celtekoglu,arzu ([email protected]). 99-05-12 12:42
I have connected your web page from Turkey and I presume it is a very extensive and useful study especially for those in an amateur search of information regarding US history. My critique would only be towards internal history. What I mean by this is, internationally related US history is there perfect but internal developments and problems are not well known and cannot be inquired easily.
Thank you for providing such a valuable study to public use.
Zavala,Kristie ([email protected]). 99-05-12 03:27
This page is a very good idea, but I couldn't find any information on President Kennedy's assosiation with Vietnam. And the chain of events that occured regarding the Cold War during the period of his presidency. Other than that, this is great site, and I reccomend anyone interested to try it out. It has some nice information on the presidents of the United States of America. Thank you.
Your Satisfied Reader,
Kristie Lynne Zavala
Wilson,Donna ([email protected]). 99-05-11 17:31
There's a spelling error on this page.
separate ... not seperate! :-)
BTW -- what I wanted to know was which was the first country to recognize US independence. An obscure ? I know. Not surprised not to find an answer. Interesting site. Bookmarked for future reference. Thanks. /dw
Paine,Russell Matthew ([email protected]). 99-05-11 12:56
Although I now live in Sydney, Australia, my
Father, Gerald R. Paine was from up-State New York.
Viewing this W/site has renewed many wonderful
memories of our (USA) History and the challenges
that were dealt to many brave men and women, like
Thomas Paine, that would not be silenced.
Kind regards,
Russell Mathew Paine
danny, ([email protected]). 99-05-11 01:06
i loved your site it really helped on my project
Callahan,Michelle (QT [email protected]). 99-05-10 00:40
I likes youe site,it was educational,but needs more pictures,I am doing a project on differences of the north and south,I couldn't find any info on that.Add more info if possible.Good job on the site so far,I appreciate your time and effort on this page.Thanks.
Stymiest,Carl ([email protected]). 99-05-09 21:48
I have been searching for well written info regarding the American Revolution as background to my work for genealogy on my family. Your site has been invaluable to us as we were looking for specific info re: "The American Revolution: The Impact on the Steynmets Family in 1783 America"
Again, thank you!
Rowe,George ([email protected]). 99-05-09 06:49
Just "discovered" your site when searching for the American "Anti-Federalist Papers". We have had a lot of discussion about "The Federalist Papers" but very little is known about the "Anti-Federalist Papers". I believe our major problem here in the USA is too much federalism and not enough anti-federalism.
Our founders who were concerned that federalism might be abused have been proven right. I am hopeful but not certain that we can regain our "Bill of Rights".
stonebarger,beverly ([email protected]). 99-05-07 22:35
we are interested in biography info.
,cameron martin (???????????). 99-05-06 23:25
cool web page
McHenry.,Conor ([email protected]). 99-05-05 16:20
I am looking for information on James McHenry`s family, siblings, parentage etc IN IRELAND. Can anyone help ? if so email me at
[email protected]
Thank you,
,heather ([email protected]). 99-05-05 00:18
Good job!
Hohimer,Brad ([email protected]). 99-05-04 23:36
Whatz up!!??!!
Walter,Adrian ([email protected]). 99-05-04 15:14
Good website. CHS rocks forever and stephanie was here too!!!
mcvey,lizz ([email protected]). 99-05-04 14:51
Stefanowicz family, (). 99-05-03 17:28
Our family is home schooling, and we recently discovered your website. It is a wonderful resource that we will visit imte again, not only for our children, but for the re-education of my husband and myself. Thank you for all the hard work you undertook in putting these documents online.
, (SunnyRae5). 99-05-02 17:50
I think that there should be a search thing available. Maybe there was and I missed it. Well you should make it more noticable.
Tomlinson,Kristen (). 99-05-02 01:13
Very informative information. Thank you.
, ([email protected]). 99-05-02 00:13
Good site overall, I made great use out of the Presidents stuff.
Durkee,John ([email protected]). 99-05-01 04:42
I am seeking info on Durkees in the rev. war. John Durkee was Col. of the 4th Conn. Regt. He served from 1775-1782.
Shearer,janelle ([email protected]). 99-04-30 16:48
Jim,Calvery ([email protected]). 99-04-30 16:36
Yours is an excellent site.
Thank you for making available American historical documents to this American and so many more Americans whose knowledge of American history is limited to the "the number of home runs hit by ________ in 19___ (soon to be 20___)".
tilley,natasha (toda203). 99-04-30 16:02
hi i enjoyed looking in this wed sit but i could not find everything i needed to know about our old president Taft ,this realy confussed my about why this info ws so hard to get to i would loke to know a web sit where i can get the info that i need to finish y report thanks for the time.
Wrage,Andrew ([email protected]). 99-04-29 05:50
Your site has helped me with numerous homework assignments. Whenever I go to look for something for school this is the first place I go to for information . All I wanted to say is thanks for all the help you have givin me.
Brothers-Joseph,Waymond/Lafern ([email protected]). 99-04-29 03:31
The information was very useful to the project I was working on. I found more than enough data to complete my work.
carter,kathy (antiquekhc). 99-04-29 02:00
i am looking for information on the 10 most
influential people in this century. thanks
katayama,kelie ([email protected]). 99-04-28 07:20
um nice stuff please send me info about people like samuel adams or however u spell his last name
unicorn99,silver_ (). 99-04-28 01:32
The website is cool. I got stuff for my report and got a good grade for it.
Spence,Catherine ([email protected]). 99-04-27 03:31
When I needed something for Economics on The Great Depression for The University of Akron, Ohio, you had everything I needed -- Thanks for being there (or is it here)!!
Chouinard,Corey (DragonC13). 99-04-27 03:24
Please add Exploation's. Thank You!
steege,jenny ([email protected]). 99-04-26 16:23
this is cool
Jackson,John ([email protected]). 99-04-26 15:25
great info on jackson
,erica ([email protected]). 99-04-26 02:57
this site was just a bit confusing. it didnt help me get any research information i needed for my school paper.
,Lane ([email protected]). 99-04-25 16:47
I think your website is really great. I am doing a school assignment and I was wondering if you knew what U.S. President had a pet cow? I can not find it anywhere. If you know... please please email me. I will greatly appreciate it.
Thanks, Lane
Sokoloski,Michelle (). 99-04-25 01:18
I found these resources sooo useful. If I had known about it before, I wouldn't have had to spend hours frustratingly looking on the innternet.
fox,britney ([email protected]). 99-04-24 23:57
The information you provide has been helpful and extremely interesting.
,Christina (Oldnavy539). 99-04-24 21:50
I can never get enough of history it is always so interesting.
Cross,Robert ([email protected]). 99-04-24 17:23
This is a great website, and it really helped me with my project
Staley,Chris ([email protected]). 99-04-23 23:29
I am searching for additional information regarding the Jacksonian Era. I am developing a short thesis on Jackson's party. Just browsing.
thank you. P.s. I found this sight quite informative.
Andrews,Hayley ([email protected]). 99-04-23 17:59
Very cool site.
Ashley, ([email protected]). 99-04-23 04:27
HEY. I'm doing a project, and need other things that happend during Theodore Roosevelt's life, other than what he did. So if anyone knows anything. please email me, thanks..
Leach,Shirley ([email protected]). 99-04-21 23:01
I am looking for information about Colin or Cecil
Inkster born in the states,he married a Alice Rousseau.About somewhere north Dakota.
Was the son George Thomas Inkster
Thank you for your Time
Dr. Broeck,Sabine ([email protected]). 99-04-21 14:11
I was searching the net for teaching material on Benjamin Franklin for an American Studies class unit. Delighted to have found your site, particularly because of all the links to primary material!
Thank you.
collins,katie ([email protected]). 99-04-19 18:42
this web site is great
Hardin,Scott ([email protected]). 99-04-19 16:03
Hello! I have been searchign about the internet looking for information about 'The Boston Tea Party', I remember reading when I was a child(I am 24 years old now) that England still sent bill for the damages in that incident every so many years. Is this/was this true? I honestly have searched for this information, but all the websites so far stop the information after the enactment of the Intolerable Acts. Well, I have always been curios if this is true, and if so, how much do they claim is owed? :) Take care!
Gilbert,Cassandra (sappire226). 99-04-17 18:16
i love to do school work
Zilber,Mindy ([email protected]). 99-04-15 03:21
I thank you for the information but i was disturbed that you did not provide the state of the union speech of James Knox Polk.
Harrison,Michael ([email protected]). 99-04-14 01:49
Just want to thank you for the information. It is invaluable for writing research papers.
Hirshberg,Cynthia ([email protected]). 99-04-12 03:06
Really enjoyed my time at your website. Learned a lot, and I'm an adult. Would have liked to find historical info on America for some of the time frames covered in your outline. For example, we pretty well know the population size and 13 colonies when the American Revolution occured, but I would like to know how the country had grown when the Civil War took place. What states were there and what was the population? Where were the laborers, farmers or slaves? Do you happen to know of a site I might visit to find maps circa 1855-1860 and census to tell me where people were and were moving to ? Please do not let my interest in this additional info diminish my delight with what you have compiled. Loved seeing the faces of the Presidents on stamps as a part of the article about them. Thanks again for a delightful several hours of surfing. Cindy H.
Coldsmith,Brian ([email protected]). 99-04-11 23:50
it was helpful
Miller,David ([email protected]). 99-04-11 18:42
I aquired a signed, early 19th century print of John Dickinson. In trying to find out who this gentleman was, I came across your research site. It was very helpful in revealing how important he was in the founding of our great country. I want to thank you for all the help I received.
Fry,Jim ([email protected]). 99-04-09 02:25
Not hard at all to help me find daughter's
homework answers...I do this mostly for
my own review!
Oaks,dustin ([email protected]). 99-04-08 17:56
Good for poetry stuff!
Bernheim,Stanford ([email protected]). 99-04-05 20:56
As a teafcher of U.S. History I have found this site to be of great help in finding clear copies of important documents that help bring the classroom to life. Without the documents the history is incomplete the story glossed over and the student is shown less than he should. Thanks for this site and please keep adding to it!
lowry,gary ([email protected] ). 99-04-05 01:30
very interesting site. found it listed in local paper. 4/3/99 augusta, GA
Kenneth,Harrison+ ([email protected]). 99-04-04 20:06
Very interesting and informative
Mooney,Laura ([email protected]). 99-04-03 23:22
Cool page!!!
lauger,heavenli ([email protected]). 99-04-02 23:00
hi ! great page!!
Lococo,Valerie ([email protected]). 99-04-01 03:54
This web site is pretty good. This has really helped me. When you get new info in on this web page will you notify me please.
Thanks for your time,
Hancock,anne ([email protected]). 99-03-31 19:54
This really helped with my report!
jessie vatura, (). 99-03-30 20:13
I really like your web site alot. Just give out more info.
Woods,Pilialoha ([email protected]). 99-03-29 21:45
It helps quite a lot for my AP US History class. It is more interesting than having my head stuck in a thousand page book, trying to look for only 1-2 pages.
hinrichs,michele ([email protected]). 99-03-28 03:55
Hi, I'm a 5th grade teacher who just got the classroom on-line, I'm looking for internet lessons which include information about colonial America, any sites you can suggest?
Van Loo,Ilse ([email protected]). 99-03-26 20:09
Great site, a lot of info, congratulations.
MALLOY,MICHAEL ([email protected]). 99-03-25 05:15
Choudhury,Robin ([email protected]). 99-03-25 03:41
We home-school our 13-year-old son, and are very impressed with your project. I plan to use it extensively, especially the U.S. History outlines, to help make sure we don't overlook something. The links are wonderful too. Thank you for making it available.
Perez,Monique ([email protected]). 99-03-25 03:36
Just wanted to sign the bok.
Hancock,Anne (anne_hancock). 99-03-24 18:45
was very helpful with reports.
rife,danielle ([email protected]). 99-03-23 23:19
you guys have a awsome website thanks a lot danielle email me
Beery,Sarah ([email protected]). 99-03-23 20:05
I did not find what I was looking for but a whole lot of other stuff. I really enjoyed the site and I will be sure to browse sometime in the near future!!
Hancock,Anne ([email protected]). 99-03-23 18:47
It was very informational. Helped with my report!
Thank you
Hancock,Anne ([email protected]). 99-03-23 18:43
very interesting!really helped me on my report.Thank you!
ward,Talina ([email protected]). 99-03-23 15:32
Informative stuff
Deal,Amanda (). 99-03-22 18:51
It was vert helpful in my rescearch.
Giles,VJ ([email protected]). 99-03-22 01:32
thanks for your efforts. good resource on the net.
Lorraine,Kelsey (Kelsey22n@aol). 99-03-22 00:00
Thank you for the California map. I need to know where the California missions are. Please E-mail
me!!!! Thank you for your soport, I need it by 3-28-99. It's for a project.
Sund,Charles (Grandad Goat @ aol.com). 99-03-21 05:48
Would like to see more imformation on Native Americans , mainly Sioux and Cherokee. Would like to find out more about the spiritual side of each nation. Tribe divisions and governments, and geographical areas of domanance.This would be very helpful in learning about my heritage.
Silverbristle,Grugyn ([email protected]). 99-03-20 19:14
Interesting ideas and development. I have been watching your site grow over the past two years. If there is no interest in a subject, there will be no new ideas.
Here's one for you. Could it be that the "Revolutionary War" was actually a civil war, and the "Civil War" a revolution? What evidence is there? See Beyond Conspiracy for a detailed presentation.
Is there anything to be learned by taking a "contrarian" view?
Carreker,Shawna ([email protected]). 99-03-20 03:53
I think you need to iclude examples of criticisms of what these individuals did or believed. Thank you for all the hard work that you have put into this web site.
Chung,Ki Hwan ([email protected]). 99-03-20 02:45
Currently Iam taking US history in high school and I find this site very helpful.
Hancock,Amme ([email protected]). 99-03-19 18:56
Had alot of infromation in it.It really helped me with my report about Gorge Washington.
Magee,Christie ([email protected]). 99-03-19 16:13
This is cool I just wanted to sign this to do some
thing cuz i am bored.
Fabac,Mark ([email protected]). 99-03-19 16:01
I've just started to examine information on Thomas Jefferson, and ran across your website. Needless to say, I am pleased with the amount of information located here. Reading Mr. Jefferson's letters to his constituents are proving to be a valuable resource about his demeanor.
Mark Fabac
Northcutt,Nancy ([email protected]). 99-03-18 18:42
I was looking for info on covered wagons. I need something with pictures for scale models.
McMullen,Akeba ([email protected]). 99-03-17 17:08
I need information on Andrew Jackson when he was a child!!!
reilly,susan ([email protected]). 99-03-16 22:39
this page is so great cuz it helps me do my history homework on Andrew Jackson. The page helps kids understand what Jackson was like and not use all this stuff that we wont understand. Keep up the good work
Barber,Claire ([email protected]). 99-03-16 11:58
The site is very useful as I am trying to write an essay on presidential sucess or otherwise in policy implementation and it is suprisingly difficult to find a basic list of the presidents and their terms etc. Thanks for giving me a place to start. On criticism, you were rather difficult to find among all the lists of presidents by the states they won etc. Once I had found you it was very helpful.
Silva,Cristina ([email protected]). 99-03-15 22:23
Excellent sites and links. This is a great source for my research in my Advanced Placement American History class! Keep up the great work
Norman,Lisa ([email protected]). 99-03-14 21:05
I love this site. It's helped me more than I can tell with my History of American Culture class. There are a few errors in spelling that can be distracting.
Semi,Mike ([email protected]). 99-03-13 21:09
This website has been an enormous help for my students--Thanks for making the job a little easier--
Semi,Mike ([email protected]). 99-03-13 21:03
This website has been an enormous help for my students--Thanks for making the job a little easier--
Remen,Tine ([email protected]). 99-03-13 14:25
Nice page!! having about Amarican History at school now!! It's helping me a lot!!
Martin,Joey ([email protected]). 99-03-12 22:42
My mom's friend gave her this address. This information has been very helpful to my research paper. I wish more people were aware of your address. Thanks!
Bates,Jeremy ([email protected]). 99-03-11 05:10
Great site. Thank you.
Lenagh,Madeleine ([email protected]). 99-03-10 18:21
This is a fascinating project. Not that I am a history specialist, but I wish I had had this sort of training when I was at the university. Keep up the good work!
Huntsman,Al ([email protected]). 99-03-10 03:12
My wife and I came across this tonight and we feel it is one of the best American history sites on the net. We look forward to more imput. My wife is very active in the DAR and will use some of your items for parts of thier meetings. I am retired military and it is a pleasure to see your fine web-site.
Hall,Kerry ([email protected]). 99-03-09 21:27
I am a US History teacher
Peterson,Cathy (BEACHMCAT). 99-03-09 04:09
What a wonderful resource! I look forward to using this project with my American history students. Thank you.
James,H. ([email protected]). 99-03-09 01:45
I think you should check your spelling of the word you spelled "Sumpter." In all the sources I've checked the word is spelled "Sumter."
Smiths,Florida ([email protected]). 99-03-09 00:54
I can see that a lot of people signed this guestbook, does anyone want to delete some of the unimportant messages? If no one ever reads the guestbook, why is it there for? Anyways, back to the subject, well i think it hasn't done me much help (no offense), but i think you (whoever edits this thing) should add more of the detailed detailed stuff in the "essays". ok, that's it...dont e-mail me if you dont really have to...thanx fo rthe info anyways...
Landers,Joni ([email protected]). 99-03-08 22:16
I found some of this information very helpful and learned many new things. Thank you!
Labush,Norman ([email protected]). 99-03-07 01:00
Great references for biographies. Nice job. I have added it to my site http://www.netrox.net/~labush
Denton,Ashley ([email protected]). 99-03-06 16:37
I enjoyed browsing through the text however I found it a bit confusing,especially the smaller text. Other than that it was very great.
Youngman,Robert ([email protected]). 99-03-05 22:18
I came upon this website by chance on the anniversary of the Boston Massacre. You are sharing wonderful historic information. Thank you.
foggin,cheryl ([email protected]). 99-03-05 19:42
brilliant. just what i was looking for
Telligman,Didi ([email protected]). 99-03-05 03:50
As an American History teacher I applaude your efforts. I have browsed through your website and am fascinated by the detail.
Collins,Katie ([email protected]). 99-03-04 18:23
I just wanted to tell you that your site is very accurate.I also thought you might like to know that your site has been placed in a research report on American History. This siteis said to be one of the best info sites! Keep up the great work!
Dockham,Kodi ([email protected]). 99-03-04 06:45
I am doing a report on the stamp act for my 8 th grade soc st class and I wanted to get a picture of the stamp, that they had for the stamp act and I was wondering where I could finf one at. If possilbe i was wondering if if you could send one to my email that i could print out and use on my report. thanks kodi
,erin ([email protected]). 99-03-04 02:45
Your site really helped me with my histroy project. Thanks for having it!!:-)
litman,ben (Acmeno16). 99-03-03 15:57
I do not like the fact that i can not access history that happened before 1990! This is not helping me in my project on blach laws (Jim Crow Laws) thank you.
Bhattacharya,Lily ([email protected]). 99-03-03 05:05
i like your info. i was looking for information on famous families who started big businessess likes the Macy, Starbuck, Folgers coffee company. I was also looking for information on famous peoople, like Ben Franklin, such as biography or geneology information. Thank you. Keep up the good work!
