FRtR > Information > Guestbook > Guestbook (1998)

Guestbook (1998)

derycke,mark ([email protected]).
98-01-01 05:35
Through America Online I was unable to access information from the Social Security Administration. Since AOL is so highly used, it would be beneficial for this access to be gained through this online service.
Anderson,Ralough Vincent ([email protected]).
98-01-02 07:43
Your site is well constructed and enjoyable. An ambitious project; congratulations.
98-01-03 05:34
Try listing the most important events that occured under a president's trial for each president.
zur,talee ([email protected]).
98-01-03 16:41
i would love to have more information on your project!
crockett,emily ([email protected]).
98-01-04 01:54
,Rebeca ().
98-01-06 00:05
There is nothing about the Eaton Affair
Volpe,Ralph ([email protected]).
98-01-06 17:06
Nice site. For those that contribute so much time and energy to projects such as this, I wish them continued success in their ongoing efforts. This site is particularly enjoyable because it provides excellent information on the birth and development of this nation. As a recently retired person with precious time to explore all my interests, finding this site is particularly a delightful experience.
Scranton,Philip ([email protected]).
98-01-06 19:55
This is a fascinating site, tho I only have a few minutes just now to visit. Thought you'd like to know that OAHist was mentioned in today's Atlanta Constitution (newspaper), so you'll likely be getting some visits from our area. A quick look round suggests that the project has mostly focused on politics thus far. What plans have you for dealing with issues of economic development and technological change? Best, Phil Scranton, History, Georgia Tech
Angeli,Amanda (chouette15).
98-01-06 23:17
This is an excellent source for locating documents, etc. which are relative to the major events and people in our nation's history. It proved to be extremely helpful and inciteful. ~Thanks~
Schauffler,Claudia ([email protected]).
98-01-06 23:32
Wonderful, thanks so much!
Jensen,Julie ([email protected]).
98-01-07 09:05
Well I was looking for some general info on the period around the 1870s - not sure exactly WHAT I was looking for but found your site to be very interesting and I'm going to remember it because you have a lot of good things here I may be able to use in my research. I'm writing a book and was just browsing the web to see what info I could find. Thanks for being on the web!
April M. Green, ([email protected]).
98-01-07 22:25
I am going back to college and hope to finish it up for my history degree. Will propably need all the help I can get. Thankyou, April M. Green
Garry,Meghan ([email protected]).
98-01-08 03:32
i am doing a project for school about colonial ocup[ations and need informationa bout doctors, schoolmasters, and wigmakers. Good luck to all if they need as much help as me!!!
Leddon,Deborah ([email protected]).
98-01-08 15:38
Thanks so much for putting up this site, folks! It is going to be very useful to my sons (11 yrs. & 13yrs) who are now studying the revolution and colonial periods. Suggestions: 1. Could you research and put in a biography of Harriot Sampson, (I think this name is right) who had served as a soldier in the rev. war disguised as a man? 2. Could you also put in a section/whatever, on contributions of colonial women to the war effort? I realize that this may be difficult to research/find info on, however, this information would be useful to girls today. I do know that Outside of H. SAmpsom, there were women who did backup duty on the battlefield; nursing, supplies, etc. and there may be in some cases, women who actuallyassisted the soldiers. Thanks, Debbie Leddon P.S. Please do not include my name on aserver or database that can be accessed by others. Don't want superfluous email coming to my machine.
Brueckner,richard ([email protected]).
98-01-08 21:23
History Day research for 6th grade, very bright student who desparately needs help with this obscure subject.
Jones,Amy (Aim7780).
98-01-09 02:05
Upon entering the site i had difficulties finding specifically what i was in search of. Maybe you should include a place to type in the area which one is searching to better help the members.
Lyons,Len ([email protected]).
98-01-09 16:55
Wonderful !!! I am trying to find a Timeline that would show US history and the major events with text and graphics, at a glance. Might you be able to direct me to a source? Thanks, Len Lyons
McDonald,Greg (mcd_g).
98-01-09 19:51
I would like some info...
McDonald,Greg (mcd_g).
98-01-09 19:53
I would like some info...
Wygand,Melissa ([email protected]).
98-01-10 22:28
I was just you have any information about William Clark? I have to do a project about him, but I didn't find any information about him in your site....could you help me? Thanks
March,Cristina ([email protected]).
98-01-11 14:32
Your Homepage is cool but it doesn't have enough info.
,Linz ().
98-01-11 23:37
You need to have more info. on the lesser known people in American History!! (Ex: William Pierce) I need help on a project and can't find any info!!
Warner,John Leroy l V. ([email protected]).
98-01-12 03:36
relitive of col. seth warner of the revolution war.
,Robert Stack ().
98-01-12 21:13
I would like this a lot more if I could find the information that I need to know about all of this
Duncan,William ([email protected]).
98-01-13 06:29
This is an excellent and informative site. We would be lucky to have other resources made available that were of such quality in both material and presentation.
Dillon Owen, ().
98-01-13 17:28
heth,kd ([email protected]).
98-01-13 19:09
Am looking for information for elementary U.S. History
Askautrud,Anniken ().
98-01-13 20:17
Girard,Lisa ([email protected]).
98-01-14 02:21
There should be a search button where you can enter the year you are searching for and the information for that year/era would be displayed. I needed information on the ecconomic and sociologic structure of the country in 1917 and found very little information.
Hutchinson,Nicole ([email protected]).
98-01-14 20:24
Freeman,J. ([email protected]).
98-01-14 21:53
I'm a high school senior, and I'm planning to study American History next year. I love your site. Keep up the good work.
Vien,Carmen (www.theviens@webtv).
98-01-16 01:27
Tjoarman,Freda ([email protected]).
98-01-16 02:31
I thought this information was really useful. I didn't know that you guys had so many titles. I was really impressed. Now if I have to find a certain document, no more hassling in the library, I'll just look up you guys.
Van der Gaag,Michael ([email protected]).
98-01-16 03:10
Pictures (illustrations) of the attendees to the various conventions ins Re-productions of the original documents shown with marginal annotations that explain the arguments, both pro and con would be a real delight. Consider adding hyper text that accesses movie elements from PBS documentaries.
Scott,Wesley ([email protected]).
98-01-16 12:40
An interesting an informative sit on American history. There are plenty of useful sources and iseas
Langdon,John ([email protected]).
98-01-17 18:30
While browsing I think I may have found a relative
Bowman,Pete ([email protected]).
98-01-17 22:49
I designed a webquest at our school site using some of your resources. Unfortunately, Some of your addresses must have changed, because when I had my students do their webquest nothing but errors occured.
Becker,Nicole ([email protected]).
98-01-18 04:42
This is really great, but a little confusing on how to use. I could use some tips for when I use this in the future. Thanks
johnson,kevin (kj weezle).
98-01-18 07:48
i'm doing a debate on the north against the south and i needed to get some information on how i could win the debate but with what you wrote down i can't cause it's all against him. i needed something like when you said that he had to be a slave because he was black i needed something to comment on that something to get back at him.but o well i'll get it from someone else
tharp,susann ([email protected]).
98-01-18 18:29
we are new to the web and found your site a bit confusing. we are looking for information on thomas hooker a puritan in mass. need as much information as possible. can anyone help as to where to look
Damiano,Jessica ([email protected]).
98-01-19 22:03
It would be helpful for students like myself if you could offer maps from that era that we could download for school projects and research
Hall,Ann ([email protected]).
98-01-20 16:16
I am researching information concerning the events and happenings in the year of 1843. Such as president, political issues, inventions, way of life, health issues, clothing, housing, transportation, etc.(American). I hope one day this type of information will be available just by typing in or selecting the year of interest. [email protected]
Burd,Lindsay ([email protected]).
98-01-20 21:39
Green,Pamela ([email protected]).
98-01-21 00:55
Iam a desendent of William & Sara(Younger) Dalton who is brother to the outlawEmmit Dalton I am trying to uncover all the information I can about the Histor of Emmit Dalton and the brother William Dalton (of the Dalton Dullin Gang.
Wither,Matthew ([email protected]).
98-01-21 01:41
you should add quotes of the people you have in the sight
FRANCISCO,KIKO ([email protected]).
98-01-21 20:45
Davis,Emily ().
98-01-22 04:30
This is a nice web site.
Mitchell,Joshua ([email protected]).
98-01-23 00:58
Looking for a time line from 1790-1825 for 4th grade project. Nice site.
LeBlanc,J ([email protected]).
98-01-23 03:15
Saunders,Cassie ().
98-01-23 15:20
This is such a cool web site! It loads of stuff that we can all learn about
Griffin,A. ([email protected]).
98-01-25 17:24
Just wanted to say your web page is wonderful information for my studies of political science...keep up the good work!
Griffin,A. ([email protected]).
98-01-25 17:24
Just wanted to say your web page is wonderful information for my studies of political science...keep up the good work!
Johnston-McHenry,Cari ([email protected]).
98-01-25 21:02
Hi, I don't know if you can help me, but I was wondering if you had any information on Ethan Allen's six children. It has long been rumored that my family is descended from him. I have a gr gr grandmother named Edith Allen, born in New York. I've exausted my resources, and wondered if perhaps you'd have any information, that could help to either confirm or dispute this family rumor. Thanks! Cari Johnston-McHenry
Piazza,Barbara ([email protected]).
98-01-26 01:12
I am looking for information on the Reconsturction Period after the Civil War. Can you help me?
F.,James ([email protected]).
98-01-27 01:24
What an excellent page!!!!! I found this to be ever more than helpful in the paper I recently wrote on Nat Turner for my AP American History course and look foreward to citing you in the future. =) Keep up all of the good work!
Watt,Rose ([email protected]).
98-01-27 03:20
I like the format of the information. I am a 5th grade Social Studies teacher in Elida, Ohio and integrate with 2 other teachers. I like the way the information is presented because I can use it to better integrate.
Tyree,Leonard (ltyree9864).
98-01-27 23:12
I,m looking for Tyree of col, ill. mo, McClaughry Mich, ny,canada,
Allison Yaw,Ali (alinic13).
98-01-27 23:17
Brown,Lee ([email protected]).
98-01-27 23:34
Teene,Davy ([email protected]).
98-01-28 04:19
I was searching on the web for information on Andrew Jackson and I found this site. I know that for you guys this is just an HTML project, but for me it is the fascinating history of my Country, for better or worse. Thank you for making it available.
the echema family,joseph ().
98-01-28 04:58
Marshall,Ann ([email protected]).
98-01-28 14:29
I use the American History chapters as lessons for my students in the Behavior Disordered classroom for the high school. The short sections are enough to hold their attention plus I write study questions to go with each lesson. This system has worked well until I printed out Section 2, 8/13, ...the Boston Tea Party. It was too wide to print completely leaving each line unfinished. Perhaps there is something you can do at your end. Thanks for the web site. I for one really appreciate it.
Hensley,Barry ([email protected]).
98-01-29 02:46
I am a college student researching for a thesis on the Lost Colony. Interesting site. Very enjoyable. Thank you!
Johnson,Julie ([email protected]).
98-01-29 06:09
Just wondering about women in the Revolutionary War Era. My neice is doing a report on a woman name Lydia Durraugh (I have seen a different spelling of the last name) who was a spy and can find no information about her.
Brewer, Sondra, ([email protected]).
98-01-30 06:36
I'm looking for the Lib. of Congress. But what I found here I liked as I browsed the area. Thanks
Martensen,Esther ([email protected]).
98-01-31 13:02
Mmm.... even terug op 'm'n oude computer-stekje' en kijken hoe het tegenwoordig met Het Project staat. Ziet er nog steeds prima uit. ik heb inmiddels alweer veel bijgeleerd en heb nu eindelijk zelf ook een dream-machine met alles erop en eraan groetjes, Esther Martensen, American Studies, HIK, 1996
Cooney-Wright, ().
98-01-31 15:02
As an ameteur historian, I found that your site contains excellent general info!!! Thanks!!
hilliard,philip ([email protected]).
98-02-01 18:46
where is betsy ross and a picture of the originalflag?
,RON (RavisnRon).
98-02-02 03:00
I need to find historical facts about the 1970 year.
Daire,Debra ([email protected]).
98-02-02 16:15
I am a brand new web user and wish I knew how to find out more about our history. thank you.
ralph,barba ([email protected]).
98-02-03 01:40
i'm looking forward to viewing the newly formatted site. lots of luck this is a correction i misspelled my screen name
lynch,marc (zita 11 45).
98-02-03 01:58
Kennedy,Debbie (TexasTwist).
98-02-03 05:41
I am currently taking Amer Gov. In Chapter 2 it talks about Richard Henry Lee and how he aided in forming our government. I am extremely interested in knowing if Richard Henry Lee and Robert E Lee are related, they both where born in and near Stratford, Va. We have traced our family tree to General Lee, infact the Lee name has been used in family names throughout the years ex. our sons name Joshua Lee Kennedy I have researched all the information I can find or know how to. There was only a period of 13 yrs when Richard Lee passed away and Robert Lee was born. Thank you for any information you can direct me to.
Held,Shanynay ([email protected]).
98-02-03 16:21
Your website sucks!!!!! There's nothing on John Hancock.
lyman,anthony ().
98-02-03 20:55
Stabosz,Ish ().
98-02-04 00:35
Great site! I need it for 7th Grade History. Just wanted to thank you.
Allsopp,John ([email protected]).
98-02-04 06:03
Thank you for your time and effort in creating this wonderful site. I am reading a biography of Alexander Hamiltion I found on your site.It is very well written and gives an excellent account of Hamilton's life and career. Once again thank you. John Allsopp
Nederhof,MarkJan ([email protected]).
98-02-04 17:54
Love this site.
,Lindsey ([email protected]).
98-02-04 19:37
DOES ANYONE KNOW*** why Thaddeus Stevens is called the scurge of the south? Or does anyone know about the "Bloody Red Shirt" and where it is today? if so you can e-mail me at [email protected] and let me know. This information will be greatly appreciated. P.S. great site.
dice,laura (lolamcdice).
98-02-04 20:32
i wish you had indexed the information into particular colonies.
Perry,Alyssa ([email protected]).
98-02-04 23:10
Karas,Archibald (DKCOMPDRUM).
98-02-05 02:50
I found this site vquite fascinating and entertaining, I just thought that you might enjoy knowing this.
Robinson,Mary ([email protected]).
98-02-05 17:26
I'm doing research in school right now, and I found all the answers I was lookinf for at your page. Thanks! -Mary
Barrett,Jack ([email protected]).
98-02-05 18:28
I have an extensive library specific to Western American History I am willing to share this with any interested parties.
Giffin,Justine ().
98-02-06 17:30
I'm at school taking a course on american History only because we do not offer a course on British History! I find it rather interesting however. Good luck on your next scandel.
CAROL,DERUSHA ([email protected]).
98-02-06 21:33
Chandler,Nancy ([email protected]).
98-02-07 02:16
Would like to see more on the 1700's
Romanek,Sharon ([email protected]).
98-02-07 09:54
I was thrilled to find your web-page. My husband is possibly a descendant of Ethan allen. I know everyone would like to be, but I think this may be a fact. I am researching Ethan's family tree to see if I can find a definite connection. Other than the resource list on your web page, could you suggest any othe reliable resources to find out about Ethan's family? I would thank you more than you would ever believe if you do have any good sources. Thank you so much, Sharon Romanek
Villescas,Cindy ([email protected]).
98-02-08 03:45
I found your information on the French and Indian Wars very helpful. I needed information on the French and Indian Wars' impact on the American Revolution and you had everything there in the essay section. Thanks for all your help!!!
Robinson,Joseph ([email protected]).
98-02-08 06:20
It was fascinating to see the major works of all the elements necessary in the formation of our country. I found it very inspiring, especially in these days of hustle & bussel. Keep up the good work. Let us not forget what our forefathers stood & died for, " that we remain free ". Stop the crazyness of the IRS. I'm not a right winger nut, but families are hurting to keep what they work hard for. Let's give something back to the people, not the politicians & professional government bureaucrats.
Hawkins,Dave ([email protected]).
98-02-08 09:50
Wild,William ([email protected]).
98-02-08 19:25
I first got bit by the Revo War bug about 2 years ago when I retired from the composing room of the Star-Ledger in Newark NJ. I live in Union and read a little article on the Battle of Springdield and the Bridge tha5t crosses the Rahway river on what is now Morris Ave. going from Union toSpringfield when I realized that this place where I lived and the street I was on must have been crawling with troops from both sides. I then read up on the two battles that happened in the area in June of 1780 and I was hooked. I have a photo alblum of every place around here that has a plaque or was mentioned in the books I read. Even the High School that I attenden bares the name of J. Dayton in Springfield. I want to learn more of the Battle of Springfield. Thnk you Bill Wild PS somehow I would like to get into Liberty Hall just to take a picture or two of the grounds. I have the outside from the street but can't get in the grounds.
Peters,Carole ([email protected]).
98-02-08 21:00
Thanks so much for a wonderful website!! I have found it informative and comprehensive and it filled a need on a day when our local library was closed. I will visit here many times in the future.
,Krystal ([email protected]).
98-02-09 00:30
Hey thankks a bunch i needed to help a 3rd grader on his report on Andrew Jackson and he appreciates all the help that you delivered for everyone to use! The text that was shown was easy enough to read for him to understand and older enough to put in a high school report if i ever needed to use this! Thanks , Krystal
Smith,Stephen ([email protected]).
98-02-09 08:18
Yarosevich,Ken ([email protected]).
98-02-09 22:04
I don't have much formal education in history. I like it for the same reason I like good SF literature: there are many fascinating worlds to explore.
PESOLA,KRISTEN ([email protected]).
98-02-10 02:11
Butler,Jeffery ([email protected]).
98-02-11 01:38
Very well put together. I was looking for information on the industrial revolution 1800-1920. I found some helpful information. Thank you.
Mills,Bear ([email protected]).
98-02-11 05:15
As an American history teacher, it is a pleasure to find a sight as rich as this one. I am directing all my students to explore it at their earliest opportunity.
cannon,Thomas ([email protected]).
98-02-11 21:11
Great sight keep up the good work.
Cornwell-{artee',Beverly ([email protected]).
98-02-12 03:06
Great site. Really enjoyed it. I will return to read more. Keep up the good work. Much appreciated
G.,Trika (Triksta69).
98-02-12 04:25
I found this site very helpful for a debate that I have to do in school on the views of reconstruction. Thank you.
Goodman,Gary ([email protected]).
