8 web site, it's really helped me with looking up information about Samuel Adams and his part in the Boston Tea Party. If anybody has any more information please send it to me! Thanx all!
Hot,Stuff ([email protected]). 01-10-04 02:38
This website really helped me with my homework. It's really cool that something this is to use is so available.
Mendoza,Araceli ([email protected]). 01-10-03 02:48
This is absolutely the best information, that I've been able to understand. Since I needed to learn a lot of things about The French and Indian War, I looked up places to get information from, and your site rocks!!! Thanks for actually haveing a way for me to get around, and for posting history events, like this, on the site.
Castro,Ada ([email protected]). 01-10-03 01:40
cane you give me some information of everydaylife in the colonies
Chiappane,melissa ([email protected]). 01-10-02 23:09
that it great
Weaver,Amy ([email protected]). 01-10-02 17:03
I like this page it helped me alot in an assignment given to me by my professor.
doeve,luc ([email protected]). 01-10-02 16:51
op kun je voor ontbreklende presidenten misschien makkelijk een " eigen verhaal" in elkaar klussen, sommige links daar werken niet meer en potus werkt ook niet altijd ff goed
Robertson,Leigh Anne ([email protected]). 01-10-01 05:08
Hello! I'm currently taking a history class on the Jacksonian era, and your website has helped me understand some of the things I'm learning in class! Keep up the great work!
Rapisarda,Jonathan ([email protected]). 01-10-01 00:09
Very good site!!!
kay,art ([email protected]). 01-09-28 16:48
I just read your account at the North Bridge at Concord Massacusetts.
Meindel,Joyce ([email protected]). 01-09-27 23:46
Thank you alot it really helped me out alot with my home work and research.
Austin,Jeffrey ([email protected]). 01-09-27 13:41
Excellent site...please keep up the great endeavor..this is awesome!!
Tara Jaimie Hawke,Tara ([email protected]). 01-09-27 04:38
I have a proj. due this Mon. on the American Revolution. I need info. about wars, people, pic., and everything else. Please send me some good info. Thankyou.
Farmer,Jessica ([email protected]). 01-09-26 17:44
Your site was very informative, Thank You
holindaise,joe ([email protected]). 01-09-26 01:46
i find this extremely fascinating, i think i know you? Have you ever played football(soccer) in england? well cheerio old chap!
Larson,Scott ([email protected]). 01-09-22 23:05
Excellent web site. I am taking A.P. U.S. History at Santana High school, it is rumored to be the most difficult class in school, and I agree. The documents and essays on this site are superb. Thank you.
matt leal,matt ([email protected]). 01-09-21 15:40
this web site did not have a thing about Alexander H. Stephens on november 14, 1860
Soley,Dr. Weird ([email protected]). 01-09-21 07:18
For me, this is a great fing!
Reaser,Stephanie ([email protected]). 01-09-20 01:53
Hi. I am looking for any information on Jefferson Davis. Maybe your site has some, but I must have not found it. He is my great-great(?) Uncle, and I would like to learn more about him and his life. Thanks, and you have a great site!
PEREZ,HUMBERTO ([email protected]). 01-09-20 00:55
schoonmaker,carl ([email protected]). 01-09-18 01:16
looking for help on a term paper.
poland,audrey ([email protected]). 01-09-14 18:43
hey, good web site
Brummerstedt,Judy ([email protected]). 01-09-14 17:01
I consider former President Jimmy Carter an excellent speaker, wise counselor, and a Godly man. Not mirroring our enemies is the wisest counsel I have heard as of yet, regarding enemy attack of the United States of America on September 11, 2001. I did not hear all that former President Carter said of this, as I was surfing different chanels. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to look up these words on the www and cannot find them. Is it possible to request a copy of statement made? Sincerely,
Jackson,Stella ([email protected]). 01-09-14 01:23
am the same as [email protected] but can u please send the answer to my question to both email addresses.
Jackson,Stella ([email protected]). 01-09-14 01:18
I want to know about his debates at the convention, the state he represents, positions taken by him and votes made by him
Holmes,curtis jr. ([email protected]). 01-09-13 12:19
good place for homework assignments. Thank you.
hayes,cody ([email protected]). 01-09-12 05:05
the information was very helpful. I had to do a project on the virginia colony and on virginia during the revolutionary war. thank you so much for this information.
Corona,Paulina ([email protected]). 01-09-11 01:38
You forget to add any information about maryland and Virgina being Chesapeake colonies. That is a large part of its history and needs to be added.
Crane,Andrew ([email protected]). 01-09-10 02:47
I am doing a school report and found your web site to be most helpful.
Neargarder,Carolyn ([email protected]). 01-09-09 22:30
Thanks so much for this interesting site. I needed information on the colonies and this was very helpful.
lol,Ebony ([email protected]). 01-09-09 17:09
i really like this site. keep up all the great work that you are doing on it! i will really come back for info, and i will tell my friends about it to! Thankz again!
Aborn,Robert ([email protected]). 01-09-07 21:38
Stumbled upon your site while trying to research my family history. My family could have traveled from England to Holland and then to the Colonies after 1620 or so. None of the English ship's lists have shown an Aborn by any spelling.Do you know of any passenger lists departing from the Netherlands? Thanks, Bob Aborn
Mr&Mrs Timothy G Bourne,Tim ([email protected]). 01-09-07 00:42
What a great web site on American History!I need to find some info on some history and you folks have it all.This will be helpful for my childred in there study of American History...Thank you!
Whiting,Linda ([email protected]). 01-09-01 18:23
I am a History teacher at two Classical Christian schools teaching from the ancients to present day. One subject I am teaching next Wednesday is The Monroe Doctrine. When I plugged that into the search engine--bam!--I came to your website. What a find! I will be visiting this site quite often. Thank you!
Holen,Ingrid Hoem ([email protected]). 01-09-01 16:22
Very good page. A lot of interesting stuff about the war. Especially for a Norwegian student.
South,Lisa ([email protected]). 01-08-31 06:02
I'm researching history websites for a class to teach instructors how to teach online.
McDonald,Lily M. ([email protected]). 01-08-30 19:37
I just found your web site and I have just gone back to College .
Jennifer,Lynn ([email protected]). 01-08-30 07:34
I had a suggestion...
HAMILTON,CAHRLOTTE ([email protected]). 01-08-29 18:37
Watkins,Kim ([email protected]). 01-08-27 23:51
How do you become a volunteer? This a very nice web site and it really help. It has all the important details you need to know about a person.
Jones,Meggan ([email protected]). 01-08-25 23:03
Hey! I have found this site to be very useful in my current project...and i am glad that you have it. Thanks and keep up the good work.
johnson,linda ([email protected]). 01-08-25 22:52
interesting site , im having trouble finding the area of interest to which i need documentation ,,,
Barclay,Troy Duwayne, ([email protected]). 01-08-17 11:01
I enjoyed your site very much. I was looking for the "Supplement to the Dred Scott Case" authored by Chief Justice Taney in 1858. Does anyone know where a copy can be obtained?
Hadad,Edward ([email protected]). 01-08-11 09:53
Please respond to me, for I have a very important question. My e-mail address is [email protected] .
Collins,Gary ([email protected]). 01-08-08 20:48
Excellent info on the Velvet Underground and Warhol. I have listed this page as a link on my website:
Johnson,Jacquelin ([email protected]). 01-08-04 22:14
I was born and raised in Vermont and am very proud of my state and it's history. Lets not change Vermont attitudes.
Compitello,John ([email protected]). 01-07-31 18:10
Great Site
mays,marva ([email protected]). 01-07-29 17:54
Thank you. This is wonderful reading and very educational for my family.
Evans/Foncette,Danielle Evans ([email protected]). 01-07-24 14:54
more information on web dubois
Seidel,Suzy ([email protected]). 01-07-19 20:18
This is one of the best sites I've seen in a long time!