,sabrina (kitz102). 99-03-03 03:51
i am 11 and doing a report on Thomas Jefferson its a time line , i need some help on it thanks
Hackett,Bob ([email protected]). 99-03-03 02:30
Thank you very much for your site. It was very helpful for my son and I in doing his school assignment. Bob (fender)
Thomson,Dorinda and John ([email protected]). 99-03-03 01:20
Just found you tonight and am very intrigued by your primary source material in particular. I am a 7th grade Social Studies teacher in NY--New standards mean we are constantly searching for primary source materials to use with students. Can't wait to come back when I have more time!!! Thanks!
monty,barb ([email protected]). 99-03-01 01:48
thanks to all who worked on this site!
Schmidt,Jim ([email protected]). 99-02-28 23:23
Very interesting. It will take more than one visit to see it all. I will bookmark this page and return again and again. I invite you to visit my site - They Tore From Heaven Lightning: An American Journey From the Salem Witchcraft Trials to Affirmative Action at http://home.earthlink.net/~jimmyschmd
,Joe ([email protected]). 99-02-28 01:12
Great Site. Very Useful.
,Randi (r_eakle). 99-02-27 21:09
This site is okay. I just couldn't find anything out about Lyndon B. Johnson that was usefull for my report I am doing
Atkinson,Russ ([email protected]). 99-02-26 03:16
What a wonderful resource! I'm a Junior High Social Studies teacher and find your site a tremendous resourse. As we upgrade our tech. at school I plan on making greater use of your site for student research.... thanks!
Travis,Susan ([email protected]). 99-02-26 01:59
Col. Travis was my grandfather's uncle whom he was named for. My brother's 1st daughter also carries Col. Travis' middle name. Needless to say, we are proud of our Texas heritage and of our ancestor's loyalty to his adopted State.
Sidick,James ([email protected]). 99-02-25 18:55
I am researching some of the topics that are listed for a senior project. The topic of my project is a lessonp plan on the American Revolution from 1774-1789. If there is any way that some of this information can be released, please contact me. Thank You, James Sidick
Huffman,Christina ([email protected]). 99-02-25 17:46
I am doing an essay on the American Revolution. I have done many hour of research, it's a break to find some information! Christina Huffman
,Michelle ([email protected]). 99-02-25 12:53
Great web page... I don't think I would have gotten through my history class this year without it.
,Tara ([email protected]). 99-02-24 22:57
I think your web site is excellent but needs more information on Walter Elias Disney. Do you know where I can find info on him?
Hintlian,Jeff ([email protected]). 99-02-24 20:13
I found this to be a very good quick overview. It made finding info out about Hamilton and his ideas on idusrty very easy.
Carpenter,Richard ([email protected]). 99-02-24 02:00
Lee,Cathy ([email protected]). 99-02-23 22:00
You've provided alot of great informations! But, I think it'd help other people more if there were some maps showing where the war/battles or something happened during the Revolutionary War. Because I was one of these people who need a map, well, that's all, thanks!
Borden,Lonie ([email protected]). 99-02-23 19:06
I need to know what the names of Abigial and John Adams' kids. Does Anybody know?
Daniel,Kenneth R. ([email protected]). 99-02-23 15:00
When you are preparing this "history", you should not fail to document as fully as possible the effect of religion and morals in the creation of this Republic. One of the worries cited in the essay (text 9/13) concerns the Quebec Act. Catholicism and its spread were of constant concern to the colonists. Some of them had immigrated for "purely" religious reasons (there being at that time a state religion in England-which still exists today-thereby rendering England just as intolerable to them as was Rome.The Puritans upon arrival in the New World began to recreate the Old World by substituting their version of religious Truth as a tether to all. There were then, and are today, patriots for whom "state sponsored religious dogma" was indicative of a return to "state enforced religion". These patriots realized that when the State does not make the distinction between "sin" and "crime", it improperly assumes for itself the role that is reserved for God. If one thinks that religion played but a small part in the founding of this country, they should direct their attention the the First Ammendment. It seems strange that such a "small" thing would be mentioned FIRST.Luckily,for this Republic, these patriots argued fiercely for the inclusion of religious freedom as the "first order of business". Thanks for listening, Kenneth R. Daniel
Lotef Ali,Sozan ([email protected]). 99-02-23 14:46
Thanks to this site I got an A on my essay.
Black,Hiley ([email protected]). 99-02-23 14:44
I would like to know more about William Henry Harrison. I am trying to write a paper on him so if you find anything would you contact me by email. Thank you,
Davis,Sandra ([email protected]). 99-02-23 03:12
Excellent site, my daughter and I were struggling to find good information on Boston Tea Party and this site filled the gap, it was also good for the Presidents and Kings. We have one more site to add for Benjamin Harrison (23rd President) - http://www.surf-ici.com/harrison/Pres.htm. Keep up the good work.
Hendriksen,Mike ([email protected]). 99-02-23 00:07
Thanks for the resource on the web. I will return often to browse when I have the time....
Blomberg,Joel ([email protected]). 99-02-22 21:30
good page
Ahmedani,Sarah ([email protected]). 99-02-22 02:26
I think you need to add more on the impact on Women in the American Revolution. I would expect it on here, women were very essential to the war effort.
marsalek,daniel ([email protected]). 99-02-22 01:08
Have searched unsuccessfully for a portrait of Col.[later general] John Bradstreet, prominent during French and Indian War. Any Suggestions? Am compiling material for book[?] on "Bradstreet's Disaster" which occured here in Rocky River, Ohio.I have searched standard references. Thank you, Daniel E Marsalek DDS
The Dugan Family,Mike ([email protected]). 99-02-22 00:07
I enjoyed your page(s). As a junior in High school, it gave me much needed information on the subject of early American polotics. People comment on the sides that the internet is only full of perverts and deviants. After browsing through your pages, I have my doubts on those how are nay-sayers. I will give my regards to my histiry teacher on your site. Mike Dugan Phoenix, AZ
Tonya,Robinson (TonyaRobinson12looksmart.com). 99-02-21 00:01
I'm doing a report on Andrew Jackson and i would love to have some good info on this person in the date of 1820-1945.If you can help me pleas mail me soon as you can.my report has to be 6-pages long and must have a title page and a bio.the six page is dose not incould the title page or bio.
Loucks,erin ([email protected]). 99-02-20 20:46
Thomas Jefferson was a good president. He had an affair not really he loved sally hemmings and his wife was dead when he began the affair. I think people need to take him off thjs pedalstool and see that he is human and humans make mistakes if you consider this one. He was a great president and a great man
mathis,donna ([email protected]). 99-02-19 23:11
we haven't had our computer very long but this area is very helpful for my children.
, ([email protected]). 99-02-19 08:43
I love history...this site has made it even more interesting. I've never really taken advantage of anything that the on-line services offer and this has proved to be a great use of my time on the pc....while also helping me to do research for my college history. Thank you!!
Pandya,Shveta (). 99-02-19 02:56
George Washington is the best and greatest HERO I know about.
williams,chevon ([email protected]). 99-02-19 01:04
This site is a great help. It just saved me an hour of work.
Bartolo,Joseph ([email protected]). 99-02-18 18:31
Excellent site! The documents that define the identity of Americans.
Walter,Jeremy ([email protected]). 99-02-18 18:27
This is a very nice site. It is short and all search engines, and is easy to find
Baum,Gary ([email protected]). 99-02-18 11:22
Many discussions come up and past speeches are quoted or mis-quoted in personal discussion. May I suggest that your web page contain a search engine to find topics and statements in speaches of our great Presidents. One example is: Reagan said to reduce goverment spending he would suggest reducing military pay by 25%. I didn't agree when this statement was posed to me and am trying to find any reference to what speech this was in. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Blank,Steven ([email protected]). 99-02-18 03:58
Great site!
Creighton Brazeal,Cristy ([email protected]). 99-02-18 02:38
I am researching Robert E. Lee for 2 reasons. My son is studying the civil war, and my mother's maiden name was Lee, and is suppose to be kin to Robert E. Lee somewhere down the line. The information your website has is very informative.
LEAR,ASHLEY ([email protected]). 99-02-18 01:13
-----,claudia (claudia820). 99-02-17 05:45
your site is pretty good , except that I have to keep scrolling back-and-forth because the text is too large for all of it to fit in the screen. other than that : very informative.
Avelar,Monica ([email protected]). 99-02-17 01:24
This is an intresting site that teaches us about the past, but it lacks information about the 1920s like the people that were involved in how values changed like the jazz era and the flappers
daCosta,Nicole ([email protected]). 99-02-17 01:05
Your sit really helped me alot thanks for having it
Biddle/Shaner,Jamie ([email protected]). 99-02-16 19:59
I think that we should have something clearly direct in the constitution so there won't be any mistakes and people start the whole slavery again and say that the constitution doesn't pacificly say anything about not having slavery.
Bae,chun-sik ([email protected]). 99-02-08 12:50
hi~~ good ! Thank you ! Goodbye~~
Thompson,Kenny ([email protected]). 99-02-08 08:18
I am an 8th grade American History teacher. I was really excited to stumble onto your site. The only thing I can say is....I can't wait until you have everything (documents, etc.) on-line. A couple of the ones that I wanted were not quite ready yet apparently. Keep up the good work.
Piles,Harry ([email protected]). 99-02-07 18:14
Thank you for building this site. I had been looking for information about Justice John Marshall until I found your site. Have A Great Day
Harry Piles
Drysdale,Dave ([email protected]). 99-02-05 17:55
Hey. I think this page is really retarted. I have no clue why it's here. Well i have already lost interest. Bye
Jenkins,Sarah ([email protected]). 99-02-05 03:04
I am studying the american west at school but i am unsure of the history. I dont know what to study there is so much. please help thankyou sarah jenkins
Johnson,Christine ([email protected]). 99-02-04 22:40
I come here to look up articals for my 8th grade history class. I am a student there and he assingns alot of project requiring research. This is a great web site.
Brown,Fredrick (). 99-02-03 23:18
I am not so smart in history.I have to do a report on black history but I do not know what to do.I really don't understand what the teacher was talking about.I really wasn't paying attetion to what thw teacher was talking about.
Nolan,Hartwell (HNolan5613aol.com). 99-02-03 22:56
I have been doing research on ..Trianle Hill Battle.. Korea. believed to have happened about Jan. 1953. Any one Help????
Cowgill,Russell ([email protected]). 99-02-03 19:18
Great web page
persad,Karl ([email protected]). 99-02-03 17:55
I am doing a report on the Barbary Wars. I need some sources so if anyone has a an essay, outline, or a list of souces, please mail me. I really need help on this paper. Thanks
REYNOLDS, ([email protected]). 99-02-03 00:37
Haber,Francisc ([email protected],Internet). 99-02-01 21:24
My students in the 8th grade used the information provided. Thanks, Francisc Haber, Media Coordinator
Jen,Wythe ([email protected]). 99-02-01 20:12
I really need to find out ?'s 'bout the presidents!!!!
Regan,Christine ([email protected]). 99-02-01 16:14
Just wanted to thank you for creating such a great site. Really came in handy for my reasearch. I did notice that with the essays, it would have helped if they were categorized by year or topic.
Rugsland,Leif Johann ([email protected]). 99-02-01 09:30
Very good page. I'm a boy from Norway and I'm looking for infromation about WWII
J�nsson,Sofie ([email protected]). 99-02-01 09:23
Hey! I wanted to find something about America in the 1920�s, 1930�s. You know like how it was and so on. If You know something please! Sofie
WALSH,JOHN (JWALSH010). 99-02-01 07:32
I need to info. on a map project for Texas History 2301 . Can you help me ? How can I find more info on Texas History ?
Vijay,Tarun ([email protected]). 99-01-31 17:10
Thanks for this wonderful site. I was looking for a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kerchevel and got it here. But please send me the exact reference of a book where it has appeared so that I can quote it in my paper . I need reference to make it authenticated. Shall be ever grateful to you. Again thanks. Tarun Vijay
Beach,Clyde ([email protected]). 99-01-31 13:15
I find this web site helpful to my grandchildren's school work
Duncan,Leona R. ([email protected]). 99-01-30 14:41
your websites have a wealth of information and I could spend days on end searching through it all-doing genealogy and the history is helping tremendously to understand my ancestors ways of living. I've run into one snag on one of your websites-unable to copy-the second virginia charter,1609,others I've been able to get copied.not sure if it's my computor or if it's a problem elsewhere. Thanks for all the info!! will be visiting your websites quite often.again Thanks!! Much appreciated Leona R. Duncan(Lodge)
Wysocki,Al ([email protected]). 99-01-29 23:46
Enjoyed the page, but we're trying to find information on the Federalist Paper 65 and the link put us into an all-German site! Hope you connect us to Enlgish sometime soon. Good luck with the site.
Wahid,Toni ([email protected]). 99-01-28 05:10
It's glad found various essays in this web which greatly contribute to my academic achievement in American Studies. Thanks a lot.
Gildea,C. ([email protected]). 99-01-28 04:01
I love it!
Mendoza,Fernando ([email protected]). 99-01-27 01:33
I was looking for the biography of Alexander Hrdlika, because a teacher asked my 9-year old for that. I asked who he was, because I've never heard of him, and my daughter answered me that was the one that proposed the Beringia theory, so I need some help, Is he real? Where I can find some material about him?
Biggs,Alfred ([email protected]). 99-01-26 04:13
I am looking for five major events, in the United States and aboard, during between October 1953 and December 1953. Thanks.
hamby,a. (A Rose [email protected]). 99-01-25 23:24
i love this web site it helps me out alot. as a student i come here when i want to verify or to find more info on what subject i want.
Tozier,Kevin ([email protected]). 99-01-25 23:11
Nice page
,Tedi ([email protected] or [email protected]). 99-01-25 22:23
Thanks to your page i got a bunch of information on the rev. war! thanks a bunck! tedi
Gaumer,Stacy ([email protected]). 99-01-25 05:21
Thanks so much for this website-it helped me a lot on my research paper on Alexander Hamilton! Good info!
Murray,Kelly Bryan ([email protected]). 99-01-25 03:32
I would like to thank you for your fine site. I am a Ph.d student and I often recomend your resources to my undergraduate classes. KBM
Haft,Jane (Jusatjane). 99-01-24 22:42
Good for research in American History!
Rothaug,Edward ([email protected]). 99-01-24 21:53
This site has very helpful in teaching my childern the history of our Great Nation. Thank you
, ([email protected]). 99-01-24 16:05
I just want to say that your website is FANtastic! The articles are extremely well-written. They are thorough, but without a mountain of details to wade through. They are clear and interesting. Thank you!
gonzalez,hugo ([email protected]). 99-01-24 09:31
very imformative and enjoyable.
Paterson,Brittany ([email protected]). 99-01-24 06:54
Your site is great! It helped me a lot when I was studying for my history test! Thanx! P.S. Do you think you could send me some e-mail on the topic of the American Revolution? Maybe you could include a few pictures in your site. I don't like sites very much if they don't have pictures! I want some pictures! Wah! Boo, hoo!
Flanagan,Emily ([email protected]). 99-01-24 01:32
had to write a term paper in 1.5 days, this really helped! thanx -emily
Phillips,Catherine ([email protected]). 99-01-23 20:54
Enjoyed reading, thanks!
Mahan,Wendy ([email protected]). 99-01-23 20:08
I love this site. When I was in school, I hated history, now it FASINATES me. I am homeschooling two children and this site will come in very handy. Thank you very much!!!
Collins/Ludwig,Lori ([email protected]). 99-01-23 17:12
I really enjoy this site. I am studying World History and its helped me a lot. I am wondering however, to print the full page. All I seem to be able to print are the added marks, like question mark and so on. Any help would be grateful. Thanks again. Lori
Monroy,Jeff ([email protected]). 99-01-22 03:59
Fantastic resource. I wanted to read the Federalist Paper #65 before tomorrow's (Fri.) trial presentation in the US Senate. I found it and much more. I shall return. You're on my list of "favorite places." Jeff Monroy, a history lover
Ramirez,Leslie (). 99-01-21 15:46
This is a great web page.
Iskandrani,Mazen (iskandrani_mazen). 99-01-21 04:45
,Nicky ([email protected]). 99-01-21 00:50
This information was very helpful in my study of Adam Smith. I found that it didn't give enough information on The Wealth of Nations. I was hoping to find some quotes from the actual essay but I couldn't find any. I hope that you can put some quotes into the information that you already have as it would be very helpful to students studying him.
Bond,James ([email protected]). 99-01-20 01:56
I really like the information you have and all the hard work you put in for children to adults. Thank-you sincerly Mr.bond
Tatro,Kate ([email protected]). 99-01-20 00:53
I love this site!!! It really helped me find stuff on James Marshall, and I got an essay on Manifest Destiny! Thank you!
Garcia,Veronica ([email protected]). 99-01-19 21:12
this is a cool website, but they don't have enough info. you could atleast put in things about plantation owners
Allen,Gary (KAllen9938). 99-01-19 11:09
well structured web site.
Davila,Yvette (mp1316). 99-01-19 03:39
Thanks a bunch!!! You guys where like my teacher what I need you had.
Maas,Jessica ([email protected]). 99-01-18 21:32
Very informational thank you.
Teressa,Banks ([email protected]). 99-01-17 23:57
I love your sight! But I was wondering if it would be possible for you to send me some pictures on the American Revolution, etc. Thanx so much! Teressa
Diefenderfer,David ([email protected]). 99-01-17 06:51
I, like many others, just happened upon your website but I will be back. As a high school History teacher I find this type of site very informative and interesting.
Winsor,Judy ([email protected]). 99-01-17 01:06
Research for school project for Masters level Commmunications class.
Stannard,Stephanie ([email protected]). 99-01-16 23:50
We are doing a report on John F. Kennedy, we would like to have seen more details on his assassination.
Beckman,Darla (shawterd @aol.com). 99-01-16 18:52
Just doing a little rescerach
Miner,Tammy ([email protected]). 99-01-14 20:11
I am high school teacher in training. I stumbled upon this site while doing research for my upcoming lessons. I found this site to extremly helpful and informative. I intended to pass the website address on to my fellow college colleagues. Keep up the great job.
Danko,Hania ([email protected]). 99-01-14 04:22
How can I print this out to enjoy in the future if I cannot highlight it and transfer it to a word processing program? Or is that the whole point. You do not want people printing essays and such out? Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Hania Danko
Arachnis,joe (). 99-01-13 23:38
Wonderful wealth of informaiton. However, many of the individual articles are short and breif. Because each article appears to cover nearly a decade of American events, I would like to see more detail. However, I'm not working on it, so it isn't fair for me to critisize harshly. Good work.
Swartz,Michelle ([email protected]). 99-01-13 20:20
Just stumbled upon your website and would like to find out more information about it and your organization.
??????,Jamie ([email protected]). 99-01-13 19:03
Great information about the The Spanish American War.
German,Janet ([email protected]). 99-01-13 14:13
I found your site very informative but I was interested in knowing the dates of the various State of the Union address yet dates were not provided. Is there a reason?
Roesner,Brian (). 99-01-13 02:39
This is agreat sight for info.
Ticket,Billy Bob ([email protected]). 99-01-13 00:17
Hi my name is Billy Bob and I would like for you send me some Pictures of the assination of Martin luther King because I am doing reserch on him. In a school project. Thank you I would really apprecieate it .
Clark,Alastair ([email protected]). 99-01-12 21:10
Good Well put together lots of nice Graphics and a good source of American Information
sara,heese ([email protected].). 99-01-12 18:47
I enjoyed reading you essay
Callahan,Amanda (stankar @ netins.net.com). 99-01-12 17:25
We read a book called My Brother Sam is Dead.I t was about the A merican Rev olution Our whole class read it then we went on the internet and tried to learn things about it.I used to be a Meeker but now I'm a Callahan.My sisters boyfriend is in the army and the navy. M y other sister wants to be a navy air force pilot. Amanda Callahan
,Miranda and Wally ([email protected]). 99-01-12 04:20
I just finished reading the entire "I have a dream" speech to my 7 year old brother. He listened intently and asked intelligent questions throughout. He would like to know how old Martin Luther King was when he gave the speech. Thank you!