98-02-12 07:45
I am a graduate teaching assistant at San Francisco State... our professor (Mike Graham) is using a book which has a url listed to this site. This site is a wonderful companion to the book and a valuable resource for introductory American politics students.
Rantakallio,Inka ().
98-02-12 11:31
Great page!!!!
ajello,dave ().
98-02-13 13:59
I would like to see an area where you could read some of Washington's qoutes. Students like to add a famous person's qoutes in their reports. The quotes should range from his days as a school boy to his farewell address.
Prasad,Lakshmi ([email protected]).
98-02-14 22:35
I found this site really helpful for my American History Research project. I found so much information its not even funny!
Shirah,Ross ([email protected]).
98-02-16 06:07
I have found the information here to be very interesting and intend to use it for an expanded discussion of the Ameircan Revolution for my' History 101 (First Half) class at a local college. I like for my students to know more than just dates; I think causes and events, the ideas behind these are equally or more important. Thank you for this material.
Lambert,Bill ([email protected]).
98-02-17 01:00
Coleman,Norbert (BERT C24).
98-02-17 04:15
This is a very informative area, keep up the good work.
Keith,John ([email protected]).
98-02-17 05:16
I haven't been having much luck finding American casualties (dead& wounded) during the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam.
Wetzler,Thomas ([email protected]).
98-02-17 23:18
Dear People, I'm glad to see this site here. I will check it out often. Thanks!!
Shaw,Keith ([email protected]).
98-02-17 23:42
Herzog,Andrew ([email protected].).
98-02-18 02:39
Thank you for the information on George Bush !, it will help me complete my 2 nd grade report.
Jason,Williams ([email protected]).
98-02-18 03:18
Raknes,Magne ([email protected]).
98-02-18 22:03
Mykje god informasjon ein god plass og leite etter slekt og anna historisk stoff
Clanton,Angela ([email protected]).
98-02-19 03:27
garrett,pat ([email protected]).
98-02-19 22:36
I am not really a history buff, just someone that collects information for my own interest. I do like history as well as science and am always interested in expanding my knowledge on any number of subjects. I really liked the information you presented on your web site, thank you for sharing.
Finer,Jonathan ([email protected]).
98-02-20 02:40
I really lI really like the picture of the bald eagle.
Lee,Kristeen ([email protected]).
98-02-20 04:17
I learned alot about manifest destiny
Odenius,Lacy ([email protected]).
98-02-22 00:23
I was looking for some help on the, National bank of the US, that was opened by the Federalist in the 1700-1800's and Icouldn't find anything. I would appriciate it if you could possibly send me something about it. I basically need stuff on why the Democratic Republicans didn't want the bank and why they thought it was bad. Thanks a bunch!
Stidham,Ashley ([email protected]).
98-02-22 04:56
I have to a home project for my 4th grade class, but I can't seem to find any information on the great mounds of Ohio. My project is a scale model on the Great Circle Mound. The only reference I can find is a small black and white picture of a map drawn by E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis in Newark during the 1800's. If you know where or how I can find this information please help me. I only have until February 27th. Thanks alot.
Isamoron,Jackie ([email protected]).
98-02-22 20:28
I think this program is wonderful for the children...
hall,john ([email protected]).
98-02-22 21:57
I was looking for some information on Custer also on Wyatt Earp , CAN YOU HELP?? I am from England Many thanks
harris,william (whsno1).
98-02-24 02:15
Smith,Brenda ([email protected]).
98-02-24 02:35
This is a wonderful site for any social studies classroom.
Lenehan,David ([email protected]).
98-02-24 05:40
great thing you have going here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Queenin,Chris ([email protected]).
98-02-25 00:31
Anderson,Linda ([email protected]).
98-02-25 03:06
I'm slapping together a essay for religion class but I thought it might interest you. I just have to write an essay on the pentateuch of the bible but I get tired of the same old religious outlooks so I'm going to take a long shot and write it an illistraite how even the American revolution can be a parody of it. Mind you I'm a computer science major so I'm not to well informed. I figured while I used your web sight though the least I could do is let you know it is a big help. Thankyou
Homework,Susan (www.http:/
98-02-25 19:28
If you need help with home work, contact me for a good time!!!!!!!
pense,christopher ([email protected]).
98-02-26 16:18
Iliked it
McClure,Louis ([email protected]).
98-02-27 06:20
I have only one concern about your web site. Will my phone ever ring again?
Stowell,Beauford ([email protected]).
98-03-01 00:20
Need help in finding ways, to get photos on the internet, to go with my reports. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Schroeder,Thomas ([email protected]).
98-03-01 22:14
Ihr Projekt ist f�r uns ein wichtiges Vorbild !
,Amie ([email protected]).
98-03-01 22:48
I had to research this site as an assignment for a historiography class at University of Missouri-Rolla along with a number of other history oriented sites. I must say that yours is the only one so far with primary sources, which is great. A lot of information is available from your site. I applaud your efforts and contribution!
Ellis,Jack ([email protected]).
98-03-02 04:45
Hughes,Steve ([email protected]).
98-03-03 02:01
I have not had enough time to examine your site thoroughly, but I am quite impressed by what I have seen so far. I am a student teacher in the Social Studies at a public school in the U.S. and this site will provide me and my students with a wonderful cache of primary source material, as well as clear, concise summaries of major events and themes in American history. I hope to delve more deeply into your site in the near future. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Steve Hughes
Kirkendoll,Shelly ([email protected]).
98-03-03 06:04
I am taking a U.S. History class in college and your site has helped me in many ways, the textbook I was required to buy is very brief and I have been able to understand more by reading various sections in your site, thank you for your help!!
HEFFNER,CARMEN ([email protected]).
98-03-03 20:04
Higginbotham Willis,Ruth ([email protected]).
98-03-03 23:04
I just found this site,so far it's great,will send other comments later. thanks
Hinch,Tammy ().
98-03-04 02:57
Thanks for the hard work. It was helpful to me as a quick reference. Suggestion: On outline subjects, could you please add the time period. I.e., 1920-1960 Thanks. Your efforts are appreciated.
anderson,gigette (mandg).
98-03-04 04:03
A very good Website for children of all ages
Kranenborg,Annet ([email protected]).
98-03-04 12:34
Great homepage!
van der meer,ingrid ([email protected]).
98-03-04 12:56
wonderful and educating site!
Renner-van Niekerk,Justa ([email protected]).
98-03-04 12:59
Mijn complimenten!
meulman,miralda ([email protected]).
98-03-04 13:00
dank voor het verzoek om commentaar. In een volgende fase zal ik hieraan graag voldoen.
McDougall,Rhonda ([email protected]).
98-03-04 22:27
this is a great sight! i was just wondering if you have anything on Patrick Henery??
Dr.Monroe,Dr.Frankin (www.sciencist/[email protected]/).
98-03-05 19:56
Have any questions just e-mail us. We can have a real good time at my house!!@
gibson,cathy ([email protected]).
98-03-06 19:57
This is a wonderful project. I am personally hoping to use it for reference work. I would like to see something on the 1st Illinois Light Artillary..........particularly on bateries K, E. Am looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Keep up the good work.
gibson,cathy ([email protected]).
98-03-06 20:05
This is a wonderful project. I am personally hoping to use it for reference work. I would like to see something on the 1st Illinois Light Artillary..........particularly on bateries K, E. Am looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Keep up the good work. By the way ......I am talking about the Civil War, okay?
Dillard,Amber ([email protected].).
98-03-06 21:04
This is an excellent source of information. I am a 16 year old cherokee/creek and I am currently working on a research paper on the legal system and the Indians. If there is any more information that you can send me I would be very appreciative.
Maloy,Amber ().
98-03-06 21:45
Great web-site. Had a lot of information in it.
Bogle, ().
98-03-06 21:57
Bogle,Jennifer ().
98-03-06 21:59
Very well put together. Really enjoyed reading and learniing about it.
Morris,Ian ([email protected]).
98-03-08 03:33
Wisdom,Gene ([email protected]).
98-03-09 05:48
Asbeek Brusse,Wendy ([email protected]).
98-03-09 11:10
Dit bericht bevat geen diepzinnig commentaar op de website. Het is slechts de resultante van een opdracht uit de Workshop II van Garry Wiersema. Met vriendelijke groet, Wendy Asbeek Brusse
Redeker,Gisela ([email protected]).
98-03-09 11:26
Great site -- very rich and well-designed. Congratulations! --Gisela Redeker
Lepp�nen,Riina ([email protected]).
98-03-09 11:34
Very interesting site, and it looks beautiful, too.
Dragstra,Henk ([email protected]).
98-03-09 11:57
Congratulations on your splendid website.
ensink,titus ([email protected]).
98-03-09 12:50
excellente zoekstructuur! ;-)
Anthony,Vella ([email protected]).
98-03-09 19:12
This is a great place to visit. I am trying to find records on my half brother. Can you help me? Please advise.
Rowlands,Raymond ([email protected]).
98-03-10 03:09
claus,santa ().
98-03-10 04:03
Chapman,Alex ([email protected]).
98-03-10 16:58
This is a great sight. Very informative. Thank you.
NELMS-BOYKINS,DARNELL ([email protected]).
98-03-11 04:14
Zdanowicz Sr.,Michael W. ([email protected]).
98-03-12 01:20
I don't think you could do anything to make this site better. It is a learning gold mine. Blue Ribbon.
McDougall,Bob ().
98-03-12 02:53
Where the #%$@ is the great depression
Cook,Lisalyn (KittyMor).
98-03-12 02:57
This is great. Thank you so much. It's helped tons on my report I'm working on! See ya!
Mullins,Dennis ([email protected]).
98-03-12 18:52
As an AP American History teacher, I have bookmarked your site and returned to it several times. I truly enjoy the essays, documents, etc. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, D. Mullins
Dearing,James V. (Lt.Col.) ([email protected]).
98-03-13 17:14
have been looking for detailed information on the Alamo and Bowie, Crockett and all the defenders For your future consideration.... Thank you
Desrochers,Jacques ([email protected]).
98-03-13 20:28
Un travail exceptionnel.Merci a vous tous de la part d'un qu�b�cois qui en sait maintenant plus long sur l'histoire de l'Am�rique.Ce document me sers �norm�ment dans mon travail de guide accompagnateur aupr�s d'une client�le europ�enne.
bruce,billie ([email protected]).
98-03-14 01:07
I am a learning resource teacher and I find this very helpful. Thanks for your help!!
simpson,j ([email protected]).
98-03-14 17:23
I've been teaching English to Czech students here for about four years and NOW I find your brilliant site. I guess it really is better late than never. Students of English who want a certificate of proficiency from the government must take a state exam. Among the many diverse topics they may be grilled on are United States history, geography, culture, climate, industry, topography, government and literature. Then they are also responsible for knowing these things about the U.K. and the British Commonwealth. These poor students are only 20 years old on average and I am just an English teacher...but having located your font of info, I believe I can make history interesting. THANK YOU!
bitzer,danielle ([email protected]).
98-03-15 01:56
This program is very wonderful and very informative, i especially like the documents section, it was great to go back through history and see historic documents. Great job!
Flannigan,Shannon (shaniflany).
98-03-15 05:51
I enjoyed your site a lot. I was researching for a debate from the Revolutionary War in my 9th grade Civics class and it really helped. It seemed like you guys where all very deticated. It would have been nice if you would have had more info. on Samuel Adams though. Oh well, you cant cover everything!
Taormina,Francis ([email protected]).
98-03-15 16:17
Especially interested in the American Revolution: the roles played by people from Schenectady, New York, in particular Christopher Yates, member of Committee of Safety in this community who also happened to be brother-in-law of John Butler and uncle of Walter Butler.
Marshall,Chris ([email protected]).
98-03-16 00:18
Certainly Lincoln's second innaugural speech belongs in your "documents" list, as do many others-- Roosevelt's "... fear itself speech, for example."
Gose,Steve ([email protected]).
98-03-16 05:20
Congratulations on your web site! I am a working adult & university student. Your site is the subject of one of my U.S. History class assignments. I live in Honolulu, Hawaii, and work for The Queen's Medical Center's (Hawaii's & the Pacifidc Rim's largest)information services division, strategic planning. Everyone I have had the pleasure of meeting from the Netherlands has been well educated, quite fluent in English, and very friendly. I am impressed with your collection of documentation related to the history of my country. Again, congratulation and thank you for your contribution to the world's internet. Aloha, Steve Gose
Vuijk,Wim ([email protected]).
98-03-16 10:49
hacquebord,hilde ([email protected]).
98-03-16 12:07
Erg interessant!
deen,jeanine ([email protected]).
98-03-16 12:08
This is just a try-out for a computer class on Internet.
,Alisha ([email protected]).
98-03-16 23:37
Really usefull information. It all got me out of a tight squeeze. However I suggest a search engine inside the actual site so we can find information faster. Excelent site.
simonetta, (gsimon2805).
98-03-17 05:50
please include a search engine. we need help in certain areas such as dates or names of famous people.
Chuang,Tim ([email protected]).
98-03-17 19:00
Michael T. Lubbragge's essays about Manifest Destiny reflect the inherent racism and prejudice in American History. To justify the expansion of borders into Native People's lands is to justify death, destruction, and genocide to an entire people. It is sad that after so much human suffering in the world, people still try to justify the suffering as a neccessary evil to justify their own power and priviledge.
Cantrall,Jessica ([email protected]).
98-03-18 04:09
I am looking for information about the Anglo-Saxon period. More importantly the Cistercian Monks of that time. Any information about them or where to look for info. would be of great help. All this is for a school research paper. Thanks for the help from anyone.
Colman,Charles ([email protected]).
98-03-18 04:33
I am seeking information on the Reform Club of New York for the time period of 1880 to 1906. My great grandfather was the head of the cartoon department during that time.
Teichner,Susanne ([email protected]).
98-03-18 11:17
I LOVE this Homepage!!!!!!!!! sincerly SUSI
98-03-19 22:07
tenCate,Bram ([email protected]).
98-03-20 11:00
This site was recommended to me by my tutor, Mrs. Garry Wiersema., and, indeed, I have very strong positive feelings about this site. By the way, now I do understand the reason, why this site is so frequently visited!
van Holthoon,Frits (f.l.van [email protected]).
98-03-20 14:19
Door Garry Wiersema gepijnigd in het gebruik van internet neem ik de gelegenheid te baat de Website-makers te feliciteren met hun product.
sarkar,pauline ([email protected]).
98-03-20 14:29
I'm only trying.
colicchia,roseanna ([email protected]).
98-03-20 14:31
even testen
sarkar,pauline ([email protected]).
98-03-20 14:44
I'm only trying.
Leckenski,mike ([email protected]).
98-03-20 18:49
I am a homosexual historian
Conway,Brianne ([email protected]).
98-03-21 03:23
Hall, ([email protected]).
98-03-21 21:42
This looks like a promising web site- we are enjoying it very much as we study history
Pero,Danielle (gromit [email protected]).
98-03-22 06:04
Schamma,Laurana Holman ().
98-03-22 13:29
I descend from Samuel Grasty/Miss Sharshall John Gasty/Ann Still Sharahall Grasty/Ann Waldo Ann Waldo Grasty/John Mansfield Joseph Grasty Mansfield/Sarah Herndon Robert Mansfield/Mourning Clark Rev. Wm. Herndon Mansfield. S. Selina Eddins Nancy Mildred Mansfield/Elias Barnes Laura Barnes/Robert Samuel Holman Olion Forrest Holman/Nannie Williams Laurana N. Holman/Roy C. Schamma, - ME Do you have any further Grasty informations? Thanks [email protected] - all lower case letters please e-mail me. Do you know the Grasty researcher Dee Merritt?
Aldridge,Susan (Saldr55620).
98-03-22 16:14
Schull,Rich ([email protected]).
98-03-22 20:24
This is a grand website and I shall spend a lot time here. I'm new to computers and this is and was intended as one of my 1st. sites to visit. Obviously there is a lot to read here and I will every minute of it. By the way a near by neighbor is none other than "PASTOR" rod Parsley of World Harvest Church and has a popular religious tv show called Breakthrough (to my checking account). As I drive by this estate with two 500K homes on it and electric Pearly gates I Often wish Payne were alive today to comment on this nonsense.
Agyaba Kofi,Agyaba Kofi ([email protected]).
98-03-22 22:47
Your site is very rich in resources. Keep it up
Leitschuck,Luke ().
98-03-23 21:04
I am here for Mr.McClards class. This is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doeve,Luc ([email protected]).
98-03-24 15:41
Mooi hoor. Beetje overwhelmed door de grootte ben ik nog wel, komt Vrijdag misschien wel goed. Lekker scannen.
YOUMANS,Luke Youmans ().
98-03-24 15:45
Your information is better than others but it still sucks.
Vetek,Chris (CGVetek).
98-03-25 06:26
I love history. I am a high school junior currently in AP US History.
Aganew,Jess ([email protected]).
98-03-25 07:25
McGeehon,Nick (Non).
98-03-25 17:30
Bourdo,Skip ([email protected]).
98-03-25 18:57
Enrolled in Internet course at Mesa Community College. Donald Hamilton, Instructor. Use this online page as a reference.
Viola,Jill ([email protected]).
98-03-26 02:45
Nice site. =)
Wollert,Judith ([email protected]).
98-03-26 20:20
With Federal government taking over more and more; I am interested in reading how our Constitution came about and the real intent of what the Federal government was intended to do for the country
Spear,Karen ([email protected]).
98-03-26 20:53
This is a useful and informative set of pages. It would be great to have summer writing contests or projects for middle school and high school students to participate. The idea of having their essays published might well prove a good motivation to spending time doing something other than playing video games and it would be highly educational. Thanks!
Baker ,John M. ().
98-03-27 01:26
I am accessing this from the public library in Skokie, Ill.
Paine,Eugenia ([email protected]).
98-03-27 10:45
Question: What is the first (Given) name of Thomas Paine's father? What is the first (Given) name and Maiden name of Thomas Paine's mother?
Morris-White,Ellen ([email protected]).
98-03-28 13:12
Great site. I am working on a project on bank consolidation trends. Any ideas?
Muller,Lloyd ([email protected]).
98-03-28 17:22
I am doing research on the loyalists who refused to support the revolutionaries fighting against Britain. Specifically, I want information about the loyalists who lived in Charleston, SC during that time period. Any information you can provide would be most appreciated.
vanslambrouck,matt ([email protected]).
98-04-01 18:20
As a senior at SFASUand a history major I really enjoy your web site.
Kulesza,Edward ([email protected]).
98-04-02 04:32
This site is excellent. I had a projectdue for history where I had to create a DBQ. Most of my info. was found here. Thanks.