Payne,Alan ([email protected]). 01-07-19 16:23
Thank-You for this information!!!!!!!!!!
Kaur,Sukhi ([email protected]). 01-07-17 01:41
We watched movie in my business english class i have a drean it was very nice. Everyone enjoyed the movie it was great the he was very brave man
Slonaker,jeffrey ([email protected]). 01-07-15 00:13
On The Robert E Lee site President Ford is given credit for the restoration of Lees citezenship. I thought it was Jimmy Carter. Can you help me find more data?
Volosin,Lauren ([email protected]). 01-07-09 18:29
Thanks! I am doing a research report on French influence in the Revolutionary War and your website really helped. Another other information that you have on the subject would be appriciated. You can just e-mail it to me.
Killeen,Don ([email protected]). 01-07-09 02:27
Excellent reasearch and writing. A pleasure to read and navigate through.
Wilson,Donald K. ([email protected]). 01-07-07 16:24
Went searching for "Geronimo" and found a treasure mine. You folks are incredible. I'll never run out of things to read!
Tunnell,Sarah ([email protected]). 01-07-03 20:42
I think this is a great site with loads of information.
Schade,Anne ([email protected]). 01-07-02 20:18
In tracing our family history, I think John Marshall may be one of my ancestors. I am looking for more information.
edwards,jessica ([email protected]). 01-07-01 11:52
i need to know how it opperated, this site doesn't let you ask questions, it would be more useful if it did, just think about site readers getting just the right information they want or they mite go to a different website for the underground railroad
Testerman,Dr. Otis ([email protected]). 01-07-01 06:20
Nicholl,David ([email protected]). 01-06-28 14:42
My great-great-great Grandfathers brother Josiah Nicholl worked for Andrew Jackson, Managing his Finances, his family came from Clonleigh County Donegal As do mine, i would like some information on him, or pictures of him and his family if any exist. Can you help.
Wa-ko Ja-ko,Tess ([email protected]). 01-06-28 12:45
I think this is grrrrreat! (like the tigger for frosted flakes!) :)
Wheeldon,Christopher ([email protected]). 01-06-28 07:45
Found your site through My wife and I will be homeschooling our four boys this year and will use this excellent resource often. Thank you so much for providing it.
Valdes,Juan ([email protected]). 01-06-26 15:39
A truly spectacular site on U.S. History. As a history teacher, I know I can always find good information and resources on your site.
Secrest,Mary ([email protected]). 01-06-26 01:59
Wonderful information about George Washington, whom I think is our Greatest President. When I learn more about GW, I was astonished.
Summers,Tina ([email protected]). 01-06-25 16:40
Great site! A lot of information, primary sources, biographies that really help my children to gain a better grasp on America and her heritage. Thank you.
Leanza,Mary ([email protected]). 01-06-24 01:15
The website is very informative and well thought out. I found it through a link for American Literature, but found the history information and links to manuscripts even more interesting. I was a bit disappointed when I read some of the comments in the Guestbook. Makes one wonder about the future of the U.S.
,Kendall ([email protected]). 01-06-23 06:59
Sanders,Anneke ([email protected]). 01-06-11 16:42
Je kunt erg slecht info vinden op deze site, als je een naam intypt moet je meteen alles krijgen waar iets over iemand staat.
,jessica (Gymstarr2). 01-06-04 01:31
I think this site is GREAT!! but, it could have a little more information that is easier to understand!
My last name is Meadows, familyname-Yonkings,Robin ([email protected]). 01-06-04 01:25
My mother just informed me today that Robert E Lee is her 4th cousin on her father's side. I've been working on geneology and this will help a great deal. Do you know where I can find more out about his family? Thanks Robin meadows
mitchell,jacky ([email protected]). 01-06-03 03:12
great reading such historical doc.
Brandy,Brandy ([email protected]). 01-06-01 15:27
Cool website! Could someone perhaps help me find the success rate of the space shuttle? Thanks. Excellent work!
Fuller,Ronald ([email protected]). 01-06-01 04:56
Outstanding work. Perhaps some one can assist me. My Revolutionary War ancestor, George Fuller, fought at Eutaw Springs. I would like to find the poem "Euraw Springs" by Philip Freneau ( 1752-1832). It appears he wrote a number of works on the Revolution. Thanks: Ron Fuller([email protected])
Cichy,Audrey ([email protected]). 01-05-30 19:20
This is a cool website! U rock!
Lawson,Eric ([email protected]). 01-05-30 17:59
Excellent work! It is so nice to come across a site that doesn't focus on commerciality and flashy graphics. I am very pleased that you are exploring american history while learning webpublishing. Maybe I should do a similiar project on Dutch History with my class!
Krasko,Thomas ([email protected]). 01-05-26 03:13
Keep up the good work....I was looking for a web
Buchanan,Michelle (www,[email protected]). 01-05-24 15:28
Wow I am so amazed that I found this page I am so happy because I am a A plus student and I have recently had to do a report that involved the Declaration of Independence. I am so so so so happy!!! but I could use some more help! Spank you all!
Pieterson,mark ([email protected]). 01-05-22 21:05
I think your website just gave an A+
Wysocki,Alex ([email protected]). 01-05-20 03:56
I would appreciate it if you could give the
Groenewold,Eli ([email protected]). 01-05-18 22:37
Gierach,Jesscia ([email protected]). 01-05-18 04:34
I love this web site!! It helped so much on my big report at the end of the year!! Thanks!!
Hernandez,Lori ([email protected]). 01-05-17 19:48
hey everyoen out there that uses the website
McConnell,Whitney ([email protected]). 01-05-16 02:37
I am doing a two page report on Henry Clay and the Civil War and your site really helped me alot, because I couldn't find no other information.
mottram,maggie ([email protected]). 01-05-15 02:02
hi just here or school
McGuire,Chelsea ([email protected]). 01-05-12 02:09
I found that this site was very helpful because I am doing a project on the Civil Rights Movement. My topic was the 13th Amendment. I was wondering if this site of yours tells how life was for people before the 13th Amendment? Thank you!
Rogers,Ryan ([email protected]). 01-05-09 02:07
This is kool but you don't have the meaning for reciprocity agreement in 1854
lynch,kimberly ([email protected]). 01-05-08 22:24
Byrd,Kira ([email protected]). 01-05-07 17:30
I could not find enough information on the roaring 20's.. I thought that it was okay besides that
sandra,lopez (skarleth01grl1). 01-05-07 16:25
its very cool but i dont want to be charged with anything
walkup,oree walkup (). 01-05-07 04:29
Ican not find a single sight that has the name of the commander of pearl Harbor,on dec 7, 1941.
Mitcham,Rose ([email protected]). 01-05-07 00:22
I am looking for information on the Green Mountain Boys. I would like to know they names and family genealogy.
Minzey,samantha (sambo5920). 01-05-04 01:34
wite the states of the colonies
Boortz,Amy ([email protected]). 01-05-03 13:01
I thouroughly enjoyed the History of American Literature. The Author was so clear and informative and pleasant to read. The ties between culture, society and the arts was very refreshing and enlightening. I look forward to reading more of the project in the coming weeks.
White,Sally (duckwhite). 01-04-30 02:23
I am a fifth grade teacher in Southern California. My students are getting ready to write reports on famous people connected with the American Revolution. I was doing a quick preview of internet sources and linked to your report on Thomas Paine. I was very disappointed with the lack of editing. There were several spelling errors and some awkward sentences. I really appreciate the fact that you are making the information accessible, but truly have doubts about allowing my students to see work on the web which has been poorly edited. It goes against all of the good habits I am trying to instill in my students. Is there anyone in your organization that can make corrections to this page? I have not yet checked out other pages on your site, but I am hoping I'll see improvement. Thanks!
Oakley,Ryan ([email protected]). 01-04-29 01:52
Can you help me find information about Ben Franklin in the revoluyionary war and what he did.PLEASE!!!