Backter,Miguela (). 99-01-11 17:50
I really liked your pege it was set up very professioally and inclued lots of great information.
martin,rachel ([email protected]). 99-01-11 05:10
Thanks for help on Research paper.
ann, ([email protected]). 99-01-11 03:26
I know that Rober E. Lee's girls never did marry. I would like to know if his son's did and if thier are relatives stil around. This would include cousin's Thank You.
Wilson,George ([email protected]). 99-01-10 04:01
I am the Executive Director for the Society of War Prisoners, Ltd. Our mission is, and has been for the last four years, to visit schools and talk to them about Freedom and our experiences in prison camps and the wars. We are located at 1902 Glendale Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18018-4509 Tel. (610) 691-7007 Fax. (691) 691-7008. As our average is 77 years, we will not be around much longer but we want to leave a legacy. The last time I spoke, December 18, at the Northampton High School, Northampton, PA, I received 147 letters of appreciation from the students. This is our motivation. We appreciate the American Revolution. George Wilson
Phillips,Dave ([email protected]). 99-01-08 05:14
Tudor,Basil ([email protected]). 99-01-07 17:26
Excellent research material. My thanks for your efforts.....
Burk,Jessica (). 99-01-07 03:09
I had a test on the revolutionary war and I forgot my book. This web site helped me alot.
Taylor,Robert (RTSnooze). 99-01-06 03:31
We loved your site!!!!!
Plante,Stacy (Sta7559905). 99-01-05 01:05
I have never used this before and I hope that all goes well. I think its great that there is a web site designed to help with the attainment of knowledge about the history of our country. I hope that it's not to hard to figure out.
ramiah,selva subramaniam ([email protected]). 99-01-04 08:49
well done
Nettles,Linda (LOULINDANT). 99-01-02 16:03
I could use your information in my fifth grade classroom, however; when I tried to print the info I only got part of it. It is useless to have the left half of the page without the right half. I teach Special Education students and would love to have enough copies for them to highlight and mark to help them to remember the material. We cannot mark in our textbook and it is difficult for them to remember. They have a hard time taking notes from a textbook. It would be a wonderful way to help them get the info into their long term memory. If there is something I am doing wrong in my printing please tell me what to do to get the full page printed. Thank you for putting the material online. I will look forward to hearing from you. Linda
Can't_say,Chris ([email protected]). 99-01-02 01:44
Hey, this really helped me with my report. I didn't understand the copywright very well, though. If there is any way possible, could you make it a little clearer to those who are ignorant to legal things? Thnx! My regards, Chris
,John ([email protected]). 01-01-02 11:37
Really liked your site!
Redman,Kathleen ([email protected]). 00-12-20 18:04
This is a wonderful site full of information for reports or any kind of school project!
higgins,roy william ([email protected]). 00-12-20 09:13
so what are we going to do now that mr clinton leaves office i felt very save with mr clinton in power bit now i dont know about this new broom u done a great job mr clinton its sad to see you go from roy william higgins
Brown,Ray ([email protected]). 00-12-19 06:16
Great site, keep up the good work.
Ray Brown's Place for New England Genealogy
New England History http://www.history.rootsweb.com/~new-england-history/
US History Email list Web page http://www.history.rootsweb.com/~us-history/
US History by Hawthorne http://freepages.books.rootsweb.com/~rbrown/us/
CT Photo Gallery http://www.state.ct.us/scripts/photo.asp
Josh,Joshua ([email protected]). 00-12-18 20:54
It didnt tell much about Gorge washington
Sterngass,Jon ([email protected]). 00-12-18 17:52
The use of "Albert T. Beverage" is a very effective tool to catch students who plagiarize your material, but I believe you mean "Albert Jeremiah Beveridge" [1862-1927].
Abbring,Cyndi (). 00-12-18 01:19
Loved the article. It contained many interesting facts. I would have like to see what products were introduced during this era; such as, Bit o Honey, etc. Since many of these products are part of our
Thank you for all your hard work!!
Barnes,Billy ([email protected]). 00-12-15 15:17
This page rulez!
Brooke,John ([email protected]). 00-12-15 04:15
The Dred Scott Decision was dated 1857, not 1854.
Resendiz,Gema (None). 00-12-14 03:06
Try getting more info. on people.
Wallace,Courtney ([email protected]). 00-12-13 22:26
I think the site is great!! I access it frequently to update a time line that I am making. I was wondering if there was a way to submit information to benefit the site. If you could e-mail me that would be great!!
Mallie,Murray ([email protected]). 00-12-13 19:33
This page really helped me out with a school
project I had to do.Thank you so much for putting
this on the web.
Dunn,Claire ([email protected]). 00-12-13 10:44
A really useful site to get you started with the basics! Thanks!
Hansen,Paige ([email protected]). 00-12-12 23:06
Thank you for the info about Ethan Allen. My Mom, who's maiden name is Richardson, has told me that somehow we are related to Ethan Allen.
The information I found was quite an eye opener.
Now I know where I must get some of my attitude from. Mind you not all of it! I stand up for what I believe in and that is what he did. I am glad I do not have to go as far.
If you got this far and are a decendant E-mail me!:) ty!
Branton,Michael ([email protected]). 00-12-12 15:21
Thanks! I copied and pasted pages galore. Really helped thanks!
Touchette,Ed ([email protected]). 00-12-12 14:58
Webber,Key ([email protected]). 00-12-12 04:14
I like the site. Could someone please tell me how President John Adams died? Also, does anyone know Thomas jefferson died? This would be a great help. thanks!
Key Webber
pace,joanna ([email protected]). 00-12-11 02:24
this is an awsome site adn i would recommend it to all my friends.
Hoke,Tiffany (). 00-12-11 00:46
I think that there should be more articles about Andrew Jackson because he was considered one of the founding fathers of the united states. There should be other famous presidents brought into more detail than just big wars and deaths , lets expand our mind a little more and add stuff in more detail about uor founding fathers.
Emily,S. ([email protected]). 00-12-10 23:36
Hey. I like learning about this kinda history, but I think that you need 2 have more info on the people that were in the trial and not that big of a deal.
Koch,Alex (AlexGT). 00-12-10 19:36
Your site is very good. I come from Germany-> Berlin.
I visited your Homepage because I needed some more informations about american life.
O.K. I wish you a marry christmas
Alex ( 14 years)
Jones,A. Jeanne ([email protected]). 00-12-09 14:38
This is the greatest website. I have been wanting a source that has original documents. Thank you for all the hard work. I want students to be able to go to the original source before determining their thoughts and ideas on events and subjects. One note: please proof what is written more closely. I did notice several grammatical and spelling errors. This is not a criticism - just an observation that will enhance the site if done. Again, thank you for a job well done!
Gustine,David L. ([email protected]). 00-12-08 05:08
Fascinating reading and well done.
Lin,Rechelle ([email protected]). 00-12-07 06:28
i need help with some answerso on the american revolution...like
1.How did the Amercan Revolution affect the people of the colonies?
2. Which group do you think the Revoulution hurt more: farmers in NEW ENGLAND or farmers in the MIDDLE COLONIES?
3. Discuss at least three ways in which the REvolution might have affected a wealthy merchant living in philadelphia
4. Do you think slaves would have been better off fighting for the British OR the Americans during the AMerican REvoulution?
5. Make a list of activites women engaged in during the American Revoulution that were not a part of their usual role in society?
thank you...
smith,tanya ([email protected]). 00-12-07 02:08
can u send me an e mail telling me where the war of independents was fought
Williams,James ([email protected]). 00-12-06 23:52
I love the work you've done, and made avaialable. Just one comment. You're leaving home sbin at the end of Clinton's term of office should have been changed by now if you maintain the board with any regularity. I mean, constitutionally, he cannot go past 2000. Are you thinking he might keep going? Hell, I even purchased a Silver coin that commemorates the Bush Father Son combo as the 41st and 43rd Presidents, before in fact we even know whether Gore will find a Court that can name him as President over the will of the people. But I think we all know Clinton is done being President.
Not trying to be overly critical, just thought it was strange. We already know when his term ends. And we knew four years ago he could not run for a third term.
Zehner,Melissa (). 00-12-06 22:58
I Think that you might want to add more facts about each individual colony.
I also think that you should include this song in your website.
fifty, nifty, United States of the thirteen original colonies, fifty, nifty, stars on the flag that bellow so beautifully in the breeze. Each individual state contributes a quality that is great, each individual state deserves a bow we salute them now.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida
Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
North, South, East, West
(name of your state) is the best
of the fifty, nifty, United States of the thirteen origional colonies
one by one till we've given a date to every state in the good old U.S.A
Indian ,Mortimer (Lon [email protected]). 00-12-06 17:45
Very nice history my lads
Fernandez,Nicole (fifthcafe1@hotmail). 00-12-06 16:53
I love history!! please send me any info that you have!! thanks~Nicole
cooper,Kodie cooper ([email protected]). 00-12-05 18:31
You need more specfic information on your website
Jessica Hall, (hallarchAcompuserve.com). 00-12-05 02:55
This Web Site was very helpful. Keep up the good work! You might want to use more colors to attarct more people to it. Thanks for listining.
4teen Years old
DeJardin,Courtney ([email protected]). 00-12-04 23:31
You need some more things about Alexander Hamilton and other people who signed the constitution. I have to do a report for political science and I can't find much about those topics.
sue ,rach (ShootingStar8852). 00-12-04 23:05
if i ask what is another name for the confederate ship VIRGINA you should answer my question not just tell me were i can find it!!!!!!even all my friends said so all i need is a simmple answer iam only 10 years old so i ask for is for you to just anwser the question!1
,Nicole ([email protected]). 00-12-04 17:40
Try to add pictures of some of the newspapers. It would be a huge help!
Flaherty,David ([email protected]). 00-12-03 07:59
December 2, 2000
In these "trying times", your site is outstanding. I just spent several hours reading the things I neglected to bother learning or should I say some how managed to have slept though in my youth. I could kick myself for not having payed attention to those who said we can learn from history. Please keep up the good work.
Malloy,Trevor ([email protected]). 00-12-03 00:58
I know this is an American History site so I wrote you the following piece!
The confederates principles need to be reinstated in America.
Most of the confederate principles are moral, and therefore I think that they need to be put back into our way of life and government here in the States.
Supporting materials:
�The states shall have the powers not delegated [given] to the federal government by the Constitution,� quote from the Amendments (A) to the Constitution of the United States (CUS), Article X, and Confederate Laws and principles. In brief this means that the federal government shall not be placed in a position to seize power by blocking laws made by the states for the benefit of the people in it�s region. The Confederates used this law as one of their basic principles. �Today the federal government and the courts are slowly taking more and more control,� says the Bush campaign, �recently what the courts did by blocking the Florida Legislature and the changing the votes of people in Florida is another example of our government breaking Article X of the ACUS.�
Article XVI of the ACUS states Income Taxes Authorized in 1913. The federal government had charged the income tax since before 1859, which violates the constitution, Article I, Section 8 which states that the congress shall be the one to lay and collect the taxes. It also violated Article 10, by interfering with state taxation. �We need to rid ourselves of the income tax which the government wastes�� quote from republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes, the leaders of the eleven once confederate states, and the people of the states Texas and Virginia during the time of the 1860�s, our founding fathers, and some of our great grandparents, ��this [income] tax is a slave tax, put on us without proper representation, NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.� These violations were another major reason that eleven states succeeded, forming the Confederacy.
G. A. Henty, a great writer and historian of the late twentieth century, said in a quote from his book With Lee in Virginia, ��with such moral people as we have in the south they may only be brought back though a war which will subdue them, since they will never come back otherwise unless the north mend its ways. ��
�The Confederate States of America were 98% religious and
over 95% moral!� quote from many history books written in America.
The slopes of war by N. A. Perez says, �The Army Of Northern Virginia was an unbeatable army�they always prayed before they went to fight.
�The confederacy was 97% Christian,� quote from Christian organizations nationwide. �Many people have said that endorsing Christianity means hating science. However, Robert Grosseteste was a bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, he also came up with the Scientific method. Sir Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Gregor Mendel, Galileo, and many other scientists are Christians, therefore proving that the claim �Christians hate science�, just isn�t true,� quote from science professor Dr. Jay L. Wile. The confederates used this God-given Science to make a record with a submarine they made, the H. L. Hunley, �which was the first sub to ever sink a warship.� quote from Top Story newspaper. From a speech given at Toastmaster International for Youth by Trevor Malloy, �the sub was so tiny the crew of nine had to stay on backs and bellies the whole time�it was man-powered, only going 4 m.p.h., top speed, yet it sank a Union navy vessel, fully armed!�
��that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights�� quote from the Declaration of Independence(DI). �Our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, �that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth� and that [the] government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this earth.� quote from Lincoln�s Gettysburg address. The paragraphs above show that the Confederates did something about this violation of the government, according to the Gettysburg Address, and they tried to profit their citizens by using the above-mentioned piece from the DI
I therefore urge you loyal American citizens to restore these principles, on income tax, states and people rights, ridding ourselves of a big-superpower-government, and to restore all of the moral principles* of the confederacy.
*Slavery and discrimination are not part of the moral principles.
Toline,Tyler (). 00-12-01 03:09
very informative, and well organized, used it on many papers.
,Erica ([email protected]). 00-12-01 01:39
Do you have any recipies from colonial times? If so please send me them as so as possible thank you!
whatever,not telling (fuckno.suckit.com). 00-12-01 01:36
it was ok i guess i'm not a freak in history but it was ok if you could inprove it it would be alot better sorry had say the true my mom always toght me to do the right thing don't think i'm and ideot or any thing please
it was kinda cool
Coons,Kelsie (nsync1234). 00-12-01 01:30
it was ok i guess i'm not a freak in history but it was ok if you could inprove it it would be alot better sorry had say the true my mom always toght me to do the right thing don't think i'm and ideot or any thing please
it was kinda cool
Clark,Cherlyn ([email protected]). 00-11-30 22:52
This site was unlike any I have seen before. It was concise and accurate and easy to understand. I also found it to be very organized and complete.
Matt,Anish ([email protected]). 00-11-30 18:59
The info was pretty useful. However, I think you guys have the dates wrong on the left-side margin...@ http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/
Simitoski,Paul ([email protected]). 00-11-29 01:42
I am a Social Studies encouraging my students to log on for additional information on American History.Grade 11 students
g,chelsea ([email protected]). 00-11-28 22:40
get pictures
Bonanno,Gilda ([email protected]). 00-11-28 22:17
your site was very informative. but it did not have what i was looking for,
which would be something about New France, royal colonies, and louis XIV of france!
thank you for taking this time to read my letter
i hope in the future when i return to this site
there will be the things i need.
Gilda Bonanno
Lejla, ([email protected]). 00-11-28 00:12
thanks your site has a lot of info that is very useful
H,heather (hmunchkin@ aol.com). 00-11-27 02:08
I love this site. It is helping tremendously with a report i have to give for AP government. Thanks alot!!
Schaus,Mandy ([email protected]). 00-11-26 19:59
Dear Mr. Gibson,
I loved your site. It honestly completed my simulation assignment. You have so much information. Our group was greatly appreciative of the time you give to help us understand these very important people. Thank-you very much.
Kasse,Staci ([email protected]). 00-11-26 19:50
As a teacher, I found the information you have for your project amazing. Great job.
Grant,Suzy P ([email protected]). 00-11-25 20:18
I am doing GCSE history and I think it would be really uesful to say how the 1920s effected everyone, like how racism was very much so a predominant factor in the 1920s, just to say who did not benefit from the economic change, like textile workers etc.
Any other comments on this subject really would be most thankfully received
Ploog,Lena (). 00-11-24 11:12
I mean that this list about the presidents is very interesting!
Gordon,W ([email protected]). 00-11-23 17:54
Dr. Gordon's students at Plattsburgh State should not
plagiarize from this collection. They will fail my class.
No one else should plagiarize either.
Yoder,Randy ([email protected]). 00-11-23 00:43
I commend you on your project. It is well-organized and most informative. I am always searching for resources which provide a comprehensive record of US History.
ford,kate ([email protected]). 00-11-22 21:50
Matarazzo,Joseph ([email protected]). 00-11-22 18:42
This is a FANTASTIC site!!!!!!!!! Thank You.
Joseph Matarazzo
Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania
Frost,Michelle ([email protected]). 00-11-22 16:48
Can you please tell me what Church Andrew Jackson went to? Thanks for putting together a very informative site! I am related to AJ through my maternal grandmother.
,Katie (). 00-11-22 05:16
I really liked this website it helped me for my social studies test.
Wollesen,Kyrie (). 00-11-21 14:45
Iam having trouble finding a lot of stuff on thanksgiving can you help me? But your doing fairly well.
pio,crystal ([email protected]). 00-11-21 07:04
Your web site would be better if you could find specific info. on the New England States. Other than that I found your website helpful.
Jones,Chad ([email protected]). 00-11-21 01:51
I like your site however you neglect to mension
much about the native americans he allowed to be
"Relocated". How when a valuable resorce like
firtile land or gold is discovered the people
that lived there were involentarily moved from
there homes to useless prairy lands and were
reimbersed with infitesmal amounts of money.
How the 116 days cheeroke people were forced
to march from their homes, firtle firelds,
hunting grounds, and memories to arid waist
Benson,Catherine ([email protected]). 00-11-20 22:52
I don't get your program. I'm never coming here again.! :(
Murray,Trinity ([email protected]). 00-11-20 20:03
I'm doing an assingnment for my history class and this page has really helped me out. I have learned stuff that i didn't know before. Thank you for having this page set up.
SIgg3, ([email protected]). 00-11-20 14:37
Hello there!
Great site,just what I needed for my school-assignment!:))
McMillan,Jeremy ([email protected]). 00-11-19 02:43
Can you let me know when your John Marshal Biogrphy will be updated?
Banwart,Weston ([email protected]). 00-11-18 18:34
do you have any interviews on president Jackson like somthing that a reporter would do if you do please e mail me before Sunday November 19 2000 ppppplease
James, ([email protected]). 00-11-17 21:53
I'd like to thank you for the efforts that you have made in putting this together. I am long out of school and I feel as though my education has just begun. I use the internet to read and learn and biographies never until today interested me. Your site is "a wonderful thing", a place for me to start. Thank you.
Pairamore,Sherry ([email protected]). 00-11-17 01:41
I needed this site, i thought, to find info on barrel makers. My 10 year old son needs info on this topic for school and we thought we could find it here. can you help?
Lamoureux,Matt (none). 00-11-15 21:36
COOL SITE !!!!!!!!!
harper, (). 00-11-15 19:22
this is a really helpful page
barnett,camille ([email protected]). 00-11-15 03:53
nice job! have a super day everyone :0)
DOYLE,TANSHA ([email protected]). 00-11-14 22:49
stoff,haley ([email protected]). 00-11-14 03:03
you shoul have an essay about why the french and indian war was important to the american colonist.
The School Girl,Elizabeth ([email protected]). 00-11-13 20:05
Hey this site was really informative for and essay in my history class. thanks for making it!!!!
Tuttle,Ali ([email protected]). 00-11-12 22:55
thanks for such a useful sight
Seal,Mary ([email protected]). 00-11-11 01:00
I was interested in reading the Albers information on Jefferson. It seemed quite complete and thorough, but I found numerous misspellings and typographical errors. Perhaps the author of this piece is a student, but I hope someone will come along and proofread this material and put it back on your web site in a format which will be appropriate for printing and citing as reference material.
