FRtR > Documents > Samuel Gompers, Letter on labor in industrial society to Judge Peter Grosscup. September 1894 > Quotation Information

Samuel Gompers, Letter on labor in industrial society to Judge Peter Grosscup. September 1894

Quotation information

*** Text ***

Title		:Samuel Gompers, Letter on labor in industrial
                 society to Judge Peter Grosscup. September 1894
Creator		:Samuel Gompers
Subject		:Social reform
Description	:Samuel Gompers, Letter on labor in industrial
                 society to Judge Peter Grosscup. September
Publisher	:Department of Alfa-informatica, University of Groningen
Contributors	:GMW
Date		:2003-04-29
(Update)	:
Type		:sourcematerial
Format		:text/html
(Size)		:main text (14k)
Identifier	:
Source		:scan
Language	:en
Relation	:---
Coverage	:Netherlands
Rights		:All rights reserved on HTML-versions by the publisher.
		 Copying for non-commercial purposes is allowed.

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