Delcoco,Michael ([email protected]). 01-04-28 08:55
This is a wonderful website. I was not much of a history buff in school, but now find American history very interesting and challenging. Please keep up the good work. Will check often for other new additions to an already fulfilling site. Thank you.
,Dianna ([email protected]). 01-04-28 03:06
This is a pretty good site It has lots of information, And i think it helped me lots. Oh yeah and History SUCKS
Dupr�,Marcy ([email protected]). 01-04-28 00:14
This is an excellent site! You done a marvelous job of research, formatting, and layout to make all these documents easy to find and read. I have maintained for quite some time that the way to really know your own country is to see what others think of her. I appreciate the magnificent work you have accomplished. Thank you. M. M. Dupre Tacoma, Washington
Prewitt,Cindy ([email protected]). 01-04-26 18:15
In doing research on Henry Clay, I came across your site through Yahoo's search engine. The piece written on Clay was the best synopsis I have found. I found the style of writing to be excellent in its content, language, and form. I look forward to reading other subjects on your site. Thank you for providing extremely well-written material.
Littrell,Jennifer ([email protected]). 01-04-26 18:14
Nice website! It helped me on my project for school. But I would like to know how many wives Geronimo had, because I need that infomation for my project. Thanks.
Motley,Sarah ([email protected]). 01-04-25 21:09
Tjis website is pretty cool, but I still haven't found the answer to my questions!!!
sarmishtha,sinha (). 01-04-25 20:13
i got a lot of help but i couldn't find anything on reconstruction period
Megan, (). 01-04-25 19:06
Thanks for the website, it was helpful love Megan
Herttuainen,Taija ([email protected]). 01-04-25 11:53
We came here, to find some information , but we didn't find anything!!!! BYE!!!!
abbe,roberta ([email protected]). 01-04-24 11:40
history rules, i wish i could live in history, i think lincoln and alexander bell were studs...
Payne,Jaime ([email protected]). 01-04-24 01:45
This is a fabulous site, I'm glad I stumbled upon it!!!!
Ford,Sarah ([email protected]). 01-04-16 03:31
My dad wrote a book about the Civil War called The Raider. He spent many years in research.
Beaudry,Melvin ([email protected]). 01-04-14 19:56
As an American Indian, I well may be predujudice. Not only did my people lose their land in the "Ten Cent" treaty. We to thid day have not received anything after 110 years. The white people have a right to feel shame for the rotten way we were treated and the abuse and the lowering of ones esteem. If you have a God I hope he forgives you. I am 71 years old now, it will soon be over for me thank Christ. Melvin Beaudry
Begley,Dave ([email protected]). 01-04-10 02:23
Thanks for the information.
norberto,norberto ([email protected]). 01-04-10 00:56
please put in when did it become a colony
Aldridge's family,Carolyn ([email protected]). 01-04-09 22:37
Blehm,Carolyn ([email protected]). 01-04-06 19:59
I was wondering why you do now have any of the peoples opinions on the war (such as) Were there any ways to prevent the war orcould it have been avioded?)
Valerie,Carmel ([email protected]). 01-04-04 03:51
THank you so much for this site, i am doing a major essay on Manifest destiny, and it was almost impossible to find sources, yours has been the main one of mine! i got a lot from this website, thank you so much!
Tanner,Phyllis ([email protected]). 01-04-03 17:09
I will bookmark your site for use in BI and student research. Glad to find you.
Demeneghi,Gino ([email protected]). 01-04-03 00:32
good page, go
Dieppa,Danielle (destinyschild110). 01-04-02 20:55
Do you have any information about womens rights in the 1930's?
Martinez,Marilyn ([email protected]). 01-03-31 20:50
I want to know how do I go about in becoming emancipated. I am an 18 year old student at Walton High School. I do not live at home. I am staying at my best friend's house and I want to become emancipated for financial purposes for applying for college. Please get back to me as soon as possible................
Angel,Angela ([email protected]). 01-03-30 15:34
mcadams,kate ([email protected]). 01-03-29 23:08
Thankyou sooooo much this helped me out a lot. I am doing a report on these people and couldn't find anything till now! THANKYOU!!!!!!
Day,Charles ([email protected]). 01-03-20 20:54
I'm just starting a project on revolutions and I believe this will help me out a little bit , This is like the perfect web site I need because I am doing a project on modernization after the American Revoluiton . Thanks !
McDowell,Sharon L. ([email protected]). 01-03-20 19:06
I am interested in receiving any news publication and information about Cherokee Indians. I am in the process of doing a genealogy chart for my family and I believe some of my ancestors were Cherokee Indians from Alabama and Georgia.
Iseminger,Bertha ([email protected]). 01-03-20 16:49
I loved this site it had alot of useful information for my book report and essay.
Snider,Jennifer ([email protected]). 01-03-19 09:53
Thank you sooooo much for this site!!!! =) Lord KNOWS how much you guys have helped me out on my social studies homework... I find all the primary sources (the documents) especially helpful.
Beunder,Rozemarijn ([email protected]). 01-03-17 17:08
Hello there, I'm from Holland and I've got to make an essay about Hendrikus Colijn and Franklin Dilano Roosevelt (new deal,'30). Can somebody please give me more information about the New Deal in 17 hours?! I really appreciate that. By the way,I like this site.
reed,cedric ([email protected]). 01-03-15 04:45
Adams,Brittany ([email protected]). 01-03-13 15:27
I'm related to John Adams and I think this site helped me find out more about his life! Thank you very much,and keep up the great work!!
ryan,wilson ([email protected]). 01-03-12 15:51
I was doing a report and I was stuped to think this site could help! I hope the web site never gets any more visits! I will tell all the people not to visit the site!
Gurley,Ashley ([email protected]). 01-03-10 04:10
i love this website. I have to write a paper on FDR's leadership style, and this website with all of its linds to his speeches really brought life to my paper. It helped me to see into Roosevelt's mind and personality.
carney,patrick ([email protected]). 01-03-10 01:09
what a wonderful discovery! i'll certainly be making use of it in my high school classes in phoenix, AZ. Any suggestions on accessing the gibbons v. ogden case (1800s)? clicking on the name just brings up the Dartmouth college case. I fear that if I backspace I'll lose this screen thanks!
Bell,Donna ([email protected]). 01-03-09 18:54
I think that this site is very helpful but there is some information that is not on here that woudld be even more helpful.
james shubert,james ([email protected]). 01-03-09 15:11
Cool relly I wunint liy to you gyes
Dupre,Marcy ([email protected]). 01-03-07 20:13
Many thanks for your outstanding efforts. This is a superb collection of documents chronicling the American Revolution and our place in the world. If there were a medal for Intellectual Freedom, you would be decorated with it. Thanks again for an wonderful job.
Glenn,Anntoniette (white wolf198317). 01-03-07 19:49
this is a great site on the revolution.
K,Johnson ([email protected]). 01-03-07 00:42
great site. very informative and beautiful. thank you.
Alvarado,Vanessa ([email protected]). 01-03-06 19:14
Can you help me find information on Uncles Tom's Cabin? HEY PEPLZ... how u be??? umm i like this site it rox like uhh well it rox o yeah well ah i g2g buh bye Vanessa
Lynn,Elizabeth ([email protected]). 01-03-06 14:33
What an undertaking! This is an excellent piece of work and will help my 7th and 8th grade students greatly. Thank you.
POWELL,christina (N/A). 01-03-05 22:41
Where in the world could I find pictures of Robert E. Lee?
McCreary,Susan (). 01-03-05 21:23
This was really helpful for my project I had to do for school
whitaker,charlie ([email protected]). 01-03-05 16:52
what is the virginas state song?
,Tiffany ([email protected]). 01-03-04 02:18
Hi! I am making an educational reference website. I need a picture of Andrew Jackson. May I please use your picture? If not that is OK because I have another picture (I just need to figure out how to copy it to my website and scan it and everything like that). Email me for suggestions by Sunday.