Ford,Robert ([email protected]). 00-11-11 00:41
Hello! Great site. I found it very informationally descriptive. Though I found it hard to locate the delegates of the Second Continental Congress. It might be helpful to add that if it isn't already there. Sorry for any inconvenience or fustration I have caused if there is anything on those delegates or organization.
Gilley,Barbara J. ([email protected]). 00-11-10 03:57
I enjoyed visting this informative site. good job people.
Brown,Terry ([email protected]). 00-11-10 00:38
I am a decendant of Henry Clay and have begun to read about him. My Great-grandmother's married last name is Barnard. She lived in Illinois and said that Henry Clay visited her house when she was a child. She died, in her 90's, in the 1980's. I wish I had more interest in my younger days of asking her more about him. If anyone knows more of the family tree, please email to me. I am not even sure of my great-grandmothers maiden name. I plan to do more research....
,T.Bollinger (). 00-11-09 15:20
It's okay! But very interesting.I could sit here and read it all day long!!!!
My favorite teacher recommended this site for me. I don't know how I can ever repay her for the great thing she did
Garcia,Gary ([email protected]). 00-11-09 06:54
Really enjoyed reading JFK inaugaral address.
I saw him here in Dallas that fateful day in '63.
I will bookmark your website to read excerpts from
other Presidents.
Gary Garcia
lani,Selani ([email protected]). 00-11-09 05:10
If you could find more info on dred scott like if he kept a diary or somethiing similar to a diary.
I like how your info is very usefull.
Smith ,Wilma ([email protected]). 00-11-08 23:40
I would like to know more information on the Thomas Jefferson Affair with his African American slave, Sally Hemmings. Nothing like this was heard, until a few years ago. There are know reports on how it was reported in the newspapers in colonial times. Then there are more reports that the past colonial presidents have had affairs with their black slaves.
It would be a great help.
Jacobson,Crystal (NA). 00-11-08 22:17
Fabulous, but I need to find out what kind of
injections were given tot he veterens before
they left for the Gulf War. It's a project
that we are working on in my high school.
Ramirez,Teresa ([email protected]). 00-11-07 17:43
Helped Very Much In Finding Info
,vanessa ([email protected]). 00-11-06 22:31
"how has the maryland toleration act affected today's society?" please help me!!1
Sanborn,Sandra ([email protected]). 00-11-06 17:29
I am looking for information about the man who was actually president before George Washington. He is not well-known, but if anyone knows his name or anything about him, please let me know..
Thank you,
I think it is realy good of you guys to do this for people
Amanda,Amanda ([email protected]). 00-11-06 04:00
I think you should have more general information like trenches (which is what I am looking for) or other things like people in the war and things like that.
,DaJuan ([email protected]). 00-11-04 21:46
Do I need a worksheet to go along with your assignments on the webpage.
Wanara,helena ([email protected]). 00-11-04 14:07
There will always be Apaches!!
McGaffic,Mark ([email protected]). 00-11-04 08:03
As a Decendent of Gouvernor morris I was intrested in the possibilities of obtaining a copy of the book he wrote "Observations on the American Revolution.
ferguson ,tara ([email protected]). 00-11-03 18:06
i am tryimg to find out how many people died in world war 2 so if you have any inforamtion please let me knoe.
thank you
Figura,Michael ([email protected]). 00-11-03 06:09
I am taking Advanced Placement History in Passaic Valley High School, USA. This page is a wonderful resource and is very helpful to any American History student. I use it very often to help me write my esseys and study for exams. I would like to commend all those who contribute to this page and hope it will serve many in their exploration of American History. Thank you for all your help.
MARKS,CHARLES ([email protected]). 00-11-03 02:51
wHAT A GREAT SITE! aS A GRADE 7 SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER IN UP STATE ny WE ARE ANXIOUS TO MEET OUR NEW STANDARDS IN PART BY document based questions! You have made it so much easier with this excellent collection. You have truely made an advance for our cause! Thank you and good luck!
,Henry ([email protected]). 00-11-02 02:48
This helped my out with school, thanks
Randall,Leah ([email protected]). 00-11-01 20:47
Hi. My name is Leah. This page is ummmmmm . . . cool, i guess .. you need to make this page go back furter in time because i need information on 1847 and your page would be great- but it doesn't have enough information on The Great Depression and The Oregon Trail.
Knutzen,Martina ([email protected]). 00-10-31 20:40
I must dispose of here times!
What are a nonsense write that for people them so in visitor's book??I have perused me here everything and was frightening it,how stupidly must be one and how deeply must one to be able to write so something???Have the ones not yet learned it always to it?Disgrace over you!!!If your these persons can not may and your culture not respecting then it read however simply in rest,they have endured however already enough and hears on your visiter's books to abuse with your senseless and stupid talk and asks you times what there are not correct!!!!!!That is a very good and informatives page and I am Gratefully for it that your all persons them a Earnest interest have to learn thereby the possibility gives you and your culture better understand!I do not hope that your you from such person discouraging read!
Makes further so! That had to be said times!
Everything good for you.
Straughan,Cleo ([email protected]). 00-10-31 12:57
I am from London, and I think this web site is GREAT! The idea of having people's essay's on-line to read is brilliant, as I am a Government and Politcs student, learning about the American way, and I have learnt a great deal.
Horak,Steve ([email protected]). 00-10-31 05:50
This is the best site for A.P. U.S. History that I have ever stumbled upon! I've recieved help with research papers and also recieved second, third, and fourth sources for my in depth history book which is quite hard to understand. Stupendous!
Mc Donald,Jack ([email protected]). 00-10-31 00:09
Icame across your site when asking on the Internet about Pearl Harbour and found the items on display very interesting.
I would like more information about Pearl Harbour and will keep tuned to your site for information.
Thanking you.
g . /Tucci,Herburt (ccp.). 00-10-30 22:01
Fine info.
james,duncan ([email protected]). 00-10-30 15:18
If you would help me i need information about "Geronimo" All that you can find for me i need to no where he
was born and where he lived and also his hiding places of his camp warriors. please give me this information.
Helen,Helen ([email protected]). 00-10-29 23:02
Your website is great, however there are just too many links and i don't know which one should i choose. so i believe you guys should really improve this website.
DIMITRIOU,EVANGELOS ([email protected]). 00-10-27 08:59
Thank you for permitting me to comment.
I wish to know how I can get the history of USA on line.
Thank you very much
Evangelos Dimitriou
Otts,Kayla (bobbyoo@ dixie-net.com). 00-10-27 02:01
I had a social studies report due and this page has helped me so much I just waanted to comment and say thank you!!
Ozkal,Kevin (). 00-10-26 15:25
I'm very impressed
Bancroft,Lauren ([email protected]). 00-10-26 02:47
Since this website is new, I have a suggestion to make to you about some of the info you might want to include about the Revolutionary War. Might I suggest that you include pictures of the events and uniforms? I suggest this because that is exactly what I'm looking for and I can't find it anywhere. I know this is not your fault, but it is only a suggetion. Thanks for your help.
thompson,tom ([email protected]). 00-10-26 01:21
nice site! :-) You have helped me out alot ! thank you very very much ! :-) Bye-Bye
mungi,sam ([email protected]). 00-10-25 18:31
thanks for making this site so organized and easy to follow
Parker,Amber ([email protected]). 00-10-25 02:15
thank you for the info on Thomas Paine it realy helped
Stringham,Eric ([email protected]). 00-10-24 06:52
I thought your biograpy on Robert E. Lee was a good job. I especially liked the part about how he had no demerits at Westpoint which you wrote has not been matched since. I think you showed that he wasn't just a General of the South but a trully good man, which he was. Thank you.
Southerly ,Patricia (Trish2966). 00-10-23 21:10
My family believes that we are decendants from RobertE.Lee We have done research and foun that we are related to this wonderful man with a great heart.
Weathers,Paul ([email protected]). 00-10-23 20:34
I came upon your site (http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/H/1994/ch12_p8.htm) while attempting to research the election between Ford and Carter. After reading your page about President Ford, I was stunned in regard to the degree in which you have rewritten history. The negative information about President Ford may convince those who did not live during that time. I was a teenager during the Ford years, and therefore I notice a major difference between those years and the faulty information included at your site. It was through curiosity that I also read your page about Jimmy Carter. I noticed that you also misrepresented the Carter years as well.
I was looking for a good site for research purposes. Since your site essentially lies about the Ford years, and downplayes the problematic Carter years, it is apparent that your site is not objective. It is very slanted and biased.
My only reason for seeking your questbook was so that I could share my opinion.
B.,Nathan ([email protected]). 00-10-23 03:05
I have to say this is one great resource for historical facts!.. My report on Ethan Allen was made *INTERESTING* thanks to Doug's rendition! ^_^
I'd l ike to thank you people for coming up with such a great idea: nonetheless, in the Netherlands, a country barely related to the US. =)
Thank you people VERY much. ^-^
wilson,richard ([email protected]). 00-10-23 01:30
i really liked your site except that everything is from an american point of view. why not have somethings from a canadian view, about american manifest destiny and the effects it had on canadians. but other than only having american pieces of writing it's a great site and i loved reading the info. provided
Moncada,Diana (????????????????). 00-10-22 22:01
I wuz confused about this site. Because when I wuz trying to find stuff on Howard Fast i didn't find anything.Well Iguess yall need to put some stuff in here about him because i have to do a biography about this guy and I didn't find anything.
Miskill,Judith ([email protected]). 00-10-21 00:26
I was looking about the 'net for information on Samuel Adams, my Great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather. I was very grateful for one link in particular that, unlike most literature, reflected his convictions: to God, and to peaceful protest. That link was sponsored by a Christian organization, and so it explains their 'more accurate' record of the intent of Samuel Adams. I am very thankful to have found this refreshing information, which unfortunately conflicts with your record of the Boston "Tea Party" where the claim is made that Samuel Adams responded with violence. I am unclear how 'violence' is made equal to 'dumped the offending leaves into the water' as the closing statement within your document. (Index: 8/16 Patriots Agitate: Boston "Tea Party")
Within the information found in the link (Samuel Adams: Re-Evaluating a Jounalistic Calvinist) to an essay by Marvin Olasky, there is mention that Samuel Adams indeed made it clear that nothing but tea was to be damaged. He reports that true to the intent, a damaged padlock was replaced.
I don't agree with your statement of 'violence' but understand it to be a common result of the lack of information available on the character of Samuel Adams. Historians lack information due to his self-effacing nature which tends to lend itself to literary license. The literary statement of violence bespeaks a historian that is reading between the lines and coming up with the wrong answer.
Again, many thanks for hosting the information and I pray that you don't find my commentary too critical.
(Note: my home e-mail is under flux and is presently [email protected] but will soon be [email protected], starting tomorrow, so I put in my work e-mail address. You may use any of the 3 at this time.)
N/A,MeL (N/A). 00-10-19 20:59
umm i need a lot of info on the colony of virginia for a project!! please!! thank yaz!! Buh bye! please put it on this site!!!! its my favorite!!!
LiVigni,Michael ([email protected]). 00-10-19 19:26
This is a great site. I just gave out the address to my American History students and thwy will be using it to supplement their textbook. Thank you!
,Amber ([email protected]). 00-10-19 17:28
I am a senior involved with the We the People program and was signing into say that this is an excellent site to help with the curriculm. Thanks
rothe,sunny (). 00-10-19 15:32
it was needo
Rucci,Kristen ([email protected]). 00-10-18 22:29
I think that this is very disorganized. I came on to get a map of the Southern colonies and i couldnt even do that. This should be alot easier to find what you are looking for.Thank you
Ismail,Sophia Rasheeqa ([email protected]). 00-10-18 12:45
I love this site very much 'cause it has helped a lot for my english presentation; thank you.
Koger,Trent ([email protected]). 00-10-18 00:34
This site help me with all the things I needed for my project and more.
Bloch,Dane ([email protected]). 00-10-17 19:39
I found this very helpful. I used this for a midterm and i would suggest it to everyone
mohd,shahrul mizee ([email protected]). 00-10-17 08:35
at this, i want to knowledge underground
or grunge.......
Riley,Shawna ([email protected]). 00-10-17 04:41
I actually have a qestion more than a comment. There was at least 1 president before George Washington took office. I watched a small clip about it on the History channel, I have commented about it to others now I have no way of proving it. Is it possible to find this information and where can i find it at. the man actually had letters from George washington on what a duty he was doing seriving as the first president. If you have this info I would greatly appreciate it Thank you again, Shawna Riley
mcgregor,henry (). 00-10-16 04:27
this site is very helpful because at school i am doing a report on slavery and this site has helped me alot.
thanks for making this site helpful!
Campeau,Amber ([email protected]). 00-10-16 02:59
M. Streat,michael ([email protected]). 00-10-16 02:18
I find this very interesting.My grandmother
fought as a male soldier in the battle of
manassas or bull run to southerners..Her name
was Private Lucy Matilda Gauss.She served under
the name Bill Thompson.She died june22,1925.
She is buried in my home town of Nicholls, Ga.
She was featured in the Huxford Genealogical
Society, Inc. June 1999 volume XXVI. Ihope you
find this interesting. mike streat Blackshear,Ga.
K,Shannon ([email protected]). 00-10-15 23:41
thank you for that information on jamestown, it cam in really handy for my report
Margretta,Maggie ([email protected]). 00-10-13 04:53
Thomas Paine is my hero! Were involved! We have sex at night! He's my pussy cat.
Jackson,Marquita (marquita7112hotmail.com). 00-10-13 00:34
HI I am Marquita A. Jackson and I am doing a report on the
TREATY OF PARIS.so I would like to learn all that I can about it.
Turek,Stephanie ([email protected]). 00-10-12 20:35
What a wonderful site...it is so rare to find a site with not
only primary source information, but biographies, outlines
of histocial periods, and information on the presidents.
Thank you for putting this together and sharing it with the
world. Well done...
Monvon,Harry ([email protected]). 00-10-12 17:34
Its good, very good. Me gusta tu cito extrordinairo! Keep up the good work.
,Vaughnna (). 00-10-12 17:11
I really like your webpage!!! Keep adding info.
,Rachel (). 00-10-12 17:10
Very nice
,Kita (). 00-10-12 17:07
This website is really good to get information off of for the Revolutionary War(which I am learning about.)
,Cathy (). 00-10-12 17:07
This website is a very good website to get information off of ! Keep up the good work !!!
Basse,Missi ([email protected]). 00-10-12 15:45
The info about the Great Depression was eye-opening for me! I plan to use it with my studnets.
Turner,Deborah ([email protected]). 00-10-12 14:25
This page was very helpful and I learned a lot. It helped me with my history progect.
,Tyler ([email protected]). 00-10-10 20:08
I am currently doing a Biography on Alexander Hamilton in school and I found
this web site to be VERY USEFULL!! It has all the information I need including alot more!
sorensen,Brodie (). 00-10-10 04:22
This web site was a tun of help!!!!
not available,Princess (). 00-10-09 22:59
This is a great website! It really helped me on my school report. It has a lot of great info.
,Grant ([email protected]). 00-10-09 15:49
This is a really good website because I am 13 and learning about U.S history in school! I got some really good information about the Townshend Act.
Wsers,Yesenia ([email protected]). 00-10-08 06:21
This site can for schools and I learn so much In one whole day
Mallory,Hanna ([email protected]). 00-10-07 22:53
I am in the 6th grade. I need two topics about two major events that have had a major influence in our country that occurred in the Capitol during the period of 1800-1900.
Can you help me with the two topics...after that I think I can be on my own.
Zuccolo,Stefano ([email protected]). 00-10-07 17:21
Congratulations for your project.
I'm an Italian reader and I'm reading your
"Outline of American History", that I find
very interesting.
Moreover, you use a simple language and it's
easier for me to read it.
Kind regards,
Stefano Zuccolo.
Woodward,JB (jbwoodward). 00-10-06 20:43
This is great! Outstanding resource for history majors!
Van Ebony,Porski ([email protected]). 00-10-06 20:28
Good site, eh? Thanks dude's. I will get an A' for sure now.
The White's,Amanda White (16) ([email protected]). 00-10-06 19:01
I have to do a project on the colonies and found this very helpful:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
sheetz,jodi ([email protected]). 00-10-06 00:16
I'd like to find some information on some of the original studies on which the premise that the earliest settlers crossed the Bering Land bridge around 12,000 years ago. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you for your consideration. Jodi
The Bird Family,Nina (). 00-10-05 04:12
I am very pleased with this web-cite. Keep up the good work.
heather, ([email protected]). 00-10-05 03:23
i dont get how your web site shows how to find out what your question is mine was about sectionalism and you dont have anything good>>bye
Beausoleil,Brett ([email protected]). 00-10-05 01:14
Hey guys--I kno this isnt a question and answer thing--but i DESPERATELY need some help. My teacher gave us a research topic on :
English support for the Colonies and the Declaration of Independence (or Revolution)
A. description of the English condition
B. writings of their opinions of the Colonists b4 or during the war
I havent found any SPECIFIC information yet--any help is appreciated
Brett Beausoleil
munoz,lee ([email protected]). 00-10-05 00:49
i liked how this page sent out so much information! it was very helpful
robertson,sydnie (). 00-10-04 21:20
Johnston,Frank ([email protected]). 00-10-04 04:42
Why do the links for Washington's first and second inaugural addresses have the years 1801 and 1805 beside them?
Cheung,Gary ([email protected]). 00-10-04 00:30
your site Is The Best For Reports
,Casper (). 00-10-03 22:05
I want to know from who the quote: BACK TO NORMALCY comes??
Gaboardi,James ([email protected]). 00-10-03 20:12
There should be a Modern English version of the Farewell Address so it would be easier to understand.
misun,chris ([email protected]). 00-10-03 16:17
this site is awesome
send me details on how you made it please
Rivera,Therese ([email protected]). 00-10-03 10:51
HELLOOOO! I need a chart not an essay of when and where earthquakes happen
King,Shenita ([email protected]). 00-10-03 03:33
Keep up the good work!
hutchins,Terry ([email protected]). 00-10-02 21:33
My grandmother, Marion Elizabeth Jones, was a decendent of Ethan Allen. Do you have any information for a family tree
Rigo,Zoltan ([email protected]). 00-10-02 08:01
I have the
In Congress July 4, 1776 The Unanimius Declara-
tion Of The 13 th. United States Of America.,
Signed by John Hancock, and 56 others.
I'm Lucky.! I just wonder howe many more out there.?
Simons,Cathy ([email protected]). 00-09-30 17:11
I really enjoyed this site. I am a third grade teacher. My students have to write a biography of a president. I will recommend this site to them. Thanks for a great reference.
knight,heather ([email protected]). 00-09-29 17:47
This web site was great one. You really helped me with my research paper on the Apache Indians. If anyone has any more info on them please contact me! thanks
heather !
[email protected]
Stanley, (nothing). 00-09-27 15:35
why did you make this site
Lee,Susan ([email protected]). 00-09-26 20:50
What an awesome website, especially the
info on Robert E. Lee, he was a great man!
Ontchangalt,Renee ([email protected]). 00-09-26 18:16
I'm a international student, and I'd just like to thank
you becaue this website has been key for me in my journey
of understanding the United States history, and the American
mind as well.
,Erika ([email protected]). 00-09-25 23:19
Hello, I found your website very intresting. I was wondering if you can answer this question WHat U.S president recieved the lowest gallop poll job approval rating of all time? When? %?
Richholt,Kari ([email protected]). 00-09-25 22:04
Fletcher,John ([email protected]). 00-09-24 21:40
I am seeking detail on Sir Henry Clinton's involvement in the Independence War. In particular, his aide-de-camp, Thomas Pelham-Clinton's role and deployment during that period.