Linda,Knoell ([email protected]).
98-04-02 11:12
I was particularly interested in the Jamestown story. I believe that this is the story about the settlement that first tried a socialist/communal way of dealing with work and distribution of goods. Can you send me any information?
,Susan ([email protected]).
98-04-02 19:42
I found some of your information interesting, but really came looking for a timetable of historical events that happened and was disappointed on that account
Korner,Jon ([email protected]).
98-04-03 21:30
I loved going through your info and hope to be back soon!
harfert,brett ([email protected]).
98-04-04 00:12
send me a picture of thomas jefferson
PARAB,RAJESH ([email protected]).
98-04-04 10:45
e,karen (kme684).
98-04-04 17:04
Deschenes,Tim ([email protected]).
98-04-04 23:26
Robbins,Richard ([email protected]).
98-04-05 02:49
I have really enjoyed scanning through your site. I especially enjoy history of the American Presidents and would like to see more information on your site for this portion of American History. It has motivated me to learn how to do wome HTML so I too can contribute. Thanks, Richard Robbins Santa Ana, California, USA
Mulcahy,Rachel ([email protected]).
98-04-05 05:26
You shoud be able to send a this stuff to our e-mail you know so can you send me all the stuff about Ethen Allen the old dude. ok so send me it okkkkk.ok.please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, Rachel Mulcahy
aaron yielding, ([email protected]).
98-04-05 06:30
hi everyone, this site is kewl
Harvey,Christene ([email protected]).
98-04-05 17:21
Thank you for your time and effort in putting together these essays on American History. We have used many of them as reference in our homeschool, finding them concise and informative.
Henderson,Wade ([email protected]).
98-04-06 19:42
Thanks for developing this site. I would like to suggest that you revisit the section on mound building cultures. It is the only section I've read and it is very incorrect in many ways. To begin with, evidence of the cultures have been dated to before 4000 BC, not 600 BC as the essay states.
poley,matt (rollisp).
98-04-06 20:18
this gave me a lot of info for my report about the death of abraham lincoln
surre,skip (skipmed1).
98-04-06 23:08
outstanding information content. Is there a reason that i can not print it? Thank you again skip
hough,adam ().
98-04-07 03:52
has good info
Thompson (Isaacs,married name),Joyce ([email protected]).
98-04-07 05:05
My GGGrandfather, Laurance/Lawrance THOMPSON, was born in Dunmore Co.,VA, 1755. He enlisted in the American Rev. Army in Rowan Co.,NC. In 1779, in Rowan Co., he married my GGGrandmother,Eleanor THOMSON. LAWRENCE THOMPSON lived to 108 years. He applied for his pension around 1833 in Clay Co., IN, and is buried there in Zenor Cemetery. I am so proud on my heritage and am thankful for the courage of men like "My Lawrence", who gave me the opportunity to be an American. JOYCE NELL THOMPSON ISAACS, Austin,TX. 3/27/38 Jacksonville, Arkansas
Oganesian,Arseni ([email protected]).
98-04-07 06:16
This site is one of the best educational sites in the NET. Thanks for creating it.
Mount Washington Valley Academy,Student - David Tetreault ([email protected]).
98-04-07 18:01
I got some great information for my weekly project. Thank you
Wotring,Fannie ([email protected]).
98-04-08 01:30
Great site - well-written - thanks for taking the trouble to do so.
Latney,JaRonn (JLa3260398@AOL).
98-04-08 08:23
Lee,Eric Kwok Kan ([email protected]).
98-04-09 02:56
What a wonder web site!
Schaefer,Cory ([email protected]).
98-04-09 05:15
This has helped me so much during my student teaching here in Wisconsin. Keep up the good work and hope to hear from you soon in the future.
Vines,Scotty ([email protected]).
98-04-10 02:18
I am very pleased with the contents of this page. Keep up the good work. Let me know when you update. Thanks, Scotty [email protected]
Sterling,Jim ([email protected]).
98-04-11 15:05
A great source of information for a 58 yr old studying for the California State MSAT in preparation for becoming a certificated teacher!
,Jenny ([email protected]).
98-04-12 21:01
I am doing a school project about the 1770's . I would like to know if you have any info. on clothes , powdered wigs , ect.If you can, please E-mail me back with the results. Thank-you
DAWSON,C D ([email protected]).
98-04-13 07:45
Donaldson,Madeline ([email protected]).
98-04-14 00:31
I would find it useful to have a time line of historical events. However, the project is a necessary tool. Thank you.
Stacer,Cat ([email protected]).
98-04-14 03:05
I'm here trying to find a "quick" answer to a question that arose while I was working on my western novel. In the mid-1850's, where was the western-most location for a man to catch an east-bound train? I find that your information organization impedes my progress by not allowing a SEARCH for specific information. I would like to enter "early depots of the west," or some-such description, and get an answer. "St. Louis, Missouri," or where-ever. Instead I have to wander through entire articles before I discover that 1888 is the earliest date mentioned, or some other problem. Very frustrating. However, thanx for your attention.
Kilday,Ruth Taylor ([email protected]).
98-04-14 21:28
I am interested in finding a university class to adopt a project to include design of a web page with photos as a guide to driving along the Los Angeles and Ventura county portions of the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail. The general plan and the environmental assessment has been done of the actual historic route, a scenic driving route, and a "recreational" route. There are other components to the project also. The MCF served as the planners for the Los Angeles portion of this national park service plan. Mountains Conservancy Foundation 5775 Ramirez Canyon Road, Malibu 90265 310-589-2400 (T) 310-589-2430 (F)
SIMPSON,PHILLIP ([email protected]).
98-04-14 22:30
Magda,Matthew S. ([email protected]).
98-04-16 00:37
As a teacher of history, this web site is of immense value. I like to use documents and letters in my classes. Here I can find such primary historical materials for my lessons and lectures. Keep up the good work!
jones,jeff ().
98-04-16 02:12
Very through and interesting treatise on American history from a non-American perspective.
Hamilton,Dan ([email protected]).
98-04-16 21:28
This site is cool. Not really the Socal Studies because It doesnt have the revoltionary war.
Dixon,Cary ([email protected]).
98-04-16 22:28
Lidgard,Kate ([email protected]).
98-04-17 04:25
Great Resources Excellent
Raphael,Bob ([email protected]).
98-04-17 18:13
I came looking for information on Jeffrey Baron Amherst to help my 11 year old son with a history project. I have not found much yet but this is an interesting site which is now bookmarked.
SCHERMERHORN,HENRY ([email protected]).
98-04-18 08:46
Nashold / Naschold,Gale ([email protected]).
98-04-19 17:59
Outstanding site, good resource. I read "On the Misfortune of Indentured Servants (1754)" with great interest. My immigrant ancestor arrived at the Port of New York from Rotterdam in 1754; I have a similar letter that he wrote upon his arrival. Any chance that you will be adding ship arrival information to this site?
,Alex ([email protected]).
98-04-19 19:33
You should add biographies about women.
pursino,dan (beefcake [email protected]).
98-04-20 01:38
,John ([email protected]).
98-04-20 01:42
Washlaski,Ray ([email protected]).
98-04-20 08:41
a great site. Visit French and Indian War Magazine at URL
Cooper,Jim ([email protected]).
98-04-20 15:37
This page is helping me with a US History class that I'm taking in college. It supplements the text and the notes the instructor gives. Very worthwhile!!!
Dondono,James ([email protected]).
98-04-20 19:24
l'm doing genealogy my g-g-grandfather's surname was Pierce born 1827 lLLinois maybe some connection with Benjamin,or his son Franklin the 14th president ?? any help
capri,christopher ([email protected]).
98-04-21 02:06
This is the best site I have found for research.
Haftel,Sandra ([email protected]).
98-04-21 13:04
Have found your articles informative and worthwhile. I teach American History and Government at Brookside Middle School, Allendale, NJ and also do the coordination. Thank you.
,Valerie Sanford ().
98-04-21 15:55
I was surpised that of the eighty plus biographies written of American history makers no women were included.
DUGAN ,MICHAEL ([email protected]).
98-04-22 23:51
Perry,Regan ().
98-04-23 21:58
I have been told all my life that I am related to Andrew Jackson. He is supposedly my great-great-great-great uncle or something. My grandma's maiden name is Jackson.
finer,jonathan ([email protected]).
98-04-24 01:08
Carroll,Mike ([email protected]).
98-04-24 18:45
Nelson,Robin ([email protected]).
98-04-24 21:59
A very impressive and welcome piece of work. In that spirit let me suggest that you correct the title spelling on Jefferson's letter page at The letter is to the Marquis, not the "Marguis," de Lafayette.
Genesse, ([email protected]).
98-04-25 19:48
I noticed your biography section on famous individuals did not list famous WOMEN!! Could you please incorporate biographies regarding the vital role women played in the Revolution.
Voyles,Rick ([email protected]).
98-04-26 20:46
I really like your site. A search engine would help if you have a database. Maybe you do but I've missed it. E-mail me if you do have one.
Baldwin,Erin ().
98-04-26 22:49
carel,david (dcare4365@aol,com).
98-04-27 00:01
Pratt,Bill ([email protected]).
98-04-27 20:20
Very impressive sight.....
hayes,trevor ([email protected]).
98-04-27 22:53
just looking
tierno,john (surrended).
98-04-28 00:39
from Philly,Tom ([email protected]).
98-04-29 01:47
This site's a real find. My son used it as a source for a school report on Ethan Allen. It would help if the text wrapped in the browser window so that the contents can be printed. But a great job nevertheless.
Sandy,Craig ([email protected]).
98-04-30 11:39
I recently read a story about Geronimo and it is interesting see the way the American Indians were treated and that the white man has not learned from his mistakes and the same problems are now occurring with the Australian Aborigines.
Mancini,Phillip ([email protected]).
98-04-30 14:12
Over the past few months, I've enjoyed reading some of the information on your website. It's not so much that I needed it, but rather enjoy seeing what you have to offer. And there seems to be a lot here, especially primary source material. Right now I am a graduate student at a small college in Pennsylvania, persuing secondary education teacher's certification. I also have a B.A. in history. I have just completed a term paper about Theodore Roosevelt and his influences and accomplishments in conservation for a history class on American Progressivism. I was just wondering if you would be interested in the paper for your website. The paper traces Roosevelt's interest in nature as a young boy to his ranching days in the Dakota Territory to his Presidency and what he did to preserve the wildlife, scenery and natural resources of the United States. It's very possible that the paper still needs some work, but I could e-mail it to you to read before I do anything more to it. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Phil Mancini
Hilferty,Christopher ().
98-05-03 21:07
very educational and informat
Dorey,Sue ([email protected]).
98-05-04 00:23
After searching your site on American History, my daughter noted, and we thought it would be best to bring to your attention, that there is not a single article on any contribution to our US History by a woman. Since her thesis is on the contributions which women made in American History that have opened doors for all of us regardless of gender, it would be nice to see some articles appear on your site in regards to those contributions. Considering that we are communicating via computer and internet, it may interest you to know that two woman were the forerunners in the development of software, which has definitely changed history for all of us. Please take the time to include some information which include women, since we no longer live in a world where their accomplishments are hidden. Thank you.
colley,deena ([email protected]).
98-05-04 06:47
West,Jennifer ([email protected]).
98-05-05 01:14
Toft,Kamma Kirk ().
98-05-05 19:40
HI there I�m not so good at English, but I�ll do my best. I�m from Denmark,and I am 15 years old, and i�m during a project about slavery which I think is interesting,I feel with thoose whos relatives was slaves and i am certaintly going to do my best on this project,and I hope that I get a 13 (a-plus). That�s all see `ya. Kamma kirk toft
Wright,Michael ([email protected]).
98-05-05 20:13
We are a producer and distributor of educational videos and Multimedia to the K-12 market. Two years ago we produced a six part series on United States History. The series was not well received. Some errors were Noted. I�m looking for someone to review the series and make Note of the errors and suggestions for improving the series. Financial consideration to be discussed. Mike Wright AIMS Multimedia [email protected] 800.367.2467 ext. 410
Klimas,Elizabeth ([email protected]).
98-05-06 01:29
I was looking for some information on Reconstruction, its accomplishments and fiasco. I was hoping to find a broad information about this significant period in US history.
felix,orieta (ofeliix).
98-05-06 02:47
I found this sight very informative. Great research tool, will pass on site name to others. Thank you guys, this was great. One suggestion though you need to add more to lists ie. WEB Du Bois et al. Maybe some more contempories? well thats all , thanks again
fig,jimmy (fig311).
98-05-06 04:54
Ver Vaecke, ([email protected]).
98-05-06 15:12
it would be more helpful if the 1900-2000 blocks were filled in please ask for those contributions. thank you - a student
98-05-06 16:23
millenry,emma and jay (mfm4kids).
98-05-06 21:53
Head,Butt (person.@mcn).
98-05-06 22:44
This site sucks, get a life you dumbass. I'm going to see some porn now!
Johnson,Mark R. ([email protected]).
98-05-07 01:34
Stu Lantz, ex- Los Angeles Lakers analyst; Nazi- trained conspirator/terrorist; brain damaging, brainwasher; has conspired against Earth, 40+ yrs. Good luck, MR J 800 S. National Ave., Apt.6 Springfield,MO.65804/USA
pratt,f.e. ([email protected]).
98-05-08 01:03
enjoyed bacon's rebellion doc. we were discussing what happened to old nathaniel at a rice university c.e. history course recently.
Green,Arthur ([email protected]).
98-05-08 04:23
This kind of material is really needed. I am a department chair of a high school Social Studies department.
Duda,Gernot ().
98-05-08 14:02
I`m a uong German, interested in American History. You�ve done a good job!
Paul Weisberg, ([email protected]).
98-05-08 16:49
I teach U.S. history to fifth graders at the Cabot School in Newtonville, Mass. This is a terrific resource! Thanks.
Zabek ,Gregory ([email protected]).
98-05-11 06:33
mothers name..Faulknor (engart/russell/ogden)/ mothers side of the family was in the revolutionary war
Chaparral School,Room # 28 ().
98-05-11 20:45
You should have a question link, so people could find information easily. Please mail us any information on the people who signed the Delcaration of Independance after it got to the King.Send(By the postal service, not e-mail) any information to: Chaparral School Mr. Francois 17250 Tannin Dr. Poway, CA 92064
Blank,Elizabeth (Sandy127).
98-05-11 23:46
Your wab page is very confuseing!!!
Dickey,Steve ([email protected]).
98-05-13 01:52
Hi_ Can anyone tell me if R.E. Lee was ever involved in Freemasonry? Thanks, Steve E. Dickey
Beks,Tiffany ([email protected]).
98-05-13 15:49
My class likes this website.
Windsor,J ().
98-05-14 05:56
I did not understand this.. I want to know about William Gregor and this page is nothing but crap that had nothing on him.... how on earth can i find him especially when somebody told me I could find him on your stinkin' filthy page!!
Gardner,Natalie (w.gard 576 @ AOL.COM).
98-05-14 07:41
I am 16 years of age and I am glad to say that this program has helped me to improve my learning. It has helped me on many reports and research that I have done for school. Thanks a lot!!
98-05-14 21:14
Helman,Heather (
98-05-15 19:08
Thank you. This is the most useful site I've found on the net. I'm currently searching for every biography that I can find of figures who played roles in the controversies surrounding Andrew Jackson's presidency so that I can create an "iInteract" sort of trial for my U.S. history class. Thanks again.
Jimmy D. Smith,Jeffery D. Smith (No E-mail address).
98-05-15 20:48
I was just wondering Mr. President that if you were to recive this letter that you could send me stuff to my address about the Presidents and your White House. P.S. MY ADDRESS IS PO BOX 213 DUENWEG,M.O. THANKS,SINCERLY JEFF SMITH
SMITH RESIDENTS,Jeffery D. Smith (No E-mail address).
98-05-15 20:49
I was just wondering Mr. President that if you were to recive this letter that you could send me stuff to my address about the Presidents and your White House. P.S. MY ADDRESS IS PO BOX 213 DUENWEG,M.O. THANKS,SINCERLY JEFF SMITH
king,sharon ([email protected]).
98-05-16 03:29
This is great information. There was one problem the right margins. They run off the page when printed.Can you let me know if you are able to correct this. I would love to be able to print all the information. Thank You Sharon King
O'Connor,Ryan ([email protected]).
98-05-17 00:14
The history of our great nation is very important for all to know and understand..I would like to extend my thanks to all of you involved in this project.. My question for you is about my feeling regaurding the future of the United States and the lack of participation of the american people in the poltical process.. I was interested in the development of a place for everyone to state his or hers opinion and debate on matters effecting our nation. Does such a site exsist?I feel it would be very useful for americans to feel part of the political process without feeling like the must give up the little spare time they have..Making a relaxing environment for americans to speak their minds and hear the thoughts of others. Something like an online townmeeting.. What are your thoughts on such an idea? Well keep up the good work Ryan O'Connor
Baumea,Serena ([email protected]).
98-05-17 00:39
CORMIER,BUD ([email protected]).
98-05-17 05:05
Just want to thank you very much for your efforts. I teach American Constitutional Law and History at the Univerity of Southern California and I have found this web site invaluable. Thanks again. Dr. Bud Cormier
victor, ([email protected]).
98-05-17 09:34
ROSSELLE,PEGGY (http://[email protected]).
98-05-18 15:01
Chandler,Larry ([email protected]).
98-05-19 14:14
Extremely ambitious and informative. I will visit often. Thank you.
,Katie ([email protected]).
98-05-20 00:15
Your web page is fun easy to use and its informative. I do lots of reports for school and I always come here!!
Rev. Colette Jackson & Michelle T. Clinton,Colette ([email protected]).
98-05-21 20:35
I love your work! it is more than commendable. One quick suggestion. It would be great to have the author's of the pieces available at the end of articles so that information that is used in school research papers can be easily and appropriately sited. Thank you again for an excellent website!
Bunge,William ([email protected]).
98-05-23 18:40
None yet. I must spend more time on your site.
Tellez,Mario (RBLASTER88).
98-05-24 01:21
I'm a student at Santaluces High School in Lantana, FL.; I recently took my American History A.P. test and as a result have gained great knowledge and respect for this country. I yearn to learn more, that is why i have come to this website.
Waldrep,Brandy ().
98-05-25 16:25
Allen,Bruce Sherwood Jr. (DOCe6931).
98-05-27 06:15
direct descendent of Ethan & Ira Allen
Gottstein, ().
98-05-27 16:55
graham,steve ([email protected]).