Ashley,McWhorter ([email protected]). 01-03-02 15:56
Great site. I learned a lot from this. Thanks Ashley
Fernekees,William (). 01-03-02 15:29
I copied your exact text and put it on my web site the kickin 20's.
Owens Family,Jenny (). 01-03-01 20:20
I really liked this site but it didn't really give me any information on jobs from the Colonial Period.
Aubrey James, ([email protected]). 01-03-01 00:15
I love your site! We are now learning about the War For Independence in Social Studies.
Courtney, ([email protected]). 01-02-28 23:07
I really likr your web page. However, when I was browsing it, looking for information, I couldn't find anything on the battles fought and who won which one. It would be a great help if you could add onto your web page.
CCOY,JIM (13273@new middeltown). 01-02-28 17:17
This site is the best site ever!
Goodwin,Nathan (hot_pants37). 01-02-28 16:25
Long live Thomas Jefferson !!!!!!!
Austin,Jenn ([email protected]). 01-02-27 23:17
Great website but, one suggestion: more pics with more variety too. Thanks!
Sproul,Steven ([email protected]). 01-02-27 20:08
looking for John Thomas Sr. who is supposed to have settled in Jamestown from Wales. Would appreciate any links.
Karlsen,Lin ([email protected]). 01-02-27 10:48
Thanks for an informative site on american history, I am taking an english foundation course in Norway, and the information here has helped a lot. Lin
marr,helen ([email protected]). 01-02-27 04:03
M,Karen ([email protected]). 01-02-27 03:21
Cool Site! I was looking for info on Thhe "13 Colonies"
,Laurence ([email protected]). 01-02-27 01:00
I was wondering... did andrew jackson have any children and if so, what were the names of his children? Was he related to a John B. Jackson?
,Jennifer ([email protected]). 01-02-27 00:59
Hey I am doing a PH d on social studies and well I need help cause my question was did Roosevelts projects really help the people during the Great Depression? and so I need help finding this information if you can please someone Email me and help me with this I would greatly apprecate that thanks for your time! ~*~ Jennifer Lynn ~*~
Wesley,C. ([email protected]). 01-02-24 16:43
This is an excellent site. I have utilized it for refreshing my historical memories. I think that the site is laid out in an easy to follow format. I'm really excited about my continued use of the site. I stumbled on the site while doing research on my family history. I needed a time-line type of historical acccount without searching through hundreds of books. Thank you. C. Wesley
Charles and Vermadel (Berkley) Burke,Cynthia ([email protected]). 01-02-24 14:54
I am Vermadel Berkley's Great, Granddaughter. Vermadel's father was James Herman Berkeley, Thomas Berkeley's Son, Benjamin Berkeley's Grandson. I am trying to trace information on the family and was interested in Gov. Berkeley's history, since the family disassociated themselves from him in and around 1812. I would appreciate, any further information and/or readings you can direct me to. Thank you.
Rosenlieb,Chad ([email protected]). 01-02-24 05:35
I am a member of the state championship, We the People...the Citizen and the Constitutuion team. Currently I am preparing my speeches for the national competition and I have found your site of great use. Thank You! ~Sincerly Chad W Rosenlieb
Dickerson,Michael ([email protected]). 01-02-22 17:17
Sorrells,Jennie ([email protected]). 01-02-22 17:14
hay whats up, I just thought I would right and ask a few questions, like when was Peggy Eaton born? How old was she when she got married after her husbands death? And How old was she when she died? Thanks Jennie
,kau'ilani ([email protected]). 01-02-22 04:58
Your site is good but no more the information I need
,Meghan ([email protected]). 01-02-21 23:07
This will be good information that I can use for a report. so thank you for the wonderful site
Baldwin Family,Ann Baldwin (niwdlab77). 01-02-21 22:37
Does the president think he is cool because my mom said he is a show off!!!
martin,megan ([email protected]). 01-02-21 15:45
i like the website1
Willemen,Deborah (Lestat_de_Lioncourt_be). 01-02-21 13:51
I`m studying to become a history teacher here in Belgium and at the moment I`m working on a project about the American revolution. That`s how I came accross this site. It`s a very good site, I learned a lot, esp. because we don`t learn about American history in school. Deborah
Scott,Elise ([email protected]). 01-02-21 02:32
This web site Is very informative.It has to be the bast that I have ever been on.It made me relize that there is a lot of information on the net that is tru and useful. I feel very confident that I got an A+ on my essay. This is the way I found out a lot about Dred Scott -who I wrot my essay on- and in site on black History. THANK YOU!
Schroeder,Deana (). 01-02-21 00:40
Great site!
Jowett,Matt ([email protected]). 01-02-21 00:35
Great info, but, not specific enough. I wanted very specific info on the crows Indains for a school essay but was very dissapointed and let down by your site. $#!+
handerson,harold ([email protected]). 01-02-20 21:46
Just discovered your site--expect to spend a bit of time with it before forwarding any comments. THANK YOU for your cooperative effort.
,Heather (). 01-02-20 21:22
You should have included the year McCarthyism ended. All in all, great site.
Hallum,J ([email protected]). 01-02-20 02:32
This is a great site. I especially liked the info on Geronimo. I would like to see biographies of Lewis & Clark added. Thanks
Lane,Crystal ([email protected]). 01-02-19 02:18
This was an excellent suite to visit for education and just time well spent.
Tank,Arnold ([email protected]). 01-02-18 18:52
This is a great site. Those researchers are to be commended for putting this historical site together. Keep up the good work.
Bradley,Michael ([email protected]). 01-02-18 17:55
This website has been very helpful on my book report.Thanks for all the information.
Fulton,Cheryl & Thomas ([email protected]). 01-02-18 17:00
This is really nice! I am forwarding the info to my grandsons for their school references. Thank You
,Stephanie ([email protected]). 01-02-16 20:07
I love this site!
Ricky,Ricardo ([email protected]). 01-02-16 00:56
I think that you should add more pictures for example him helping the poor,or maybe him arging with Hamelton because they hate each other. You know people need the pictures.
Silva,Jennifer ([email protected]). 01-02-15 15:55
I loved your biography on Robert E. Lee. I found it to be very accurate and informative. Robert E. Lee is my Great Uncle four times removed. It is good to see that people are still learning about the man and brilliant hero that he was! I feel a great sense of pride every time I read an article like yours! Thank You, J.S.
Moore,Aariel ([email protected]). 01-02-14 18:58
love your site it is very detailed and it looks good
ronnie,taronnica landfair (Jerry c coleman [email protected]). 01-02-14 00:48
i really like this web site . it really help me learn about all kind of things.
Mitrevski,Lydia ([email protected]). 01-02-13 17:35
waz uppp?
Mershon,Angela ([email protected]). 01-02-13 14:54
Where can I find information on Althea Gibson? And can you please give me the web site.
Lee,Anna ([email protected]). 01-02-13 04:59
This is an okay sight but, it doesn't tell what george's nick name is!!!!
LeDuc,Michael ([email protected]). 01-02-13 03:16
outstanding effort that any educator would be proud to be part of I'm sure.
Dave,Wang (). 01-02-12 16:29
Bradstreet,Lauren ([email protected]). 01-02-12 01:28
This site was extremely helpful to me!The section on the Colonial Period was great, but perhaps sections on just the southern colonies, the middle colonies, and the New England colonies would be even better. This site is great!
Bolner, Sr.,James ([email protected]). 01-02-11 17:51
Splendid work on the Presidents' site! Thank you!
Plen,Alice ([email protected]). 01-02-11 13:26
This site is great and helped my a lot with my school-work. I thank all the people who were involved with thi site. Luv Alice :)
,Evelien (). 01-02-11 12:04
I really loved your info on Thomas Paine. Thanks!!