Pike,Sharon ([email protected]). 00-09-24 21:05
My name is Sharon, I live in Claremont, Calif (about 30 miles east of Los Angeles). I am 34 years old and I am a student at Citrus Community College. I was asked by my Poitical Science teacher to research this Web site as part of our Virtual Field Trip. What a great web-site. I found myself "lost" for hours in the President's section. My husband is a history buff and he always knows things off the top of his head. Now, I have a place to go to get answers when he's not around to help. Keep up the good work.
Mokhnach,Svetlana ([email protected]). 00-09-24 17:25
Your website has a lot of information. I totally love it.
Austin,Judy (jcaustin@lynxus). 00-09-22 22:25
I can't figure out how to access any historical
information before 1954. I am looking for Reconstruction Period
info to be exact.
minez,maina ([email protected]). 00-09-22 19:37
Hey NASA rocks and I can't wait to be an astronaut! Keep up the good work!
,Charlotte ([email protected]). 00-09-22 07:24
I'm so grateful for your site!! I believe this is the site that my AP US History teacher gets all of his primary sources from, and it's so wonderful to come and get the "context" for all the articles! The Federalist Papers context was five pages long, but it really helped me to understand the situation! Thank you so much!!
dave albert, ([email protected]). 00-09-22 03:13
what is the year or years in four score and seven
years....is four score each 20 years?
Perry Family,Linda ([email protected]). 00-09-21 21:17
This has been really great for me. It helps me out alot as for as learning history and on essays or biographies, etc. Keep up with the good work. Again thank you! You have been helpful.
Miller,Heather ([email protected]). 00-09-21 17:33
I think that this is a good site, but you need to have more in here about the American Revolution Thankx
Bishop,Katie ([email protected]). 00-09-20 22:05
This is a great source of information to use in reports and stuff. Thanks to you, I got all the info that I needed on Alexander Hamilton in one clean shot. Thank you so much!!!
Sliwinski,Kate ([email protected]). 00-09-20 18:19
This seems like this could be a very useful site. I'm a high school student taking an AP American History class. I've not been able to find sufficient information on some topics I am interested in on this site, I hope soon your search engine is improved! thanks!
Coleman,Wanda ([email protected]). 00-09-20 05:38
Are there any records, names etc. for the adopted children of Andrew Jackson.
Herbert,Fred ([email protected]). 00-09-19 19:49
First time here.
Looks interesting!
Yarbrough,David ([email protected]). 00-09-19 01:45
Nice page yall
Boston,Cecelia ([email protected]). 00-09-19 01:21
I have been chosen to represent my company. My native american hertiage is complied of CREE?, Mescalero and Cheyenne. I am trying to get some more information on Mescalero Apache. However, your site has been very useful
(Allen) Ahart,Karen ([email protected]). 00-09-17 17:26
I am researching my relationship to Ethan Allen
and believe that I have found my confirmation at
this site.
Karen (Allen) Ahart
[email protected]
sims,angela ([email protected]). 00-09-15 01:47
i think you did a very good job gaving out information on george herbert walker bush
but i'm doing a presidental debate project
and you didn't have information on primary info
or secondary info on him [i wish you can get a lest a little info on sec info on him and lotes
more info because i'm in 7th grade and i do a lot of project to pass the grade and your site was the sit could found on speeches so i just wanted to say thank you very very much know can say thank to you i got a A+ thank you
Chapman,Pia ([email protected]). 00-09-15 00:20
This site should have more on the Revolution of 1800 but otherwise it was pretty cool.
COOKE,LOGAN ([email protected]). 00-09-14 21:09
Maier,Rebecca ([email protected]). 00-09-14 01:26
G,Isaac ([email protected]). 00-09-13 21:26
I have a question!?
What Role Did Alexander Hamilton Play In the American Revolution? I need the answer by Friday September 15
Please Help!
hooson,laura ([email protected]). 00-09-13 15:37
Your pages on Edmund Burke are alright but i think it needs more info about his ideas on the French Revolution and his book.
COLEMAN,CRYSTINA ([email protected]). 00-09-13 04:18
thisis,booring (don'[email protected]). 00-09-12 16:10
your site is booring,and we have to look at it for school
Bielski,Barry ([email protected]). 00-09-12 16:07
Your site has been awarded a link from "The Family News" at www.famval.com. Your link will appear in one or more pages. A reciprocal link would be nice but not necessary.
Thank you,
Barry Bielski
Lovett,Ashley ([email protected]). 00-09-11 16:31
not very informing but you may be able to learn from it.
Graham,Shawna ([email protected]). 00-09-07 02:12
for the second day of school, already i found a site where i can look stuff on at, thanks for the info u guys!
Barta,Rose ([email protected]). 00-09-06 22:45
Wonderful site! It maked me proud to be an American.
Edwards,Zara ([email protected]). 00-09-06 16:32
Your site is great it helped me with my school assignment.YThanks alot and keep up the good work!
Langner II,Robert ([email protected]). 00-09-03 20:34
I hope you can help. I've been searching for the year and other information that Congress voted on and passed English as the official language of the US. German was to have lost by one vote.
Lackey (Green) Family Gray,Eliabeth Lackey ([email protected]). 00-09-03 10:02
I'm looking up my family history.
My greatgrandmother told me that her grandparents were on the trail of tears.
Georgie Gray born 1893 march 15 in alabama.I have always remembered this. She was a very loving person..She had 9 children of her own.
Guldin,Katherine ([email protected]). 00-09-01 01:03
Thank You so much for the time that you all have devoted to making the study of American History as easy and INTERESTING as it could possibly be. I am in the 5th Grade and will be using your internet-information all the time !!!
Black-Sargent,Jachelle ([email protected], [email protected]). 00-08-31 20:25
nice webpage...we luved it!! luv, jachelle black-sargent
Smith,Chelsea ([email protected]). 00-08-31 17:39
This is a wonderful and extremely helpful page. Thank You!!!!!
Cloak-Sander,Stephanie ([email protected]). 00-08-30 19:08
I think your web site is excellent. I wanted to read a whole letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote and I only had a snippit and who he wrote it to. When I searched by Netscape for the letters of Thomas Jefferson, they sent me to you. I will tell others about your web site.
Editor of "Freie Blatte" newsletter of The Free Congregation of Sauk County, WI USA
Solena,Zanie ([email protected]). 00-08-30 05:08
cool and useful but not complete
,Natty ([email protected]). 00-08-30 03:45
I need to know the taxes other than that, gr8 web site
Pousson,Lindsy ([email protected]). 00-08-29 21:39
I am a new history teacher and I love the primary sources available on this site. I have not used them yet in my classes but I look forward to. Thanks!
Everett,Kristin ([email protected]). 00-08-27 20:30
I was just wondering, if you guys had an index??? I am looking up things about the Boston Tea Party and I need some information. . .Just a few questions answered. . .could you help out? Index???
Braselton,Elizabeth (). 00-08-24 15:52
Was very excited to find the information we were looking for in your site. Thank you. We will be looking up your stuff frequently, as we homeschool and cannot always get to a library.
Thomas,Karen ([email protected]). 00-08-23 20:55
I love this site! Thank you for putting all of this at our fingertips. Will you have some sort of "search" at some point in time on your site? It would be nice to search a specific topic such as "religion", etc and see what was stated in the past. Thank you again!
Karen Thomas
McClurg,Kelli (). 00-08-20 20:33
I didn't actually read this page because I wasn't doing anything on Robert E.
Lee but it looks helpful so I'll bookmark it!
Evans,Eugenia ([email protected]). 00-08-20 18:44
This program has a nice set up and it has a look of good resources too. But it did not have what I was looking for.
I was looking for
The soical stuctures
Political Organizations
Cultral and technological Achievements
Religous beliefs and rituals
Miller,Marcia ([email protected]). 00-08-17 17:18
I am a descendant of John Quincy Adams and am searching the family tree to see just where I came in. I also have an old picture of a family member which I am researching to see if it is a picture of John Quincy Adams's great great grandson.
Bouck,Elizabeth ([email protected]). 00-08-17 15:44
I like this site it is easer than reading out of a school textbook. thanx for the site
Roman Nose,Chris ([email protected]). 00-08-16 20:00
It was a really interresting website and like no other onw I saw before.
Beatty,Pete ([email protected]). 00-08-15 12:42
You have done a fantastic job!! I have just linked your site on mine, iLove-America.com, in our American history area.
You will also be linked on my other sites OnlineStates.com,iLoveDemocrats.com and iLoveRepublicans.com Your site helps people of all ages understand just how wonderful it is to be an American.
Molock,Delores ([email protected]). 00-08-13 03:56
I would like to have the presedent's E-mail address. Thank you
Calderbank,Morag ([email protected]). 00-08-10 19:09
Thankyou for this really useful information on americas economy. I have been looking in countless books and found just too much jargon, this has really helped me get a basic understanding which I shall use for my history coursework.
Michael,Godeck ([email protected]). 00-08-10 06:30
Being a student of pre-20th century American History, I can see immediately that this project is unique and exceptional.
For example, I ask, how is it possible that, in an online world of the emasculated biography and of barren scholarship, that such a profound and coherent orientation on the life of Henry Carey as is here found might have been produced? Having read several of Carey's books, I can attest that the student who prepared that brief has shown extraordinary insight and has indeed captured the essence of Carey's life's work.
Also, "An address to the Loyal Citizens..." from 1865 is a document of extraordinary importance, and an excellent choice for inclusion. I suppose that this appeal hasn't been fully answered yet.
I look forward to spending more time on this site, and very much look forward to criticism and contribution.
Michael Godeck
Irving, Texas, USA
[email protected]
russell,rebecca ([email protected]). 00-08-10 02:40
This is great! I teach Am. History to 8th graders. This will be a great tool.
Christopher Flanagan Esq.,Chris ([email protected]). 00-08-10 00:08
Thank you so much for this site...I am a writer and researcher in American history...I am working
on writing and building a website...which which we only pray will be as good as your project...I work at the Alaskan State Historical Archives in Juneau, Alaska...our site will be on the exploration, settlement, and Gold-Rush period of Alaskan history...1880-1920 - only yesterday, in historic context...we are doing original work with much primary materials, and first-hand testimony...we are still uncovering new material, stories, and narratives...I look to projects such as yours for inspiration, example, and direction.
I would love to help with your site. ANYWAY I can.
Chris Flanagan...Juneau, Alaska.
mccartney,shelle ([email protected]). 00-08-09 15:02
you didnt have what i wanted so i wi;ll never come back to this site!and if i do decide to please have information about him not signing a treaty to protect the endangered animals and plants of 1992
Howard,Vicki ([email protected]). 00-08-08 00:32
For biographical information on the presidents, try the Library of Congress web page.
davis,steve ([email protected]). 00-08-05 22:41
I found your wonderfull web site via a search engine search but I can not find your we site "call letters or address" by which I can type in to my computer and get to your web site directly as I can to www.schwab.com for instence.
Please send me that "web site addess"
Thanks so much for I will utalize your site in school a lot.
Please send to, [email protected]
Young,skip ([email protected]). 00-08-04 01:00
I think you and Monica should live in Los Angeles
when you two get married. you could walk the beach and help poor people. You guys aresoul mates and deserve each other. Hillaary loves
michael Reich, his small body makes him no threat
in the one room Hillary is chilly. She can have her way with this little man. Best of luck to all
you Humanitarians who want to save the world.
Jones,Nathan (_channel11). 00-08-03 09:50
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the bio on Robert E Lee it was very concise yet quite informative. I am very interested in getting more information on any servants or slave records from General Lee's estate. If you all could in anyway guide me as to where I met get this information or if you could suggest a general starting point it would be much appreciated. Thank-you
Page,Chris ([email protected]). 00-08-03 03:46
Thank you for your efforts. As an avid lover of Americana and its history, I was overjoyed to find these pages on the web. Rest assured, I will visit and revisit them.
Thanks again!!
Lin,Maggie ([email protected]). 00-07-30 22:35
I really like this site. it's great for doing research. It's really easy to navigate through the webpages.
Smith,Dave ([email protected]). 00-07-29 21:02
Thank you so much for an unbiased and informative research tool.
Pleym Christensen,Per Aage ([email protected]). 00-07-27 15:16
I thank you for this informative site on the internet.
For someone like me, who loves american history, I can read and read on this site for hours.
But I miss the biography of Patrick Henry ("liberty or death!").
Yours sincerely
Jeannotte,Paul ([email protected]). 00-07-27 05:31
I was looking at your presidential biography of James Earl Carter and I believe there may be a disrepancy. If I'm not mistaken, former president Carter was in the Navy and not the Marine as is stated in the text. You may want to correct this oversight.
Rutledge,Redenbaugh,Roxanne ([email protected]). 00-07-25 09:41
I have been told that our family is related to
John Rutledge and younger brother Edward. I would
be interested in learning if that is true. Can
you help me to find a site or reference that I can use to find this information. Thank you for
your help.
Roxanne Rutledge Redenbaugh
Serven,Michael ([email protected]). 00-07-25 01:13
Daniels,Jack ([email protected]). 00-07-24 15:44
Nice site.
Wright,Laura ([email protected]). 00-07-24 05:49
I use this material for my AP American History classes.Great site!
Soliz,Consepcion ([email protected]). 00-07-19 17:27
Well I think that history don't say the true
cause they saud that christopher Columbus Discover
America adn thats not true he just put the name
but he didn't discover it the indians did and i
think that is not fair that the americans don't
let the mexican people come to U.S.A is not fair
cause this land belones to the mexicans cause the
have part indian so i think this is not right i
think that they have to let the mexican people past
thats all i will say just for today i have more
to say but just this for today ok bye and thank you.
Hunt,David ([email protected]). 00-07-17 21:12
I really like what you are doing i think that you should continue on.
HABUMUREMYI,Emmanuel ([email protected]). 00-07-14 10:47
I find this page this morning and I am enable to give up. I have found many iformation that I did not find in some books about Amarica Literature.
Is it possible for anyone to use the information on this site in his research?
Brookes,Katie ([email protected]). 00-07-13 23:00
This is sound and helped me out well with my history coursework
Sharrocks,Darren ([email protected]). 00-07-13 15:40
Thank you for a great and an informative site. However upon reading some of your material. I find that it lacks one important thing. This being that the American War of Independence is being told from one point of view, this of cause being the patriot Ameircan side. It denotes propaganda and legitimacy for the establishment of the American nation. When dealing for any historical event it is important to get both sides of the story and evaluate the evidence of each sides stance. This is clearly lacking and I suggest that you correct this in a quick manner.
For example it was clear that the British had a legitmate right to defend the colonies from an minority of the American colonists who want to instigate a separation from the British Empire.
Morris,Ann Marie ([email protected]). 00-07-12 20:14
Love the site! It is easy to use and educational.
PLEASE be sure to spell-check your documents as I am sure many students use them. In particular, "I Have A Dream" by MLK,Jr. has at least 6.
Floyd,Douglas ([email protected]). 00-07-10 23:32
I was told as a youth that a Floyd had signed the declaration of independence. One day I hope to come to see America myself.
I am sure that I will visit this site many times in the future, thank you for the hard work.
Grubbs,Gene ([email protected]). 00-07-08 04:33
Very good..... To quote a famous American, "I shall return". Thanks
Sitcovsky,Susan and David ([email protected]). 00-07-07 07:35
David is taking an advanced American History course and we were looking for the reasons why the Spanish wanted to colonize as opposed to the
English settlers.
Greisiger,Arthur (ImageMind [email protected]). 00-07-07 03:52
I am a decendent of John Adams (on my mother's side) Our family at one time held the deed to Trenton NJ but it was torn in half and given to different brances of the family. Eventually one half was lost and the half held by my Grandmother's sister was donated to the museum in Trenton. I have a friend who is a writer and has been researching George Washinton's movements during a period she refers to as the lost years. Apparently, Washington spend time in an area known as Mason's Mill in Pennsylvania, where his signature is carved in the basement of a house at the end of Washington's Lane, comming from Philadelphia. I am moving toward researching this further and will alert my friend of your website. Alas, I do not know her E-Mail. One note- I have been unsuccessful in bringing up readable text from your postings. I hope that situation will be rectified at some point, as I am interested in, and have participated in, reinactments of revolutionary period events. I also have shot footage of the Washington's Crossing Reinactment on Christmas Day in Pennsylvania and am hoping to complete the project when I can acquire upgraded computer editing equipment. The film will be a point of view rendition of the Crossing. I welcome dialogue with interested parties.
Arthur Greisiger/Image of the Mind Studios
PO Box 655, New Hope, PA 18938
wickstead,hannah-laura ([email protected]). 00-07-06 15:34
v. good
Ivey,Michelle ([email protected]). 00-07-06 04:03
I am looking for background information on Littleton Waller Tazewell. He was the first Whig elected governor of Va, from 1834-36. I have been unable to find very much written on him- any suggestions?
sanders,LeRoy ([email protected]). 00-07-05 11:40
Very informative & educational, but site was very difficult to locate. How about something informative on some lesser known revolutionary war heroes?
Demiray,David ([email protected]). 00-07-04 18:59
I came upon your site because I had a question about Thomas Jefferson. As I read the material, I found myself thinking, "there's something very Dutch about this...." (Ik heb drie jaaren gewonden in Amsterdam.) So, I switched to the home page and my suspicions were confirmed. I mean this in the nicest way. Thank you for the information and I enjoyed your collective endeavor.
All the best
Duke,Holly ([email protected]). 00-06-30 18:45
I throughly enjoy this site. It has helped me a lot with research for extra resources to use in the classroom. The only thing that diappoints me is the lack of history about the American Indian. This site greatly leaves out the American Indian plight in the history of what is the great United States of America.
Heather,Allan ([email protected]). 00-06-30 16:15
I have just started using this work. Congratulations!
Can I ask questions? If so, who will answer? Thanks
Johnson,Lee ([email protected]). 00-06-26 22:39
You have done scholarship a valuable service by providing the works of Paine, and thank you! I read Common Sense and a number of other pieces provided but have been unable to locate the quotation I need a citation for: "Where then is the King of America. The Constitution is King. Since this quotation has probably been right in front of me and you would know it, might there be a possibility that you could e-mail the citation? (Of course I found, "The law is King.")I'd be very grateful
Kelly,Tom ([email protected]). 00-06-25 22:20
Found you just by searching for "Geronimo" and have thoroughly enjoyed reading his biography. Will be visiting again to investigate further matters. Thanks.
Klein,Kerrie ([email protected]). 00-06-24 08:07
This is the best source for historical documents on the web! It is easy to navigate, and I have found it to be a necessity in my research as a graduate student. I have shared this address with fellow students and professors-- this site is a must-have for any student of history!
Andrews,B.J. ([email protected]). 00-06-22 17:29
Very nice.....'twas looking for information about
General Robert Edward Lee. I found a factual
little biography. Thank you for your w/site.
McNiel,John ([email protected]). 00-06-22 14:57
I really must thank the maker of this site, without which i would probably still be searching in vain for something i wouldn't have normally found. i may not be much, but a grateful high school student i am. thanks again.
Milligan,Margaret ([email protected]). 00-06-12 22:36
I am currently building a series of webpages with educational links for current and future teachers. This is one of the best sites dealing with the documents relative to American History I have found.
McNeely,Michael ([email protected]). 00-06-05 14:37
I was always told my great grandfather Joseph Bilodeau had been a member of the Green Mountain boys and was given a land grant in Proctor Vt by the govenor as he came from France to be a member of this group . I have never been able to find a roster of them and was wondering if there even was such a document. Thanks, Good Story great reasearch. Mac
Wayne Headlam and Wendy Ronalds, ([email protected]). 00-06-05 13:24
We love the Indian culture and are just starting to search the Internet. We are kindred spirits and wish you well. Thanks for the wonderful information. May the Great Spirit be always with you.