98-05-28 15:29
I have a ? Was german almost voted in as our official language?
Davis,Morris (m1mad).
98-05-29 05:40
would like information pertaining to rose wood the one in fla 50 miles from gainesville fla thank you for you help>
talor,tim (none).
98-05-29 19:36
iam geting stuff off your site for school
gardner ,billy (none).
98-05-29 22:12
i dont like your b.s
Stuehler,Barbra ([email protected]).
98-05-30 03:37
Just got to look around a few minutes, but will be back soon. It seems that my history knowledge is weak and I need to learn more. Thank you
Merz,John ([email protected]).
98-05-30 04:35
This could be a great guestbook if it would be kept clean, but remarks like the few before me really do nothing to enhance the study of American history. A webmaster should be entitled to remove dirt.
Wythe,Ashley ([email protected]).
98-05-31 06:03
Very interseting. :)
Clowers,Myles ([email protected]).
98-05-31 20:43
I use this site in my American History class so that students can analyze primary sources and get acquainted with the internet at the same time. It is an excellent site and I hope you extend your coverage to 20th century American History.
Peterkin,Roger ([email protected]).
98-06-01 00:51
Very interesting!
elbel,chas. ([email protected]).
98-06-01 01:27
this site is a wealth of information. please keep it accurate. i am impressed. thank you
Hammell,Sara ([email protected]).
98-06-03 00:17
If there is any way some of the articles that are not written, could be written, it would be great. I have to do a research paper about Jimmy Carter and some of the articles that I could use to complete my paper were not written. Thanks
Bobby,Mo (Mollee625).
98-06-03 02:13
you need something about slavery with some pictures!!!!
Dubuc,Julian ([email protected]).
98-06-04 20:43
Excellent Site with a glaring deficency. You post the CSA Constitution, but omit the biography of Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederacy. History presented from one view point is of dubious value.
Slade,Laura ([email protected]).
98-06-05 13:24
Thank you for making avaliable the articles regarding the American Revolution. Skocpol's article especially was invaluable in my coursework. Thank you keep up the good work.
craven,bev ([email protected]).
98-06-06 18:02
Enjoyed the history textl. Am planning to use this site to quickly review with 8th graders some early American history prior to the Civil War. Also will use this site to teach about using web sites and scrolling through information. thanks!
Fields,Joyce ([email protected]).
98-06-06 21:08
Mannon,Daniel ([email protected]).
98-06-07 01:55
I think that this is a great web site and that you guys, and gals, are doing a great job
,Talia ([email protected]).
98-06-07 05:22
I'm only 11 years old..but I still really thought this was interesting. I enjoyed reading it.
Adams,Ralph ([email protected]).
98-06-11 16:09
Edwards,Kerry ([email protected]).
98-06-11 18:43
To whom it may concern, Why can't I find info on the great fires like Triangle shirtwaist factory,Coolingwood school, and The Great Chicago Fire? They are highly intresting subjects but there no where to be found Please W/B with a response ASAP Please at your convience of coarse.Thanks for listining.
Bergamaschi,Marco ([email protected]).
98-06-14 18:02
Many thanx for the pages about the greatest President you've ever had. I'm sure my exam about U.S history will be great. greatings from Italy Marco
flory,arthur ([email protected]).
98-06-15 23:20
I personally think that this is the neatest home page on the internet. I wish there were more like it, good luck with your future plans, hope there as good if not better than what you have now .
Shepherd,Rebecca ([email protected]).
98-06-17 22:34
This website is exactly what I have been looking for. Great job!!!!!!!!
Naberhaus,Anne ([email protected]).
98-06-19 00:18
Neato Site
Shipp,Angela ([email protected]).
98-06-19 20:34
I teach 6th grade social studies at Caddo Mills, TX. We will be using your site during the 1998-99 school year.
Newsome,Sarah ([email protected]).
98-06-20 15:06
Hello, I am Sarah Newsome and according to this I was murdered 150 years ago. Spooky.
Watterson,Bob ([email protected]).
98-06-21 17:57
I think it is a great resource. I just happened to stumble upon it before and dI thought it was great. Somehow I did not save it and I was disheartened later when I could not remember how to locate the sight with all the great documents. Well I stumbled upon it again today and the first thing I did was to save it in favorite places. I am looking forward to reading some of these fantastic documents that helped shape history.
Sobczak,Martin ([email protected]).
98-06-23 04:42
Greetings from McHenry County - In looking for materials to 'enliven' our US History Course I came across your site and have seen a number of items to tailor to our students. As soon as I finish teaching summer school I will be back. I will be passing this address to my co-worker Jeff Varda. Thanks for the start.
Marcello,Debbie ([email protected]).
98-06-23 20:01
I am very glad to have discovered your web site. I plan on using much of the information in my 8th grade American History course.
white,robert ([email protected]).
98-06-27 00:24
my ancestore, Gentry's were to have been redcoats that came to America to put down the rebellion and stayed. thank you for your project.
Devine,Ariel ().
98-06-27 03:46
Thanks so much for the help with my Hist1301 research papers!!!!!!!
Sergent,Beverly ([email protected]).
98-06-29 01:41
Your page is terrific! Especially the article on Dred Scott. It was just what I needed for additional info for a research paper. Thanks a million!
Bingham,Caroline ([email protected]).
98-06-30 08:47
The web page definately made my paper on Manifest Destiny..much easier to do. Finally, someone puts it into plain english. It's about time. I would like to see more insight into Lincoln and his views. You guys are doing a wonderful job, thanks.
Karr,Douglas ([email protected]).
98-06-30 10:44
I'm studying American History at a College in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The historical information you have posted here is well written and has been an excellent source of study for me. Thanks, Doug Karr
Gdowski,Julia ([email protected]).
98-06-30 22:17
I am an employee of the Canadian Museum of Civilization who is updating links on our web site The museum once had a link to a site entitled "British and French Clash" formerly at the following address: Would you happen to know the site's new address. Looking forward to hearing your response. - Julia Gdowski
Waller, Claudia C., (claudiac).
98-07-01 01:21
Cronk,Arthur L ([email protected]).
98-07-01 23:24
I'm a radio talk show host and am intending to include historical reference questions, i.e., who said.... etc. in my format. Hoping to find a source for famous quotations etc. At first glance this looks interesting. If you have any suggestions for other resource sites, please let me know. Thanks and good luck
Gant,Buddy ([email protected]).
98-07-03 07:29
Each new day on the internet is another experience in learning. Today was the first time I was literally amazed. Your Pages are concise, organized and one of the easiest to read I have ever seen. Congratulations to the designers on the logical layout and calm colors and research personnel for organizing the information in such a manner conducive to learning. Again hats off to you all on what I consider to be the best address on the internet!
sharon king, ([email protected]).
98-07-03 17:47
I was wondering if you would be putting The Letters of Thomas Jefferson:1743-1826 in text. You have a lot in text but this one isn't yet. I would love to be able to print it. This is great information!
Hout,Lewis ([email protected]).
98-07-03 20:10
Born 1917. Radio broadcasting. U.S. Infantry WWII. Printing business owner. Now retired. Accolades and kudos to you all for "The Humor of Edgar Allan Poe."
Dionne,Donald ([email protected]).
98-07-03 21:19
Thanks for being here
Gossett,Jeff ([email protected]).
98-07-05 06:40
WHAT AN UNBELIEVABLE SITE! I have only just begun exploring your site, and I love it. It's so detailed and informative that I could spend hours, and probably will, exploring it. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! I have just one small complaint. The left margin on your web pages (the red part) runs into the letters making it difficult to read the first letter or two on each line.
Mills,Peggy ([email protected]).
98-07-07 20:47
Thanks for providing this.
Goldman,Jerry ([email protected]).
98-07-10 03:20
This is always a delight to visit. May I suggest that you change the graphic on the home page (the eagle)as it declares "from revolution to reconstruction" but you have obviously gone well beyond that. Keep up the good work.
Adcock (maiden) Deane (current),Sandy ([email protected]).
98-07-10 11:41
I live in Lemon Grove, Ca. This small city is located in the county of San Diego. I have been watching The Lemon Grove Historical Society take interest in one of Lemon Groves' old homes, as they are restoring it. Is there a certain "Proper Procedure" to become a member of Historical Society Groups or do you just ask them if there is certain criteria to become involved as a member? Thank you for your time and I have time to volunteer locally if any help is needed. Sandy Deane
Ford,Brevonda ([email protected]).
98-07-13 11:10
Good site. Need to comple the President's text on some of them.
Lido,Carol ([email protected]).
98-07-19 01:04
Hello What a wonderful experience. You have done a marvelous job of capturing the detail and importance of all revolutionary history. Congratulations Carol Lido-Director/Founder People For Sovereignty & Restoration
Yeaman,Art (MeetBenF).
98-07-19 05:35
I enjoy the Web Site..... Colonial American History, as always been of great interest to me. I am a professional storyteller, I do first person drama as Benjamin Franklin. I am featured in schools, museums, libraries, hospitals and business groups throughout N/E Florida. I am looking for a source to purchase copies of a variety of Colonial Documents. If you can help please let me know. Your Humble and Obedient Servant, B. Franklin
Ward,Melissa ([email protected]).
98-07-19 05:44
This page just saved my life! All this information now will help me in writing my research paper because now I have found all those little extra pieces of information that will help make my paper a true success. Thank you!!!
cole,steve (scole5331).
98-07-19 06:51
The proposed plan to estimate portions of the population resemble the 3/5s compromise of pre-civil war times. Each slave counted as 3/5s of a person. Now, our government wants to estimate portions of the population as was done with the slaves during the mid-1800s. Rather than using 3/5s, our government hopes to use percentages.
Soh,Daniel ([email protected]).
98-07-21 02:59
I am taking American History this semester. I believe this web site will provide me valuable sources for me.
meeks,jeremy ([email protected]).
98-07-21 06:19
I am currently taking a class at a local community college in this particular subject. At first, my impression of the subject was that of extreme boredom. After a little searching, I was led to this site which changed my outlook on Colonial America. Thanks. One question, am I really the only one to visit this site since 1994?
Nelson,Willie ([email protected]).
98-07-21 06:39
was i the only one who visited this page since 1994, this place bites
Bonin,Jeanne ([email protected]).
98-07-21 07:45
This site was very interesting, I shall return!
Dorsett,Brenda ([email protected]).
98-07-22 18:40
I'm glad to have found this sight and welcome the collection. I would, however, like to see more documents, papers, writings, etc., by African Americans.
nohzaki,mio (none).
98-07-22 23:06
i from japan. i am studying english and american history now. thank you......
swab-hudson,rebecca ([email protected]).
98-07-23 01:12
Phillips,Sparks Chellee ([email protected]).
98-07-23 20:57
Information obtained from the net on early American history, with related documents/texts, is helping me fight the present injustices inflicted on us by our present laws. Government has become too big for its own good, or for the good of the people. The amount of control/oppression/tyranny our government actually exercises over our lives is truly frightening. Government was intended to be simple, to uphold basic rights, and easy for anyone to understand. Present laws dictate and foster government intervention rather than individual responsibility and freedom of choice. Laws and the way they serve the few or are manipulated to do so, make us victims to them, if not in actuality, in possibility. Government is supposed to maintain a balance of power, yet, there are branches of our government that are completely autonomous � and employ those who intimidate citizens, and treat those who question them as felons, beating them (physically or psychologically) into submission, in the name of the law. Government has become so big that there is no reciprocity of general information, yet private information becomes public domain. Communication, or resolution of problems, is a maze from which most of us re-coil because of its frustrations. It�s time, past time, to return to the simpler ideals our founding fathers and early Americans sacrificed even their lives for: the cause of freedom -- from monarchical and governmental tyranny, and oppression. We citizens of the United States, are again faced with tyranny and oppression by the most powerful government in the world, and the greatest country on the planet: our own United States of America. We can have rebellion without revolution. Change that comes from rebellion is desirable. Revolution is not. Anyone out there willing to help?
Mahoney,Mikalia (Dopey1099).
98-07-23 21:24
I am new to this site however, so far I like what I see. It is easier for a student to work woth this than other programs.
miles,karl (kamsr316).
98-07-24 20:03
I attend this coll. In chester va. my degree is in admin. of justice. police science.
dewitt,pam ([email protected]).
98-07-24 23:16
I am taking a conservation class to finish certification credits to teach grades 6-12. I am a non-traditional student. On Tuesday, I have to turn in a major research paper, and I can not complete my details. It is not from lack of trying, it is just lack of finding the correct source of information. If you can help, or direct me to help, please do so. What I need is an outline of environmental/conservation events that have taken place here in the United States. I was able to get some details starting with the late 1800's; but I need to work from the present back. I am looking for "big" significant events. My specific subject is Scott Paper Company/Kimberly-Clark. The purpose of the paper is to compare the company's advertising in regard to how they and their products have responded to the attitude of the country in regard to our environment. If you can set in the right direction, it would be most appreciated. As you realize by my message, I have email: [email protected]. I can also receive fax if I know something is coming--I can push the right buttons. :-) thanks, pam
Wall,Wade ([email protected]).
98-07-26 21:39
I'm new to the net and have been reading the essaya and biographies related to the history section. This is great stuff, I'm really enjoying the material that has been contributed.
BERG,MORTON ([email protected]).
98-07-27 00:47
Stewart-Peters,Katherine ([email protected]).
98-07-28 03:09
Doing research on Elijah Paine, founder of Williamstown, VT and settler of Northfield, VT. Northfield is home of the Elijah Paine Chapter of the DAR, which I am hopeful of becoming a member of. I am planning a report on Elijah Paine for a future meeting of the DAR in Northfield.
Dail,Mark ([email protected]).
98-07-28 22:10
Griffith,Becky ([email protected]).
98-07-29 03:19
Washburn Deuel,Sharon ([email protected]).
98-07-29 07:23
Very informative site.
Ozone,Tomoko ([email protected]).
98-07-29 16:59
very good, how can I ask you more about the historical vocablaries? I want to look up about viet nam war more.
Lough,Dorman ([email protected]).
98-07-29 19:13
This is a good site for the war !!!
Tharpe,Christian (ctharpe@suffolk,lib,us,ny).
98-07-30 00:53
Real Cool
Allender,Mark ([email protected]).
98-07-30 07:45
This is a WONDERFUL site. Very helpful, informative and fun. Thanks!
Chew,Robert ([email protected]).
98-07-30 21:24
Your hyperlink "ANDREW Hamilton" connects to "ALEXANDER Hamilton". I'm interested in the former. Let me know when it's fixed. Thanks.
Hayes,Tom ([email protected]).
98-08-01 17:02
All American Presidents? Any representation of "All" American Presidents is indeed shortsighted and woefully inaccurate without including President Jerrerson Davis, Confederate States of America. Are we to believe Jefferson Davis was not an American. For Example; Abe Lincoln never served a single day as President to the State of Georgia. Elected in November 1860, but not inaugurated until April 1861, Georgia had already succeded. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865 and Georgia had not been re-admitted to the union. I would be please to see an accurate record of "American Presidents".
rachael, ([email protected]).
98-08-02 01:03
HELP!!!! i have to write a paper (a DBQ) on the differences (and how/why they developed) in the colonization of the chesapeake region and new england...PLEASE HELP!!!!
Gadd, ([email protected]).
98-08-03 12:08
This is a neat sight. I'll be encouraging my children and friends to check it out.
Turner,Brian ([email protected]).
98-08-04 18:19
I have had a lifelong fascination with U.S. History. My mother, now retired, was a secondary school U.S. History teacher for 20+ years and vested in me a great appreciation for our heritage as a nation. With so much revisionism today it is refreshing to visit your web site.
,Justin ([email protected]).
98-08-07 00:50
Your page is very interesting.......I really enjoy reading it...... : )
Peak,Gregory ([email protected]).
98-08-08 00:48
Samuels,Joshua ([email protected]).
98-08-08 06:40
Excellent Site. Thank you.
Rutanen,,Roy ([email protected]).
98-08-08 17:00
Hi, Seeking historical information on the phrase "Swamp Yankee." Thank you. Roy Rutanen Southbridge, MA Hi, Seeking historical information on the phrase "Swamp Yankee." Thank you. Roy Rutanen Southbridge, MA
collins,john ([email protected]).
98-08-10 18:00
Dear Folks; I am in the midst of trying to incorporate a "cyber" component to my American History class. Your site has been quite helpful. If you have any ideas for me please forward. Thanks for all the work you have put in to this project
Rafiq,hiba ([email protected]).
98-08-12 06:00
I really liked this web site
Hafeez,ata ([email protected]).
98-08-12 06:04
I really enjoyed visiting this site. it was a really informative site for me be becuse i was taking U.S. VA government any body can send me mail to ask any questions. or comments. I will enjoy hearing from my fellow americans. and others. Have a nice time.............................
Crane,none ([email protected]).
98-08-12 19:20
I really didnt look very long. I basically just want to find out about my towns history. I dont think this site can do that.
Jackson,Dave ([email protected]).
98-08-14 02:17
Hi: Can I download all the anti and pro federalist papers from your site in bulk? Thanks, Dave. . . If so how?
Romero ,Luis ([email protected]).
98-08-17 03:35
None at this time. However, as I explore this site I will comment. So far so good. Great job!
rodisch,james r. ([email protected]).
98-08-17 17:43
,Sarah (Sarlog12).
98-08-18 19:16
Your web site was a great source of info for my research. It is very easy to find what you are looking for. I even saved it as a favorite place so I can have easy access whenever I need it. Thanks!!
dean,sylvia ([email protected]).
98-08-20 23:38
i am doing an essay as part of a history degree, on us/uk comparative history c.1650-1970. I am about to do an essay on Us industrial conflict would appreciate any American ideas,thoughts onn this issue and the relationship the state played in industrial conflict. many thanks.sylvia dean
mitchell,sarah ([email protected]).
98-08-22 01:55
Thank you. It's nice to know that students have a place to see what other AP class around the nation are doing
Miekosz,John ([email protected]).
98-08-24 19:37
Just discovered your site while building my own for my students. How did you already know the DBQ time period?
BARRAS,PATRICIA ([email protected]).
98-08-25 01:56
craighead,pamela ([email protected]).
98-08-25 04:21
Acheson,Robert ([email protected]).
98-08-26 19:24
Appelberg,Bettie ([email protected]).
98-08-26 23:44
I couldn't get the info to come up in English.
Mele,Carolyn ([email protected]).
98-08-27 04:42
Thank you so much! This year I'm studying American History, and I KNOW this site will prove VERY helpful! -Carolyn Mele &:)
Sides,Shaefer ([email protected]).