Fogus,Ashlley ([email protected]). 01-02-11 03:24
This is a very good web site except it would be nice if you could also add personal stories or scandals about the presidents so that we the people can get to know that president better. It is also good for people who are doing reports too. Keep up the good work. Its great.
Nubuck,Bobby ([email protected]). 01-02-09 02:52
Rosselli,Alberto ([email protected]). 01-02-08 23:06
Many compliments for your gorgeous website. I am an Italian journalist and history scholar. I have published two books regarding the English French conflict in North America during the Seven Years’ War 1756-1763 (see The Library of Congress website, search by name ‘Alberto Rosselli’ Best Regards
alloway,brandi ([email protected]). 01-02-08 18:00
I really loved all of the stuff you guys have on here!It is like totally exiciting!I mean i am not the one who has ever even thought about this stuff but once i started reading i just couldnt stop.If i could do anything right now i would deffintly want to meet all of you. If i may ask how do you guy or ladies do alll of this it sounds like hard work? well i gots to go ! holler at me later
,Jackie ([email protected]). 01-02-08 09:45
richman,bobby ([email protected]). 01-02-08 03:15
i love this site. i just wish someone can make a site about the Pemberton family,Phoebe,phines,their two kids,and their grandmother
leahey,hugo ([email protected]). 01-02-07 18:22
question for ya: To what extent did city governments provide solutions to the problems created by rapid urbanization? (1865-1900)
Baker,Lisa ([email protected]). 01-02-07 02:01
I am taking American history and this has been a great help. Some of the things have been easier to understand. Thanks again
White, ([email protected]). 01-02-07 01:17
Thank you for the information, it helped me greatly with a school project. Nice web site
Larrow,Kelley ([email protected]). 01-02-06 20:15
I teach early US history at an international language school in Boston, Massachusettes, USA. My students and I have found this site to be extremely helpful in our learning and discovery of US history!
MuNOZ,dANIELLE (). 01-02-06 19:24
Landona,Emily ([email protected]). 01-02-06 05:32
I liked the site but didn't find what i was looking for. Anyone who reads this and nows where I can find information about free colonists, grammer school, indentured servants,joint stock companys, predestanation, proprietary colony, repersentative assembly, royal colony, triangular trades, share holders, and subsistance farming please e-mail me. Or anyone who has the same assingment as me from's 8th grade history unit 2 (part 2) lesson 1 please e-mail me also! Thank you Student
Bishop,Darlene ([email protected]). 01-02-04 23:35
I enjoyed the section on 'The Colonial Period'. However, where is the information on Slavery?
Palmbring,Eric ([email protected]). 01-02-04 21:40
A great site with lots of terrific information. I�m living in Scandinavia and would like to have some information about Cibecue, Arizona. I�ve been there once and would appreciate to get in touch with someone living there, or with someone knowing something about this place in The grand Canyon state. Please help me out !
Dishongh,James ([email protected]). 01-02-04 09:26
1. Well organized, easy to use, and relevant. 2. Hey, this is a great site, and I've bookmarked and will let a fellow history teacher know about this site. Keep up your excellent work. Thanks, Peace, James Dishongh HS teacher, La Center, Washington
g,carrie ([email protected]). 01-02-02 23:34
do you have any pictures of colonial life on Philedelphia and Williamsburg
Cornelius,Kelsey ([email protected]). 01-02-02 18:13
I need some imfo on the American Revolution. Can you help?
west,michael ([email protected]). 01-02-02 16:33
words cannot express how grateful i am for this wonderful resource. having just discovered the site, i've yet to explore it fully, but it strikes me as a treasury of exciting information for kids [and their parents] to learn more about what makes America the Constitutional jewel that she is. thank you so much.
Thompson,Beth ([email protected]). 01-02-02 02:28
This was a very helpful resource. We were reseaching the Constitution for my daughter's 5th grade social studies homework, and it had everything we needed. I really appreciated the clarity of the links and writing. Thank you very much for your work!
Castro ,Samantha ([email protected]). 01-02-02 00:45
I like this web page because it has black history and if i am looking for something about black history i look here
,Katelyn ([email protected]). 01-02-01 17:58
**Cool website**
Cramer,Samantha (). 01-02-01 17:38
Great info:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Rundle,jillian ([email protected]). 01-02-01 01:56
your site is ok its desent but i am 9 and i am not very happy becauze i cant find any info on eli whitney!! that means this site REALLY needs more info so please put more on it! Jillian
marissa,() (). 01-02-01 00:55
i am in 7th grade a was doing some homework and needed help so i went on to this site and I'm sorry this site bites I looked for stuff and all i got was somting diff. than what i typed in yes i cheked my spelling yes i tried with and without ( ) it all came back with the same page nothing came back as anthing related i think you should put more stuff about the english colonies and write more the stuff for each thing. it did suck because i already had that info and the info you had was brief you should get into more detail
Kendall,William (Bill) ([email protected]). 01-01-30 10:58
I am a great admirer of your accomplishments
jackson,jacqueline ([email protected]). 01-01-25 03:23
i really think most presidents want u to be what they are, make u one of them. make u belive what they do but i think president jackson was different.he didn't care in your belives.he tryed to make this country what it is now.i think every president wants u to run your life around goverment officals make your life run on rules and laws.if we are free why do we have people telling us what to do every day of are lifes.the only person that don't have someone telling them what to do every day is the president.and whats up with no women being president?women are the same as men.i think the only reason that we have school is not to learn,but so that they can make us the way they want us to that we are just another person and not some social outcase.are lifes are run on what they want us to become. not what we look forward to do.some want to be lawyers and teachers but what do they have us doing working in shops and factories for the big people the one that make about a million a day just in stock market that really does not matter to the world.when people work 8 long hours a day and only get payed 5.50 and hour or some stupid stuff like that and the guy makeing millions a sitting on he's ass doing nothing.
Smith,Isabel ([email protected]). 01-01-25 01:10
Hey this is a really good site and it helped me alot in my presidents project. I do hope everybody else thinks so!!!
,tiffany ([email protected]). 01-01-25 00:06
i think that the site could have had a little more information,but other than that it was pretty good.
JACKSON,CECILIA ([email protected]). 01-01-24 23:33
I was here at this sight but only three times iwas told andrew was my sixth great uncle i have done all my history reports on him so far i am in the sixth grade i will continune to do my history reports on andrew he is my favorite president and favorite uncle. peace, cecilia
joyce,sarah (sbsj12). 01-01-24 00:58
I like to learn about american history esp. when the history took pleace in like my back yard !
,kate ([email protected]). 01-01-23 15:40
this is a nice site
petty,josh ([email protected]). 01-01-22 16:03
i am doing history fair and i need nasa history you have nasa history but i cant copy it so please send me some or make it to were i can copy thank you
Sinceara Fraser,Sine ([email protected]). 01-01-22 13:58
This helped me in my history project about Reconstruction, I recieved an "A"!!! THANKS ALOT!!!!!!
dearmon,tiffany ([email protected]). 01-01-21 19:16
this is a veary important thing everyone should read this speech
Brandon,Jessica ([email protected]). 01-01-19 21:28
This web site gave me information I have spent days looking for and am glad it exsists!!!
keith,ashley ([email protected]). 01-01-19 20:58
Awesome sight, I learned alot about my heratige
Hines, Al ([email protected]). 01-01-18 10:05
This is a very informative site.I could spend hours reading and learning from it. I'm over 50 years old,and wish I could have had this to help with my school projects. I commend you for work involved and the dedication shown.
Bucsko,Kelsey ([email protected]). 01-01-18 01:14
You have really awesome resources!
MIles,Norman ([email protected]). 01-01-17 17:21
I have no project to finish nor job to do.Just an englishman with a love of history.Very enjoyable site which I shall visit often
D'Hondt,Steve ([email protected]). 01-01-17 14:07
I just picked up a document signed by Caleb Strong dated Feb. 20 1815. It has the state seal of Massachusetts above his signature. The document is assigning Gorham Parsons of Brighton to the position of Justice of the Peace for Middlesex County. I was just wondering if this document is anything that the State of Massachusetts or the National Archieves would be interested in. Thank you for any information you can provide.