Friendly,Alfred ([email protected]). 00-06-04 23:50
Your site would be more impressive if it paid more attention to accuracy in small matters. In the essay on Manifest Destiny, for instance, Senator Albert "Beverage" should be "Beveridge" and "Tectonic" peoples should probably be "Teutonic." If you can't get the minor points right, I wonder how confident one can be of your general reliability.
Bjornlund,Lydia ([email protected]). 00-06-04 22:39
As a writer of books on American history for middle school students, I am always looking for good sources of basic information--and since I had twins in February, more and more often looking for this info on the Internet. Thank you for providing solid, well-researched, and useful material.
Valdivia,Lily ([email protected]). 00-06-04 22:17
This is a great site, I had a hard time finding an event that happened on a certain date and find it in this site. You did a great job, I am impressed great work students. I found it very interesting and helpful.My students are using it as well. Thank You.
Daly,Justin ([email protected]). 00-06-04 02:22
Learning your institution has French Canadian roots I am seeking information about the French Canadian soldiers of the Continetal Army who were cheated by Congress after the Revolution. I read were even Lafeyette didn't help. Was it because he was a Mason?
Conrad,Deborah ([email protected]). 00-06-02 21:23
I wonder if you have ever heard of an event that took place in the Montgomery, AL vicinity Circa 1836, called the Mooney Wars. It had something to do with a rift between the Whigs and Democrats. Can you suggest where I might find more info? Thanks. Enjoyed your site.
Ward,Kim ([email protected]). 00-06-01 23:08
Finally a place to learn. I am part Apache, and have been looking for bio's on Geronimo and other Chiefs. Where, we came from and, anything else i can find....If you can help me find other stuff about my ancester's. i'd appreciate the tips. Thanks, this IS GREAT!!!!!!!! My father, thanks you al well.
Chou,Lui ([email protected]). 00-06-01 14:23
I am interested in war, revolutionary.. if u want to chat with me email me ..thanx!!
sluis,pieter ([email protected]). 00-05-30 23:26
thank you.
i'm a waldorf schoolteacher doinga project on tea.
Wingate,Brittany ([email protected]). 00-05-30 21:01
This is a really cool site to see so it will help me at my homework.
But you need to have a part in were people can ask a question and they can answer it.
Stafford,Barbara (barb.stafford). 00-05-30 20:08
Thank you for this informative and easy-to-use site. It is a wonderful resource that I will recommend to my friends.
Whatever,Maggie ([email protected]). 00-05-30 16:02
Good site with good info & quotes for my report.
Curcio,Christine (chriscurcio@usa,com). 00-05-28 13:49
Very informative. Very well done.
Dabbs,Daryl ([email protected]). 00-05-28 06:06
If you're going to portray Dr King's "I have a dream speech, don't omit anything because you're doing a great diservice to the man and his
family,near the end it should say "Join together in that old NEGROID SPIRITUAL not just spiritul.
Cook,Leland B. ([email protected]). 00-05-26 17:01
I was looking at the Census of 1900, my great grand-father and family were counted on it and it did not say " your response is required by LAW". But they did not have the president then that we now have, a "LAW BREAKER" by the name of Bill Clinton..
Kristi Jo Love,Kristi ([email protected]). 00-05-26 02:18
Hey I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciat your web page. I am doing a report for history on General Rober E. Lee. I read your biography and it gave me so much info. I never knew! Wow this really helped a lot!
perez aguera,jose ramon ([email protected]). 00-05-24 16:34
you are a wonderful page, i try do a web of early modern history and i need your help for the conseil.
thank you
Austin,Andrew (). 00-05-24 01:17
This is a terrific web site, I love to go here and look
around, I am a Civics student in the 8th Grade, and I like
to look around, and find more about American History.
jackson,regina (). 00-05-22 21:56
Myself and my students felt that your web-site very much enhanced our study.
Dick,Kara ([email protected]). 00-05-22 18:52
We were assigned 5 essays to write about things in America's history. I couldn't find enough information in encyclopedias so I decided to look online. This site has helped me very much.
Rushing,Kaitlin ([email protected]). 00-05-21 19:04
very nice but could you possibly add a site on slave states in 1819-1820? I really needed it and you didn't have it. Thanks anyways! Great Site!
,Neo ([email protected]). 00-05-20 01:04
This an excellent site It is really helpful thank you so much!!!
Darlinng,Dee Richard (drd@redrock). 00-05-18 06:16
A Marvelous collection. Thanks
Gabe,Gabriel Q Wilson (). 00-05-17 18:48
Your really good at giving information.
Martin,Jean ([email protected]). 00-05-16 19:05
I have seen one article on a woman who rode with Goyathlay named Lozen. This was in an old Arizona Highways magazine. She was a medicine woman. The article said that Lozen was the one who delivered the message to the army that Goyathlay would surrender. I have no other information on her. Do you know of anywhere that has any information on Lozen? Thank you.
Roby,Howard ([email protected]). 00-05-14 06:49
I have read that the original second amendment
had but ONE (1) comma in the paragraph, and now it
reads with three commas. I have read the amendments in an old book (the 1800's) and there
was only one! I looked this site to see what the
original showed and you show three. I think this
is incorrect and does make a difference in the
interpretation. Would like to know your thoughts.
,Heather (). 00-05-13 19:02
Thank you for this site. I needed help for my History project
and this is where I found all I needed. You had a bunch of
great information.
Salsbury,Louise ([email protected]). 00-05-12 21:24
I doubt you can help me but I wanted to ask a question. Also, I have very much enjoyed viewing
your site.. I particularly enjoyed reading about
Geronimo! That brings me to my question. I am
trying to find out more about an Apache girl who
lived likely in the early to mid 1800's. In your
search for information about Geronimo, I wondered
if someone ever came across any information about
this girl. Her name is Sincerae, also known as
Morning Star and I am uncertain if morning is spelled morning or moUrning.. I was told that she
was abducted by someone and later lived with the
Cherokee and married one of their chiefs. When
he died or was killed, she took his place as was done in the Cherokee Nation. I believe this was around the time of the Trail of Tears but I'm not positive of that. I haven't had a chance to go to the Cherokee capital in Oklahoma to do any
research, but when I found this site, I thought
perhaps you might be a good place to start on my
search for Sincerae. If you could help me, or if you know anyone that might, it would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you very much!
Bretman,Bebe ([email protected]). 00-05-12 00:59
I had previously watched the tv version of geronimo
and wanted to learn more about this interesting man
in history .I found his story informative and was
shocked and at the same time intregued by the savagery
and honesty of his words which i found had a nieve
and innocence to them as well.Of course i am still
left hanging as the author falls to tell what became
at the end to geronimo .I am left with questions such
as .when did he die.[what year] what became of his people?
Has the apache in the present ever sued the government
for moneys and land that were promised to them ect.
A follow up to this story would be great reading and
an interesting novel and so forth.
Bebe Bretman
Holdcraft,Joey ([email protected]). 00-05-10 04:17
Could you e-mail me a timeline of American History
From the year 1600 to 1850?
Collins,Kimberly ([email protected]). 00-05-08 22:20
I am at school and am trying to find out information about the Revolutionary War for a project that I am doing. I would be most helpful if the information would have been listed and reachable for me and my fellow classmates to use. I would never recommend this site to any looking for information because it is useless. Please update this site have just a little more information that is valuable to me and/or any other student/teacher that might actually need information. Thank you for your time, and I hope you do something about this site before anyone else trys to get information from here. Thank you, Kimberly.
Duffley,Richard ([email protected]). 00-05-07 21:35
Why no date on the Gettysbugh Address
hazelwood,Rachael ([email protected]). 00-05-07 17:22
Get more stuff on Like "The declaration of Rights and grievaces! I need stuff like that for my 3000 word essay!
Scott,Margaret ([email protected]). 00-05-06 21:35
I really want to find my past and I would like to thank you for helping me online!!
,Kelsey (). 00-05-06 17:12
I'm using the website for a report and it's going to be a good report
Miller,Sydney (none). 00-05-04 16:26
I like to read about the Civil War. You should put more pageson the web page.
B,Y2 ([email protected]). 00-05-04 10:40
Hi there. I am a 17 yr old student in the UK, and for my History A-Level, I am going to investigate the American Civil War.
However, I can not come up with a question that best fits. I want to look into the mistakes of the Civil War, things that, if they hhad been done differently, could have changed the outcome. Something along the lines of...
What could have the turning points in the American Civil War?
What factors or mistakes could have changed the outcome of the American Civil War?
At what points during the American Civil War could the South have actually succeded.
Or something along those lines.
I'd appreciate your help on this matter.
Neil Brazier (Y2B)
Terpstra,Tawnya (no email ). 00-05-03 15:43
I would really like it if you had it so that people would be able to read some of Thomas Paines works and not just know that you have info. on them.
Rockefeller,Cindy (???@???.???). 00-05-03 14:44
Your site stinks! There are no pictures! Please get some.
turner,kim ([email protected]). 00-04-29 18:27
i think this is a worderful site to learn about histroy
Brrrrandt,Max-a-million (tassadar24). 00-04-29 01:57
Good page! Lots of information i need to
pass a big AP TEST!
Winders,Margaret (Mrwinders). 00-04-29 01:42
I feel that I must correct you on the burial place of William Blount. He is buried in Greenwood Cemetery,Clarksville, Tennesse. Not in the Presbyterian Church cemetery. I have looked at
his monument many times. It is tall, and very lovely.
Stoltz,Kimberly ([email protected]). 00-04-27 14:57
This site is filled with great information. I am studying to become a history teacher, and I will inform my class about your website.
garza,stephanie ([email protected]). 00-04-27 04:23
I was really wanting to find out of African American settlement during the 1600, for my power point presentation
,Erin ([email protected]). 00-04-27 03:53
I am so glad you had information for my school report!
,Andrea ([email protected]). 00-04-26 23:24
Do you have anything on who took command of the union forces after Robert E. Lee declined the position in the civil war? But other than the fact that i couldn't find that i found this site useful.
,Kayla ([email protected]). 00-04-26 01:59
I need help on the Seneca indians. I haven't found anything onyour site. In fact, I haven't found anything anywhere. You should make something. Thanks.
Millermon,Sarah ([email protected]). 00-04-25 19:35
HI! I am in homeschool right now and taking U.S. History. Your webpage has been a great deal of help to me all the way from the beginning of the nation to where I am now (pre wwII) and it will still be very useful to me all the way up to present day "history". Thanks very much for having this page! It is awesome, keep up the good work!!!!!
***,casg9981 ([email protected]). 00-04-25 05:07
thank you for the help. This site was very informative and easy to use. I will recomend it to others.
Jones, Jovanna (ColdShadow5). 00-04-24 16:06
This was great help thanxs, you really saved my butt.
lowe,jeremy ([email protected]`). 00-04-24 03:07
The Gettysberg Address is the best.
Murray,Peter ([email protected]). 00-04-23 04:22
Enjoyed your essay on The Battle of Lake Champlain. I have some extra information concerning the lead up to the naval conflict in the several days prior to the Battle on the 11th. It involves the heroism of a Lt. Silas Duncan on the staff of Commodore MacDonough aboard the Saratoga.
I also have other hand written documents by Lieutenant and later Master Commandant Duncan, while aboard the Frigate President in 1813 and as Commanding Officer of the Frigate Lexington in 1833 and his involvement with that ship's raid on the East Falkland Island port community of Puerto Soledad. They are contained on my website for the third U.S. Navy Destroyer to carry the name Duncan. Check it out at http://www.ussduncan.org
Peter J. Murray
Webmaster, USS Duncan.org
1 559-622-9500
[email protected]
Gallantry on Lake Champlain
Silas Duncan was ordered to duty on Lake Champlain on April 18, 1814 and assigned as Acting Lieutenant on the Flagship "Saratoga" under Capt. Thomas Macdonough.
In September, 1814, Sir George Prevost, the Governor General of Canada and the commander-in-chief of the British forces in America, invaded the United States with a well appointed and highly disciplined army of almost fourteen thousand men, and was advancing rapidly to the attack of Plattsburgh, on Lake Champlain, which was at that time the principal military and naval depot of the United States upon the northern frontier.
To impede the progress, and change the course of the advancing column of the enemy, Commodore McDonouogh detached a portion of the light vessels of his squadron to a point on the lake called Dead creek, around which the enemy was expected to pass. These vessels, after having commenced the attack on the British forces, were supposed by Commodore McDonough to be in danger of capture.
On September 6th, McDonough ordered Lt. Duncan who was at that time an acting lieutenant of the Saratoga, (the flagship of the commodore,) to proceed forthwith and take command of these vessels, with instructions so to manoeuvre as to extricate them from the dangers in which they were involved.
Lieut. Duncan proceeded to the scene of action, and assumed the command of the attacking squadron, and so manoeuvered and directed its operation as to extricate the vessels from the danger which impended over them, and accomplished the object for which the attack had been ordered, by which the principal division of the British army was compelled to change its position, and pursue a different route with considerable loss.
While Duncan was so engaged in this perilous and important service, he was, in passing from vessel to vessel, personally exposed to an incessant fire from the enemy; and it was remarked that his person was a principal object of their aim, under an impression (as was subsequently confessed by the enemy) that it was the person of the commander-in-chief of the American fleet on Lake Champlain.
Lieutenant Duncan was finally struck by a cannon ball, which inflicted upon him one of the most desperate and terrible wounds from the effects of which life has ever been preserved. The whole of his right shoulder, including the joint and all the bones and muscles about the shoulder, were carried away, and his shoulder blade and collar bone were also fractured, besides extensive contusions. At first, the wound was supposed mortal, and no hope was entertained of his recovery. Lieut. Duncan was sent to the hospital on Crab Island, when it was proposed by the surgeon to amputate at the shoulder joint, which was prevented by the unyielding opposition of Lieutenant Duncan. He remained on Crab Island until the 11th of September, without receiving any other aid than simple dressing.
During the battle of the 11th of September, he was removed, for safety, to Peru, a few miles distant, where he remained several days, and a great part of the time in a state of delirium, without seeing a surgeon, having been either forgotten, or the surgeons being too much engaged to attend him. Dr. Brown, of the navy, at length visited him, and found him in the most deplorable condition. Lieutenant Duncan was removed across the lake to Burlington, in Vermont, and placed in the general hospital, which was at the time in charge of McDonough's Fleet Surgeon, Dr. Huntt. Duncan's arm was ultimately saved, but was so shattered and weakened, by the loss of some of its essential parts, as to be of but little use to Lt. Duncan.
Lt. Duncan courage and bravery under fire was too briefly mentioned in Comodore McDonough's afteraction report. Duncan's successful mission thus set the stage for the American defeat of the enemy fleet some 5 days later. For his outstanding service Duncan received the thanks of and a sword of honor by Resolution of Congress approved on Oct. 20, 1814.
The nearly 200 year-old fitness report on Lt. Silas Duncan, penned by Capt. Thomas MacDonough, Commanding Officer United States Frigate Saratoga.
Commodore MacDonough
The above is an extract from a letter of Commodore Thomas Macdonough written to Commodore John Rodgers, President of the Board of the Navy Commissioners. In today's terms, it is a fitness or effiency report for the record to be used for promotion and assignment. It was not uncommon at that time for reports to be very critical, often harsh, meant to reform bad habits.
Washington, May 6th, 1815
In obedience to the order of the commissioners I herewith transmitt an impartial and as far as I am capable of Judging a correct report of the character, and qualifications of each of the Commissioned & Warrant officers who were attached to my command on Lake Champlain commencing with
Lt. Silas Duncan. Is a brave cool and deliberate young Man something of a Seaman whose habits are good, he was badly wounded on the 11th Septr. He will I believe make a valuable officer though he should have practice in his profession.
(As third Lieutenant on the Saratoga, he was sent to recall the gunboats when wounded and was decorated by Congress.)
23d Congress) No. 555. (1st Session.
Mr. Campbell P. White, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the memorial of Silas Duncan, late lieutenant and now a master commandant in the navy of the United States, reported:
That in the month of September, 1814, Sir George Prevost, the Governor General of Canada and the commander-in-chief of the British forces in America, invaded the United States with a well appointed and highly disciplined army of almost fourteen thousand men, and was advancing rapidly to the attack of Plattsburgh, on Lake Champlain, which was at that time the principal military and naval depot of the United States upon the northern frontier. That, for the purpose of impeding the progress, and of changing the course of the advancing column of the enemy, Commodore McDonouogh detached a portion of the light vessels of his squadron to a point on the lake called Dead creek, around which the enemy was expected to pass. These vessels, after having commenced the attack on the British forces, were supposed by Commodore McDonough to be in danger of capture, when he ordered the memorialist (then Lt. Duncan) who was at that time an acting lieutenant of the Saratoga, (the flagship of the commodore,) to proceed forthwith and take command of these vessels, with instructions so to manoeuvre as to extricate them from the dangers in which they were involved, and Lieut. Duncan proceeded to the scene of action, and assumed the command of the attacking squadron, and so manoeuvered and directed its operation as to extricate the vessels from the danger which impended over them, and to accomplish the object for which the attack had been ordered, by which the principal division of the British army was compelled to change its position, and pursue a different route with considerable loss. The memorialist states that, while engaged in this perilous and important service, he was, in passing from vessel to vessel, personally exposed to an incessant fire from the enemy; and it was remarked that his person was a principal object of their aim, under an impression (as was subsequently confessed by the enemy) that it was the person of the commander-in-chief of the fleet on Lake Champlain. Lieutenant Duncan was finally struck by a cannon ball, which inflicted upon him one of the most desperate and terrible wounds from the effects of which life has ever been preserved. The whole of his right shoulder, including the joint and all the bones and muscles about the shoulder, were carried away, and his shoulder blade and collar bone were also fractured, besides extensive contusions. At first, the wound was supposed mortal, and no hope was entertained of his recovery. The character of this wound is set forth in the certificate of Dr. Henry Huntt, then hospital surgeon of the army of the United States, and now an able practitioner in the city of Washington, and who attended Lieutenant Duncan. It appears, from the certificate of Dr. Huntt, that the wound was lightly dressed, and that Lieut. Duncan was sent to the hospital on Crab Island, when it was proposed by the surgeon to amputate at the shoulder joint, which was prevented by the unyielding opposition of Lieutenant Duncan. He remained on Crab Island until the 11th of September, without receiving any other aid than simple dressing. During the battle of the 11th of September, he was removed, for safety, to Peru, a few miles distant, where he remained several days, and a great part of the time in a state of delirium, without seeing a surgeon, having been either forgotten, or the surgeons being too much engaged to attend him. Dr. Brown, of the navy, at length visited him, and found him in the most deplorable condition. On removing the former dressing, the wound sloughed extensively, and left the head of the shoulder bone bare and detached; it was then dissected out, and the wound again dressed, and Lieutenant Duncan was removed across the lake to Burlington, in Vermont, and placed in the general hospital, which was at the time in charge of Dr. Huntt. Dr. Huntt further states that he again examined the wound, and found fragments of the head of the shoulder blade and collar bone considerably detached, which he dissected out. The superior end of the shoulder bone projected two or three inches, which Dr. Huntt removed, and the arm was ultimately saved, but so shattered and weakened, by the loss of some of its essential parts, as to be of but little use to this unfortunate and gallant officer.
The committee have been thus particular in describing the nature and extent of the wound received by Lieut. Duncan, and which they have extracted from the certificate of the surgeon, because they have learned that, from its extraordinary character, it has been made the subject of observation and remark, by many eminent surgeons in Europe and America, and that Barron Larrey, the surgeon general of the French armies under Napoleon, never knew an instance of recovery from a wound of similar character. The recovery of Lieutenant Duncan must therefore reflect high credit on the professional skill of the gentleman who had charge of him.