98-08-28 04:01
,Melissa Graves (www. com).
98-08-28 04:27
All this info helped greatly!
russell,kirsten ([email protected]).
98-08-29 07:38
I am a decendant of Capitan William Ferrebe (1722-1783), of the 7th regiment, North Carolina Continental troops. I have just found this out recently. I am curious about he was.
,rachy (happy4Gsus).
98-08-29 17:01
this is a cool history site, thanks for making it avialble to me, your great
Baker,Richard ([email protected]).
98-08-30 01:15
Comstock,W. ([email protected]).
98-08-30 09:23
As a retired American history teacher, I can say I wish we had the WWW and your site years ago. I could have used your resource as a student and later as a teacher. My best regards to all of you. Keep up the good work.
Leeper,Betty ([email protected]).
98-08-30 19:32
Great site!
de Jonge,Anja ([email protected]).
98-08-31 04:14
Dag Sjors!! Het t'shirt werkt goed in de VS. Hoezo " We made it" zie ik veel mensen denken. Anyway, ik dacht laat ik eens een keer een hit maken vanuit amerika, zodat er weer wat dollarcenten komen voor het project. Wanneer komt trouwens het nixon boek op het net, waar we het derde trimester zo hard voor gewerkt hebben?? Ik kom het tenminste niet vinden! Nog bedankt voor de CD!! Hier in de VS, in Ball State university, Muncie, Indiana is het trouwens hartstikke leuk!!amerikanen zijn rare mensen, maar ach, voor 'n half jaartje gaat het nog wel greetings anja de jonge
kooima,matt ([email protected]).
98-08-31 21:47
echols,Kristin ([email protected]).
98-09-01 21:54
I found some information on what i was needing, but the format is rather difficult to manage. It was very tedious and I thought that it was definitly much harded to use than some other websites but it was still helpful once i finally got to what i needed. Maybe if you could work on the format it would be greatly appriciated. I dont meant to sound too negative i am sorry. Sincerly, Kristin Echols
Johnson,Donna ([email protected]).
98-09-01 22:17
Just surfing the Net seeking educational sites for K-12. I write a bi-weekly column for a small, rural, weekly newspaper here in Hidalgo County. Your site will be mentioned. thanks for all the info you give here!
Thai,Linda ([email protected]).
98-09-02 01:37
It was very informative and I loved the outline format. Thanks and it is an awesome page for research!
Curtis,Melissa ([email protected]).
98-09-02 02:29
Nice site!!!!!!!!!!!
Monninger,Kate ([email protected]).
98-09-02 03:56
I love the page and info on it, the great short bios and the articles. Just one correction: in the JFK bio it reports that he was the running mate of Adlai Stevenson, but that's not true. In 1956 JFK was in line to become his running mate but he lost to Estes Kefauver of Tennessee. Otherwise, Kudos to a job well done!
long,ronir (
98-09-02 23:05
This is a good place.
Morgan,Quimilashia (
98-09-02 23:38
Ilove it it's da bbbooommmbbb!!!!!!!!!
Jones,Gustaff ().
98-09-03 14:57
This lace rules!
Kohler,Bob ([email protected]).
98-09-03 20:06
Being a U.S. History teacher, I find this site most valuable. Thank you.
Jerry,Ingram ([email protected]).
98-09-04 05:47
cox,bridget ([email protected]).
98-09-04 20:35
it helped me to reasearch a paper for history
Dolson,Narly ().
98-09-04 22:20
The Turner's ,Tricia (gogirl0115).
98-09-04 23:52
I am very surprised at this site. I was told this week that I had to write a report on the Treaty of Paris and when I came on my computer to research it too my findings I can not find anything even on the original thirteen colonies. I am very disappointed I hope in the future this site can serve me better.....
cohen,robert (robco24).
98-09-05 07:12
interested in life of wasington and chronological history of revolutionary war
Summers,Barbara ([email protected]).
98-09-05 10:27
It was hard to get adequate black history information for class essay. There should be an easy way to generate this informaion. Other wise you do have a lot of interesting features thank you BSUM337327
Alfonso,Jacqueline ([email protected]).
98-09-06 00:27
It would be better if you had a research thing (e.g. What happened during 1950-1959 that would graetly contribute the American History) 'Cause I'm having a really difficult time in researching. Thanx
brandt,mindy ([email protected]).
98-09-07 02:23
disappointed I couldn't find any info on Anne Hutchinson.
Hauser,Shannan ([email protected]).
98-09-07 08:50
This service is wonderful. The opportunity to view and print photo copies of original historic documents (right into my home) is truly exciting. Thank you for this service as I am in law school (Texas Wesleyan Univ. School of Law) and very much cherish the time saved in not needing to go to the library every other hour.
Haglund,Andreas ([email protected]).
98-09-07 11:01
I found this site just by coincidence, but it's really good
WHEELAN,George ([email protected]).
98-09-07 16:34
Smith,Leanne ().
98-09-07 16:47
Thanx. I needed this info on an American History project.
Sumo,Rene N. ([email protected]).
98-09-07 20:59
I visited your webpage on U.S. Presidents. Great! Except they way you printed Bill Clinton's term: 1993-??? Are you anticipating his early resignation? I suggest the proper way is "1993-Present.
Honsumo,Art ([email protected]).
98-09-07 21:18
The webpage of President William McKinely needs to be improved to include the following: 1) Treaty of Paris, and 2) Philippine-American War
Williams,Chris ([email protected]).
98-09-08 01:43
98-09-08 04:43
I have been doing genealogical research on my family for some time. I have a curious geneaological position. I am black and I married a white person with the same last name. Staples is an uncommon sirname. At one point in our family's oral history - the two families come together. Have traced the first Staples to come to this country to 1704 (by his rent receipts) William Staples from England. Another point, I truly believe that most people who can trace their history, most Americans wether black or white are in many ways intertwined. In the book "Before the Mayflower" Lerone Bennett states that intermarriage and interracial children were frequent occurrences. The status of blacks as less than human did not occur until 19th century when the south wanted to solidify their hold on blacks as labor. I believe that most whites who can trace their history before 1800 are in some way related to blacks. The essence of contemporary racism in the dehumanization of blacks is the inability of whites to see blacks the same as themselves. They cannot put themselves in the shoes of all people and this is evidenced by the treatment of every non-white country. The inability of general white society to see those who are not white as people allows whites to dismiss non-whites in every section of life. What could be accomplished from proving to the majority of society that when they oppress the minority they are oppressing themselves? Turning away the dreadlocked engineer while letting the blonde serial killer in the front door. I am very intrigued with the sociology of people - how is it that in a black neighborhood the shampoo is put in a section called ethnic products? Why is it that blacks will defend a politician or civic leader to the death even when that person is robbing them blind? Why is it better to have the petite blond secretary instead of the plus size black MBA (although after Clinton's troubles - this may change)? what is the reasoning behind raising girls without any knowledge of their intellectual potential - still instilling fairy tales into their heads? Why? Why?? What is the greater evil - what evil is at work to keep women and blacks 50 percent of the population in a submissive mode - isnt the chain only as strong as its weakest link? Would you suppress half of a nation to spend a few years in power? Well I guess I have ranted enough. Thank you
Milholin,Douglas ([email protected]).
98-09-09 04:50
This is very good. Lots of help doing home work and checking out the many different documents that are part of our history. Thank-you.
Bollinger,Weaver,Jennifer ([email protected]).
98-09-09 15:22
Davis,Billy Joe ([email protected]).
98-09-09 17:34
I am uncertain how this was directed to me. I am glad it was. I plan to call to the attention of students. Thanks
Vanegas,Melissa ([email protected]).
98-09-09 19:59
this is a good sight to find out stuff about Thomas Jeffereson. Ihope that this sight is going to help out other people in the future. Sinceary, Melissa
Dunphy,Christina ([email protected]).
98-09-09 22:20
I love this site I have used it for my US History class and it is a life saver!! Thank you!!
Niles,David ([email protected]).
98-09-10 02:46
Pitka,Jenessa Rose ([email protected]).
98-09-10 04:00
hi, i'm doing a report on Hudson and i need a lot of information about when he sailed and where. Just stuff like that. and i was looking and there aint really anything like that, so i came in here to see if there was something in here that may help me. i never really lookes aroung yet. i just wanted to sign the guest book before i look around. well i hope i find something that could help me. bye
rix,aly ().
98-09-10 04:57
good, but what about abagail adams?
Sleeth,Doug ([email protected]).
98-09-10 05:21
I am a 38 year-old non-traditional student working on my Associate's Degree. I am currently taking a History 121 Class on Early American History from the beginnings to Reconstruction. I find this time to be facinating. I am thrilled to have come across this is very informative, comprehensive and to the point. I especially enjoy the variety of formatted selections of Essays, Outlines, and Biographies. I am passing this site onto my instructor, Mr. Bass of Georgia Military College, in the Warner Robins, Georgia extension.
Clausen,Rachel (enigma_84
98-09-10 13:12
Your site really helped me gather info. for my class on the American Revolution. Don't worry, I didn't forget to cite my sources!
Winer,Laurence ([email protected]).
98-09-11 01:50
In preparing information and ideas about American History, I have found your pages to be of great help. Thank You
Schneiter,john ([email protected]).
98-09-11 16:50
Was John Pershing ever a 6 star general?
De Jong,Sarah ([email protected]).
98-09-12 02:53
Hello - I was wandering on the internet tonight using the search words "indentured servant" and came across your website & document. I have what I believe to be an original copy of an indentured servant contract from 1844 (written in English) and am trying to gather information on exactly its signficance. Any ideas on where I might go to find out more about this document? Thanks for any assistance, Sarah De Jong Virginia, USA
Maatsch,Rick ([email protected]).
98-09-12 19:37
Jordan,Maureen (Reen1321).
98-09-12 20:25
Terrific site !!!!! After many attempts, I finally found The Federalist Papers on your web site. You are on my 'favorite places' . Thank you so much. Reen1321
Hallett,Erin ([email protected]).
98-09-12 21:47
I was wondering if there is any way I could find Andrew Jackson's height and weight. I need this information for a history project. If someone could please e-mail me this info it would be much appreciaited. Thanks.
Warren,Leigh ([email protected]).
98-09-13 19:26
THis site helped me a lot with my history research paper on John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Everything was so organized and it was easy to find the information I was looking for.
Kerr,Kaitlyn ([email protected]).
98-09-14 02:53
I am an 11 year old middle school student doing research on a time of American history events.
,Stewart, Mikki (rakellej20).
98-09-14 03:48
I'ts good that ya'll have a lot of information on your internet if it wasn't for ya'll I would be failing my classes.\ Thanks alot
Wildes,Nick ([email protected]).
98-09-14 05:36
I don't know.. i think the history of our country deserves a whole lot more than what's mentioned...I mean, is that all that made us what we are today? i don't think so. otherwise i guess it was pretty well comprised of facts and information.
O'Donnell,Jim ([email protected]).
98-09-14 15:37
I was looking for an html formatted version of Reagan's Pointe du Hoc speech on 6/6/84. I noticed that the version you present is considerably shorter than the speech I recall and wondered why? For your information, I have included the rest of Reagan's "D-Day" Memorial speech, which takes up where your version left off. Please get back to me, other copies of this speech on the net seem to cut off where yours does. "The Americans who fought here that morning knew word of the invasion was spreading through the darkness back home. They fought--or felt in their hearts, though they couldn't know in fact, that in Georgia they were filling the churches at 4 a.m., in Kansas they were kneeling on their porches and praying, and in Philadelphia they were ringing the Liberty Bell. Something else helped the men of D-Day: their rockhard belief that Providence would have a great hand in the events that would unfold here; that God was an ally in this great cause. And so, the night before the invasion, when Colonel Wolverton asked his parachute troops to kneel with him in prayer he told them: Do not bow your heads, but look up so you can see God and ask His blessing in what we're about to do. Also that night, General Matthew Ridgway on his cot, listening in the darkness for the promise God made to Joshua: "I will not fail thee nor forsake thee." These are the things that impelled them; these are the things that shaped the unity of the Allies. When the war was over, there were lives to be rebuilt and governments to be returned to the people. There were nations to be reborn. Above all, there was a new peace to be assured. These were huge and daunting tasks. But the Allies summoned strength from the faith, belief, loyalty, and love of those who fell here. They rebuilt a new Europe together. There was first a great reconciliation among those who had been enemies, all of whom had suffered so greatly. The Unite States did its part, creating the Marshall plan to help rebuild our allies and our former enemies. The marshal plan led to the Atlantic alliance--a great alliance that serves to this day as our shield for freedom, for prosperity, and for peace. In spite of our great efforts and successes, not all that followed the end of the war was happy or planned. Some liberated countries were lost. The great sadness of this loss echoes down to our own time in the streets of Warsaw, Prague, and East Berlin. Soviet troops that came to the center of this continent did not leave when peace came. They're still there, uninvited, unwanted, unyielding, almost forty years after the war. Because of this, allied forces still stand on this continent. Today, as forty years ago, our armies are here for only one purpose--to protect and defend democracy. The only territories we hold are memorials like this one and graveyards where our heroes rest. We in America have learned bitter lessons from two World Wars: it is better to be here ready to protect the peace, than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. We've learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent. But we try always to be prepared for peace; prepared to deter aggression; prepared to negotiate the reduction of arms; and, yes, prepared to reach out again in the spirit of reconciliation. In truth, there is no reconciliation we would welcome more than a reconciliation with the Soviet Union, so, together, we can lessen the risks of war, now and forever. It is fitting to remember here the great losses also suffered by the Russian people during World War II: twenty million perished, a terrible price that testifies to all the world the necessity of ending war. I tell you from my heart that we in the United States do not want war. We want to wipe from the face of the Earth the terrible weapons that man now has in his hands. And I tell you, we are ready to seize that beachhead. We look for some sign from the Soviet Union that they are willing to move forward, that they share our desire and love for pace, and that they will give up the ways of conquest. There must be a changing there that will allow us to turn our hope in to action. We will pray forever that some day that changing will come. But for now, particularly today, it is good and fitting to renew our commitment to each other, to our freedom, and to the alliance that protects it. We are bound today by what bound us forty years ago, the same loyalties, traditions, and beliefs. We are bound by reality. The strength of America's allies is vital to the United States, and the American security guarantee is essential to the continued freedom of Europe's democracies. We were with you then; we are with you now. Your hopes are our hopes, and your destiny is our destiny. Here, in this place where the West held together, let us make a vow to our dead. Let us show them by our actions that we understand what they died for. Let our actions say to them the words for which Matthew Ridgway listened: "I will not fail thee nor forsake thee." Strengthened by their courage, heartened by their valor, and borne by their memory, let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they lived and died. Thank you very much, and God bless you all. "
Melissa Gilbert,Melissa Gilbert ([email protected]).
98-09-14 17:37
Very nice webpage. Thanks for some of the information on Colonial governments and the English Colonies
Corralejo,Ruben ().
98-09-14 19:00
,Carol ().
98-09-14 19:07
Very informative site. I'm researching 19th Century America and have not been able to find much, until I found your site. It would be great if you could incorporate a search engine so visitors could look up names, dates, etc. Keep up the good work
bishop,jason ([email protected]).
98-09-14 19:59
can you mail the biil of rights to my address?
,Joe ([email protected]).
98-09-14 21:28
Sims,Josh ([email protected]).
98-09-15 01:31
History is of are farters
Atolagbe,Tosin ([email protected]).
98-09-15 13:54
I like this site, because it has provided me with insight on the American History of this country. I have learned a lot and I look forward to reading more about the development and growth of the United States. Keep up the good work.
Anderson,Patience ([email protected]).
98-09-15 18:24
This is so great. I'm so happy I found this. Thankyou so much it will realy help in my school work.
laird,frank ([email protected]).
98-09-15 19:00
Neatpage! If you come up with any ideas for the DBQ this year or any other neat projects I will be watching! Thank you
Mote,Shannon ([email protected]).
98-09-16 02:42
I love this website! It's awesome! It has helped me with a zillion reports!! Luv it!
Fuquay,Dede ([email protected]).
98-09-16 05:18
when you go into the individual presidents, could you highlight a couple of importent events they were responsible for?
rene sumo, ([email protected]).
98-09-16 05:38
may I know what is the URL address of this website? Sorry I forgot to bookmark it. thanks, Rene Sumo
Cardwell, ([email protected]).
98-09-16 06:19
Spinner,Sherry ([email protected]).
98-09-16 16:07
black,bill (bb0411).
98-09-16 16:42
i like it good source of info
ward,jessica ([email protected]).
98-09-16 17:56
I think your page is great.
Marie,Lita ([email protected]).
98-09-17 00:14
I'm doing an extra credit project for ss and this site is great.bye
gingras,sophie ([email protected]).
98-09-17 00:22
I really enjoyed to see what you did with this site. I'm studying to teach history right now and that's really nice what you did!!! Congratulation Sophie
Reichlen,Heather (
98-09-17 00:34
This is a really neat project, because it is another source from the book to find information. It is also a good place to find information for projects. Thanks!!
Dann,Heather ([email protected]).
98-09-17 00:57
,Andrea ([email protected]).
98-09-17 15:46
The contents on Early American History are helpful but incomplete without a biography on one of our early dominant figures - John Smith.
Hutcheson,Andrea ([email protected]).
98-09-17 15:50
The imformation on Early American history is good yet incomplete without more information (a biography at least) on one of America's earliest dominant figures: John Smith.
Dennis,Stroiney ([email protected]).
98-09-17 16:59
Thank you. Exactly what I was looking for.
fay,matthew ([email protected]).
98-09-18 03:58
I would really appreciate if you could get back to me with an answer on this question in which i have not been able to find "Why was the number three fifths used in the Compromise?" why wasn't it 2/3 or 3/4 i would really appreciate an answer sincerly matthew fay
DeWitt,Kevin W. ([email protected]).
98-09-18 08:14
Very interesting site. In July of 1998 my family attended the DeWitt Family Reunion in Kingston, NY. To our surprise the Half Moon was pulled up to the Hudson River shore. It was often told that the common ancestor of all the DeWitts attending was Tjerck Claussen DeWitt whose father Nicholas DeWitt was the ships doctor on the Hudson Exploration in 1609. Curious if their is any evidence to prove this. Kevin W. DeWitt
Manuel,Janice ([email protected]).
98-09-18 21:26
I've thus far only had a quick look, but I'm impressed with the content, particularly inclusion of primary documents. I've forwarded a link to family members, particularly sister who is home schooling her teenage son. I do hope you will continue to develop the site, particurly historical documents and contemporaneous descriptions of situations and events.