Jess,Jesse (). 01-01-17 02:08
Cool site
curtis ,Marty (LET [email protected] ). 01-01-16 17:29
I need help with a report on abraham lincoln if you can fax me that would be super. Im also need help on an assignment here is my fax number 317 8561034 thanks
palfenier,Peter ([email protected]). 01-01-16 05:02
Who ever put this site together did a wonderful Job and they are to be commended for their work. continued success..Peter
PIERRE,SOANA ([email protected]). 01-01-15 22:06
This Really help me out with my project on The French and Indian War.... So thank you :~)
Ravella,Thomas ([email protected]). 01-01-15 05:15
My wife and I just saw the movie "Finding Forester".It inspired me to read many of the classics I have never read.I am a tractor trailer driver for UPS and have plenty of time for books on tape.
CELELLA,VICTORIA ([email protected]). 01-01-13 00:36
monkey,koko ([email protected]). 01-01-11 14:21
this flaming sight is fantabulous.
Gaines,Shemika ([email protected]). 01-01-11 03:20
send more info on him im doing a report and i need more info
,Alechia ([email protected]). 01-01-11 01:20
i have a question and i need it answered in atleast 12 hours please. Why was Alexander Hamilton never a President???
Herdell,Jesslyn ([email protected]). 01-01-11 00:08
what information can you give me that i can put in an article that i'm making? My partner and i are writing a newspaper as if we are apart of the 1930's. We want more information on Charles A. Lindhberg child who got kidnapped and the rise of employement and anything on the Depression. If you could e-mail me soon, that would be great.
conklin,kayla ([email protected]). 01-01-10 23:01
I think that this is all good infomation. I came in this to do research for history class and it really did help me out alot. Thank you
Torres III,Max ([email protected]). 01-01-10 19:14
I really enjoy looking throug your web site. I learn a lot of information for school, and it helps me with my studies. However, I think that there should be pictures of justices and important people. It would be helpful for us who are doing power point presentations. Thank you.
brittney,mcwilliams (). 01-01-10 15:32
This wed site helps me to learn about history i love this site!!!!!!!
Linehan,Cecil (short for Cecilia - I am actually female!) ([email protected]). 01-01-09 13:23
Just the sort of site I have been looking for I have recently being re-reading a great deal of Irish History and wanted to know more about the American Revolution and the influence it had in my own country - Ireland. I am from dublin and have lived in Northern Ireland since 1962 Thank you CFL
miller,s ([email protected]). 01-01-07 17:07
I'm doing a report on John Adams and cant find any were who John Adams moms name was what is it?
Giftos,Melissa ([email protected]). 01-01-07 09:34
Hi! I'm in 5th grade and in a unit called colonial. We're doing a play about the Pilgrims and Mayflower. Each of us has to "become" one of the Pilgrims. I am Ann Fuller. If anyone knows anything about Ann Fuller, e-mail me. If you want.
Cathy,Killian ([email protected]). 01-01-07 01:12
What a great source of information. Looking way, way back to my school days, I wish I had paid attention to American History. This source will be of great value to me! Thanks!
Everett,Dave ([email protected]). 01-01-06 04:01
Outstanding work!What a great resource for ALL Americans...actual complete primary docs.***
Berlangieri,Desiree ([email protected]). 01-01-02 16:10
I have to say that this project is really helpful to all of us who are interested in American history and who are not Americans, explains quite clearly the American point of view on matters that people belonging to other cultural backgrounds would not understand otherwise
~ Revived. This unique college was revived in
yours..what a blessing to God and the men that
your site and if you don't mind, I'd like to provide a LINK to your
your sincerely,
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your format rather than reading a U. S. History
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webmasters to include their sites. This would develop a community and would also be an education forum for people from other cultures.
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uw startpagina!
to place in the web site.
to finding a way to reciprocate.
to be a president?
though it is not complete yet , I know it will help me tremendously.
the system of liberty set up in 1606-era, and the
that served in the Revolutionary War?
that are just intrested in reading. thank you
thanks to this website!
thank you for even reed my email ,
thank you
thank u very much
text book.
tel fax.0031 514 582 183
supporting the Confederate States and why!
started our country....I love reading there letters, you can feel there love for Jesus and a fear of his hand on the nation if they served Him
source of original materials relating to the
so can u doone by today or tomorrow morning?
site from mine. Thank you in advance,
[email protected]
search, and that is why I visited your site via a
please email me and i will ask my questions directly to some one who can help answer them or direct me in finding the answers i need.. thank you!
paragraph 4 - last line. "too-year" should be "two-year"
page that had info on American History and found
outside the US. Thank you very much for this
ou past,to understand our present, to change our future.
original colledge was right in the middle of the
okay, byebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebbye
oh and I almost forgot I ROCK!!!!
never read a better or more helpful synopsis of
names of the signers of the "Declaration of
my project is due tomorrow
my name is esther kim and im learning fine arts.
my AA, I am enrolled in a public speaking class and an assignment is to examine a speech by someone else. I found a listing of the top 100 speeches, and chose one by Ronald Reagan because he is of interest to me, and the topic of his speech was also. I found this website using "google".
mind may leave with a new realization that First Nations are very much in the present.
meld uw aan!
meggan b.
love the way you have blended original sources with an overall structure to place events and people.
long time no see, just by accident I stranded at this website, quitte interesting....however pretty dry stuff I would say. Anyway drop a line whenever you got time. I am on a regular base in Holland, maybe we could meet onetime in "den Herdenbergher" with our old buddies. You aolso can reach me at (00) 1 519 835 3337 (Canada, Ontario) Till then happy smiling and hands across the ocean.....
letters of Robert Lowell
kissesssssss kwistow!
kijk en vergelijk!
just wanted you to know the wonderful feeling I got as I navigated
in theory i have an assigment and a 10minute presentation. can you help me. my topic is american revolution and i only have abit over a month.
in advance...........Alex
im alexander ng of the philippines i have one whole sealed box of FRN series of 1934 . i looking for somebody who can help ?
if u know any links or info please contact me
ian walton
i'm from holland.
i'll be researching too and i'll be waiting on your reply. im really keen into this topic.
i wish we could more essays of this kind related to American studies so that teachers who try to convey the major ideas of big theories and concepts as fundamental to the American mindset can convey them back to the students,
i will fuck all the night!!!
i was just wondering.i am from Texas. i'm 13 and a good christian.i was just wandering why prayer was takin from my school instead of guns. i also wanted to know why we can't pray at football games but can learn about the evolution in school. please email me and tell me why. i will try to keep in touch with you.
i preceate u
i know quite a lot about us history so...
i came here cause i was doing a report on democracy thanks for the help yo and check out my site and sign the guestbool cool yo!!
how do get in to being a president, i mean what do you have to have to be a president of the united statesor anywhere
how can i help?
his line. i enjoy this Paltalk thing that is now available to chat on genealogy and other subjects.
his decendents in your pages and others, now that
have more pics though
happy hollyday's
hAvE FuN!1!1!
for the extraordinary work you are doing. I have
for more information pls call me at :
for childeren as well as adults. Or people
education on American Civilization's "Liberty
earliest Anglo-American struggles to establish a
e-mail me at chattye@hotmail.
democratic you can see from my name, William Yancey
can u answer this quick as u can?
can i ask u one question?
but i wish you had some maps on it like you said you did. if you do were are they.
bisness in america etc.
beautifully organized source of information! I
are fighting agains terrorism and I find that great but how would we know that they would be honor and not terrified
and the origional democratic values have been replaced by a "new"
and continue the to find intresting information
and better plan...freedom my mandate? Well, no soapbox intended, I
about what they are doing? I am sure they must be proud of themselves like president Geoge Washington but would President
about American hitory
a man of great recognition and i will always appreciate what he has done for our country.Now many people in afghanistan
Your site would be on the 'Great Spirits' page devoted to indigenous North America, and you are free to encourage other First Nations
Your gratefully,
You've earned yourself a new costamer for life
Winner of the Pulitzer Price
Why were they important Did they work Who wrote them,
Why don�t you condenm the killer of afhegan children by USA forces? They (or you) are killing a lot of persons and this is murder.
