FRtR > Documents


This area is an index on the primary sources and transcripts this project contains and provides.

*** Before 1400 * 1400-1500 * 1501-1600 * 1601-1650 * 1651-1700 * 1701-1725 ***
*** 1726-1750 * 1751-1775 * 1776-1800 * 1801-1825 * 1826-1850 * 1851-1875 ***
*** 1876-1900 * 1901-1925 * 1926-1950 * 1951-1975 * 1976-2000 * 2001- ***

    Before 1400

  1. Magna Charta

    1400 - 1500

  2. Privileges and Prerogatives granted to Columbus April 30, 1492 by king Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth
  3. Extracts from the journal of Columbus
  4. The Papal bull Inter Caetera - Alexander VI, May 4, 1493
  5. The treaty of Tordesillas, June 7, 1494
  6. Columbus, Letter to the King and Queen of Spain, 1494
  7. Letters of Patent to John Cabbot, March 5, 1496
  8. Letter of Amerigo Vespucci to Pier Soderini, Gonfalonier of the Republic of Florence, 1497
  9. Three letters concerning John Cabbots voyages
  10. King Ferdinand's letter to the Taino/Arawak Indians

    1500 - 1600

  11. The Constitution of the Iroquois Nations, around 1500
  12. Plakkaat van Verlatinghe, 1581 july 26

  13. The (Dutch) Act of Abjuration.
  14. Richard Hakluyt, Discourse of western planting, 1584
  15. Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh, March 25, 1584


  16. From: Samuel de Champlain, Voyages , 1604
  17. Instructions for the Virginia Colony, 1606
  18. The First Virginia Charter, 1606
  19. The Second Virginia Charter, 1609
  20. The Third Virginia Charter, 1612
  21. Mayflower Compact, 1620
  22. The Charter of New England : 1620
  23. An Ordinance and Constitution of the Virginia Company in England for a Council of State and General Assembly, 24 July 1621
  24. Charter Of Massachusetts Bay, 1629
  25. The Maryland Toleration Act, 1649
  26. Gottlieb Mittelberger, On the Misfortune indentured Servants
  27. Petition of Right, 1628
  28. Extract from Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions to Patroons, June 7, 1629
  29. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639)
  30. Plantation Agreement at Providence August 27 - September 6, 1640
  31. New England Articles of Confederation, 1643


  32. Bacon's Declaration in the Name of the People, 30 July 1676
  33. Governor William Berkely on Bacon's Rebellion, 19 May 1676
  34. The First Thanksgiving Proclamation ,June 20, 1676
  35. Edward Randolph condemns the Massachussetts Bay Company, 12 June 1683
  36. Memoir for the Marquis de Seignelay Regarding the Dangers That Threaten Canada and the Means to Remedy Them, January 1687
  37. John Locke, A Letter Concerning Toleration, 1689
  38. John Locke, An Essay Concerning the true original, extent, and end of Civil Government
  39. Penn's Plan for a Union, 1697

    1701 - 1725

  40. Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges, 28 October 1701
  41. King William of England Addresses Parliament on the French Question, 31 December 1701
  42. Robert Beverley On Bacon's Rebellion, 1704
  43. The North Carolina Biennal Act, 1715

    1726 - 1750

  44. Benjamin Franklin: A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of Paper Currency
  45. Benjamin Franklin: Journal of a voyage from England to Philadelphia, 1726
  46. Benjamin Franklin, How I became a printer in Philadelphia, from his autobiography
  47. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
  48. Governor Gabriel Johnston's request to repeal the Biennal act, 18 October 1736
  49. Disposition of the North Carolina Biennal Act, 1737
  50. Massachusetts House of Representatives on the Governor's Salary, 11 September 1728
  51. Governor Burnet of Massachusetts on the governor's salary, 17 September 1728
  52. French Memoir on the English Aggression, October 1750 (translated)
  53. Marquis de la Galissoniere, Memoir on the French Colonies in North America, December 1750
  54. Petition to Parliament: Reasons for making bar, as well as pig or sow-iron, ca. 1750
  55. Petition to Parliament: Reason against a general prohibition of the Iron Manufacture in Plantations