Dye,Roger ([email protected]).
98-09-19 16:19
Found the third Virgiinia Charter with my name listed on it very interesting. Am not certain of my linage except to say that my grandfather told me I was a seventh generation american. His father was born in Marietta Ohio in the mid 1800's. If you have any additional information on the Dye name or another web site that you could recommend I would be greatly appreciative. Sincerely Roger B. Dye
Kurkowski,Tiffany (,com).
98-09-19 19:47
I need info on the colony of Georgia!!!!
Harmon,Anita ([email protected]).
98-09-20 01:10
I love this. I am a junior and I have used this site, many times.
Linden,Anna ([email protected]).
98-09-20 16:57
I would just like to say that this is a really good page but it's missing one thing and that is something about the great immigration to the U.S in between the 1840's and 1924.
McLean,Ellen ([email protected]).
98-09-20 19:31
Wonderful resource! I went looking for the impeachment proceedings against Alexander Hamilton and found you! I've book marked and will be back!
,Elicia ().
98-09-20 21:47
You need some links!!!
Cole,Marisa ([email protected]).
98-09-20 23:20
This web site has been such a great help to me while I've been working on my honors english lit project on colonial america, and I have a feeling I'll use it agin soon on my next project for the same class.
Preston,Derrick ([email protected]).
98-09-21 05:44
I would like to know more about the difference between the Chesapeake colonies and the Massachusetts colonies in the late 16th century (ie Religious orientation, Political stability, and social patterns.
Arredondo,Alex ([email protected]).
98-09-21 06:06
I would like to commend the staff who heads this great site. I am a History student at a local College in Laredo Texas, and this site has given me a great resource which otherwise I could not get anywhere else. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Alex Arredondo
Seiffert,Kathy ().
98-09-21 20:22
I believe that america started way before the caucasian people arrived. Or at least the land that holds america was here before then. You need to have a wider selection about the Native Americans that were here before the Western World discovery of America.
hill,d ().
98-09-22 02:43
very useful site for students and others with interest in US history
Merrell,John ().
98-09-22 03:00
Interesting readings and I Thank You.
HOEY,JOHN ([email protected]).
98-09-22 17:05
recore,melody ([email protected]).
98-09-22 17:19
Gibbons,Kevin ([email protected]).
98-09-22 23:21
I stumbled across your site while looking for information on Alexander Hamilton. What an excellent accomplishment! This really is a fan- tastic site. I found the essay by Lisa Marie DeCarolis well-written, informative and easy to read. I am looking forward to exploring more of your site in the future. Well Done!
,Sonia ([email protected]).
98-09-23 01:02
You guys should have everything. I am looking for some help on American History. I need ot Find the 13 colonies. Can you please please tell me where to look it up because I have searched everywhere. Also you should have each grade separate. Like 1st grade on one site, 2nd grade on another site, and so on. Please e-mail me with the Infomation. Thanks for your attention, Sonia
Cutshall,Mel ([email protected]).
98-09-23 09:04
This is a very informative site. I will be using it often while homeschooling a 15 year old with the desire to learn. Thank you....
greller (mother's name Adams),gloria ([email protected]).
98-09-23 21:41
What a find this History Research area was - this is really the information highway. We found just what we needed to - and got more information then we expected. Thanks to whomever got this together in such a concise way.
brown,craig ([email protected]).
98-09-23 23:16
Lewis,Caitlyn (CLFencing4).
98-09-24 00:03
More pictures...more pictures....of sugar act and stamp act more info from 1763-1775
Haen,Edward ([email protected]).
98-09-24 04:44
Looking for information on John Paul Jones Thanks
Swanson,Michael ([email protected]).
98-09-24 16:53
This is a wonderful project, but I'm getting a number of responses indicating dead links. Are these really dead or is this a temporary aberrance. I'm particularly interested in encouraging some of my students to participate. Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D. Center for Historic Preservation Roger Williams University 1 Old Ferry Road Bristol, RI 02809 U.S.A.
Jebb Chagan, ([email protected]).
98-09-24 18:04
Great source of information! I would love more pictures. Tools and devices from the past? Colonial through the civil war period in American History.Thank-you!
KUEHN,HEIDI ([email protected]).
98-09-24 21:04
Riley,N. Darleen ([email protected]).
98-09-25 07:03
I would like to make a copy of the original document to display in my home. Why isn't that possible?
PAGE,MELISHA ([email protected]).
98-09-25 16:09
Everitt,Michael ([email protected]).
98-09-26 21:34
Your work is excellent and valuable. I am downloading and printing the entire outline to use in my eleventh grade history class. It is an excellent overview and organization.
Hockabout,Dennis ([email protected]).
98-09-27 00:07
This project is very helpful to students of American history. Thank you for your efforts.
given,karen (gabbygiven).
98-09-27 03:16
Great site! - Thank you!
carr,mike ([email protected]).
98-09-27 04:19
i am interested in the civil war and presidents. is there a chat room for these topics?
Aoki,Hitomi nadja ([email protected]).
98-09-27 21:57
Jamison,Wyatt ([email protected]).
98-09-28 00:09
This is a great site, thanks for letting others be involved in improving it. Oh, and to anyone reading the guest book, be sure to check out Thomas Jefferson's first inaugural address if you haven't already. He really was a brilliant writter. Hello to my DE government class and Mr. Ross.
Kesler,Eric ([email protected] or [email protected]).
98-09-28 00:13
it's a great site but i need help finding info on the 1959's in New York City. Thank you Eric
durran,kristin (myrddink).
98-09-28 22:16
thank god for an easy link to history. id be failing AH if it werent for u
frampton,b (tracker45).
98-09-29 04:20
wonderful site for research.
McMinn,Nicole ([email protected]).
98-09-30 02:11
Good organization, I easily found what I needed!!
EDWAED E HARADON, EDWARD ([email protected] ).
98-09-30 03:19
Olson,Alan ([email protected]).
98-09-30 22:44
This was wonderful. I'm helping my 11 year old do a report on the colonies and their early years. This is just what I was looking for! Thank you
Dault,Jim ([email protected]).
98-09-30 23:17
This is a very informative site. It will come in handy in a variety of ways.
Rice,Bryan (BRYAN8482).
98-09-30 23:26
I am Home School and I'm in 12th grade. I am doing American History and I like this site.
McShane,Brianna ([email protected]).
98-10-01 03:19
Hey great site! It helped me a lot with my English paper! Great work! Thanks!!!!!
Elliott,Stephanie ([email protected]).
98-10-01 07:01
Very interesting! Is there any way to access a list of names of indentured servants who came to the U.S.?
Dana,Dana ([email protected]).
98-10-01 07:25
I have a B.A. in political science and I am currently in my last term of law school working as an intern in a law office. I am a die-hard patriot and focus my interests on Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton is my mentor.
Murphy,Sarah ([email protected]).
98-10-02 00:18
im looking for information on the Alamo, and im having a lot of trouble finding anything on it
Brock,Julie ([email protected]).
98-10-02 01:19
Torres,Kelli ().
98-10-03 03:19
very insightful
mcconnell,gary ([email protected]).
98-10-03 11:58
looking forward to learning more about history
Dirk,Huff ([email protected]).
98-10-04 15:04
This is a great site! Thank you for the incredible efforts and educational opportunities for myself and my family.
Williams,Jona ([email protected]).
98-10-04 17:47
I have no idea how to use this site. I am looking for some information on the destruction of the great gaspee. Please can you e-mail me and tell me how to get this information!
woods,jennier (jenni10581).
98-10-04 23:23
very interested in the history of the usa. i love to learn about my country thank you
Burt,Anna ([email protected]).
98-10-05 02:53
Woods,Rev. John S. ([email protected]).
98-10-05 03:52
Miranda,Deborah ([email protected]).
98-10-05 21:10
This website has proved to be very informational. I do not want to sound critical but you should have someone proofread for spelling errors. I have come across quite a few.
,Ondrea ([email protected]).
98-10-05 22:04
Thanks for having this program on line for teengers like me to use for school projects. I'm a senior at Sarasota High School. Thanks again.
sobey,sally ([email protected]).
98-10-05 22:28
talking history 1301 in school. studying the american revolution, interested in learning more.
Calloway,Elizabeth (I would rather not give out that information).
98-10-06 00:09
I was doing a report on Sir. Gilbert Humphrey, and was hoping to find some information about him at your site. I was definetly wrong! You were absolutely no help at all. I am never comming back to this site and I am telling all of my friends not to come either. Your site has no information, espesially information that it any help to any one one the face of this Earth. It was lso extreemaly confusing. I clicked on Sir Gilbert Humphry and was taken to some "advertisment" page. Trust me when I say that I will never ever come anywhere near your site again. Please tell all of your other accidently come to the wrong spot visitors the same thing. Thank you for your time ELizabeth Calloway........ This is definetly not my type of site... I will be sure to stay away from it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Harlow,Carol ([email protected]).
98-10-06 02:27
I'm teaching an AP American History course for the first time - thanks for all the information. We do not as yet have new texts, and since school started August 12, I have used this material. A lifesaver.
Donna Burkhart, (LATE D8).
98-10-07 00:29
It is good to find something that I can use for my children, Thanks
,Chris ().
98-10-07 01:35
I thought all the info you had here was great!!
shoblock,jillian (iggie22222).
98-10-07 02:46
you need pictures from coloniel americe.
,lori ([email protected]).
98-10-07 06:22
i think this is a cool has helped me with an important assignment in my u.s. history class...thanks!!
Caballin,Shannon ([email protected]).
98-10-07 07:20
Thanks for the help researching for my homework.
Bolshevix,Olga ([email protected]).
98-10-07 15:46
I found dis site very hard to navigate...from where i come from, things are easier..i miss russia!
Bausher,Margot ([email protected]).
98-10-07 18:30
I need some info on the Articles of Confederation for a school project, but all I get is the actual articles. Could you please email me some more info on how it came about and things like that. Please get it to me as soon as possible. Thank you.
Dejean,ALix ([email protected]).
98-10-08 03:56
Doolan,Paul ().
98-10-08 05:29
Thanks so much! What a great sight! I'm an eighth grade history teacher. I especially like the sections done by students. Good job!
Rancourt,robert ().
98-10-08 17:28
Danziger,Pinchas ([email protected]).
98-10-08 17:38
For a project of mine I tried to "search" your site. I was interested in what happened on our planet on certain period (let's say 1945-1950). Unfortunately the search - and I tried my luck from various options - led to Zilch. can you guide me, or refer me to another site? Thanks Pinchas
Tharp,Brenda ([email protected]).
98-10-08 21:01
This whole program took me through a very educating experience. Thank you!
Holton Ev. Lutheran School, ([email protected]).
98-10-08 21:02
As a teacher of grades 4-8 in a small school I very much thank-you for this site! It's awesome! Especially the texts of the documents! Thanks much!
Puryear,Cheryl ([email protected]).
98-10-09 00:08
I was attempting to find out all I can about the Health Care Plan, starting from when the agency was established and their purpose, to the Clinton Health Care plan. I have 2 weeks to do this report. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. So far I have come up with NIL about the Administrative Agency that deals with health issues.
Idaho,Bambi ().
98-10-09 01:03
presidents are sexy
Matheny,T. J. ([email protected]).
98-10-09 01:07
Werner,L. ([email protected]).
98-10-09 21:09
Your site is very informative- I found it very helpful. I was wondering if you had any information on the Adams-Onis Treaty
98-10-10 06:44
Costa,Cleydson ([email protected]).
98-10-10 19:00
This web site can be very helpful for high school students enrolled in an AP United States history course such as myself. The AP examination is on May and i believe my chances of scoring a high mark were ameliorated with the research I made use of on this site. My regards to everybody involved in the constuction of this wonderful encyclopedic project.
White,C. (CherylW611).
98-10-11 20:44
I am trying to locate maps of the 13 colonies for my son and all of your home page entries do not show any maps like they say they should. How do you find what you are looking for without having to go into each and every web address?
Townley,Odin ([email protected]).
98-10-12 00:41
Juan Pablo,Barros S. ([email protected]).
98-10-12 01:32
I need information of Burke and Aquinas
Svensson,Sven ().
98-10-12 13:31
I am a nice guy from Sveden, and I am very interested in my schoolwor. It�s a very nice homepage. Buy!!!!!
McGregor,lonnie ([email protected]).
98-10-12 14:41
spouse seeks history on womens movements in the 20th century
Cao,Michael ([email protected]).
98-10-12 19:16
Hi There! My name is Michael. I would lile to know the National Landterm Song. Would you please email for me that song or give direction how to get that song from internet or any other source. Thank you very much. Michael Cao
Boostrom, (rlb06).
98-10-12 21:03
This was a very helpful website, however I was confused when I was first connected to it because the eagle made me think I was linked to a wildlife/endangered species site. It is very well put together, easily accessible, and contains useful information
Nieginski,Brandon ([email protected]).
98-10-13 04:32
I need to know another name for Tri-Corner Hat, the real name. Thank you, Brandon Nieginski E-mail [email protected]
,Melissa ([email protected]).
98-10-13 05:04
hi, the site is very well done
Farris,Aimee ([email protected]).
98-10-13 07:42
I was very please to find this site. I am taking a history class in college and find the text for the course hard to follow. By finding this site I am able to make sense of what I am suppose to be learning. I wish my text book was as well put together. Thank you.
Buford,Alisha ([email protected]).
98-10-13 22:46
I was searching for the Boston Tea Party and other events linked to it and had no trouble finding what I was looking for here. It is well presented and well done with much information. It's wonderful. I'm sure to visit here agin for other information in the future. ~Thank You!~
corbin,fred ([email protected]).
98-10-13 23:47
one of the best sights i have been to...use it daily in my class
Cortes,Melissa (divine118).
98-10-14 00:44
i havent looked through all yet but so far it looks good!
Bronstein,Hans ([email protected]).
98-10-14 13:54
I don't get this. I tried to search for some info about the presidents before Bronstein. And where are the kings? Can soombey help me?
Murphy,Mychel-Anne ([email protected]).
98-10-14 23:02
I'm an 8 yr old homeschooler. I'm really interested in the american revolution. Thanks for having such a great site. from M.A.M.
Spooner,Molly ([email protected]).
98-10-15 01:07
Thank you so much for this website! It helped me SOOOO much with my papers for AP American History! Keep up the good work!!
Kearns,Donna ([email protected]).
98-10-15 21:38
This was absolutely informative and helpful. I am an artist planning a glass show on the twentieth century and I am mesmerized with all of the info you have shared. Thank you so much Donna Kearns
Drey,Jeremy ([email protected]).
98-10-15 23:31
List the dates of the events in the Article
franklin,benjamin ([email protected]).
98-10-16 04:42
i liked your site; user-friendly, in-depth and rewarding with information well presented
Miller,BaByShy ([email protected]).
98-10-16 07:19
BaByShy is not my real name but if you do send me anything i would like you to put my name down as BaByShy except on the e-mail address please THANX (TO U ALL) BaByShy Miller P.S. Can you send me a list of items that you found all your info. about the american revolution please i would greatly appresiate it. if you could can you please try to get it to me by Sat.Oct.17th. Thanx
magee,m ([email protected]).
98-10-16 15:47
Hess,Richard ([email protected]).
98-10-16 19:00
Wow! I will share with site with all of my friends.
Walsh,Chrystal (
98-10-16 20:52
Brooks,Sarah ([email protected]).
98-10-16 21:26
good site, but can you speak of the American Revolution without mentioning PATRICK HENRY/
robinson (Rev.),malcolm ([email protected]).
98-10-17 01:11
I find this website very informative. I currently teach Am. Hist. to high schoolers and find your material a good supplement to my presentations. Thanks!
Doll,Stephanie ([email protected]).
98-10-17 01:13
I love history and everything about it. If we didn't have history we wouldn't have the present. I love to learn about what other people have done and why they did them and I truly believe that we can learn from the past if we choose to accept what we have done and discover new ways to improve ourselves.
Stetz,Jennifer ([email protected]).
98-10-18 21:52
Why don't you have any information on John Hancock?? I'm doing a presentation on him for an English calss, and I needed information. Thanks for nothing.
98-10-18 22:10
Scott,Jerri ().
98-10-19 08:24
I found just the information I was looking for in your pages. Thanks for putting them out there.
Plowman,Ashley (GREGGATES).
98-10-19 16:02
This is ok but still needs work
bush,heidi ([email protected]).
98-10-19 20:33
your pages helped a great deal in several school reports. thank you so much!!!
Harrison,Joann ([email protected]).
98-10-20 07:43
Thanks for your assistance. Utilizing info for my Girl Scout Troop. Will use often for my daughter's learning and school assignments.
,Sarah A. Rossi ([email protected]).
98-10-20 17:33
My family and I live in a 250 year old home in CT. One day my stepfather ran across an insert in the newspaper (the insert is a small paper celebrating my town's 200th anniversary). From reading this paper, he discovered that besides our home being one of the first original homes here in Chippens Hill, that this house was a Tories house. It belonged to Moses Dunbar. Who was the biggest Tory in Bristol, Ct. To make a long story short, I have been looking everwhere for more informaton on Moses Dunber on the computer (besides of what I have in the paper) and I was wondering if you can look up some information for me andplease send it to me. Thankyou, Sarah A. Rossi
Worley,Kendra ([email protected]).
98-10-20 23:27
Ellul,Christen ([email protected]).
98-10-21 00:15
I came here to see any information on the Salem Witch Trials. Thats all folks. Bye :)
Williams,Maria ([email protected]).
98-10-21 01:31
clemons,nekeesha (
98-10-21 01:31
Spigner,Angie ([email protected]).
98-10-21 03:43
I needed to find information on George Washington and the American Revolution and your home page did not give me anything.
,Toby ().
98-10-21 19:41
I am writing a report on you old guy!!!!!! Eat my shorts, you old fart!!!!!!
Ramirez,Frank ([email protected]).
98-10-21 20:14
Iwould like to know about the gender roles & family life in the colonies.
Withey,John ([email protected]).
98-10-21 21:21
Very Nice Site.
McNeill,Dewey ().
98-10-21 23:49
Arrington,Carol ([email protected]).
98-10-22 02:09
Bertucci,Joseph ([email protected]).
98-10-22 04:20
I really enjoy history and one day plan to teach it until then i will try to learn as much as i can.
boughanem,sharon ([email protected]).
98-10-22 17:21
You have done a great job, by introducing this on the internet!