On the 20th October, 1814, Congress voted the thanks of the nation, and medals and swords, to the officers engaged in the battle of the 11th September, 1814, for gallantry and good conduct in the capture of the British fleet on Lake Champlain. As Lieutenant Duncan was on that day and during that battle lying in a hospital, and suffering everything that humanity is capable of enduring, from the effects of a wound received five days previously in the gallant discharge of a most perilous duty, he was not of course engaged in battle on that day, and it was adjudged that he was not included among the officers who were to share the honors and benefits of the resolution of Congress.
Lieutenant Duncan, as was his duty, in such a case, appealed to Congress, who unanimously passed a resolution extending to him the provisions of the resolution of the 20th October, 1814, "as a testimony of the sense entertained by both houses of Congress of the distinguished gallantry and good conduct of said Lieutenant Duncan, in an action with the enemies forces on the 6th of September, 1814." To this resolution, and to the report of the Committee on Naval Affairs, the committee now respectfully refer, and beg leave to make part of this report.
Lieutenant Duncan was sixteen months before he recovered from this wound. In the year 1817, he applied to the commissioners of the navy pension fund, for the pension to which he conceived himself entitled. The precise date of this application is not known, because of the loss, at the Navy office, of the application and the vouchers that accompanied it; but there is among the papers in the present application a letter from the secretary of the navy pension fund, dated on the 12th September, 1817, acknowledging the receipt of the application.
It may very well be supposed that, from the nature of a naval officer's life, he has not the opportunity at all times of being pertinacious in his applications for his rights, and, with the modesty which is ever the accompaniment of a gallant spirit, Lieutenant Duncan availed himself only of such occasions as fairly presented themselves in bringing his application before the commissioners of the navy pension fund. This application was not granted until the 1st of March, 1833. And it is for the arrears of pension, from the date of his application to the period at which it was granted, that Captain Duncan makes the present appeal to Congress.
The principles involved in the granting of this application are similar, in their essentials, to those involved in the case of Captain Thomas Ap Catesby Jones, which was long pending before Congress, and which underwent much scrutiny and deliberation, and for whose relief an act has been finally passed. The only difference between the two cases is, that the wound of Captain Duncan was much more dangerous and severe, his sufferings greater and of longer continuance, and his disability also more extensive.
It is with pleasure, therefore, that the committee are enabled, without setting a new or dangerous precedent, to decide in favor of the present application on the part of this gallant and suffering officer. They therefore report a bill, and they also take leave to express the hope that the House may find it convenient to act upon it at the present session.
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Mewes,Dana ([email protected]). 00-04-22 23:48
I have just begun looking for information about Captain Moses Yomen. Yomen apparently owned the house in which a servant was abducted by the British so he could show them the way to Kingston,NY to burn it. I know th burning was successful, but not much more thatn that. I am considering buying a home built in 1742 by Captain Yomen and would like to find out as much as I can about the history of the original owner.
If you can be of help in pointing me in the right direction, I would greatly apprciate it.
Thank you
raza,sahar ([email protected]). 00-04-21 21:06
keep up the good work
Brown,Cynthia ([email protected]). 00-04-21 20:19
I found your site while researching possible topics for a historical novel. What a treasure trove of ideas! Thank you. CJB
Coleman,April ([email protected]). 00-04-21 00:47
Interesting site.
I am doing research on my Lamoreaux ancestors who waere in NY 1700-1783.
I have developed a 30 page timeline covering events in NYC and up the Hudson River during that time.
I would be glad to share this document with interested individuals.
I am also interested in other sources of info for this period and area.
Rafter,Christine ([email protected]). 00-04-20 17:45
Thank you!!!!!!!!!
Gomez,Bellalisa ([email protected]). 00-04-20 01:50
I think you should have the same amount of information on each president. I came to this web site looking for information on 2 presidents George Bush and James Monroe. I have to do a report for my 8th grade history class and I could only find a biography on George Bush and nothing no biography on James Monroe. It was very upsetting for me. I really need this information. Well your web site did help a little bit but I suggest that you add more information on other presidents such as James Monroe. Thank you for listening to my comments.
Hermiston,Kaitlin ([email protected]). 00-04-20 00:08
You could maybe, put in some info on how and why President Washington was elected. That is what I'm looking for. Thanks For reading my e-mail
manger,chad ([email protected]). 00-04-19 19:31
i really love this site could you send me some information?
Macomber,Ray ([email protected]). 00-04-19 15:47
don't matter,Daniel ([email protected]). 00-04-19 04:43
hey i think that this website is cool and if you think that it is not then you got some problems because this site has a lot of good information in it and if you wanna argue about it then you can e-mail me and i will slap you in you stupid ass head you faget mother fucker
N,Laetitia ([email protected]). 00-04-18 19:29
your site is great
it helps me work
DeRosa,Christina ([email protected]). 00-04-17 19:55
This is a very important infomational website.
Hernandez,Ernesto (Ernieh53@yahoo). 00-04-16 18:46
I found this material most helpfull,thanks .
Pillow,James ([email protected]). 00-04-16 05:41
I love this site. It is, not only, edifying but also extremely enjoyable!! Jim
Nolke, ([email protected]). 00-04-16 00:39
I am doing a report over the interstate act in 1960.
Morgan,Lauren (Morgan8883). 00-04-15 18:37
This site could be just a little more easy to use and havve more details about certain events and which of those events have lead up to the American Revolution. If you could give me any help in finding what i'm looking for it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Lauren
Gass,Hue ([email protected]). 00-04-14 01:15
this site is boring. i need a little extctiment. mabye a search for things from colonial times would help
w,amanda ([email protected]). 00-04-12 14:38
I am researching the South during the first half of the century and especially the 'Jim Crow Laws';There's nothing on it.
I just wanted to say... maybe ya'll could get more varied and detailed information on here...
Just a suggestion :-)
Cindy, ([email protected]). 00-04-11 15:31
When i went to Salem i was told that only 7 people were executed for being witches. on you web site it said that more then 20 were killed; i'm confused
Garren,Keri and Tasha Garren ([email protected]). 00-04-11 00:45
i like to tell you something the research and
everything helped me with my report
thank you for all yur help!!!
Tasha and Keri
Lauralee,Wagner ([email protected]). 00-04-10 16:18
Need information on where to find letters regarding "Committees of Correspondence" colonial America time-line
Breen,Megan ([email protected]). 00-04-09 20:38
I am doing a report for school on Andrew Jackson, this site was very informative and helpful!
Julia,Julis ([email protected]). 00-04-07 16:13
I got alot of info from this website!
Thayer,Roxanne ([email protected]). 00-04-07 03:58
I'm an educator, documentary film maker, History Day coach, researcher, and overall lover of the written word and history. I'm heading up the social studies review committee in my school district and would love feedback from anyone out there who is an educator. I've just been turned on to your site and, so far, I'm impressed. Thanks.
Washington,Olympia ([email protected]). 00-04-07 03:48
I tjis sight about Fredrick Douglas
Smith,Richard ([email protected]). 00-04-06 23:04
I am an instructor at Taylor Business Institute, Chicago IL 60601. I commend you RE: you effort to establish a readable text. How may we at Taylor obtain the text, instructo's guide, or other materials to use in our classrooms? Ihope to here from you soon.
Roske,Julia ([email protected]). 00-04-06 17:18
I think you should have a place where people can ask questions and find the answers in your information. Like I want to know when African Americans got the right to vote.
,stephanie (volleychick876). 00-04-06 00:27
hey this is a good resores, but it doesn't have anything about like the 1800's if u can will u get stuff aboutt that time like the war of 1812! well u probley can't just asking but anyway it's pretty good and i use it for all my resores materal... good job bubbye :D
Guinn,Alicia ([email protected]). 00-04-04 17:53
Thank you so much for having this site!
I was so desperate for something on the
Emancipation Proclamation and I found this!!!
Thanks Again,
Landry,Shayne ([email protected]). 00-04-03 23:24
Our 5th grade class at Nobleboro Central School in Maine have been working on a Anasazi project
This web page helped me a lot but there could be more on their cerimonies and the songs and stories that the told. In the future please take this in the works it will not only be easier for the kid but for the grown-ups.
Thank you-
Shayne L.
Austin,Knuppe ([email protected]). 00-04-03 04:32
This site is great! I really apprciate all the contributions you have made to have History come alive on the net!!
Valdivieso,Brooke ([email protected]). 00-04-03 01:14
I think that in this website you should have more
subjects such as the bringing over of the statue of liberty and so on. Other than that I think this is a great website and it canteach a lot to many people. This is the most historical site in this category.
Dorfman,Suki ([email protected]). 00-04-03 00:36
This is an amazing site! I am an AP American History student right now, and this is going to be very helpful for preparing for the exam and doing research. Thanks!
,NATALIE ([email protected]). 00-04-02 06:26
LaPorte,Julie ([email protected]). 00-04-02 04:01
I would like to thank you for a job well done on your biography of Ethan Allen, he happens to be a distant relative of mine, and I am very glad to hear him get the recogintion that he greatly deserves for helping to serve his country. Thank you again, and I hope to see more on the great heros of our country.
Cram,Emilie ([email protected]). 00-04-02 01:01
This site is really helpful i think!! it helped alot on my American Revolution project! thankx!! Buh bye
Bruy�re,Claude ([email protected]). 00-03-31 11:52
I am not sure if the person writting this article on the apache indians is a native or a white man.
It really doesn`t matter.I find the article very
interesting and enlighting.The many native peoples
of north america were done great injustices by the
different goverments of the day.I applaud Geronimo`s way of life and his struggles.As a kid
They always made me pay the indian part in our games.At first I resented doing it but soon found
myself liking the part.It was just kids playing
coyboys and indians.But I got pretty good at scarrying my friends with my war cries and whoops
I also saw that the many tv movies always depicted the natives as blood thirsty savages and
very seldom as men and women caring for thier own.
I hope you dont find my own little story to hard too believe.But thats the length of it,a country
raised kid who loved the native way of life.Im
now married to a native alguonquin native.She is a
wonderful wife in every sense of the word.Hope to
see more real life stories about our native peoples. God bless. Claude Bruyere
Boyce,Brenda ([email protected]). 00-03-31 06:41
This was a great web site. We recently became introduced to the internet at school. We will definately use this web site in our computer labs. Thanks.
gallagher,donnie ([email protected]). 00-03-31 02:42
great site
Schneider,Valerie ([email protected]). 00-03-31 00:24
I think you should make a topic called Important Events and have people type in a date and you put imformation on the screen about that date.
If you have any imformation on The Boston Port Act or June 1, 1774 please e-mail me.
Branch,Jason ([email protected]). 00-03-30 09:46
Thomas Jefferson has a mathmatical equation about blacks taking 17 generations before they can be considered white. I have looked on this website and havent found anything in reference to it. Where might I find the exact equation. I have a Professor that doesnt hae this knowlegde and is very interested.
Jennings,Elmer ([email protected]). 00-03-30 09:20
Researching period of history at the end of Washingtons 2nd administration. Question why did g.g.g.grandfather Charles leave Maryland for the hills of North Carolina
Family Rocha,Eddie Rocha ([email protected]). 00-03-30 07:28
This is a very cool website. I learned a lot and it helped me on me school projects. Thanks to all the contributers.
Jonathan Ellis Bartley,Jon Bartley ([email protected]). 00-03-29 20:45
I like this website because i found what i was looking for thank you.
Harvey,Donyanha ([email protected]). 00-03-29 17:44
I like this web site but the information needs
to be easier to find and more american history
needs to be added.
ShIrLeY,ShIrLeY (EaRlY UoO [email protected]). 00-03-29 04:49
Kool site... my teacher requested this site for our hw right now " the westward expansion" thanks it helps
norgaisse,melissa ([email protected]). 00-03-28 03:51
I really enjoyed this website.
It helped me a lot on my school report that I had to do on George Washington.
I got a lot of information too!
I also liked the guestbook, so I could read what they liked about the website and what thay learned.
I also really learned a lot of good stuff, besides all the battles that were fought.
I got to share this website and pass down information about this website.
My classmates learned a lot from this website too!
I think that this website can help you learn a lot in history!
Volk,Maya ([email protected]). 00-03-26 23:56
You have to put on who gave the articles of confederation to cangress on July 12, 1776
Sarro,Jessica ([email protected]). 00-03-24 18:50
I like this site a lot This helped me very well
with my Projet Thanks to all that Helped Design
it ... Jezyca Sarro
roebuck,jody ([email protected]). 00-03-22 06:48
enjoyed your website. I was initially looking for information regarding money owed by the u.s. gov't to our world war 1 vets and the conflict that occurred in "tent city" in washington dc in the l930's. Do you have any information on this?
Merrill,Shoff,Toomey,Kainani (). 00-03-22 06:26
Good Biaogroghy,Please list Robret E Lees Geneology after him his desendence
,Timo (LtjgReiben). 00-03-20 10:50
I�m a german Student, working on an essay about the "American Dream" and this page was very useful.
Pattison,Michelle ([email protected]). 00-03-20 04:00
Your site was very helpful but you need more information on other people besides presidents.
Mueller,Michelle J. ([email protected]). 00-03-19 17:59
Thank you, thank you, thank you...I'm working on a paper discussing the reasons why The Great Awakening tok root in some colonies as compared to others, and your site is just what I needed. Great job!!!
Meza,Julietta (). 00-03-19 07:15
This is a very usefull website with lots of facts about th 16 president of the U.S.
ashley, ([email protected]). 00-03-16 20:33
you have some cool stuff on your sight
Culkin,Crystal ([email protected]). 00-03-16 01:20
I found this site to be a very big help on my schoolwork. Thanx a lot!! :)
Hughes,Keala ([email protected]). 00-03-14 22:23
really enjoy your site. has a lot of useful info.
Hunter,Christina ([email protected]). 00-03-14 21:34
I am building a home page and I would like to put your sight as one of my favorite links...but I need your correct web address,Can you help me??
Thank You,
Christina Hunter
I really
love this site!
I love reading about
L,Colleen ([email protected]). 00-03-14 01:04
Good page.
Jones,Alicia ([email protected]). 00-03-13 16:50
You need to cover vice presidents too please.
Loughman,Victoria ([email protected]). 00-03-12 23:03
Your site is ok. But there's something that bugs me. Why don't you have anything on Valley Forge? I need information on Valley Forge. If you can, PLEASE e-mail me wheree on your site I may find it (I didn't look everywhere) or you may submit a site. Thank you very much.
Beckwith,Kendra ([email protected]). 00-03-09 21:12
Excellent resource for Data Based questions in Advanced Placement A
merican History!
Guilcher,Pierre ([email protected]). 00-03-09 02:00
I really like his site because it is easy to use and really organized.
Hartz, (). 00-03-08 19:40
I think you should let people highlight your writing
Benitez,Jessica ([email protected]). 00-03-08 18:08
Your website is great for doing and looking for information. It has greatly helped me on my power point presentation. THANK YOU ALOT!!!!
Leal,Jessica Odilia ([email protected]). 00-03-08 18:01
This website helped me alot on my research paper for my U.S. History Class. THANK YOU!!!!!
Chelsea, (). 00-03-07 23:14
I think this site is very well. It helps me find information on the weirdest things.
HUMPHREYS,GUY ([email protected]). 00-03-07 15:16
Rogers,Bethany (MadWoman1234@aol). 00-03-07 03:13
I thought that the sight was great. but you need some things on the history of the 1900's. it would help some people with projects of thier own thanks.
Carter,Casper ([email protected]). 00-03-07 03:08
HEY! I was wondering if you had a picture or a text print of the common sence pamphlit?IF not that is ok! But if you do just email me and let me know! I need it for school! Thank you ,,I need to know by 3-10-00! thanks
Aguirre,Abril (abril001). 00-03-07 02:00
It is really interesting this page. And it
has a lot of information.
Moehring,Mark ([email protected]). 00-03-07 01:27
Thank you so much for this site, it has a been a great resource for my research on Andrew Jackson.
Ginger ,Hamilton ([email protected]). 00-03-07 01:16
Thanks for the info on Richard Henry Lee
Now I need some on William Dawes
Munk,Daniel ([email protected]). 00-03-06 00:07
To whom it may concern.
I have read your web-page with great interest.. I found it to be not only informative but also of high standard.... However, I would like to bring forth a suggestion, namely to include interpretations and essays under your literature section. I for one would like to contribute to this very section.
Daniel Munk
Elliott,Kate (). 00-03-05 18:47
This Site helped me a lot with my report
Martines,Marion ([email protected]). 00-03-05 13:46
I found this to be a very helpfull site for most of my homework in college history. Thankyou ofr being here. I will be back to use it often.
kerr,ally ([email protected]). 00-03-04 18:59
thankx alot to this websight! it really helped.
Farley,Gail ([email protected]). 00-03-04 05:39
This is a tremendous site. The collection of work in the Aemrican Project "Revolution to
Reconstruction" is outstanding. The documents, letters, and biographies of American Founding Fathers is a tremendous work you should be proud of. I come here quite often, and probably will
continue to do so. This is excellent.
Fuentes,Cathy ([email protected]). 00-03-03 17:50
Thank you for putting this great page on
the internet it helped me with a project
in my class we are reading a book about
you and i am doing some research on you
thank you again the 8th graders of Eldorado
TX. thank you to
S,S ([email protected]). 00-03-03 01:01
Jeeves, gimme more info over The Articles that are in the united states government! PLEASE
Brauer,Angela ([email protected]). 00-03-02 22:50
Hi! I am to do a hyperstudio report and I decided to come here. A friend (Shania) told em about it. I love this site-but is there anymore?
Scott,Stephen ([email protected]). 00-03-02 20:06
Thank you for your excellent resource. In a time when some deny slavery was the cause of the Civil War, I would like to suggest adding specimens of state secession resolutions. I have seen that of Mississippi, available through the UNC Library's collection of e-texts on the American South. South Carolina's, the first, would be of interest.
Harness,Amy ([email protected]). 00-03-02 05:30
I found this web site to be very beneficial in helping me with my economics reports. Thank you!!
Amy Harness
Everett Marvin Almond Jr., ([email protected]). 00-03-02 02:10
Had 3 Children, What were there names, and what were there ages(sic) dates thay were born ?
Krystian,van Rhijn ([email protected]). 00-03-01 17:52
This site help me a lot by my speech. I would to thank you all. Keep up the good work.
( maybe you could give more information about the revolution)
Marin,Alicia (tweety23_78154). 00-02-29 21:19
I love this book. My Grandfather name was
Geronimo along with my Dad and Brother
and Now we have the fourth. So we have a history
with the Name Geronimo. Thank you for providing
me with your information of Geronimo. My brother
Has a tatoo on his arm of Geronimo holding his
gun. And is very proud of his name along with his tatoo. I hope the name will continue in our family. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Seal,April (basketball4u82hotmail.com). 00-02-29 15:42
This site is wonderful.It helped me study for an American history test.
ROSS,GRAEME ([email protected]). 00-02-28 22:58
, ([email protected],). 00-02-28 20:07
i need something on the seven day campiagn by 3-3-00
bailey,vashon ([email protected]). 00-02-28 19:32
The speach I asked fo A Dream" speach by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. The speack I received through the search was in quotes of the speach but inaccurate. Ex. The very end he says "will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old negro spirit, Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last." Please state a true copy of the Rev. Dr.'s "I Have A Dream" speach or take the quotation marks off the present one. Thank you, [email protected]
Hill,Roger ([email protected]). 00-02-28 19:09
A very well done effort using interesting material.
