FRtR > Documents > The Virginia Charters > Quotation Information

The Virginia Charters

Quotation Information

*** Text * Context ***

Title           :The Virgnia Charters (1606, 1609, 1612)  
Creator         :
Subject         :
Description     :
Publisher       :Department of Alfa-informatica, University of Groningen 
Contributors    :Danny Barnhoorn,  Philip J. Schwarz, Garry Wiersema, Y.B.Adema
Date            :1996-01-01
(Update)        :1997-05-20
Type            :sourcematerial
Format          :text/html
(Size)          :index (), 3 pages (), comments ()
Identifier      :
Source          :British Public Record Office, Chancery Patent Rolls (c. 66),  
         	1796, 5; William Stith, The History of the First Discovery and 
         	Settlement of Virginia (Williamsburg, Printed by William Parks, 
         	1747; New York, 1865), Appendix, pp. 8-22 (1-32 in 1865 edition); 
         	William Waller Hening, comp., The Statutes at Large; Being a 
         	Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, From the First Session of 
         	the Legislature, in the Year 1619 (13 vols., Richmond, 1809-23), 
         	I, 80-98.  Hening obtained the full charter texts from Stith.
                 Scanned from The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of 
        	 London, with Seven Related Documents: 1606-1621, edited and with 
        	 an introduction by Samuel M. Bemiss (Williamsburg, Va., 350th 
        	 Anniversary Celebration Corporation, 1957).  This small volume 
        	 contains the most complete and accurate texts of all the Virginia 
        	 charters.  The text of the charters is in the public domain and 
        	 not protected by copyright.  Hence I have included only the text 
        	 and none of Mr. Bemiss's editorial notes.  (Mr. Bemiss did point 
        	 out some personal names that appear in Stith but not in the 
        	 British Public Record Office copy.)  Be aware that all the this 
        	 scanned text is verbatim with no correction of spelling errors or 
        	 translation of archaic words into modern English.
Language        :en
Relation        :---
Coverage        :Netherlands
Rights          :All rights reserved on HTML-versions by the publisher.
                 Copying for non-commercial purposes is allowed.

Explanation of the elements