FRtR > Documents > King Ferdinand's letter to the Taino/Arawak Indians - Comment

King Ferdinand

Letter to the Taino/Arawak Indians

Comment by Bob Corbett ([email protected])

*** Text * Quote ***

Imperialism without any pretence!

Here is a link to a letter which King Ferdinand sent along with Columbus on his second voyage to Haiti. It was to be communicated to the Taino/Arawak Indians. It is a fascinating document. The King wants the Indians to acknowledge the Christian religion and God, and to accept the authority of the King of Spain.

The letter is a mix of promises of benefits that will come to them, but quickly followed up with the direst of threats if they do no comply.

It is all so blatant. I read documents like these from past centuries and I often think I'd rather be living in a time when there wasn't as much pretence. It seems, at least, that people were bolder, or more fool hardy or perhaps just more powerful and arrogant, but they tended to say what they meant. Today countries like the U.S. seem to be just as imperialistic as was Spain in 1500, but they try to act like they are not. King Ferdinand's letter is shocking and horrible, but at the same time the unmasked nature of his imperialism is refreshing.