While the competition focusses upon historical websites, it has many entries on contemporary issues, and viewers who enter with the past in
When will the attorneys and judges go read the history of the "income tax" and discern the original intent of the legal kickback?
When in reality, the "income tax" is a legal kickback, not a tax.
Whe are a Maine Coon Cattery(whe breed special cats)From EUROPEES Lines,whit a pedigree.
What does it start of saying, Are there different parts,
What are they, Did it create a weak or a strong government,
What Congress has done to the definition of "gross income" should be criminal activity.
Well done!
We must show them the law and the original intent and call their interpretation HUMBUG!
We have to go to the origin of the Tax, 1862, and see what the Law reads to determine original intent.
Virginia Company (1606-1624). The 1776-era
Very nice work!
Universtity of social sciences and Humanities
Under Law", especially as Grand-founded by the
Thought you would want to know.
Thomas R Ingargiola
This site has been very helpful!
This is clearly a Government employee kickback.
They make their living off the bogus interpretation of "gross income" being promulgated to the public.
They can only control the revenue they have, hence INTERNAL REVENUE!
There is no law that makes those not getting any "wages" or remuneration from the Federal Government, part of the legal kickback program called "income tax"!
The tax of 1862 did not change the status of non-government employees.
The people of the world is against it, no case of men like Blair can tell about.
The definition of "gross income" in the Revenue Act of 1918, makes it clear only revenue internal to the Federal Government is included in "gross income".
The answer is NEITHER.
The Netherlands
The Midnight DJ
The Congress can only control the employment contracts the US Government is party to.
The "income tax" is NOT in proportion to the census or enumeration.
Thankyou anyway
Thanks man. Party on.
Thanks for putting together this website.
Thanks for all, bue I would like to find here images about EEUU history.
Thanks dude you rock
Thanks again!
Thanks again for your great site.
Thanks a lot!!!
Thanks -Jessica, Ma
Thank-you for compiling the most important of our history on one site and making it easy access to us all.
Thank you.
Thank you,
Thank you! so far I assume i am going to get an A+ on my report thankyou so very much. You are a great person thank you.
Thank you!
Thank you for your complete and thorough work.
Thank you for you're services, thank you very much.
Thank you for this opportunity!
Thank you for providing your service and good luck.
Thank you for all the time-consuming work you've put into making this an interesting and excellent site! I am sure to tell all my homeschooling friends about you.
Thank you Stefanie G.
Thank you Betty McLean
Thank you
Thank you
Thank You,
Thank You,
Thank You
Suzy Seidel
Supposedly this Indian Chief had told his braves to quit wasting thier arrows because the just bounced off the chest of General Washington during a battle.
Stephanie Davis
See Free Biography Resource Portal
Section 86 of that Public Law reads as follows:
Sec.86. And be it further enacted, That on and after the first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty two, there shall be levied, collected and paid on all salaries of officers, or payments to persons in the civil, military, naval, or other employment or service of the United States, including senators and representatives and delagates in Congress, when exceeding the rate of six hundred dollars per annum, a duty of three per centum on the excess above the said six hundred dollars; and it shall be the duty of all paymasters, and all disbursing officers, under the government of the United States, or in the employ thereof, when making any payments to officers and persons aforesaid, or upon settling and adjusting the accounts of such officers and persons, to deduct and withhold the aforesaid duty of three per centum, and shall, at the same time, make a certificate stating the name of the officer or person from whom the such deduction was made, and the amount thereof, which shall be transmitted to the office of the commissioner of Internal Revenue, and entered as part of the internal duties; and the pay-roll, receipts, or account of officers or persons paying such duty, as aforesaid, shall be made to exhibit the fact of such payment.
Sec 213. That for purposes of this title...the term "gross income"-
Scott Harp
S. Effingham High School
Robert Knurek
Respectfully, William Yancey
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.
Recodifying the IR Code has made the term "gross income" so vague that the public sector actually believes the "income tax" is a tax and they too must pay it.
Recodifying does not change the original meaning and intent of the Statute.
Ray L. Teel
R. Christopher Qualls (name changed in 1800's TN)
R Parnell- Teacher-Librarian
Queens ( New York City )
Q: What is the difference between Polish and American Idealism?
Please, this murders must stop.
Please scroll down and click on 'join'. Thank you for your time.
Please let me know where you acquired that there were 14 casualties at the bridge.
Please if you have any information please email me at [email protected]
Please Thank You
Phuong Thien
Personal History
Peace Niggas
PS - I am from Australia!
PLEASE READ, IMPORTANT INFORMATION: For you people that need pics of stuff go to, a picture search engine...I got exactly what I wanted there...oh and now you need to send me $5 for my time. thanx.
One thing I was wondering about was something about the story about the Indian who came to the Presidential Inaugreation and pushed his way to the front to see the "protected one".
One quick question- Who was the first leader of our country under the 'Articles of Confederation'?
Once again, Thank you.
Notice no use of the term, "gross income"?
Not many people are aware of her.
Netscape search. The Second Virginia Charter of
National University of Viet Nam -Ho chi Minh City
My site is called Spirit of America.
My proposal for your Biographies:
My husbund is formangardenier he want's his own
My GGGgrandfather Jacob Bottomer, enlisted Aug. 9
More problematic you state that his resolution "That these united Colonies are, and ought to be, free and independent States..." submitted to Congress July 7, 1776 put into motion events culminating in the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. If your dates are correct, and they are, then you have posited an effect that precedes its cause by 3 days!
Military Industerial Complex Speech So if you can give it to me send it to me.
Mike Kilbert
May 23, 1609 confirmed my family's verbal history.
Margaret Decker
Luv kim
Luv Allison
Lori Donlon
Littleton High School. Littleton, Colorado
Linda Schreiber
Lets Hear it for Feedom!
Lesington, Kentucky USA
Leigh Anne Robertson
Later, Kosciuszko decreed in his Last Will and Testament that all the lands he'd been granted in Ohio for his service in the American revolution be sold and the money used to buy freedom and education for black slaves.
Kristin Langlais
Kosciuszko was given a slave as a gift while fighting for the American cause. To the horror of his American friends, he immediately freed the slave.
Ken You help,to make contact whit Bil Clinton.
Katharine Graham,
Just a suggestion, but maybe you could update this site to include her?
Just a suggestion that I would find helpful.
Julio Castanheira
Judeo-Christian Republic. Web site is:
Joana Davis-Diaz
Jefferson, who was named executor of the will, bowed out of that duty due to "health problems."
Jefferson argued against slavery but kept slaves all his life.
Jametown they told me there was no record of a
It's a shame that many innocent people have been violated for breaking a law that does not exist.
It really helps =)
It really detracts from your site.
Editors comment: we are working on it: we are not native English speakers, but Dutch.
It is not an indirect tax, despite the fact the Supreme Court has ruled the "income tax" takes the form of an indirect excise.
It is not a tax at all. It is a legal kickback called a return of income.
It is a very impressive website. I commend the hard work that has gone into your efforts to present a site with access to so many primary sources for the study of the history of our great nation.
It can't be a direct tax because No capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the census or Enumeration herin before directed to be taken.
Is the "income tax" a Constitutional Tax?
Internal Revenue Service.
In all my years of study I have not seen this information before.
In 1918, it's still clear the Federal Government is the source of "gross income". With the 1954 recodification the definition of "gross income" does not even resemble the 1918 definition.