Ebersohl,Sharon ([email protected]).
98-10-22 19:17
I am looking for information on the oldest signer of the Declaration. Also, why was Robert Treat Paine known as the "Objection Maker"?
Guerrero,Francisco ([email protected]).
98-10-22 21:23
This is a great thing you have for all of us teacher's at Los Fresnos, Texas. Thanks again. Yours Truly, Francisco Guerrero, Jr.
FERGUSON,OLVIN ([email protected]).
98-10-23 02:29
Lewandowski,Sara ([email protected]).
98-10-23 02:59
thank you very much for providing such in depth information on the Constitutional Convention of 1780, however i wish there was more on Mr. Morris. Sincerely, Sara Lewandowski
Thompson,J.R. ([email protected]).
98-10-23 06:15
I found the different web pages of this historical resource to be quite useful in doing reports and finding information on the Presidents. I am happy to see that some individuals are using the Internet as a place to promote awareness of our very important national history, and the significance of past presidents. I would, however, like to see other web pages attached to the current pages so as to connect individuals to other related texts such as: if I were interested in a more detailed account of how Andrew Jackson dealt with the Seminole indians in Florida, I would probably find it very helpful to have the word 'seminole' printed in blue or however it is done to make that word connect the reader to a related database. Don't get me wrong though. I must give the creators of this website kudos for their time and effort to spread the history of my favorite country. Thank you very much, and good day.
LEPERA,KEVIN ([email protected]).
98-10-23 17:12
This web page helped me alot. thanks.
Eaton,Ben ([email protected]).
98-10-23 21:30
I loved it!!!!!!!! It was very touching!!!!!!!!!!
dickey,Kristen ().
98-10-23 23:35
I love history
Rebecca, ().
98-10-23 23:41
Could you make a map of the voyage of Champlain?
Ratliff,Kim ([email protected]).
98-10-24 00:06
This is a wonderful website. I hope to use it when I get stumped in Social Studies when helping my 10 year-old fifth grade son. Our text book can be kind of ambiguous so you might be able to help us be more specific. Thanks.
Andretti,Daniel ([email protected]).
98-10-24 05:06
We have it within our power to again start the world anew - will we? Or will we watch TV, stay on the internet and continue to melt our minds?
Leendert Smit, ([email protected]).
98-10-24 15:32
Ladyz nd gntlmn, frome this in zime we are englishmaz pleaing this game, There's a time check detected, in this proces we - temporarely - a game s
tyler,nia (NIATYLER @e-mail. msn. com).
98-10-24 20:26
This is a very useful info you have. It is well organized so that I can find exactly what I need. Thanx a bunch:)
Terry,Scott ([email protected]).
98-10-25 06:18
I like to know which documents are legal documents or documents that deal with laws thanks
Jong,Roel ([email protected]).
98-10-25 15:32
Piller,Mordy ([email protected]).
98-10-26 03:52
Perfect And Great site.
HUI,SANDY ([email protected]).
98-10-26 04:58
MORRIE,BRITANY ([email protected]).
98-10-26 22:13
Crowe,Bobbie ([email protected]).
98-10-27 01:46
This is boring
Day,Daysiee ([email protected]).
98-10-27 04:05
If any one can give me any info over Sally St. Clair I would be gratful. I'm doing a research paper over her and I can't find anything! Please mail to [email protected] if you have any links or any thing that could be helpful. Thanks. dayisee
,ashley (peanunt).
98-10-27 22:24
needs stuff on the battle of trenton
Shaffer,Rick ([email protected]).
98-10-28 00:30
I just have four words to say. Audie Murphy-American Hero
karen, ([email protected]).
98-10-28 02:40
Goff,Christopher (yoshi6495).
98-10-28 06:05
this place is the bomb
Ortiz,Elizabeth ().
98-10-28 06:49
This was very helpful in doing research for my history class thank you to the person who though of this great website
Kristensen,Olav Olai ([email protected]).
98-10-28 09:14
Guinsler,Vince (Littlev218).
98-10-28 18:44
Whetzel,Carolyn ([email protected]).
98-10-28 18:50
Looking for people to celebrate the 200th Anniversary Oct. 1999 of Daniel Boone and family immigration to Missouri. Need help, volunteers, warm bodies. Boone and members of his family arrived at St. Louis in Oct. 1799. Please share this information. We hope to have a nationwide celebration. Contact us. Thanks.
Faust,Beatrice ([email protected]).
98-10-29 00:46
The title of the Page/package/project is 'The American Revolution' but the biography link goes up to the present-day IE contains more information than needed. At the same time, it does not list General Lafayette - IE it contains less information than the title implies. May I suggest you re-title the project: 'American History - from whenever to whenever'?
,FrozenPoP ([email protected]).
98-10-29 02:47
awsome page
vogel,mike ().
98-10-29 15:34
do you have maps of the movement of troops in the french and indian war? -thanx mike
Smartt,Jarom ([email protected]).
98-10-29 23:16
I really enjoyed Lisa cozzens essay. I was impressed with her research and the clarity in which she presented her argument. An essay worth reading again. Thank-you Lisa.
Twain, III,Mark ([email protected]).
98-10-30 07:05
This site adds a significant contribution to the education of all the peoples of the world... the cold war may have already ended and the walls of communism may have fallen but sites like this guarantee that the bricks of such walls of tyranny will forever be crumbled to a fine powder! The American revolution revisited... and The Worldwide Revolution of Freedom begins... Thank you Mark Twain, III
adam ashurst HANSON,adam ([email protected]).
98-10-30 11:12
Thank you for finding extra information for me to read about my greatX8 grandfather JOHN HANSON. What a great man and american. He made George Washington what he was but he gets none of the credit. Your site give him some and for that my family thanks you. Adam and Samantha Ashurst
leng,lib (www,[email protected]).
98-10-30 19:44
U need more pictures on this site.cause I'm doing a report andI cant hardly find any pictues
Luttrell,Tim ([email protected]).
98-10-31 22:28
Thank you so much for making these documents available on the web. This site is definitely one of the most important on the internet!
hill,cindy ([email protected]).
98-10-31 22:30
I would like to point out that on your Thomas Jefferson page you have the dates of birth and death turned around. Unfortunately, I did not catch this, but my history professor did!
Richelderfer,Julie ([email protected]).
98-11-01 03:43
As a history teacher I find your site quite interesting. Thank you.
Holding,Susan ([email protected]).
98-11-01 04:34
Gallimore,Heather Gallimore ([email protected]).
98-11-02 06:17
I stumbled upon this site while helping a contact on my icq list with homework.I sent the url to her and then started to "look around" the site. I am a lover of history, it is my passion. Being twenty years old though ,I have not had access to resources such as these before. All I can say is thank you to all those who are connected with this site you have given me hours of pleasure. Thank You, Heather Gallimore
Harper,Seth ([email protected]).
98-11-02 17:13
I couldn't find anything on your site.
Martinez Family, ([email protected]).
98-11-03 02:32
I just recently found this site and am in provides valuable information that I had long since lost from my schooling. Thank You for providing this service.
Hort,Christine ([email protected]).
98-11-03 18:23
Hi, I read your project on the American Revolution and thought it was great. I have 1 question. On the 1st page you say it ended when the constitution was ratified, how do you back up this answer to prove it right? Please answer me ASAP. Thank You
guiest,toad ([email protected]).
98-11-03 22:12
Where do you find the page for the project?????
Neely,Jessica ([email protected]).
98-11-04 00:08
very imformative
coleman,andrea ([email protected]).
98-11-04 01:45
you should talk more about each time peirod . otherwise very good!
Harris,Martha ([email protected]).
98-11-04 02:57
I have been a history buff my whole life and it is great to have a site like this to look up things when I have a question.
Klein,Kim ([email protected]).
98-11-04 05:02
It is a pleasure to watch my 4th grade son obtain information from this sight for a school project. It is certainly a welcomed change from the plentitude of other options accessible on the internet. Thank you!
Sharma,Dennis ([email protected]).
98-11-05 01:49
I love it!Helps me out at school all the time!
Koonce,David ([email protected]).
98-11-05 17:58
I just moved to CA. from Louisiana. I am living in a town called Garden Grove south of LA, I would like to know the history about Garden Grove. Any and all info that you have about Garden Grove is welcomed.
Ocampo,Claudia ([email protected]).
98-11-05 23:11
Hi! I am from Mexico. I'm looking for some information about your history, becuase I need a homework in my school. I'll thank you all the information that you can give me.
flores,pam ([email protected]).
98-11-06 00:52
really good
Jenny Elizabeth Schwarz, ([email protected]).
98-11-06 03:54
American Studies student at Georgetown University
Peter,Tabada ([email protected]).
98-11-06 05:31
U did i great job in writing this web-page, but you have a lot of grammer and spelling errors. But overall, good job. :)
McKee,Gregory ([email protected]).
98-11-06 15:24
This is a wonderful site! If only it had been around when I was a history major in college.
amy,sharon ([email protected]).
98-11-06 23:50
Nagata,Santeina ([email protected]).
98-11-07 05:02
Thanks for the Cool info....
Colins,Katie ().
98-11-07 18:46
Good Job
n/a,Wendy ([email protected]).
98-11-07 22:20
I would like to know your web address, I found this site through Ask Jeeves but I would like a direct link?
Lewellens', ().
98-11-08 04:06
Ely-Chaitlin,Marc ([email protected]).
98-11-08 05:40
I think the Founding Fathers intended to set up a republic that was a police state, solely to protect their property. America will not be free until the American people realize that men like Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton and Madison were committed slavemasters, and that has left a lasting imprint on the Federal Government. Until a legal, royal government is restored, anarchy shall continue to prevail in the United States.
Hiott,Bruce (Bruhi@ao;.com).
98-11-08 08:34
I immensly enjoy both watching The History Channel and The History Channel On-line, I would enjoy seeing more Historical Movies covering the sailing ships and Men O War such as the Hornblower movie. Keep up the good work. Bruce Hiott (Bruhi@aol,com)
Church,Charles ([email protected]).
98-11-08 17:53
I am very impressed with the organization of your research. I am interested in accessing the information about George Wythe. Either internet or paper report formatsis fine with me.
Ledbetter,Betsy ([email protected]).
98-11-09 05:35
renee,huntington (terrygh @
98-11-09 19:37
the biography of geronimo will very interesting and I will pass it along to my daughter as a reference to her indian project.
Giles,V.J. ([email protected]).
98-11-10 01:20
Excellent resource.
Seguer,Charles ([email protected]).
98-11-10 02:58
I really liked your site and found it very useful. Well researched and written. Thank you very much for providing this site.
The Brown Family,Heather Allen ([email protected]).
98-11-10 04:47
I like your project and I appreciate all the help it has given to me.
Eshowsky,Jeff ([email protected]).
98-11-10 05:13
Absolutely fascinating information. Keep up the good work. Where would I find any information regarding The Alamo? I am very interested in The Alamo and am always looking for new sources of information. Thank you.
Lynch,Jenna ().
98-11-10 16:37
I am glad you have this great information for anyone to read and learn. Thanks!!!!
Smith,Melissa ([email protected]).
98-11-10 18:44
Lloyd,Christian ([email protected]).
98-11-10 23:57
Great site!
Zerbe,Jenny (zerbejenny@hotmail).
98-11-11 05:30
This is a really great resource for teachers! Do you have any suggested lesson plans for best using this resource?
Brainerd,Gordon ([email protected]).
98-11-11 07:04
Ruscito,Millie ([email protected]).
98-11-11 17:20
This has been a helpful link for information concerning Early Colonial period. Second grade is studying Pilgrims and fifth grade is preparing for a trip to Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown. As the Technology teacher it is often difficult to find appropriate links. This is usually a place I have had success.
Baxter,Lauren ([email protected]).
98-11-11 20:52
James,David ([email protected]).
98-11-11 23:47
Great project!!!
nester,shawn (@ aol).
98-11-12 01:18
charboneau,Stephanie (stefawee69).
98-11-13 01:35
Petoskey,Micah ([email protected]).
98-11-13 17:26
I am looking for a copy of the Manifest Destiny if you have any information or a copy you could e-mail me I would be grateful.
Head,Jae ([email protected]).
98-11-13 19:24
You need to have a search engine for your page it would make navigating this much easier.
L�vgren,Jan ([email protected]).
98-11-13 20:30
Tack f�r titten, jag hittade mycket information till mitt arbete. Thanks.
Gibson, ([email protected]).
98-11-13 23:36
98-11-13 23:46
Charlston,Michael ([email protected]).
98-11-14 07:26
DiCaprio,Kim and Christie and Sara (I live on another planet...far, far away.).
98-11-14 21:06
We are doing a project on the battle of Priceton and you don't have any information for us. If you do have information, we haven't found anything, so please make the information easier to find!!!!!
,Racine ([email protected]).
98-11-14 22:14
I was just wandering on the web when I came across this website. Right now I am looking for a interesting and different(meaning original) subject to do a Social Studies project on. If you have any ideas or recommendations they would be greatly appreciated, Thanks
Rhoads, ().
98-11-15 00:35
ingram,paula ([email protected]).
98-11-15 04:01
this is a great study site ,will visit again
Banks,Lacey ([email protected]).
98-11-15 08:11
The information on Dred Scott and the reason for the civil war was very helpful for my essay on "What Makes America Great."
Mee,Mee ([email protected]).
98-11-15 08:26
Ya didnt help much. Where was the battle of Germantown?
Vollmer,Karla Vollmer ([email protected]).
98-11-15 16:18
Please send me some pictures of clothing wore durinng the American Revolution
del Castillo,Gail ([email protected]).
98-11-15 18:27
first rate source for basic material
Fuchs, ([email protected]).
98-11-15 19:20
,C.MAtthews ().
98-11-15 23:13
This is a great web-site.
White,Lindsay ([email protected]).
98-11-15 23:13
I would like to congratulate you on your fine website. It is informative, and is clear that extensive research has been done. This website was extremely helpful in my essay on Canadian and American pasts and how it has influenced them in the present. Thank you very much for the gret website. :)
amabile,michael (amabilma).
98-11-16 07:09
i think this web site is swell. thanks so much for the dandy reading. thumbs up man.
,Gino ([email protected]).
98-11-16 23:43
This is a nice page. It should include more info though.
,Steph ([email protected]).
98-11-16 23:48
Thank you so much to everyone who worked on this site!! I have a project for Close Up, a required government class at my school, and the information I found here really helped....thanks again!!!
Stout,Betsy ([email protected]).
98-11-17 01:06
I think this is very nice, but I think that a question box should be added. It would make it a lot faster if one could ask a question, and it would tell exactly where to go!
Frase,Cindy ([email protected]).
98-11-17 02:50
Fabulous resource for important documents. Glad I found you.
MURRAY,TIM ([email protected]).
98-11-17 05:16
,Jane ([email protected]).
98-11-17 16:59
Great website! How about the Supreme Court Decision on Joseph Cinque and the others from L'Amistad with John Quincy Adams pleading the case? Would love to read it. Also, just read the Dred Scott decision--did not know there were two dissenting judges.
Paul,Roskelley ([email protected]).
98-11-17 18:55
This is an incredible source for my Government class. Thank You.
Criner,Reba ([email protected]).
98-11-18 02:04
I am looking for information about the outlaw in West Texas by the name of Blackjack Ketchum. There hills in Irion County named after him. He raided ranches for horses to sell to the military and to Mexico. Any information on him would be apprecitated.
Harris,Jay ([email protected]).
98-11-18 05:55
I was looking for information on the Revolutionary war but didn't find much, but nice cite.
teringlova,ilona ([email protected]).
98-11-18 10:16
I found your page useful, I used information about Magna Carta. I would like to find there list of The Plantagenets with their private history. Thanks.
Valley Christian School,Student ().
98-11-18 19:07
Very interesting and informative. Great help for my paper!!!!
suszek,Kris ([email protected]).
98-11-19 02:09
This was very helpful research for government assignments. thanks a bunch!
donna williston, ([email protected]).
98-11-19 05:21
I think you need to add more variety to your essays. For example I did not find any useful information on the Reconstruction period.
Gunkhaws,willy ().
98-11-19 21:48
I like you
Jackson,Shannon ([email protected]).
98-11-19 21:51
This is a good homepage allthough it could help if the topics were catagorized better!
whitaker,Billy ().
98-11-19 21:56
I am gay
Levine,Lester (Lil [email protected]).
98-11-19 23:06
akins,danette (ruggmouse).
98-11-19 23:55
i love it,,,the out line of american lit has helped me in my 11th grade adv american lit class!
Momanyi,Kelvin ().
98-11-20 00:35
This site just did my whole project!!
Osborne,Jake ([email protected]).
98-11-20 00:40
I'm a highschool student and I'd like to know after the Battle of Camden the Americans were pretty much shocked. I think that if it wasn't for the volunteers that helped us along the way. We would have lost this war. After the Fightings in Cowpen that lifted our morale and now were the most powerful country in the world. I'd like to know what you think would have happened in this war if the fightings in cowpen would have never happened and if the volunteers would have never helped what would have happened?
dover,ben ([email protected]).
98-11-20 03:06
nice site
Bolton,Khrystina (
98-11-20 18:50
This is a really cool site, loaded with info! I love it!
Helton,James ([email protected]).
98-11-21 16:47
Thanks for the resource. I teach U. S. and Louisiana history to middle school students in the New Orleans area. I use this information to fill in spots and as resources for my students to do some research on their own.
Rondeau,Elizabeth ([email protected]).
98-11-22 15:16
I was searching your sight, which is very nice, to try and place my family tree, in perspective w/ time. It starts in the 1630's, when the Ilsey's, William & Barbara came to the US. They settled in Newbury. Their g-g-g-son was in the American Revolution. And I also have a letter from one who was at Tippicanoe. But it's hard to read. Some of my ancestors came from the Kentucky area, and I think they knew Danial Boone. So I looked there for connections, time wise. Sincerely, Betsy Rondeau [email protected]
Kennedy,Faye ([email protected]).
98-11-22 16:55
Great site. Am especially glad to see articles regarding copyrights.
Cauley,William ([email protected]).
98-11-22 17:56
Great!!Very helpful, Thank You.
Dorsey,Wendy ([email protected]).
98-11-22 19:11
Kelly,Amber ([email protected]).
98-11-23 02:27
Hi i really llike this websigth...e-mail me sometime ok bye
Serri,Maureen ([email protected]).
98-11-23 05:20
I am a graduate student at University of Pennsylvania in the U.S. My subject of scholarship is art, history and war. I have been working on a number of visual motiefs from the American Revolutionary period that represent the pursuit of liberty produced in Pennsylvania during, before and after the war. Do you have a site like this or are you interested in the results of my research?
