FRtR > Documents >governor on salary > Context

Governor Burnet of Massachusetts on the governor's salary,
17 september 1728


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William Burnet was the son of a distinguished English clergyman, Bishop Gilbert Burnet, who partici pated in and wrote about the Glorious Revolution of 1688. As governor of New York from 1720 to 1728, William Burnet served with distinction, especially in formulating a long-range policy of diplomacy with the Indians and checking the expansion of the French. Moreover, he prepared a firm written defense of the colonial position on the issuance paper money, a novel stand for any English governor.

Burnet was appointed governor of Massachussetts in 1728 just in time to confront the constitutional issue of the governor's salary. He spoke for the imperial interest and against what he regarded as an encroachment by the colonial assembly upon royal authority. In this document, he replies specifically to the arguments presented by the Massachusetts legislature, recorded in the preceding document.