    1751 - 1775

  56. Albany Plan for a Union, 1754
  57. Governor Glen, The Role of the Indians in the Rivalry Between France, Spain, and England, 1761
  58. Peace Treaty of Paris, 1763
  59. Daniel Dulany, Considerations, October 1765
  60. Soame Jenyns, The Objections to the taxation consider'd, 1765
  61. The Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress, October 19, 1765
  62. William Pitt's speech on the Stamp Act, January 14 1766
  63. Captain Preston's account of the Boston Massacre, March 5 1770
  64. Anonymous account of the Boston Massacre, March 5 1770
  65. John Dickenson's Letter 2, from Letters from a Farmer, 1767-1768
  66. John Dickenson's Letter 4, from Letters from a Farmer, 1767-1768
  67. First Continental Congress - October 1774
  68. Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress October 1774
  69. The Articles of Association, October 20 1774
  70. The Charlotte Town Resolves, 1775
  71. Daniel Leonard's letter of January 9, 1775
  72. John Adams, Novanglus, February 6, 1775
  73. Edmund Burke speech on conciliation with America, March 22, 1775
  74. Second Continental Congress, Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms, July 6 1775

    1776 - 1800

  75. Thomas Paine, Common Sense 1776
  76. Charles Inglis, The True Interest of America Impartially Stated, 1776
  77. The Virginia Declaration of Rights, 1776
  78. Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence
  79. The Final Text of the Declaration of Independence, July 4 1776
  80. Jefferson's notes on Slavery
  81. Adam Smith, From The Wealth of Nations, 1776
  82. Albigence Waldo - From the diary of a Surgeon at Valley Forge, 1777
  83. Draft for a Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom, by Jefferson 1779
  84. Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, 1780-1783
  85. The Articles of Confederation, 1781
  86. From the diary of Ebenezer Denny, 1781 describing the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown
  87. Letter of Samuell Searls - May 12, 1782
  88. Paris Peace Treaty, 1783
  89. Treaty with the Six Nations, Fort Stanwix, October 22, 1784
  90. James Madison, Memorial and Remonstrance -1785
  91. The Annapolis Convention, 1786
  92. The Complete Federalist Papers
  93. The Constitutional Convention debates and the Anti-Federalist Papers
  94. The USA Constitution
  95. The letter presenting the Constitution
  96. Treaty with the Six Nations, Fort Hamar, January 9, 1789
  97. Madison speech proposing the Bill of Rights, June 8, 1789
  98. Bill of Rights and the Amendments to The Constitution
  99. Thomas Paine - The Rights of Man (1791-1792)
  100. Proclamation of Neutrality, 1793
  101. The Jay Treaty, 1794
  102. Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason - 1794
  103. The Greenville Treaty with a number of Indian Tribes, 1795
  104. The Northwest Ordinance, july 13, 1787
  105. The Canandaigua Treaty of 1794
  106. Treaty between the United States and the Oneida, Tuscorora and Stockbridge Indians living in the country of the Oneidas 1794
  107. Virginia Resolution - 1798
  108. Kentucky Resolution - 1799
  109. George Washington
  110. The Sedition Act of 1798
  111. John Adams

    1801 - 1825

  112. Thomas Jefferson
  113. James Madison
  114. James Monroe
  115. Cases of John Marshall

    1826 - 1850

  116. Treaty made at Buffalo Creek in the State of New York, January 15, 1838 with the representatives of the Nations of New York Indians
  117. John Q. Adams
  118. Andrew Jackson
  119. The Confessions of Nat Turner, 1831
  120. William Barret Travis: Letter from the commandancy of the Alamo, 1836
  121. Martin van Buren's Inaugural address, 1837
  122. William H. Harrison's Inaugural address, 1841
  123. James K. Polk's Inaugural address, 1845
  124. The Seneca Falls Declaration 1848
  125. Zachary Taylor's Inaugural address, 1849
  126. Benjamin Drew, The Refugee: Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada Related by Themselves
  127. Excerpts from "The Fugitive Slave Act" 1850
  128. From the Autobiography of Frederick Douglass, 1817-1895
  129. The opinions of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case