Nelson,Lynn ([email protected]).
98-11-23 23:52
To George Welling; Congratulations, George. This site looks better every time I see it. You might want to include some of the period song lyrics. They sometimes offer a nice contrast between the "official" history and the manner in which the mass of the people saw events. "Lincoln and Liberty Too," "Dark as a Dungeon," "On the Plains of the Buffalo," "Marilyn Monroe," and others like them seem to me to offer a balance to the formal presentation of History. But it's a great site in any case. ps. Have your fingers recovered their old agility? Lynn
twillman,virgil ([email protected]).
98-11-24 02:58
Chin-A-Kwie,Shanin ([email protected]).
98-11-24 13:52
I want to say HELLO to everybody in this world! I hope that everybody is doing fine! Lots Of Greetings: "SHANIN"
de Groot,Peter ([email protected]).
98-11-24 15:11
Sorry, no comments. Just testing. Have a nice day !
schenkel,janny ([email protected]).
98-11-24 16:26
Ik heb deze site bezocht in het kader van de workshop Internet, die door Garry wordt gegegeven. De informatie op de site heb ik niet gelezen. Andere keer.
Minor,Stephanie ([email protected]).
98-11-24 17:42
This is a great site. But i would like to suggest that you add some famous court cases not only to the listings but also to the biographies. And explain them. Some cases include Marbury vs. Madison and also US vs. Burr. An assignment of mine was to research some these and I was disappointed to find nothing on your site. Stephanie
,Stephneie ([email protected]).
98-11-24 19:50
Hello I need to now how to find things on the Albany Plain Of Union.
Catlett,Helen Catlett ().
98-11-24 21:40
Owensby,Randell L.. ([email protected]).
98-11-25 00:13
I decided at the age of 55 to get an education at our local four year college, College of the Southwest, and have found the exciting course of American History. I found your site today and have throughly enjoyed it. Thank you for being so kind and considerate as to share your wealth of informaion. I guess I missed the area where I can contribute. If you will send me information I would be happy to send a donation to support your efforts.
Weber,J. David ([email protected]).
98-11-25 02:50
I teach U.S. History and Government in a public high school in Newport News, Va.
Bilal,Harun ([email protected]).
98-11-25 14:39
Lewis,Jenn (
98-11-26 00:36
your infomation was kinda of cofusing!!
james,cami (appy jumpr ).
98-11-26 03:24
really good
Depoister,Cindy ([email protected]).
98-11-26 04:46
I have had great difficulty finding information on the 18th century in reguards to various aspects of colonial life. Included in these things are what was done for recreation, transportation used, education, food eaten, and clothes worn. My son is doing a project for his 4th grade class. Thanks
Andre, ([email protected]).
98-11-27 10:54
Your site is very useful !!!
Snyder,Bryan ().
98-11-27 23:26
Mahnken,Joseph ([email protected]).
98-11-28 02:31
Specific area of interest is Connecticut, Hartford, and most specifically, the connecticut river in hartford.
Cuyjet,Waukena ([email protected]).
98-11-28 13:55
Enjoyed researching and reading the essays presented.
Walker,Anthony (Awalk32956).
98-11-28 17:13
Cunningham,Leigh (mustangs98).
98-11-28 19:05
D'Andreta,Tara (brat 11282).
98-11-28 20:02
I was looking for informaton on the Supreme Court Case. Roe v. Wade but i couldnt find anything!!!!
andrade filho,augusto ([email protected]).
98-11-28 23:32
Quintero-Stallman,Heather ([email protected]).
98-11-28 23:45
This would have been great last year when I took U.S. History
H,Amanda ([email protected]).
98-11-29 01:27
magee,kathryn ([email protected]).
98-11-29 13:31
this site was informative and immediately conveyed the neceesary information for my essay on burke vs paine the monarchy principle regarding the french revolution. thanks a lot!
STEVENSEN,CALA ([email protected]).
98-11-29 17:20
Wafstet,Chris ([email protected]).
98-11-29 22:25
This site has helped me a lot in my reserch for my American AP history class. Thanks
James,Richard ([email protected]).
98-11-29 22:56
Just discovered this page Interests from archaeic (like atlatl chuckers) American Indian, Colonial (English, French, Spaish . . .) Rev War, Fur Trade, Civil War, Indian Wars. Live in the Rocky Mountains but have traveled over most of the country.
Church,Greg ([email protected]).
98-11-30 02:57
It certainly appears that a great deal of work has been completed very thoroughly
Harlan,David ([email protected]).
98-11-30 04:21
It's WONDERFUL! Thank you so much.
Hosein,shelly (shelly [email protected]).
98-11-30 14:32
I love this site.!! It helped me alot. The only thing i didn't find was Amelia Earheart, I really wanted to know more about her and also there should be more pictures!! Thanks for listening. Sincerly Shelly
orth,jay ([email protected]).
98-11-30 16:03
I read that the american slaves that were promised "40 acres and a mule" and I'm looking for documentation. Help?
smith,billy jo ().
98-11-30 18:18
this a butt kickin site
Whempner,Susan ([email protected]).
98-11-30 19:45
What a wonderful and informative website!
Bermudez,Cheri ().
98-11-30 20:44
Diamant,Mimi ([email protected]).
98-11-30 22:50
Great site!
,Andrea ().
98-11-30 23:48
this really helped me with my grat standerds project. thank you
Christofel,Justin ([email protected]).
98-11-30 23:58
Bachtler,Bobby ([email protected]).
98-12-01 00:03
I seriously have a problem with this database. Abraham Lincoln has ALOT to do with American history, yet you dont have a biography on him. What is up with that?
Inan,Courney ([email protected]).
98-12-01 01:21
this is a really hard place to try to find original songs from the american revolution. Maybe someone can help me out with it?
dunno,jacop (donthaveonedude).
98-12-01 02:57
im doing this thing for school and i cant find what im looking for help me
Phillips,Gary (
98-12-01 03:15
I would love any infomation on the Cherokee of the eastern states as my ancesters were from there. Thanks in advance
Chris Kull,Chris ([email protected]).
98-12-01 23:34
Dear creator, I am tring to find stuff out about John Tyler because he is realated to me and so far not good so can you help me.
Lemieux,Mario ().
98-12-02 19:41
long,audrey (
98-12-02 20:02
Garza,Jake ([email protected]).
98-12-02 20:37
This is a good sight for U.S. History.
tigger,Tiggar (www.1133.cof).
98-12-02 20:48
This site has given me a lot of information about the Boston Massacre.So thank you for giving me the information.
knibbs,chris ([email protected]).
98-12-03 01:09
great page.. i needed it info. for a project in school and this page was perfect. thanks
Grace,Ragsdale ([email protected]).
98-12-03 04:25
Cool site! It is helping me with a project on the Colonial Government...........thanks!
selvaggio,ashley ([email protected]).
98-12-03 04:50
yall should really think about putting stuff in here about the french and indian war it would help alot of people out majorly. thanks alot peace out yall history fans .
HEITMAN,PAUL ([email protected]).
98-12-03 16:48
Orr,Robert ([email protected]).
98-12-03 16:55
I enjoyed visiting you site. I would like to place the link of it on my AOL hosted webpage. Thank You
98-12-03 19:38
boofer,cheryl ([email protected]).
98-12-03 21:19
Chaman,Dennis ([email protected]).
98-12-03 21:22
I was excited to find your "Outlines" series. It will be used in history class.
WELCH,SAMUEL ([email protected]).
98-12-04 03:16
matt s, ().
98-12-04 04:26
i just wanted to sign this cause i'm the first one to go here since 1994!
Venables,Toby ([email protected]).
98-12-04 08:34
I could not access the 'contributions' part of this site an error was recorded somewhere. If this is problem with my server, or computer fair enough. However, if this is a problem associated with a fault at the other end, it is a shame I cannot contribute, as my history class and I are keen students wishing to make our points of view. We are currently studying 'International Relations Between the Wars', and American Isolationism is a large component of this section of work. Please try to solve the problem if it exists at your end.
98-12-04 18:52
wilhite,jodi/tobi (jodi2_22).
98-12-05 00:53
looking for information for "History Day" project
wONG,dORIS ([email protected]).
98-12-05 22:55
Windsor,Wayne ().
98-12-06 01:57
I found everything I needed fast. Thanks for creating such a wonderful site. I not such about me e-mail address.
John,Richardson ([email protected]).
98-12-06 05:29
Very well done. I had and will have many hours of interesting information.... Thank you...
Richard,Bergstr�m ([email protected]).
98-12-06 14:20
Martin,Toni ([email protected]).
98-12-06 17:03
america history website is very to help kids preserve our history
Ponikelska, ().
98-12-06 20:49
Kyle,Dennett ([email protected]).
98-12-06 23:11
i think your page is ok but i have seen better well i g2g buh bye
Lindey,Samantha ([email protected]).
98-12-07 03:18
I think you information on Richard Henry Lee is very interesting but oyu need some information on his relgion, nickname, bad habits, idosyncrasies, and wife's, children's, names, and a physical describtion Thanx and bye
Carver,Allyson ().
98-12-07 17:46
You should include more pictures, for younger people. Like my age, I'm 14!!!
Roberts Middle School,Eric ().
98-12-07 17:51
tyler,youfgijh ([email protected]).
98-12-07 19:53
Ruiz,Deliris ([email protected]).
98-12-07 22:35
Byrne,Patrick ([email protected]).
98-12-08 00:20
this site is very interesting but you need some info. on the Spanish American war;preferlaby an essay
,BECKY (sparkels73).
98-12-08 01:58
,Erika (San Fu 1n2).
98-12-08 03:17
I just think you need more stuff on Vietnam.
Pelli,Mirjami ([email protected]).
98-12-08 14:44
Great page!!! but you shouldn't write with white on white..
Ely-Chaitlin,Marc ([email protected]).
98-12-09 00:16
I think your project is entirely a form of idolatry, and celebrity worship. Every president has copied the model of Oliver Cromwell, as a military dictator, starting most prominently with George Washington himself. It is a shame that while you lavish attention upon the office of the supreme leader, you neglect the real needs of America for a legal and constitutional government, the monarchy. It is a shame because it is a waste of time.
Narayana,Shoba ([email protected]).
98-12-09 00:40
I was trying to find info on the 1929 stock market crash and this was the site I was reccomended to see. I needed articles from past or from present that suject to my topic. I do not like this site because there is not much help on how to look for things and there is not a broad amount of historical archives included
Angulo,David ([email protected]).
98-12-09 02:09
looks good. helped a lot on my school project. Thanks!!!
Lemmons,William ([email protected]).
98-12-09 05:00
did the 8 on the minutemans hat have anything to do with surveying look at valley forge independence and delaware crossing washinigon rock homeplainfield house piscataway triangles like the hat 80% 13 80%10
Dulaney,Sarah ([email protected]).
98-12-09 06:12
I just wanted to thank you for being here. Helping to to access information. I am a handicapped student and mobility is a problem. Being able to access information for my classes online has been a tremndous help to me. Information contained here has been accurate and informative, as well as an aide to help me to achieve A grades. Again thank you
Alexander,Allen ([email protected]).
98-12-09 19:28
This is a wonderful site and source. - Why didn't somebody tell me about this before!! Thank you Thank you Thank you -Allen
,Arlene (arleneg00).
98-12-10 01:17
Thanks for making this web site it really help me out alot on my project on Andrew Jackson. I hope that you continue to add on to this web page because it really helps us teenagers who are in school. Thanks alot
Hubbuch (Huppuch),Craig ([email protected]).
98-12-10 05:14
I bookmarked your page tonight. Excellent resource for this history buff
Emerson,Evelyn ([email protected]).
98-12-10 15:11
Lightbody,John ().
98-12-10 19:16
I can't get any answers in this program It bites
Scherer,Meghan ([email protected]).
98-12-10 22:40
This site has helped me a lot in the past month in my A.P. History Class. I'm a hard woking high school junior and I find it such a relief to see such a perfect site that has all the information I need! From an Andrew Jackson Press Conference to a trial of the cause of the civil war (where I played Calhoun, the defendant) this site has always been a reliable source. Thank you!
Franklin,Bruce ([email protected]).
98-12-11 06:13
Great Site.
Welling,George ([email protected]).
98-12-11 14:18
Necessary contribution for the clear up
jones,laura ([email protected]).
98-12-12 04:26
Lopez,Nicanor ( Nick ) (none!).
98-12-12 20:26
Workman,Mike ([email protected]).
98-12-12 21:33
Your US history is very thin in the 1836-45 Republic of Texas, statehood, and resultant US-Mexican War that lead to about half of the current geography of the US. My website may assist some on names and dates at
,Sara (Roze-Ghost) ().
98-12-12 22:42
This is very useful for me. I am in 8th grade and it seems like I will be using this site more often than not. Thank you!
Stang,Gallegos,Holcomb,Amanda ([email protected]).
98-12-12 23:25
Hi, I like your web-site a lot, but I think that you should put why each amendment was written and why they decided to come up with it. That would help a lot, because I'm doing a project in my U.S. History class, and that's what we're supposed to find out and I can't find anything. So anyway, thank you for listening, and I hope you'll use my suggestion.
Kelso,Jennifer ([email protected]).
98-12-13 00:02
Welling,George ([email protected]).
98-12-13 00:16
Another load of faul-language, adds and anonymous threats etc. removed.
A,Ashley ().
98-12-13 01:05
This site helped me a lot with my project for school. My project was on the court case Marbury vs. Madison, 1803. Thanks!!
Sloan,A. ([email protected]).
98-12-13 15:27
this site is very well organized, and i found it very helpful. However some specific information-- changes in famliy stations as affected by the American revoltion-- is hard to document. If more cause and effect, more 3rd level interpretations instead of just the facts could be found here, the information might be more useful.
Wilson,Mandy ([email protected]).
98-12-14 00:29
Panschar,Nicholas John ([email protected]).
98-12-14 02:45
elterman,tanya (tatyanka1).
98-12-14 16:22
i liked the page very much
Heard,Jamila ([email protected]).
98-12-15 00:58
Hello, I wanted to just comment that the information I was looking for, I was unable to find. I was looking for information on '' City Life in the Gilded Ages '' which took place between 1890-1910. Thank you for lett6ing me speak my mind
df,f (fhg).
98-12-15 18:53
Arh,Marko ([email protected]).
98-12-15 21:09
I sow a ufo and i bilive ju but thej are as.
dan,jacobs ([email protected]).
98-12-15 21:27
thanks for the info
jacobs,dan ([email protected]).
98-12-15 21:28
thanks for the info and sorry about the first one of these i sent my family name isn't dan.
Brussock,John ([email protected]).
98-12-16 00:50
You have a great site, it really helped me with the work I had to do.
Petersen,Zack ([email protected]).
98-12-17 03:09
interesting site it helped me on my homework.
Donelson,Shawn ([email protected]).
98-12-17 05:38
I am very pleased to have found this site. A great variety and in-depth information that is very useful to many.
Worthen,Marissa ([email protected]).
98-12-17 22:00
I really like the site. It helped me out a lot.
Jones,Curtis ().
98-12-18 01:32
Hi. Thanx for the info. I'm glad a web page was made like this. I needed info for school. I got it thanx to you. THANK YOU Curtis Jones
Krogh, (gymrat
98-12-18 07:10
Martinez,Leopoldo ().
98-12-18 19:57
your page is very well organized, processed, put together
,Melissa ([email protected]).
98-12-19 00:49
Pretty groovy site
little,michele ([email protected]).
98-12-19 23:43
I realy don't have any comments, because i just started looking through everything. Thank you, Michele Little
Kleppan,Ralph ([email protected]).
98-12-19 23:55
A web page for American History is an absolute treasure! A definite "favorite" for information, education and browsing. Thanks.
Ascona,Bernardo ([email protected]).
98-12-20 00:36
The posting of primary documents and secondary resources are very helpful to secondary teachers like me. I recently downloaded a copy of Monroe's speech establishing a new foreign policy in 1823. I encourage you to continue to post these kinds of documents.
,Michele ([email protected]).
98-12-20 19:18
your page is cool keep up the good work. i like all the info.
Rissa, ([email protected]).
98-12-20 19:31
Great site!!!!
Marton,All-e-i-o-son ([email protected]).
98-12-21 16:48
Duensing,Robert ([email protected]).
98-12-23 07:06
I am a secondary teacher in Colorado Springs Colorado. In my research, on causes for the creation of the Consitution, I stumbled across your page. I find the primary sources of the greatest benefit. This is an area I stress in my instruction. The historical inquiry using primary sources where students can draw their own conclusions and make their own generalizations. Through this method of instruction I find first hand accounts of events to be beneficial. The opposing accounts of the Boston Massacre were wonderful examples of how difficult it is to separate fact from opinion. My suggestion for your site would be to find the eyewitness accounts at Lexington Green. At one point I had copies of these accounts. I believe there were four or five conflicting accounts as to who fired the first shots at Lexington. If I am able to find these documents I will forward their source to you. If they are of no need to you Let me know. I feel they would be an important addition to anyone researching the broad topic of the American Revolution. This is a wonderful site and I thank you for the resources.
, ().
98-12-24 05:12
Bruce,Pessink ([email protected]).
98-12-30 07:43
MY Great-Great Grandfather was Issac Osgood Adams and it is said that he was related to John Adams and I cant find the Adams family tree. Would you have a copy from John Adams the deacon? God knows I would love to have a copy....I have a Adams Family Bible form 1874, but it doesnt go back that far...can you help me....Bruce
PESSINK,BRUCE ([email protected]).
98-12-30 08:22
Scott,Donna ([email protected]).
98-12-30 21:24
This is great! I would like to see more articles added, particularly for the Early Colonial Period.
Scott,Donna ([email protected]).
98-12-30 21:24
This is great! I would like to see more articles added, particularly for the Early Colonial Period.
macaluso,lauren ().
98-12-30 21:55
I love all the information and hard work you put on this. the only one thing i think seems wrong is you can add more womanto your report. what about betsy ross,molly pitcher, and other women who helped out during the american revolution
kamin,marlene ([email protected]).
98-12-31 02:29
i have enjoyed reading the various outlines... i would like to see some 'guiding questions' throughtout the various topics for students who read this outline, so they can read it with a purpose in mind.
~*Natasha,B*~ ().
98-12-31 04:00
I luv this site it helps me a lot with school reports...I appreciate all the people who took the time to put this site together..thanx a lot...keep up the good work!!