Britt,Thomas, E. ([email protected]). 00-02-28 06:23
I just found your web and find it very interesting and rewarding for all ages to read and experience the events of our great country. Please continue to enlighten us.
Harmon,Cheryl ([email protected]). 00-02-28 00:02
Thank you for this significant contribution to the study of American History study. The outline format is particularly useful.
Masters,Ryan (DMAS40). 00-02-27 23:27
I'm new, but "Why can't I find info on the 21st presidents?"
,Paige ([email protected]). 00-02-27 04:35
Ask.com is really cool and it answers all of my questions. It has helped me in school, and out of school. Thanks again!
C.,Jenny ([email protected]). 00-02-26 21:45
It really helped me!!
Ashley House,Ashley ([email protected]). 00-02-26 17:41
This site really helped me to get my report done in time and get a good grade on it too.
Rich,Susan ([email protected]). 00-02-25 17:36
This site is great! Not only for schools, but for any person interested in learning. It gives easy to understand explanations on everything you can imagine on Amercian History.
,Sarah (Julie foudy [email protected]). 00-02-25 01:28
I think this is a great thing to have on line. I also think it would be nice to have this in a book or something.
Benson,Patrick ([email protected]). 00-02-23 23:30
Larry,Shirelle ([email protected]). 00-02-23 20:05
I am trying to figure out what kind of lesson plan to do for my educational technology class.
Julie,Julie (). 00-02-23 17:54
I wnat to get picture sin the revolutionary war.
Abney,Danyelle ([email protected]). 00-02-23 08:15
I need infomation on Harriet Tubman
Pullin,Lara ([email protected]). 00-02-23 02:32
I would like a picture of President Washington's
false teeth.
Thank you,
Lara Pullin
Hill,Carol ([email protected]). 00-02-22 23:48
Enjoyed the site. Hope to use materials in Social Studies Class. May I have permission to copy what I download so that students can have a copy?
miller,mary ([email protected]). 00-02-22 21:26
i have children needing timelines from american history.your site has been a real help
Finzsch,Norbert ([email protected]). 00-02-22 09:50
A very nice site, well-done! But there seesm to be an underrepresentation of women and minorities. The thread of the narrative is oriented along the lines of political history exclusively, which is very obsolite, despite the modern form of representation....
Beers,Kayla ([email protected]). 00-02-21 20:07
I like the site and i think you should put more stuff in there about The Seven Years' War...
iadevaia,carmela ([email protected]). 00-02-20 21:20
do you have anything on the civil rights act of 1964
Lupien,Brooks ([email protected]). 00-02-19 20:02
The Michael T. Lubragge essay on Manifest Destiny is full of grammatical errors and misspellings. It should have been much more carefully edited before being placed on the internet. The contents are very scholarly, but the presentation is a mess
Schmitz,Kelly ([email protected]). 00-02-18 19:42
I found this site very useful in studing for my college class.
Walker,Dick (Dicker5169). 00-02-18 19:27
I lovwe this web site
DeHaan,Ginny ([email protected]). 00-02-18 12:34
What does this site have to do with the Netherlands and the US? Seeing the Website description, I was very interested as a person of Dutch-American heritage. However, only the information about Henry Hudson has anything to do with the Dutch in America. Admittedly, this is a relatively small ethnic group we're talking about, but I though, "Aha! This will give at least a general addressing of the issue". Wrong! This is a big disappointment. I wish there was more available here. Oh well.
denton,stuart ([email protected]). 00-02-17 21:06
terry,sara ([email protected]). 00-02-17 01:11
this is a wondreful web site i hope to see many more like them in the future. This really inspired me tok write an articl for a class project.
adcox,jessica ([email protected]). 00-02-16 02:05
this is a really cool website, but you need to make it more specific on the details and easier!
Al-Kandari,Sara ([email protected]). 00-02-16 01:44
I really like your program exept that you need to describe Jamestown now.
Sort of like brochurs
I would love it if you did that I would tell all of my friends!
HerBert,Brynna ([email protected]). 00-02-14 03:38
I love this site it is so informative!! thanks a bunch
Stubbs,Jonnita ([email protected]). 00-02-13 20:33
I just discovered this website. It was very informative
in helping me with an essay I was writing on the culture
of the 1950's. It also made for good reading.Kudo's
to the writers and contributor's of it.
Barnes,Samantha ([email protected]). 00-02-13 20:18
Can this site start to to post pictures of the War on this site for better reference for the other web researchers.
Thank you.
Samantha Barnes
Farnum,Gina ([email protected]). 00-02-13 19:42
Keep up the good work.
frick,william ([email protected]). 00-02-13 06:15
on your biography of gen. robert e. lee, ft. sumter was mispelled sumpter. believe me, i understand this is how it is pronounced, but it is not the correct spelling s-u-m-t-e-r.
thank you
Schuerger,Michael Sr. ([email protected]). 00-02-12 01:40
While James Fenimore Cooper is a fun read, I would
not use _The Last of the Mohicans_ or any of his
other works as historical source material.
Sauceda,Alexandra ([email protected]). 00-02-11 16:02
No Comment
Treiber,Jennifer ([email protected]). 00-02-10 21:46
this is a really great site I enjoy reading the info that is on this sight
Ripley,Monique (maryb@excite). 00-02-10 19:48
Cool info but no pics. what's with that?
Witt,Peter ([email protected]). 00-02-10 15:58
I am always delighted to read about General R.E. Lee
in any form. While it true that I was already familiar
with the material at this site, it is nice to know
that is is available to computer users every "where".
Y'all do a great job here!
Wolverton,Geraldine ([email protected]). 00-02-10 05:34
This is a very good overview of early american history as it is laid out in our textbook
Thank you
Geraldine Wolverton
Streightiff,Katrina ([email protected]). 00-02-09 00:34
i am on here researching and trying to get help with my school work and I hope that this will be of some help to me!
Williams,Jono (). 00-02-08 18:11
I don't have any comments about this page. All it is, is a bunch of info. NO PICTURES????!!!!!
Janssen,Ad ([email protected]). 00-02-07 15:34
Very good made and accurat.
The only remark I have is that I am not sure that Dutch comes from Deutsh.
I think it comes from the word "Diets"wich mneans something different then Deutsh.
For the rest it is a releave that this way other people know that the Dutch don,t wear wooden shoes and live in windmills.
Keep up the good work very good!!!!
M.,daniel ([email protected]). 00-02-07 02:34
I think you need to put more Revulutionary War, ABOUT GEORGE WASHINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
habert,jean-louis ([email protected]). 00-02-06 19:17
congratulations for this work which provides my students with all the information they need on the subject of US history.
Lee,Andy ([email protected]). 00-02-06 17:09
I find the idea of the project stimulating and the idea of free access to historical record of great importance. However I do have a particular interest in the anonymous account of the Boston massacre. I have my own website under construction promoting anonymous literature and featuring an anonymously written free political magazine. I am actively promoting anonymous writing and would be interested in including pieces such as this, for free and properly accredited of course, within the site in future. I wonder if this might be possible?
DEAN,RICHARD ([email protected]). 00-02-03 22:33
Rivera,Sally ([email protected]). 00-02-02 19:36
THisis a wierd website and it needs more pictures that aren't locked but it is very educational and helped me with my project which was a n obituary on thomas Jefferson
Evers,Linda ([email protected]). 00-02-02 06:33
If this page had been around when I was young
and in school, it would surely have been
one of my favorite tools. Excellent work. Thank
you all for helping to pass on the traditions of
America's great history.
Long,Todd ([email protected]). 00-02-01 05:12
I like this site a lot. hoever i wish that your
info about Jeferson and the Louisiana Purchase was a liitke more detailed
Graves,Kathleen ([email protected]). 00-01-31 22:45
I am very fond of American History; especially as it pertains to Philosophy and Government. I am reading an excellent volume titled IMAGE OF AMERICA By R.L. Bruckberger. The title says " It's hopeful meaning for the world: Some outward aspects and inner essentials of the U.S.A. as perceived by an original European thinker and man of action.
The author admires the work of Henry Charles Carey and describes him very well. I am interested in reading more of Carey's writings which is how I stumbled accross your work on the internet.
I will continue my search for Carey's work, if you know of any other sources, I would very much appreciate knowing them.
Kathleen Graves
strickland,maria ([email protected]). 00-01-31 21:01
that this is a wonderful website for me and i am in the 5th grade. i will share some things with my class.this really put children to read and to learn more about
p.s. this is what i am learning in class
Nicholas,Crystal ([email protected]). 00-01-31 04:01
i would really find it helpful if there was a date on "Thomas Jefferson on slavery", like when he wrote it. thanx crystal
Dodds,Chris ([email protected]). 00-01-31 02:43
You are very helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Kocher,Erik ([email protected]). 00-01-31 01:16
This looks like a very informative site. I have been looking for a copy of John Locke's work on toleration. Thank you for providing it.
I have also reprinted a number of William Penn's works. If you are interested in them please contact me.
alexander,shinique ([email protected]). 00-01-31 00:48
I really liked this web site is is fun and full of resources thank god for a web site like this.
cummings,Kyle ([email protected]). 00-01-30 22:37
lee was the grates person alive.
I did a report on him an got 100% on it
De Vries,Pauline ([email protected]). 00-01-30 21:58
Hi, in 1995 I finished American Studies at the University of Amsterdam and I am very happy to learn about this page. Of course I am interested in all there is to know about the U.S. but I may also have some ineteresting papers to contribute to this page myself. My thesis was about the black ghetto and the 1992 LA riots. More specifically I wrote about the Korean-African American and Latino race relations prior and during these riots during my exchange program at the UC at Santa Barbara in 1994. Please let me know if you are interested.
Marlow,Edward ([email protected]). 00-01-30 06:06
A wealth of valuable information in the year 2000.
Boswelk,Katie (). 00-01-28 02:56
I like to use this site for my American History
homework. thanks, guys!
Gibson,Amy ([email protected]). 00-01-27 22:12
I found this site purely by accident while doing research to prepare a report for an Awana program at church. This has been a great help in deciding who to do my report on. I will definitely be using it again for kids' research projects and such.
Robins,Rick ([email protected]). 00-01-27 20:44
I am a U.S.History teacher at
Payson High School in Payson, Utah.
I have found your site to be very useful.
Keep up the excellent work
Frisse ,Freddie ([email protected]). 00-01-27 17:03
i need some information on the history of the railroad is there any chance you could send me any at [email protected]
Thank you
Freddie Frisse
Erskine,Eileen ([email protected]). 00-01-27 15:56
Great Web site!!!
Hayes,,Robert ([email protected]). 00-01-27 15:05
I am a grandson of an immigrint from Ireland via Liverpool,England and a French Canadian/Native American. They imigrated into the United States through Vermont and settled in a textile mill town in Western Massachusettes. I am a history buff, both scientific(evolutionary) and religious,from the time man was created to the present. I am not schooled in history, but have tinkered with it from my travels durring my 20 plus years of military service with the US Air
Force. I lived in the Washington DC area for over 10 years durring and after my military career. I have visited all of our states with the exception of ND,Wisc, and Minn. I have also visitedover 16 countries in Europe,Africa, the middle east, asia, and the north atlantic.Along with being a novice history enthusiest, I am also a culture buff. I think there is so much to learn about how we as human beings evolved. I enjoy visiting historical places such as Mount Vernon, Monticello, Arches National Park, the Tetons, Custers Battle field, the mall inf Washington, Boston Common, the French Quarter,Champs Elisee', etc. The recent program on General George Washington thatwas televised on A&E was very informative.George Washington was surely won of our nations true hero's.He was an exciting person with life that was also contrevercial. This is proprbly true with most of our leaders since the begining of time. If more people could realy get in to history what enjoyment and excitement they would find. RWH
Davie,alex ([email protected]). 00-01-27 14:02
Any other stuff available on the name davie, especially with links to scotland?
rob,lei (). 00-01-26 22:07
,Stephanie (Kekepani10). 00-01-26 03:33
This site was very helpful for my report.
Shuffelton,Frank ([email protected]). 00-01-25 20:36
For a bibliography of printed materials on Thomas Jefferson, check out http://etext.virginia.edu/jefferson/bibliog/
Why not add it as a link from your Jefferson site?
Robert Keller,Robert ([email protected]). 00-01-25 20:19
I would like to see more stuff on this subject I do reanactments during this time era I go as longhunter or fronttersman
Marci, ([email protected]). 00-01-25 15:31
This is an extremely helpful and informative site! I am studying for my BSN and hate to say but literature is not my favorite subject! It's not even in the top 10. But this site is easy to follow and gives a great outline of the basics! Thanks for all your hard work!
Ost,Eric ([email protected]). 00-01-25 06:54
I truely enjoyed looking through this website. I have now made a huge list of books that I intend to begin reading tomorrow. One suggestion would maybe be to provide more links to other related sites. Thanks for putting in this effort to educate and rock on...
Morris,Margaret ([email protected]). 00-01-25 01:31
My son is doing a history fair on Robert E. Lee.
Can you guide us to a site where a picture of Washington College can be found?
Thank you,
M Morris
Taylor,Angie ([email protected]). 00-01-23 20:13
I found this site to be very helpful when I needed it for a school project I was doing for my American History class. I will continue to look to this site for further information when needed. Thank you so much for all of your help.
,Hope (teddybeddy449). 00-01-23 15:39
I would like to thank you for giving me information about Thomas Paine!
Begnaud,Olive E. "Betty" ([email protected]). 00-01-22 22:53
Searching for great grandparents:
Henry Jefferson, Sr. Born 1814 or 1815 Cabell Co.,
West Virginia, died July 28, 1910, Cabell Co., WVA
Mary A. Kyle, born July 12,, 1830
Nice website. Thank you.
smiths,Amanda:) ([email protected]). 00-01-20 22:31
This site has little about the battle of Yorktown!! Could you include more info on this VERY important battle of the Revolutionary war???
Schwarztrauber,Beryl ([email protected]). 00-01-20 21:57
THank you, this site helped my daughter complete a report after leaving collected research at school!
Haines,Charlie ([email protected]). 00-01-20 20:13
I have been trying without much luck to find a list of personnel aboard the Dutch ship Halve Maen(Half Moon) which was sailed up the Hudson River By Henry Hudson in 1609. Any help would be much appreciated.
Baldwin,Sean ([email protected]). 00-01-20 16:35
I was wondering if it would be possible for information about the Boston Tea Party and the Tea Act of 1773 emailed to me. If not that's ok. Thanks.
Molitor,Benjamin ([email protected]). 00-01-20 03:33
I really enjoyed your site although I am having a hard time reaching other links in your site.
Maybe I am doing some thing wrong.
I would like some help.
I am in a history class and need to write a paper on the reconstruction of the south after the civil war.
I am trying to find more information about this subject. Thank you.
,Sean ([email protected]). 00-01-19 04:15
I thought your web site was relly cool and I learnd a lot
Andres,Tasha ([email protected]). 00-01-19 00:15
Hey! Nice site here, it helped me a lot. Do any of you know where I can find anecdotes on General Robert E. Lee??? If so, please respond ASAP! I need it for a project. Thanx
smith,patty (xsublime16). 00-01-18 23:45
i enjoyed your web site..it helped me out alot with my research
geer,linda ([email protected]). 00-01-18 01:39
I can't wait to explore this site more.
Goettel,Larry ([email protected]). 00-01-16 02:05
I enjoyed looking at the works on this site, but did not find what I was looking for .
I am looking for information about The Bishop Robert R. Roberts and information about the Lawrence county area of Indiana. I am also trying to locate the grave site of Pierre (Bono) the last white man to be killed and scalped by Indians in this area. He was a french fur trapper and was killed in the spring of 1814.
Swartzel,Karl ([email protected]). 00-01-15 16:00
Hello I am researching my DENNIS Ancestors and Cousins on the East Coast, including my 2nd Cousin MORRIS Family. re: Amy Morris was my Great Aunt. Thank you Karl
"So much History and so little time."sm
Please contact me for a DENNIS Family Surname List.
Eaton,Roy A. ([email protected]). 00-01-15 15:44
,justin ([email protected]). 00-01-14 16:59
ROUNDTREE,RANDALL ([email protected]). 00-01-14 03:14
crouch,tia ([email protected]). 00-01-14 01:54
This was a very helpful ste to for my report thank you
Pinto,Julie ([email protected]). 00-01-14 01:11
Can you tell me your adress at the white house for a project we are doing in school?
powl,cee ([email protected]). 00-01-13 03:27
It would help a lot if you could have a page where viewers could ask you questions and you email them back the answer.(or a sheet showing e-mail addresses where they could find information on the subject)
matos,junior ([email protected]). 00-01-13 02:35
i love this page
jones,andrea (none). 00-01-12 20:58
i really like this website. it helped me a lot at school.you people who harass this website are jerks. you shouldn't be saying those words.
Mason,Vicki ([email protected]). 00-01-11 07:31
This project is very infomative and an ecellent source for anyone
interested in history.I know that now that I have dicovered it I will be back.
V. Mason
Morisette,Gary ([email protected]). 00-01-11 04:55
Your websight was a real nice find I will be telling some friends about it for sure. I was somewhat surprised and then again not real surprised to find that the Students and yourself were from The Netherlands. I wish I would of had more teachers that are as creative in their teaching as you.
Nice Job,
Gary Morisette
Scheepstra,Willem ([email protected]). 00-01-11 04:53
I'm sorry, I just bumped into this page by looking for the name "Scheepstra", so ; no relevant comments ... enjoy, Willem.
Barraza,Mickael ([email protected]). 00-01-10 03:21
Its a great site
jones,jean ([email protected]). 00-01-10 01:05
this site is interesting, but i was really looking for a place to state my views on the cuban boys fate.It is a disgrace to use this child on either side. any place and anytime the childs natural parent is where he should be. i read the child wants to stay here, when has that had anything to do with it.we have no right to decide this, the choice was made when he was born.thank you jean iris jones
,Megan (). 00-01-09 21:27
great site! u helped me alot but can u get more pictures?
Bryant,Sammi ([email protected]). 00-01-06 23:52
This is a great website. I found all the info. I
needed here with no problem or hassles. Keep up the good work
Davis,Casey ([email protected]). 00-01-06 05:21
I want you to know that your site and all of the
work going into it is appreciated. It is wonderful
to see people like yourselves employing your
time and energy into a worthy endeavor such as
this. Thank you.
Denton,Matt ([email protected]). 00-01-04 12:38
I am looking for one (1) definitive book on Thomas Jefferson - a book that gives me a complete: biography, and insight into his thoughts and philosophies. Please email me your suggestions. Thanks!
chandler,john ([email protected]). 00-01-03 20:53
i dont know if this project still exsist, but i need infromation on the creation of the indian nickle;why,when,enough to complie a descent report. If any one reads this please help.
Kalinowski,Kenneth W. ([email protected]). 00-01-03 20:18
This is for the President of the United States. My mother and father on August 26, 2000
will be celebrating there 50th anniversary and I
was wondering if the president sends out a signed
proclomation of any type to the recipients. My Dad servered in World War II and both my parents grew up in the United States. There names are Walter and Mary Jane Kalinowski. I was wondering for a couple in Canada recently just had there anniversary and had it signed by the head of the Province. Please reply back at the above e-mail address. Thanks for your time. Ken Kalinowski
Tabby, ([email protected]). 00-01-03 15:17
Hey i need a favor i am doing a take home quiz for school and i need you to email me and answer this question please!
Many historians believe that in order to gain the support of the south in 1790 for his controversial financial plans, Alexander Hamilton offered to
a. protect the importation of slaves beyond 1808
b. amend the constitution to protect slavery in perpetuity
c. locate the national capital in Virginia
d. support the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
e. promote cotton growing throgh direct federal subsidies
please help!