FRtR > Essays > The French and Indian War > Conclusion

The French and Indian War's Impact on America

4/4 Conclusion

By Adam M. Kravetz

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While only a gray point between the French and Indian War, the repeal of taxes, and the Revolutionary War the Proclamation of 1763 had a significant effect on the attitudes of the colonials toward the British. After the French and Indian War and the treaty of Paris, the Proclamation of 1763 was one of the first documents issued to govern the colonies. This proclamation simply stated that no further settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains was allowed. To the colonists it was a direct blow to their confidence. The colonists interpreted this proclamation as putting an off limits sign on the Ohio River Valley which the whole war had started over. The proclamations misinterpretation was a big key to the view of the colonials. With some convincing a colonial could be shown that since the French and Indian War the acts, taxes, and proclamations have been directed to repress the colonial growth and extend a firmer grip over North America. The real purpose for the Proclamation of 1763 was to temporarily solve the Indian problem. The Indian�s rights and property were being violated and the British government realized this and took action. They had just ended a costly war and couldn�t afford small skirmishes and conflicts 3000 miles from home. The effects of the proclamation were small but the connotation of them resonated its way through to the revolution. With Britain�s failure to clearly identify its intentions to the colonials it simply began a chain of events that would lead to a revolution. The mighty Britain was not a force that one would want to reckon with in the 1700s. Their demise was partially brought upon themselves when they developed a characteristic character flaw. Their strength in numbers or magnitude caused this flaw which would lead them to their downfall. This flaw made the waves of the splash exponentially bigger than the actual splash. The grand scale of a big war caused a multitude of repercussions that sacrificed Britain to its colonies.

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