    1851 - 1875

  130. Excerpts from : Henry Carey - The Harmony of Interests: Agricultural, Manufacturing & Commercial (1851)
  131. Excerpts from : Henrey Carey - The Slave Trade, Domestic and Foreign. (1853)
  132. Franklin Pierce's Inaugural address, 1853
  133. Excerpt from : Frederick Law Olmsted: A journey in the Seaboard Slave States, 1856
  134. James Buchanan's Inaugural address, March 4, 1857
  135. The Constitution of the Confederate States of America (1861)
  136. McClellan Letter to Lincoln on His Evacuation from the Penninsula Campaign, 1862
  137. Abraham Lincoln
  138. The Wade-Davis Manifesto, August 5, 1864
  139. Thaddeus Stevens speech of December 18, 1865
  140. Address of a convention of Negroes held in Alexandria, Virginia, August 1865
  141. Alexander Stephens on Reconstruction, April 11, 1866
  142. Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, June 20, 1866 Andrew Johnson, Cleveland speech, September 3, 1866
  143. Andrew Johnson, Veto fo the first Reconstruction Act, March 2, 1867
  144. Charles Sumner, Opinion on the trial of Andrew Johnson, 1868
  145. Exerpt from: James W. Grimes, Opinion on the Trial of Andrew Johnson, 1868
  146. Navajo Treaty of 1868
  147. Ulysses S. Grant
  148. Resolutions of a meeting of the Illinois State Farmers' Association, April 1873
  149. The Slaughter-House cases 1873

    1876 - 1900

  150. Blanche K. Bruce, Speech in the Senate, March 31, 1876
  151. Rutherford B. Hayes' Inaugural address, 1877
  152. Supreme Court Case: Munn v. Illinois, 1877
  153. Excerpt from: Henry George, Progress and Poverty 1879
  154. James A. Garfield's Inaugural address , 1881
  155. Excerpt from: Edward Belamy, Looking Backward, 1884
  156. Andrew Carnegie "Wealth", June 1889
  157. The Sherman Antitrust Act, 1890
  158. Populist Party Platform, July 4, 1892
  159. Grover Cleveland
  160. Benjamin Harrison's Inaugural address, 1889
  161. Excerpt from: William Graham Sumner, "The absurd effort to make the world over", March 1894
  162. Excerpt from:"Coin" Harvey, Coin's Financial School, 1894
  163. Samuel Gompers, Letter on labor in industrial society to Judge Peter Grosscup. September 1894
  164. Excerpt from: Henry Demarest Lloyd, Wealth against Commonwealth, 1894
  165. James Laurence Laughlin, Answer to "Coin" Harvey, 1895
  166. Supreme Court Case Pollock v. Farmer's Loan and Trust Co., 1895
  167. Supreme Court Case: U.S. v. E. C. Knight and Co., 1895
  168. Plessy v. Ferguson 1896
  169. William Jennings Bryan, Cross of Gold Speech, July 8, 1896
  170. William Allen White, "What's the matter with Kansas?", August 16, 1896
  171. William McKinley
  172. John Hay to Andrew D. White, First Open Door Note , September 6 1899
  173. The Autobiography of Geronimo

    1901 - 1925

  174. Theodore Roosevelt's Inaugural address, 1905
  175. William H. Taft's Inaugural address, 1909
  176. Woodrow Wilson
  177. Warren G. Harding's Inaugural address, 1921
  178. Calvin Coolidge's Inaugural address, 1925

    1926 - 1950

  179. Herbert C. Hoover's Inaugural address, 1929
  180. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  181. The Atlantic Charter 1941, August 14
  182. Harry S. Truman

    1951 - 1975

  183. Brown v. Board of Education 1954
  184. Dwight D. Eisenhower
  185. John F. Kennedy
  186. Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis
  187. Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech - August 28, 1963
  188. Lyndon B. Johnson
  189. Speech by George C. Wallace, The Civil Rights Movement: fraud, sham and hoax, 1964
  190. Richard M. Nixon
  191. Gerald Ford

    1976 - 2000

  192. Jimmy Carter
  193. Ronald Reagan
  194. George Bush
  195. Bill Clinton


  196. George W. Bush's Inaugural address, 2001

*** Before 1400 * 1400-1500 * 1501-1600 * 1601-1650 * 1651-1700 * 1701-1725 ***
*** 1726-1750 * 1751-1775 * 1776-1800 * 1801-1825 * 1826-1850 * 1851-1875 ***
*** 1876-1900 * 1901-1925 * 1926-1950 * 1951-1975 * 1976-2000 * 2001- ***