Im 40% im onthis site to make some cherokee friends. If their is any males in N Or NE CHARLOTTE NC would u pleasee-mail me. Really
If you would like me to I will. THank YOu.
I would like to commend you on this excellent website. The primary sources you have compiled so far are truly comprehensive and an exhaustive source of information in our studies of the history of the United States.
I would appreciate it if you could send me an e-mail and let me know.
I was looking up for an extendet biography of Samuel Adams, one of the eminent historical characters of the 18th Century. That's why I was very surprised that your site is not mentioning him.
I was hoping to find a complete timeline on your site, but I haven't found anything (so far) on equal rights for black Americans, only on those for women.
I use this site a lot for refference, in school work.
I thought you might like to know this very important bit of history and pass it on.
I show 1 man from the 10th & 2 from the 4th.
I recommend it to all !!!!!
I may not have learned "more" in terms of sheer details here than I did in many years of school, but I now have a better understanding of many of the trends, patterns and influences. And I have a clearer 'framework' upon which to hang a lot of the other facts and bits.
I look forward to digging up more about him and
I know where to time line it from. Thanks!
I know that your site will be very useful in helping me in my studies.
I intend to apply your method to creating a web-based body of material on free money and free banking. That may take a while, but interested parties can get some pertinent information now at
I hope you will consider my invitation. We'll be privileged if you join us. The URL is
I hope you giff me a answear.
I hope to see this fixed soon.
I have found that my entry into this competition has brought many new viewers to my website, and I think it is an excellent venue for you because of the manner in which the entries are categorized and presented.
I had to do a report for my American Government class, and this was very helpful for me in getting some information. Thank-You!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found everything i needed thank you for posting a link to that information
I find the more interesting the material is, the better the studenst will perform.
I believe in equality and freedom for all, but my southern roots
I am fifty-ish, and discovered the site thru work on genealogy, needing to understand more of the history behind the settlements and migrations, and movements of peoples. I got that, and a whole lot more!
I am conviced that conventional money and banking present the greatest obstacles to global peace and harmony, popular government, and personal freedom. Fortunately, we now have enough knowledge to create better alternative methods of exchange and more equitable finance.
I am a registered voter and follow politics very closely and have come to quite an interesting dilemma. I believe that a President of the United States, after serving 2 consecutive terms is eligible to run again for the Presidency of the Untied States after sitting out for a term. Is this true? I believe that it is. For instance, isn�t Bill Clinton, if he so desires, eligible to run for President again in 2004? I know after FDR served 4 consecutive Presidencies (cut short on the 4th by his unfortunate death, the precedent was set that a President may only serve 2 consecutive terms), but a man/woman is eligible to run again. Correct? Please respond. I had a very heated debate with some of my friends who claim that once a person serves 2 terms, that that is all. I believe that this is untrue. Please clarify, for your assistance would be deeply appreciated. Thank you,
I am a homeschooling mother of four and came upon your site from a PBS link after watching a program about the Roman Empire.
I am a graduate student at teh University of Missouri in Kansas City Missouri.
However, when I checked with a group researching
However there isn't a page where it says exactly what he did or said or what happened to him.
How delighted I've been to spend most of my morning reading and copying so much of the material you have compiled. I will be using this throughout next year in various history activities for my children.
History Teacher
Herman Monroe
Here is a question for you, which I will kindly be obliged to answer for you(question preceeds paragraph). I would be honoured if you posted it because we all know how accurate American History is and the thought of leaving any small detail out would be insanely un-questionable. So for all those Americans who beleive in equality which I'm sure most of them do (note the sarcasm) this one's for all the inferior poles we know and love. "I Drop My Pants to Thee, United States of Corporate Butt-Fucking America". Go Football!
Henricus Colledge (1619)r, America's 1st College
He has made History. He was one of our memoral presidents infact he was the first president of the United States.
He has become an idol to many people. He was a hero to some of them . To me president George Washington has been
Hakan Ak�in
Guyton, Ga, USA
Grover Cleveland High School
Great site! Keep up the good work!
Great cite otherwise...don't worry...I left after this. Your other bios are safe...from me.
Great Site!
George Washington be proud of them?
George M Wilson
Francesce Ramirez
Florence Noel
Faculty of English Literature and Linguistics
Edward Hadad
[email protected]
Dustin Harmer
Dominic Circolone
Does anyone know anything about this story?
Do you have the names of the 14?
Direct or Indirect?
David Nicholl
Could you please post about Anne Hutchinson? She was such an extrodinary woman.... and interesting to read about.
Congress is clearly making reference to the gross income where the U.S. Government is the source of that income. Making it clear that ONLY the compensation for personal service for the labor of Federal Government employees is includible in "gross income".
Congratulations on a job -- albeit ongoing -- well done! Many thanks for your work!
Can you say a straw man living in a house of cards?
By the way, I am working on a new site called Project History, and this site fits it perfectly. Your site in on the short list for US History Site of the Day and received an 8.7 out of 10 rating. (Scored 7.5 of 8 on content and 1.2 of 2 on layout) I will get back to you with an award banner for you and the URL after I get Project History up and running.
Bil Clinton�s dog is dead,and i want to gif him
Big it up and never give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best wishes.
Art Kay
Are you talking total on both sides or just the British troops?
Any information about this part of my family would be appreciated.Thank you.
Anneke Fabriek
And I love the ...."No, we will not answer questions to help you with your term papers." ...part. .
American war for Independence was a fight to KEEP
American history. I am in your debt and look forward
American Revolution that I have yet found on the Internet. It's weird because it comes from
America through the Jamestown colony in 1609.
All The Best
Again, thank you
After the 16th amendment was "ratified", the Revenue Act of 1918, c. 18,40 Stat.1057, enacted by Congress on February 24, 1919, specifically placed the compensation for personal services of Federal judges and the U.S. President under the definition of "gross income" in an attempt to bring them into the existing kickback program. That statute reads:
Achim Rau
Aaron Burr, besides killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel, there are other episodes in American History that he is involved in.
A: Probably the difference between Tadeusz Kosciuszko and his friend Thomas Jefferson.
A suggestion : there are some events and, of course, the related documents that may have more of an intrinsic interest to the students that are particpating. For example : John Brown, the well-known terrorist, of the 1850s and his fight for abolition of slavery.
A present.
A copy should be readily available given the importance that it has had on government and society.
A John Quales (Quarles) is listed on the charter.
1992 (after 373 years), dedicated to continuing
1777 and was with Washington at Valley Forge. Discharged April 9, 1781
1776 in the German Regiment, Pennsylvania Continental Line from Berks County. He was wounded at the Second Battle of Trenton,Jan. 4th
1774," if they are available. Thanking you
//Godbay -Arvid the kinG!
...[Balance of section 86 applied to passports]
-janelle f. balingit
-- A couple of problems with the George H. W. Bush bio.
+63 9164724198
(a) Includes gains, profits, and income derived from salaries, wages or compensation for personal service (including in the case of the President of the United States, the judges of the Supreme and inferior Courts of the United States, and all other officers, and employees, whether elected or appointed, of the United States, Alaska, Hawaii, or any political subdivision thereof, of the District of Columbia, the compensation received as such) of whatever kind and in whatever form paid, or from professions, vocations, trades, businesses, commerce, or sales, or dealings in property, whether real or personal, growing out of ownership or use of or interest in such property; also from interest, rent, dividends, securities, ot the transaction of any business carried on for gain or profit, or gains or profits and income derived from any source whatever....
(940) 668-4285
(2) If Bush beat Dukakis 54% to 49%, you have discovered a bigger controversy than Bush v Gore in Florida...103% of the vote cannot be right.
(1) I'm not sure what that first "directly elected" since 1836 means unless that is because he was Vice President. Only if we ignore the Electoral College are any of them directly elected.
"We hold these truths to be selfevident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienabfr rights, that among these are lift, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
"Quarles" at the colony. I didn't give up my